Women's Issues

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers' Peace Day Message

Barb Wold first wrote this post for Mother's Day in 2006. Barb always wanted us to remember the basis of this day was for peace. Momsaysnowar_400_1
From this weekend's Code Pink Mothers' Day Peace Demonstration

Mother's Day was created after the Civil War, as a protest to the carnage of that war, by women who had lost their sons. The first person to fight for an official Mother's Day celebration in the United States was Julia Ward Howe, who had nursed wounded soldiers during the Civil War. You may be more familiar with her as the writer of the lyrics of the Civil War song, The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

Howe was born in New York City on May 27, 1819. Her family was well respected and wealthy. She was a published poet and abolitionist. She and her husband, Samuel Gridley Howe, co-published the anti-slavery newspaper The Commonwealth. She was active in the peace movement and the women's suffrage movement.

In 1870 she penned the Mother's Day Proclamation. In 1872 the Mothers' Peace Day Observance on the second Sunday in June was held and the meetings continued for several years. Her idea was widely accepted, but she was never able to get the day recognized as an official holiday. The Mothers' Peace Day was the beginning of the Mothers' Day holiday in the United States now celebrated in May.


The modern commercialized celebration of gifts, flowers and candy bears little resemblance to Howe's original idea. Here is the Proclamation that explains, in her own powerful words, the goals of the original Mother's Day in the United States:

Mothers' Day Proclamation: Julia Ward Howe, Boston, 1870

Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts, whether our baptism be that of water or of fears!

Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.

We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs. From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says "Disarm, Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."

Blood does not wipe our dishonor nor violence indicate possession. As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons of war, let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel. Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.

Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each bearing after their own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God.

In the name of womanhood and of humanity, I earnestly ask that a general congress of women without limit of nationality may be appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient and at the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of international questions, the great and general interests of peace.

Julia Ward Howe, Boston, 1870

May 12, 2013 at 06:39 PM in Barbara Rose Wold, Holidays, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Cong. Pearce and NM GOP Mislead Public & Victims Regarding Violence Against Women Act Vote

From ProgressNowNM.

Earlier today, women and advocates representing a diverse group of proud New Mexicans gathered at the New Mexico Republican Party headquarters to call upon Republican Congressman Steve Pearce to support a reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act that provides protections for every victim of domestic, dating and sexual abuse - including children, immigrants, Native Americans and LGBT persons.

After the press conference and launch of a public petition at StevePearce.us, Mr. Pearce and the New Mexico GOP both released statements accusing those women and ProgressNow New Mexico of misleading the public because Mr. Pearce voted for a House bill in the last session whose only similarity to the VAWA was the substitute title they created for it.

Efforts by Mr. Pearce and the NMGOP only serve to dissuade the media from covering this issue which has brought renewed public attention and pressure on Mr. Pearce to part from his extreme positions against vulnerable New Mexicans.

Here are the facts:

Today, Mr. Pearce further insulted victims, and especially those in New Mexico's precious pueblos, immigrant and LGBT communities, by again asserting that he sees different classes of victims. To Pearce and his colleagues, some victims are "legitimate" while others, including innocent children in those special communities, are simply left to fend for themselves at the hand of their abuser. It is disgraceful that Pearce would turn his back on those constituents and that the New Mexico GOP would come to his defense.

Since noon today, more than 500 persons have used the petition to call on him to back the version of the VAWA that protects every victim of abuse without regard to ethnicity, sexual orientation or family history.

January 9, 2013 at 01:21 AM in ProgressNow New Mexico, Steve Pearce, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Emerge Victories Across the Country and Plenty to Cheer for in NM!

EmergeNewMexico had this to say about their great success training women to run for political office here in the state of New Mexico, Emerge has much to be excited about indeed for this 2012 election cycle:

We Did It! SEVEN Emerge Graduates have won their elections!  We are so proud of you!  5 will serve in the New Mexico House of Representatives- strengthening what had been a slim majority for Democrats.  From the Supreme Court to District Court to the House of Representatives, these 7 women will join the other 6 Emerge women who currently hold office!

Below is more great inspiring news from EmergeAmerica regarding women running for office for every level of government across the country.

This week, we made a difference. 172 Emerge women ran this year, and 120 of them were on the ballot on Tuesday. We want to thank each and every one of those women for stepping up and running for office.

We are still awaiting final results in several key races, but overall, we saw great success.

Here is a rundown:
Emerge Arizona- 2 women won State House seats with a total of 4 wins across the state!
Emerge California- 17 women won across the bay area!
Emerge Kentucky- With an 82% win rate, 9 out of 11 women won!
Emerge Maine- 14 women won with 9 all in the State House!
Emerge Massachusetts- With 6 women on the ballot they had 4 great wins!
Emerge Nevada- 4 Emerge Nevada won!
Emerge New Mexico- 7 wins with 5 to serve in the State House!
Emerge Oregon- With 7 women on the ballot, Oregon had a 100% success rate!
Emerge Wisconsin- 10 wins with 7 in the State House alone!

Together, we had 76 victories on Election Day.

In addition, Emerge Nevada's Woman to Woman Vote Program was enormously successful. They contacted more than 43,000 women voters (and still counting) in key districts that led to Democrats winning key seats and President Obama won Nevada.

Beyond our own victories, we are so proud of all the women who ran and won their key races across the United States: Tammy Baldwin, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mazie Hirano, Claire McCaskill, Tulsi Gabbard, Ann Kirkpatrick, Dina Titus, Michelle Lujan-Grisham, Maggie Hassan, Tammy Duckworth and many many more.

Please join us in thanking each and every one of our candidates who gave up countless hours to represent the issues that matter to their communities and have inspired all those around them. These fabulous women, whether they have won or lost this particular campaign, sit on the front line of our movement and we are proud to have them as part of our Emerge family.

November 14, 2012 at 09:10 AM in 2012 General Election, Candidates & Races, Democrat, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Tonight: Women Are Watching

If you do not have plans to watch the Presidential debate somewhere this evening; then consider this invite and watch with these strong democratic women candidates and allies for NM State House of Representatives:

You’re Invited to Join:  Women Are Watching 

Senator Eric Griego, Representative Bill O’Neill, Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins, Caroline Buerkle, Martha Burk, Reverend Jim Collie, Eloise Gift, Michael Hart, Donna Tillman, Christine Trujillo

for an evening in support of

Mary Ellen Broderick  Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 30th House District

Marci Blaze Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 23rd House District

Emily Kane Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 15th House District

Elizabeth Thomson Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 24th House District

Wednesday, October 3rd | 6:00pm – 9:00pm

6:00pm – Reception
7:00pm – Presidential Debate Watch

at The Home of Traci & Michael Cadigan
2705 Bosque Del Sol Ln NW | Albuquerque

Requested Contribution:
Host: $1,000 | Champion: $500 | Friend: $100 | Guest: $25

Kindly RSVP to Keep NM Blue PAC at KeepNMBlue@gmail.com or (505) 890-4967

October 3, 2012 at 01:25 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Democrat, Democratic Party, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

10/03: Women Are Watching

You’re Invited to Join:  Women Are Watching 

Senator Eric Griego, Representative Bill O’Neill, Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins, Caroline Buerkle, Martha Burk, Reverend Jim Collie, Eloise Gift, Michael Hart, Donna Tillman, Christine Trujillo

for an evening in support of

Mary Ellen Broderick  Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 30th House District

Marci Blaze Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 23rd House District

Emily Kane Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 15th House District

Elizabeth Thomson Candidate for State House | New Mexico’s 24th House District

Wednesday, October 3rd | 6:00pm – 9:00pm

6:00pm – Reception
7:00pm – Presidential Debate Watch

at The Home of Traci & Michael Cadigan
2705 Bosque Del Sol Ln NW | Albuquerque

Requested Contribution:
Host: $1,000 | Champion: $500 | Friend: $100 | Guest: $25

Kindly RSVP to Keep NM Blue PAC at KeepNMBlue@gmail.com or (505) 890-4967

September 27, 2012 at 10:00 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/14: Women, Wine and Chocolate!

Emerge New Mexico Annual CelebrationEmerge New Mexico Annual Celebration

If you want women in office you must buy tickets to this event! If you are a Man and want to be part of the Emerge Men's Alliance click Emerge New Mexico Annual Celebrationhere!

Also Emerge Men's Alliance is hosting the Bake Sale at Women,Wine and Chocolate 2012.

The Emerge Men's Alliance are a group of men who believe in the power of Democratic women, and support empowering women to be leaders through the work they do to support women professionally and personally, and through their generous and steadfast support of Emerge.

Members of the Emerge Men's Alliance affirm that by sharing power, resources, and knowledge, our communities will benefit from women's leadership. Emerge sincerely thanks the Honorary Co-Chairs of the Emerge Men's Alliance, Senator Jeff Bingaman and Senator Tom Udall, who have stood up for women's rights time and time again and are standing up once again to lead this important group of allies. Please view the members of the Emerge Men's Alliance below, and if you'd like to join this group, it's not too late!

Come join us for this important great event. Support women running for offices. We will have fun and be around strong women who have determination to break through the glass ceiling of politics. From the school boards to congress; women are on the move to represent and fight for our communities!

Emerge pg 1 001

September 11, 2012 at 09:14 AM in Democrat, Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, September 03, 2012

What You Didn’t Know About The Ryan Budget: It’s Devastating For Women

Republican Senate candidate Heather Wilson says she “admires” Mitt Romney’s new running mate Paul Ryan for his willingness to “put forth bold ideas” that would deal a severe blow to women’s economic security and access to health care.

“There are many reasons why the Ryan budget is bad for women, but chief among them is its disproportionate and devastating impact on the economic security of middle-class families and women’s access to health care,” said Whitney Potter, spokeswoman for Democratic Senate candidate Martin Heinrich.

The Ryan budget calls for radical policy changes that would impose deep cuts to many of the programs women rely on for important health services, including ending Medicare as we know it. Ryan’s budget would force seniors into a voucher program, and increase their health care costs by thousands of dollars each year.

These impacts would also disproportionately affect women, who account for the majority of Medicare recipients. Moreover, twice as many women over the age of 65 live in poverty as compared to men, making Medicare even more important to their ability to access health care. Increasing, the cost of services like mammograms and cancer screenings would put preventative health care farther out of reach for millions of women across the country.

Ryan’s extreme budget also includes a tax “reform” plan that would not only make the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy permanent, but cut them even further. Women are over-represented in the ranks of middle- and low-income earners, making this a significant blow to women’s economic security.

“The fact that Heather Wilson ‘admires’ ideas that would be devastating for women and middle-class families shows just how wrong her priorities are for New Mexico,” said Potter.

Heather Wilson says she admires Ryan’s willingness to put forth bold ideas. "Paul Ryan and I served together and I've always found that he's a decent, honest and smart man," Wilson said. "And I admire his willingness to put forth bold ideas on big issues, even if I don't always agree with him." [KOB Eyewitness News, 8/11/12]

Wilson’s implicit support for the Ryan Budget. In May 2011, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported that, when asked about the Ryan Budget, Wilson responded, “I give [Ryan] a lot of credit for trying to have a serious debate about saving Medicare. Democrats have not offered one single idea to save Medicare.” [Santa Fe New Mexican, 5/30/11]

The Ryan budget would end Medicare as we know it, force seniors into a voucher program, increase costs. The Ryan Budget would replace traditional Medicare and its guaranteed benefits and instead give seniors vouchers to purchase private insurance or Medicare. The value of the vouchers would not keep up with the rising cost of health care. Once again, insurance companies would reap big profits as seniors would be forced to pay as much as $5,900 more for the benefits they have now. [CBO, 3/20/12; CBPP, 3/20/12]

The Ryan Budget will require that seniors pay deductibles, co-insurance, and copayments for many preventive services currently covered by Medicare; including cancer screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies as well as annual wellness visits. As a result, fewer seniors will access these preventive services, thereby dramatically increasing Medicare spending in the long-term. [CMS, 2/15/12]

Women account for the majority of Medicare recipients. Women constitute more than half of the individuals with Medicare. The program is therefore critically important to preserving the health and well-being of our mothers and grandmothers. Because women, on average, are poorer, live longer and have more health care needs than men, Medicare (sometimes combined with Medicaid) potentially plays a greater role for them in preventing illness and destitution. [NWLC, 5/23/11]

September 3, 2012 at 09:42 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Heather Wilson, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Year of the Women 2012? Happy Women's Equality Day!


92 years ago today August 26th Women got the right to vote. After ratification eight days earlier, the Nineteenth Amendment was formally added to the U.S. Constitution today in 1920. In commemoration of this important event, in 1971, August 26th was declared Women’s Equality Day.

And here in NM on August 26th, 2012 we can report that two woman won two hotly contested primary races for a District Judgeship, and for a NM Supreme Court Judgeship. 

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." Martin Luther King

Christina Argyres is Selected as Democratic Nominee for District 2 Judicial Court Judge

Christina Argyres was selected Saturday, by the State Central Committee’s Bernalillo Committee members, as the Democratic candidate for 2nd Judicial District Court Judge Division 2.

Christina Argyes ran against Frank Sedillo, Jeff Rein, Jennifer Romero, and Edward Benavidez and won in the second round of voting against Frank Sedillo.

Official vote count: Christina Argyres – 84 – 67.2% Frank Sedillo – 41 – 32.8% Of 125 total votes cast

State Central Committee Selects Barbara Vigil as Democratic Nominee for New Mexico Supreme Court Vacancy

The Democratic Party of New Mexico’s State Central Committee selected Barbara Vigil as the Democratic nominee for the New Mexico Supreme Court vacancy Saturday, August 25, at a Special State Central Committee meeting.

Barbara Vigil ran against John Kelly, Cate Stetson, Michelle Hernandez, and Victor Lopez and won in the second round of voting against John Kelly.

“The Democratic Party of New Mexico is united behind Barbara Vigil and we will work tirelessly to hold the seat,” said DPNM Chairman Javier Gonzales.

Justice Patricio Serna vacated the position August 23rd after announcing his retirement. Serna served as a New Mexico Supreme Court Justice for nearly 16 years.

Official vote count from second ballot: Barbara Vigil - 197 - 52.53% John Kelly - 178 - 47.47% out of 375 ballots cast.

August 26, 2012 at 10:47 PM in 2012 Judicial Races, Democratic Party, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 20, 2012

9/14: Women Wine and Chocolate - Emerge NM Annual Celebration

I encourage all to attend or donate to Emerge NM. I am grateful to be an Emerge student of this class of 2012. It is perfectly timed with my candidacy for House Rep seat 30.

Every class is pacted full of information, great speakers, practical tools, and fun!

15 Emerge graduates have stepped up to run for elected public office this 2012 election cycle.

If we want more women in office this is the path to accomplish this effort. Emerge is the perfect name for this organization. The women who pass through this class truly feel as though they are Emerging from a cocoon, breaking through the haze after a long sleep and finding our potential.

Emerge pg 1 001

Emerge pg 2 001

August 20, 2012 at 09:49 AM in Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 06, 2012

NM01: Michelle Lujan Grisham Changes Two Young Women's Lives; Guest Blog

Following is a guest blog by Hannah Roberto and Addie Bordegaray two young women entering their senior year of high school. They are Michelle Lujan Grisham's summer intern extraordinaires! Thank you Michelle for helping these two young women along a path that has influenced their lives.

Photo 3 crop
Hannah and Addie!

On the very first Friday of our pivotal summer between junior and senior year in high school, we helped Mary Ellen organize her campaign party, not knowing that it would open a new window of opportunity for us. While greeting partygoers and collecting donations, we met Michelle Lujan Grisham and immediately hit it off during a casual conversation about summer and adolescent fun. We joked around about helping Michelle’s campaign in any way she needed and then gave our contact information to her campaign manager, Dominic Gabello, not expecting a call back. Within 48 hours, we were contacted by a staff member at the campaign who invited us to come in to help with calls, canvassing, and other campaign activities.

The following Monday, we went to her office down Mountain Road and 6th Street, not knowing what to expect. As we walked in, we were greeted by unfamiliar, yet friendly faces and were immediately put to work on contacting voters. Within the first two hours in the office, we were whisked away to a couple of news interviews and other events in which Michelle was being showcased. All of this seemed as though it was a dream. Within a couple days we were already experiencing a side of politics we had never seen before.

We began working for Michelle 11 days before the crucial primary election, and to say things were hectic would be a HUGE understatement. For 12 hours a day during the next two weeks, we made phone calls, knocked on doors, and did whatever was necessary to convince people to vote for Michelle. Everyone thought it was crazy that two 17-year-old girls would be so dedicated to this campaign so early, but we felt a connection to Michelle from the first day we met her, and knew we would do whatever it took to help her succeed. Little did we know that every phone call and knock on a door would help lead to a five point margin victory in the primary election.

Immediately following the election, Dominic asked us to take on the role of formal campaign interns and help Michelle through the General Election on November 6. Obviously, this sounded too good to be true! Who would’ve thought that two weeks of grueling hard work could lead to an opportunity that not only benefits us now, but will do so greatly in the future? Being an intern on Michelle’s campaign has taught us life skills, as well as the ins-and-outs of a political campaign. The skills we gain from working for Michelle are not just limited to politics, but will help us to succeed in any career endeavors we have in the future. Aside from just the professional standpoint, we also have formed bonds with many of our co-workers and have had the privilege to meet and get to know so many people just through this opportunity.

To us, this isn’t just a summer job that we were lucky to grab; it is much more than that. This opportunity has shown us what it’s like to have a serious and time consuming job, how to connect to people from all walks of life, and how to take chances and use them to benefit not only us, but our future. We could not be more grateful to Michelle and Dominic for giving us this chance, but we will stop at nothing to make them proud and to see Michelle not only win this election, but be the fantastic Congresswoman we know she can be!

August 6, 2012 at 04:38 PM in Candidates & Races, Guest Blogger, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Women's Issues, Youth | Permalink | Comments (7)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Help Me Fight The War on Women!, Guest Blog by Marci Blaze

Marci blazeMarci Blaze candidate for NM House of Representatives District 23.

I'm running for the New Mexico House of Representatives. There are many reasons I decided to enter the race...but among the most important is to fight for myself and all women in this state in the battle that is being waged against us today. I have "enlisted" as a legislative candidate to ensure that the rights of women in New Mexico are acknowledged and upheld.

What does this war look like? 

First and foremost, it is characterized by attempts to turn back decades of gains in the rights and status of women across the board. These efforts to turn back the clock on American women have focused largely on reproductive rights. But they are now also taking aim at the growing roles of women in the workplace, in the family and in government. Anti-woman proposals that have been brewing for years are currently receiving support by a variety of right wing individuals and organizations, including mainstream presidential candidates. Rights that women have come to take for granted – like the right to access birth control – are under attack for the first time in decades.

In New Mexico, this war is evident in:

Again, this war is not limited to New Mexico...it is going on across the country. These renewed assaults on women are unacceptable and they can be stopped. American women aren’t ready to see their hard-won rights slip away, and they aren’t willing to be painted as scapegoats for the nation’s problems. And every state wherein women succeed in winning and protecting their rights will impact the ability of the next state to do the same.

Please help me fight the War on Women...for myself, for New Mexicans, and for women across the country and the men who care about them. Mothers, daughters, sisters and friends...our freedom and our health is at risk and we must be the first line of defense to protect both. If you agree and want to join my campaign to end the war on women click here: https://www.marciblaze.com/Contact.html


July 30, 2012 at 09:50 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, Democrat, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (5)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Women Speaking to Women

Lora lucero eric griegoThe following post is provided by Contributing writer Lora Lucero.

Eric Griego has the support of many women in the CD-1 race for the US Congress.  I gathered some of my women friends together to speak to our sisters, mothers, and daughters about why this race is so important, and why women support Eric to champion our issues in Washington DC.  Please check out my short video below.

Hear State Senator Dede Feldman share about Eric's determination to stand up for women's rights.  Eric not only supports Roe v. Wade, but also considers women's rights essential to decisions on medical privacy. As a State Senator, Eric stood up to conservative anti-women forces and opposed legislation designed to erode family planning rights, criminalize abortions, and force minor victims of even incest or rape to obtain parental permission before receiving care.

Thanks to Senator Dede Feldman, Representative Mimi Stewart, Marit Tully, Loretta Naranjo Lopez, Barbara Grothus, Melinda Smith and Deborah Marez-Baca for participating in this first video.  More to come in the next few days. 

May 22, 2012 at 02:37 PM in Eric Griego, Lora Lucero, Contributing Writer, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Women's Issues | |

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