Tuesday, November 27, 2012

NYT Editorializes on Senator Tom Udall's Filibuster Reform Efforts

On November 12th New York Times ran an editorial “A New Chance for the Senate.”

Filibuster history 001The New York Times once again reaffirmed its support for U.S. Sen. Tom Udall's efforts to alleviate gridlock and filibuster abuse. The chart to the right is a history of filibuster use. This chart alone is proof positive that our current modern republicans have no intention on doing what is right for America in 2012.

The last paragraph of the editorial talks about the newly elected Senators. Our own NM Senator Elect Martin Heinrich is one of these gentleman. Senator elect Heinrich has stated he is very much in favor of filibuster reform, "I support Senator Tom Udall's efforts to reform the filibuster through the constitutional option. I look forward to working alongside Senator Udall to ensure that the Senate rules do not result in gridlock or prevent vital legislation from moving forward."

The proposal by Sen. Tom Udall and Sen. Jeff Merkley presented Nov 12, 2012 can he seen here.

Following are excerpts from the editorial:

“In May, Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, was furious at yet another obstructionist filibuster by Senate Republicans. He admitted then that he was wrong in 2011 not to change the Senate’s rules when he had a chance,” wrote the Times.

“’These two young, fine senators said it was time to change the rules of the Senate, and we didn’t,’ he said, referring to Tom Udall of New Mexico and Jeff Merkley of Oregon, who came up with a plan to reduce filibuster abuse that he rejected. ‘They were right. The rest of us were wrong, or most of us, anyway. What a shame.’”

“It was a shame, a missed opportunity that helped give Republicans a big cudgel over the last two years. But now Mr. Reid has a chance to rectify that mistake. In January, at the beginning of the next session of the United States Senate, Democrats can vastly improve the efficiency of Congress and reduce filibuster abuse with a simple-majority vote. This time they need to seize the moment.”

"In the last two Congressional terms, Republicans have brought 275 filibusters that Democrats have been forced to try to break. That is by far the highest number in Congressional history, and more than twice the amount in the previous two terms."

"Every new crop of senators brings the potential for moving away from hoary rules and traditions that have virtually crippled American lawmaking. Next year, 12 new senators will join the chamber, only three of whom are Republicans. Many of the others are younger, more liberal and more feisty than the ones they replaced, and several have already expressed support for ending legislative abuse. They should make sure that Harry Reid knows how they feel, so he doesn’t suffer another pang of regret."       

Read previous editorials by The New York Times on filibuster reform here and here.

November 27, 2012 at 10:44 AM in Filibuster, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Sen. Tom Udall | Permalink | Comments (3)

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Democracy for America Endorses Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30

The picture above features Jim Dean, Mary Ellen Broderick and Martin Heinrich, was taken October 1st, 2012 at a campaign event by Annie Olson.

Burlington, VT – Today Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30.

"Mary Ellen is a lifelong activist with a spirit for change,” Jim Dean, Chair of DFA, explained to NM voters while canvassing with Mary Ellen this weekend. “She not only believes that things will improve in New Mexico, but she will fight for what’s right, what’s fair, and be a strong advocate for her community. Real, progressive change happens at the local level. It manifests itself more quickly because ordinary people see what matters to their community and what will help make things better. That’s why we’re urging folks in New Mexico’s 30th District to support Mary Ellen.”

Mary Ellen Broderick has been a leading progressive activist in New Mexico since she co-founded the Democracy for New Mexico blog and meet-up group in 2004. Broderick believes that healthcare is a fundamental right – not a privilege for just those that can afford it – and she will see that healthcare reform is fully implemented in the state because it not only provides desperately needed services, but also provides thousands of new health-related jobs. Mary Ellen will also embrace New Mexico’s unique leadership towards a green-energy economy by investing in new sustainable sources of clean energy and putting her foot down to hold polluters accountable.

“I am extremely grateful for the DFA endorsement. Democracy for America believes in people powered progress, not corporate funded campaigns,” said Mary Ellen Broderick. “This is exactly what my campaign for NM House District 30 is about – people power. We’re grassroots at every level. I never thought I would be running for State Office, but the time has come for average everyday citizens to take back our government.”

Mary Ellen is running against first-term Republican Nate Gentry. Since taking office, Gentry has inexcusably missed 94 votes, making him among the most absent members of the New Mexico Roundhouse.

ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA: Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

October 4, 2012 at 07:00 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Green Economy, Progressivism, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

AMERICA’S GREAT OUTDOORS: Salazar Dedicates Two National Wildlife Refuges in New Mexico

Valle de Oro and Rio Mora Become Nation’s 559th and 560th Refuges

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today dedicated the Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge in Albuquerque, making it the first urban refuge in the Southwest and one of a handful across the nation. Salazar was joined by Senator Jeff Bingaman, Representative Martin Heinrich, Bernalillo County Commissioner Art De La Cruz, and other local stakeholders and partners, including the Trust for Public Land.

Later today, Salazar will travel to Wind River Ranch near Mora, N.M. for a signing ceremony establishing the Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area on over 4,200 acres donated by the Thaw Charitable Trust.

“Today we celebrate two new jewels in the National Wildlife Refuge System -- Valle de Oro, an urban oasis for people and wildlife just five miles from downtown Albuquerque, and Rio Mora, which will serve as an anchor for cooperative conservation efforts in the Rio Mora watershed,” Salazar said. “Both refuges exemplify the goals of President Obama’s America’s Great Outdoors initiative to establish a 21st century conservation ethic built on partnerships and to fuel economic growth in local communities.”

The refuges established today are expected to help generate economic growth and support jobs in New Mexico by attracting visitors and encouraging outdoor recreation. Recreation in refuges, national parks and other public lands alone led to nearly $55 billion in economic contribution and 440,000 jobs in 2009. A 2011 comprehensive national survey of outdoor recreation showed a significant increase in hunters and anglers over the past five years, with hunters nationwide increasing by 9 percent while anglers grew by 11 percent. Nearly 38 percent of all Americans participated in wildlife-related recreation in 2011 and spent $145 billion on related gear, trips and other purchases, such as licenses, tags and land leasing and ownership, representing 1 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product.

Proposed exactly one year ago, the Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge was formally established last Friday through the acquisition of 390 acres of Valley Gold Farms, a former dairy and hay farm. The 559th unit of the national wildlife refuge system is within a 30-minute drive of half of New Mexico’s population, providing ample outdoor recreation and education opportunities. Salazar unveiled the official name for the refuge today, Valle de Oro (Valley of Gold), which was selected following a social media campaign that solicited suggested names from local and national audiences.

“I’d like to thank Secretary Salazar, county officials and city leaders for making the establishment of a wildlife refuge in Albuquerque a priority. Bringing this land into public ownership will give residents and visitors alike access to a beautiful natural space right here in our state’s largest city,” Bingaman said. "The creation of the Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area is also great news for New Mexico. This new refuge gives New Mexicans and tourists another great reason to visit the northern part of our state, helping to support those local economies.”

The Service intends to work with its partners to restore native Bosque forest on the refuge and establish recreation and environmental education programs for area residents. The site may also provide demonstration areas for sustainable agriculture.

“The Valle De Oro is an urban refuge where citizens and students will have easy access to learn and enjoy all this beautiful space has to offer," said Udall. "I'd like to thank President Obama and Secretary Salazar for all of their hard work to bring the first urban wildlife refuge in the Southwest to New Mexico, and for making the old Price's Dairy part of America's Great Outdoors initiative.”

“Too many kids get more television time than outdoor time, but this new wildlife refuge is our opportunity to change that,” said. Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-1). “This wildlife refuge will help New Mexico kids discover the incredible natural heritage of our state, and it represents an important investment in their health and well-being.”

“Bernalillo County is proud to have led the way on making this project a reality,” Commission Chair Art De La Cruz said. “By contributing $5 million and working closely with the community on this project, a fantastic national resource is now located in the heart of the South Valley. I look forward to new outdoor education and economic development opportunities that will impact our state as a result of this new refuge.”

In addition to the contribution from Bernalillo County, this first phase was made possible by $2 million from the Bureau of Reclamation, $1.8 million from the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority, $1.7 million from the Service, and $500,000 from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation through the Walmart Acres for America Grant program.

Located in the heart of the Middle Rio Grande Valley, the new refuge is an important stop-over site for migrating migratory birds such as sand hill cranes, snow geese, and duck species.

Will Rogers, President of The Trust for Public Land, said, "We are thrilled to help residents of the South Valley gain access to close-to-home green space. We have completed the purchase of the first 390 acres of Price's Dairy, and this will turn the Valle de Oro Urban Wildlife Refuge into a reality. We look forward to completing this wonderful project with the help of the partners and supporters who have been with us from the start."

The Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area, which Salazar will establish as the 560th unit of the refuge system today, is located in the transition zone between the Great Plains and the Southern Rocky Mountains. The Mora River flows through the center of the refuge for approximately five miles in a 250-300-foot deep canyon.

The establishment of the refuge and conservation area is a continuation of the vision of philanthropist Eugene V. Thaw and his wife Clare E. Thaw who bought the Wind River Ranch in 1980 with the intent of protecting and restoring the land as a representative piece of southwestern ecological heritage.

“The transfer of Wind River Ranch to the ownership of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seems the perfect solution for this strategically located piece of land and its important stretch of the Mora River,” said Eugene Thaw. “We hope that this transfer will serve as the catalyst for a new era in range management, wildlife studies and sustainable agriculture for this whole area of the Southwest. We are grateful to Secretary Salazar and his talented staff for seeing the great possibilities at Wind River for environmental protection, science and education.”

Inclusion of this important ranch and conservation area into the refuge system, coupled with the newly established Sangre de Cristo Conservation Area in Colorado, creates a wildlife corridor that will ensure protection and restoration of the Mora River watershed and one of the great prairie grassland landscapes of North America. It will benefit many grassland and woodland species, including the southwestern willow flycatcher.

The long term plan for the Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge will include opportunities for the public to enjoy wildlife-dependent recreation, including wildlife watching, education, and hunting.

For more information on these two new refuges, please visit https://www.fws.gov/southwest/

September 27, 2012 at 04:00 PM in Recreation/Open Space, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/16: Democracy for America Day of Action Here in New Mexico

Following from Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

Does Heather Wilson care about New Mexico?

Her record shows that she's more interested in protecting special interests and the 1% than supporting working families. Whether it's voting against raising the minimum wage, or supporting the Republican plan to gut Medicare, you can trust that Wilson doesn't have New Mexico's best interests in mind.

It takes true progressives to represent the people of New Mexico - candidates committed to protecting working families, preserving the environment, and standing up for social justice. Candidates like Martin Heinrich (NM-Sen) and Mary Ellen Broderick (NM-HD30), two truth-tellers in our area that embody those values and are ready to fight for you.

But they can't do it alone. Republicans are pouring thousands of dollars into New Mexico and will buy the November elections if left unchallenged. We need to build a people powered movement to ensure that the voices of New Mexico are heard in November.

Join me on Sunday, September 16th for a three hour Action Summit training to build a grassroots campaign to elect Martin Heinrich and Mary Ellen Broderick and progressives up and down the ticket.

The Action Summit training is free, fun, fast paced and provides activists like you all the tools and information needed to be campaign advocates and progressive organizers. The training is an opportunity to engage with other activists, to network, and to undertake a day of action for progressive candidates in New Mexico.

Martin is a vocal advocate for the swift withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and a fierce defender of New Mexico's middle class. Mary Ellen is DFA legend; a progressive who knows you can't change things by being on the sidelines. These two candidates and others are running to bring change to New Mexico, to fight for working families and to protect and preserve New Mexico's natural resources.

Join us on Sunday, September 16th for our Action Summit -- a one day program that will give you the most effective and cutting edge skills you need to contact voters and run a successful, grassroots operation.

Agenda for Day of Action 

Noon –Welcome and Introductions
12:15 –Introduction to Candidates and DFA briefing
12:25 –Leadership and Volunteering
1 – Break
1:10 – House Parties
1:20 –Online Organizing
1:30 – Phone Banking and Canvassing
1:50 – Role Playing/Action Practice
2 – 4: Day of Action

I hope you'll RSVP and see me and other activists on Sunday. Thanks for everything that you do, -Tim Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

September 11, 2012 at 12:23 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Five Ways The Ryan Budget Hurts New Mexico

Republican Senate candidate Heather Wilson says she “admires” Paul Ryan for his willingness to “put forth bold ideas” that would end Medicare as we know it, impose deep cuts to Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories, gut funding for early education and college assistance, increase taxes on the middle class, and deal a severe blow to women and Hispanic families.

Here are five ways the Ryan budget hurts New Mexico:

1. The Ryan budget ends Medicare as we know it. The Ryan budget would scrap the guaranteed benefits provided by Medicare, and force nearly 300,000 New Mexico seniors into a voucher program when they retire. As a result, health care costs for seniors would increase by as much as $5,900 each year. The Ryan budget would also force many seniors to pay the full cost of their prescription drugs, burdening them with costs of almost $12,000.

2. The Ryan budget would impose deep cuts to Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories. Under the Ryan budget, funding for Sandia National Laboratories would be reduced by 10 percent, while funding for Los Alamos National Laboratory would be reduced by 17 percent. These cuts would impede the essential missions carried out at the laboratories and cut New Mexico jobs.

3. The Ryan budget would gut funding for early education and college assistance. In New Mexico alone, $16 million would be cut from Head Start programs and more than $21 million would be cut from Pell Grants. As a result, more than 2,000 children would loose access to preschool and other early education programs and more than 3,000 college students would loose their assistance entirely in New Mexico.

4. The Ryan budget would cut taxes for the rich while raising taxes on New Mexico’s middle class. Hard-working New Mexican families with incomes below $200,000 would see their taxes increase by nearly $2,700 each year. At the same time, the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy would be made permanent and millionaires would get a windfall tax cut of $265,000.

5. The Ryan budget would deal a severe blow to women and Hispanic families. The Ryan budget’s extreme reforms to Medicare would increase out-of-pocket health care costs for nearly 190,000 Hispanic New Mexicans by thousands of dollars each year. They would also disproportionately affect women, who account for the majority of Medicare recipients. Increasing the cost of services like mammograms and cancer screenings would put preventative health care further out of reach for millions of women across the country.

September 5, 2012 at 09:12 AM in Jobs, Medicaid, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

HEINRICH: Accelerated Drawdown in Afghanistan Needed

On August 23rd, U.S. Representative Martin Heinrich (NM-1) released the following statement in response to recent news reports that 2,000 Americans have now died fighting the war in Afghanistan:

“Recent reports that 2,000 Americans have now died in the Afghanistan War underscores the dire need for an accelerated drawdown of American forces in the region. I have long supported an accelerated, safe and orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, and I will continue to support our men and women in uniform. I commend them for their bravery and sacrifice in defense of our nation.”

Rep. Heinrich, currently serving his second term on the House Armed Service Committee, traveled to Afghanistan in 2010 where he visited Kabul and Kandahar, and met with troops, military and diplomatic leaders, and humanitarian workers in the region. Last year, he sent a letter to President Obama expressing his desire that we begin the drawdown of military forces in Afghanistan in July 2011.

September 4, 2012 at 04:04 PM in Afghanistan, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, September 03, 2012

What You Didn’t Know About The Ryan Budget: It’s Devastating For Women

Republican Senate candidate Heather Wilson says she “admires” Mitt Romney’s new running mate Paul Ryan for his willingness to “put forth bold ideas” that would deal a severe blow to women’s economic security and access to health care.

“There are many reasons why the Ryan budget is bad for women, but chief among them is its disproportionate and devastating impact on the economic security of middle-class families and women’s access to health care,” said Whitney Potter, spokeswoman for Democratic Senate candidate Martin Heinrich.

The Ryan budget calls for radical policy changes that would impose deep cuts to many of the programs women rely on for important health services, including ending Medicare as we know it. Ryan’s budget would force seniors into a voucher program, and increase their health care costs by thousands of dollars each year.

These impacts would also disproportionately affect women, who account for the majority of Medicare recipients. Moreover, twice as many women over the age of 65 live in poverty as compared to men, making Medicare even more important to their ability to access health care. Increasing, the cost of services like mammograms and cancer screenings would put preventative health care farther out of reach for millions of women across the country.

Ryan’s extreme budget also includes a tax “reform” plan that would not only make the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy permanent, but cut them even further. Women are over-represented in the ranks of middle- and low-income earners, making this a significant blow to women’s economic security.

“The fact that Heather Wilson ‘admires’ ideas that would be devastating for women and middle-class families shows just how wrong her priorities are for New Mexico,” said Potter.

Heather Wilson says she admires Ryan’s willingness to put forth bold ideas. "Paul Ryan and I served together and I've always found that he's a decent, honest and smart man," Wilson said. "And I admire his willingness to put forth bold ideas on big issues, even if I don't always agree with him." [KOB Eyewitness News, 8/11/12]

Wilson’s implicit support for the Ryan Budget. In May 2011, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported that, when asked about the Ryan Budget, Wilson responded, “I give [Ryan] a lot of credit for trying to have a serious debate about saving Medicare. Democrats have not offered one single idea to save Medicare.” [Santa Fe New Mexican, 5/30/11]

The Ryan budget would end Medicare as we know it, force seniors into a voucher program, increase costs. The Ryan Budget would replace traditional Medicare and its guaranteed benefits and instead give seniors vouchers to purchase private insurance or Medicare. The value of the vouchers would not keep up with the rising cost of health care. Once again, insurance companies would reap big profits as seniors would be forced to pay as much as $5,900 more for the benefits they have now. [CBO, 3/20/12; CBPP, 3/20/12]

The Ryan Budget will require that seniors pay deductibles, co-insurance, and copayments for many preventive services currently covered by Medicare; including cancer screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies as well as annual wellness visits. As a result, fewer seniors will access these preventive services, thereby dramatically increasing Medicare spending in the long-term. [CMS, 2/15/12]

Women account for the majority of Medicare recipients. Women constitute more than half of the individuals with Medicare. The program is therefore critically important to preserving the health and well-being of our mothers and grandmothers. Because women, on average, are poorer, live longer and have more health care needs than men, Medicare (sometimes combined with Medicaid) potentially plays a greater role for them in preventing illness and destitution. [NWLC, 5/23/11]

September 3, 2012 at 09:42 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Heather Wilson, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 09, 2012

08/10: Martin Heinrich for US Senate Event Special Guest US Kirsten Gillibrand

Former Attorney General Patricia Madrid is hosting an event for the Congressman Heinrich race for US Senate. The special guest will be hereUS Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY).

Democracy for New Mexico will be proudly presenting a check from Democracy for America at the event as well. As stated in the previous post; Heinrich is one of the DFA - Dean Dozen!

Mh event 001

August 9, 2012 at 10:00 AM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

US Senate Candidate Martin Heinrich Makes the DFA - Dean Dozen

Heinrich w dfnm sign   DFA

Martin Heinrich's campaign for US Senate received a very special endorsement today, Representative Heinrich made the Dean Dozen! The Heinrich campaign called Democracy for New Mexico and expressed their excitement over this honor. It is indeed an honor, and make note Martin is the first DFA Dean Dozen US Senate candidate endorsement for this year 2012. This means the Howard Dean founded organization Democracy for America (DFA) has put much faith in Heinrich as a leader for the people of NM and DFA recognizes the challenge for him to win against the republican money machine which will be and already is spreading falsehoods and exaggerations about Martin and his record.

The following is from the Democracy for America announcement today.

The Dean Dozen is DFA's highest level of endorsement -- a guarantee from our one million members that we will do whatever it takes to win in November. We reserve that endorsement for the 12 candidates who we know will stand up and work for real Americans.

Today, we're announcing our first six candidates:

These are progressive fighters. They're candidates in close races who we know can win -- and who will win with your help today. DFA asks us to pitch in $12 to help the candidates.

This blog; Democracy for New Mexico does some collaborating with the huge country wide group Democracy for America. Consider DFA the mother ship and DFNM is a dingy out floating in the waters. DFNM is the scout, we watch the horizon and report back. However DFA has many scouts and when choosing the Dean Dozen they pull them all in, we are but one piece of the puzzle. Both blogs were started at the same time right after Howard Dean's bid for president came to an end. Howard started the "You've got the Power" movement, which touched and inspired people like my late partner Barbara Wold and myself to this very day.  

You've Got the Power Martin!!

August 8, 2012 at 04:50 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Heather Wilson “Proud” Of Votes To Protect Special Tax Breaks for Companies Shipping Jobs Overseas

From Martin Heinrich for Senate Campaign.

In a recent news article in The New Mexican, a spokesperson for Heather Wilson said the former Congresswoman was “proud” of votes she took to protect special tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas.

“Heather Wilson's blatant support for giving special tax breaks to companies that ship American jobs overseas shows just how wrong her priorities are for New Mexico,” said Whitney Potter, spokeswoman for Democratic Senate candidate Martin Heinrich. “We need leaders who are going to fight for the future of the middle class and put New Mexicans back to work, not politicians that put tax breaks for the rich ahead of strengthening Medicare and Social Security.”

Echoing the chorus of the Republican Party, Wilson also signed lobbyist Grover Norquist’s tax pledge promising to never require big corporations to pay their fair share, even by closing loopholes that reward them for shipping American jobs overseas.


Wilson “Proud” of Votes to Protect Special Tax Breaks. In a recent news article in The New Mexican, a spokesperson for Heather Wilson said the former Congresswoman was “proud” of votes she took to protect special tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. [Santa Fe New Mexican, 8/1/12]

Wilson Has Voted At Least Four Times To Protect Special Tax Breaks For Companies That Ship American Jobs Overseas. During her time in the House, Heather Wilson voted at least four times to protect special tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. [Vote 344, 5/21/08; Associated Press,5/21/08; Vote 161, 5/12/04; wolf.house.gov, accessed 7/12/12; Vote 291,6/19/03; wolf.house.gov, accessed 7/12/12; Vote 247, 6/21/02; New York Times, 5/13/02]

Politifact: ‘True’ That The Tax Code Allows Companies To Get A Tax Break When They Send Jobs To “China Or India Or Wherever.” In September 2010 Politifact ruled that the following statement from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse was ‘True’: “The law, right now, permits companies that close down American factories and offices and move those jobs overseas to take a tax deduction for the costs associated with moving the jobs to China or India or wherever.” Whitehouse made this statement on the Senate floor while arguing for a proposal to close this loophole. Politifact concluded: “There is little debate that the current system allows companies to get a tax break for their expenses when they send jobs outside the U.S. We rate Whitehouse's statement True.” [Politifact, 11/21/10]

Wilson Voted Twice Against Banning Certain Federal Departments From Awarding Contracts To Companies That Incorporate Overseas. In 2006, Wilson voted against an amendment to the FY 07 Treasury, Transportation and Housing Appropriations bill that would have placed a ban on new contracts with corporate expatriates - companies that have incorporated on paper overseas in the tax haven countries of Bermuda, Barbados, the Cayman Islands, Antigua, Panama. In 2005, Wilson voted against an amendment to ban the departments and agencies funded under the Transportation, Treasury & Housing Appropriations bill from contracting with corporate expatriate companies. [Vote 275, 6/14/06; Rep. Berry Press Release, 6/14/06; Vote 351, 6/30/05; Rep. DeLauro Press Release, 6/30/05]

Wilson Opposed Barring Corporations Laying Off More U.S. Workers Than They Do Overseas From Receiving Ex-Im Aid. In 2002, Wilson voted against an amendment the Associated Press reported “would have barred companies from receiving bank aid if they lay off more workers in the United States than in foreign countries.” The amendment was defeated, 135-283. [Vote 120, 5/01/02; AP, 5/01/02]

Wilson Signed Americans for Tax Reform Pledge Not to Eliminate Tax Deductions. In 2011, Wilson was listed as a signer of the Americans for Tax Reform’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge, stating that she opposed any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates. [Americans for Tax Reform Press Release,4/18/11]

ATR Called American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 a Taxpayer Protection Pledge Violation. In May 2010, Americans for Tax Reform issued a Tax Pledge Alert to announce that HR 4213, the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010, was a Taxpayer Protection Pledge violation. The bill would eliminate $14.451 billion of foreign tax credit loopholes. [Americans for Tax Reform, Press Release,5/20/10; House Committee on Ways and Means, “American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010, HR 4213, 5/28/10]

August 2, 2012 at 11:51 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Heather Wilson, Jobs, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Taxes | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Another Strong Fundraising Quarter for Heinrich in New Mexico

Brings In Nearly $1.1 Million In Last Six Weeks, Totaling $1.76 Million in the Bank

Tuesday, July 10, 2012, the Martin Heinrich for U.S. Senate campaign released a preview of its latest financial report, which includes more than $1.76 million cash-on-hand and $1.41 million raised for the quarter. Heinrich has gained significant state-wide momentum since the primary election for New Mexico's open senate seat, bringing in nearly $1.1 million in the last six weeks alone. Since the beginning of his campaign, Heinrich has raised more than $3.89 million from 8,732 individuals.

“I'm grateful to receive the backing of so many New Mexicans from every corner of the state,” said Heinrich. “Moving our country forward requires fresh ideas and hard work. I've covered thousands of miles traveling the state meeting with voters. Together, we are building the largest grassroots campaign New Mexico has ever seen.”

Public polls have consistently put Heinrich in the lead ahead of Republican Heather Wilson. Since announcing his candidacy, Heinrich continues to receive overwhelming support from Indian tribes, pueblos, and nations across the state and a variety of organizations such as labor unions, environmental groups, and advocates for senior citizens.

“One thing is certain, Congresswoman Wilson has always put herself and the special interests ahead of the people she was supposed to represent,” said Heinrich. “My campaign is about standing with New Mexico's working families and fighting for what matters most to the middle class.” The FEC report, which will be filed in the coming days, covers money raised between May 17, 2012 and June 30, 2012. The deadline to file is July 15, 2012.

July 15, 2012 at 06:45 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Heather Wilson Wants to Protect the Rich at the Expense of New Mexico's Middle Class

From Martin Heinrich for Senate:

U.S. Senate candidate Republican Heather Wilson has a history of putting herself and special interests first. In Congress, she voted for the Bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires at the expense of New Mexico's middle class.

Martin Heinrich refuses to allow New Mexico to go down that dark road again.

“There are several reasons that we must end the Bush tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires, but chief among them is the simple reason that we can't afford it,” said Heinrich. “We followed Heather Wilson and George W. Bush down that road already, and America's middle class paid the price while the wealthy consolidated their grip on power.”

Heather Wilson has always put herself and the special interests ahead of the people she was supposed to represent. While Congresswoman Wilson was voting against raising the minimum wage for New Mexico's workers, Heinrich was leading the fight on the Albuquerque City Council to raise it. Wilson took six pay raises during her time in Congress, while Heinrich rejected every congressional pay raise since he's been in office. Furthermore, Wilson has refused to reject the Republican plan that would end Medicare as we know it.

“The truth is, Washington needs to get its priorities straight,” said Heinrich. “Moving our country forward requires fresh ideas and hard work. This campaign is about standing with working families and fighting for what matters most to New Mexico's middle class.”

Wilson Voted Against Raising The Minimum Wage Six Times. In 2006 and 2007, Wilson voted six times against minimum wage increases or to kill Democratic attempts to even be allowed to offer a minimum wage increase. [CQ Floor Votes; HR 2206, Vote 333, 5/10/07; CQ House Action Reports, No. 110-3, 3/20/07; HR 1591, Vote 186, 3/23/07; Leadership Document, “Democrats are Fighting for a New Direction: A Pay Raise for Millions of Americans,” 7/19/06; HR2389, Vote 382, 7/19/06; HR2990, Vote#364, 7/12/06; HR4411, Vote 360, 7/11/06; HR5672, Vote 319, 6/27/06]

Albuquerque Tribune Editorial Called On Wilson To Support Minimum Wage Increase While Allowing Her Own Pay To Go Up. In July 2006, the editorial board of the Albuquerque Tribune criticized Wilsonfor allowing a congressional pay raise to take effect while not supporting a meaningful increase in the minimum wage. They wrote, “The minimum wage has been stagnant at a mere $5.15 per hour for nearly 10 years now. That’s just shy of $11,000 per year and well below the poverty line for a family of three. For more than half of that time, Republicans - including Wilson, Bush and Sen. Pete Domenici of Albuquerque - have controlled the federal government. During the same period in which the minimum wage has been stuck below the poverty level, Congress has managed to give its own members more than $30,000 in wage raises, to the current $165,200 per year. That salary is scheduled, based on cost-of-living arguments that apparently affect only federal legislators, to automatically rise to $168,500. Domenici and Wilson supported the raise. Wilson voted for it last week, while the state’s other congressional Republican representative, Steve Pearce of Hobbs, continued his admirable practice of voting against congressional pay raises for himself and his colleagues…So why have Domenici and Wilson - often quick to support tax cuts for the wealthy, including repeal of the estate tax - been essentially AWOL on an issue that has gained substantial support among local lawmakers, despite its controversial nature and opposition by businesses? [Albuquerque Tribune, Editorial, 7/4/06]

Heinrich Led the Fight To Raise The Minimum Wage On The Albuquerque City Council. On April 20, 2006, the Albuquerque City Council approved a phased-in minimum wage increase by a 6-3 vote. The ordinance (COUNCIL BILL NO. O-06-20), sponsored by then City Councilor Martin Heinrich, was enacted on April 27, 2006. [Albuquerque Official City Website,

Wilson Voted Six Times To Allow Congressional Pay Raises. In the House, Wilson voted six times to allow her own salary to increase. [CQ Floor Votes, 6/13/06; H RES 865, Vote #261, 6/13/06; CQ Floor Votes, 6/28/05; HR 342, Vote #327, 6/28/05; CQ Floor Votes, 9/14/04; H Res 770, Vote #451, 9/14/04; CQ Floor Votes, 9/04/03; H. Res. 351, Vote #463, 9/4/03; CQ Floor Votes, 7/18/02; H. Res. 488, Vote #322, 7/18/02; CQ Floor Votes, 7/25/01; H Res. 206, Vote #267, 7/25/01]

Heinrich Rejected Every Congressional Pay Raise Since He's Been In Office. Heinrich is a cosponsor of H.R.156, the Stop the Congressional Pay Raise Act and H.R.4255, the Stop the Automatic Pay Raise for Members of Congress in Fiscal Year 2011 Act.

Wilson Consistently Supported Bush-Era Tax Cuts That Overwhelmingly Benefited Millionaires. In 2001,Wilson supported President Bush’s first round of tax cuts. In 2003, Wilson supported another round of tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy. In 2004, Wilson supported President Bush’s budget that permanently locked in multitrillion-dollar tax breaks that mostly benefit the nation’s wealthiest. In 2005, Wilson backed a Republican bill that extended capital gains and dividend tax breaks for the rich. And in 2006 Wilson backed another Republican tax break package that the Washington Post dubbed a “windfall for the rich, and a hole in the federal budget.” [HR 1836, Vote 149, 5/26/01; HR 2, Vote 225, 5/23/03; Center for Budget & Policy Priorities, 5/28/03;; H Con Res 393, Vote 92, 3/25/04; Vote 621, 12/8/05; Chicago Tribune, 12/9/05; HR4297, Vote 135, 5/10/06; Washington Post, 5/11/06]

2006 Study: 99% of New Mexicans Taxpayers Are Net Losers Under the Bush Tax Cuts. According to a study conducted by Citizens for Tax Justice, 99% of New Mexican taxpayers were net losers under the Bush tax cuts. For the wealthiest one percent of New Mexico residents, who have an average income of $720,500, the tax breaks outweigh the added debt burden accumulated from 2001 through 2006 by an average of $14,450 per family member. They have received an average tax break of $50,630 per family member, which exceeds their added debt burden of $36,179 by $14,750. In contrast, the added debt burden accumulated from 2001 through 2006 outweighs the tax breaks for the other 99 percent of New Mexico residents by an average of $7,589 per person. They have received a tax break of $2,305, but their added debt burden is $9,894 per person. [Citizens for Tax Justice, “99% of New Mexicans Are Net Losers Under Bush Tax and Spending Policies,” June 2006]

Heinrich Urges Vote to Make Middle-Class Tax Cuts Permanent. On September 27, 2010, Martin Heinrich released a letter he signed with 45 other House members to then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi urging that the Congress vote on permanent tax cuts for the middle-class before adjournment in October 2010. The letter also called on the Speaker for a vote to allow the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Americans to expire, using the additional revenue to close the federal budget deficit. [09/27/2010, Heinrich Letter]

Tax Cuts: Heinrich Fights For The Middle Class. Heinrich voted for H.R. 6467, the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010, aimed at permanently extending the 2001 and 2003 income tax cuts for families making $250,000 or less and individuals making $200,000 or less. [12/02/2010, Roll no. 604]

Wilson Refuses to Take Position on Ryan Budget. In a March interview with the Albuquerque Journal’s Michael Coleman, Wilson dodged the question of whether she would support the Republican plan. “For the second year in a row, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Heather Wilson declined to take a clear position,” reported Coleman. “When I interviewed her last year, Wilson similarly refused to take a stand on Ryan’s 2011 proposal.” [3/24/12, Albuquerque Journal]

432 Days of Sidestepping. Heather Wilson has consistently dodged questions on the Ryan Budget since it was introduced in the House of Representatives on April 11, 2011. In an interview with POLITICO, Wilson stated, “I'm not in the House of Representatives. This is not something that I have to vote on.” [7/8/11, POLITICO; 4/11/2011, H.CON.RES.34 Library of Congress, THOMAS]

New Report: The Republican Budget Showers The Wealthy With Close To $300,000 In Tax Breaks While Increasing The Burden On Middle Class Families. In June 2012, the Washington Post reported, “The tax reform plan that House Republicans have advanced would sharply cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans and could leave middle-class households facing much larger tax bills, according to a new analysis set to be released Wednesday … Households earning more than $1 million a year, meanwhile, could see a net tax cut of about $300,000 annually … Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center, reviewed the Joint Economic Committee report. Although the numbers are rough, he said, the conclusions are largely accurate.” [Washington Post, 6/19/12]

July 13, 2012 at 12:25 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Economy, Populism, Heather Wilson, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (1)

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