Tuesday, August 30, 2011

9/1: Fundraiser Supporting Marty Chavez for U.S. Senate at Scalo's in Albuquerque

From Marty Chavez:
I hope you will join me on Thursday, September 1st, from 5:30 to 7:00 PM, at Scalo’s in Nob Hill for my inaugural Albuquerque fundraiser. Scalo’s owner Steve Paternoster is a long time, great friend and I am proud to begin the financial part of my campaign for U.S. Congress at his establishment. If you agree with me that Washington needs to start working for all America, please join me on the 1st.

Steve Paternoster 
Along with co-hosts:
Chris Baca, Nick Bakas, 
Art De La Cruz, Mark Fleisher, 
Richard Dineen, Carlos Dominquez, Richard Guay, 
Jim Maddox, Mike Malloy, Loretta Mares,
Frances Ray, Ken Sanchez

In Support of 
Marty Chavez
Candidate, NM 1st Congressional District

Thursday, September 1st, 5:30 –7:00 PM 
Scalo Northern Italian Grill
3500 Central SE, Albuquerque 

Suggested Contribution:
$2,500 Host ~ $1,000 Friend ~ $500 Sponsor

Rsvp to: Janis Hartley (505) 412-2642 or janishartley@gmail.com. Contributions can be made payable and sent to: “New Mexicans for Marty Chavez,” PO Box 91208, Albuquerque, NM 87199. Or you can Click Here to contribute online.

August 30, 2011 at 12:41 PM in Events, Martin Chavez, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rep. Martin Heinrich Guest Blog: What Victory Means


A week since Election Day, Martin Heinrich, who defeated Republican Jon Barela in the race to represent New Mexico's First Congressional District, reflects on what this victory means.

Though Tuesday's national result was a difficult one to comprehend, it wasn't simply an indiscriminate wave whereby an anxious public swept aside the party in power. Within the larger trend, we saw smaller narratives emerge. By the end of the night, one in particular became clear: Those of us who won did so by having the courage to stand by our legislative decisions—to run on, and not away from, our records.

This has been a time of great challenge for our nation. But even in the face of such uncertainty, leaders on both sides of the aisle must resist the temptation to frighten a jittery public with extreme rhetoric. Now is a time for reconciliation and reason, not repudiation. Republicans may have taken back the House, but they're no more popular than Democrats. Together, we need to rebuild the public's trust in government and continue the hard work of economic recovery that began two years ago.


And, yes, I believe compromise is possible. The cynics on cable TV might not think so, and they may have a few soundbites from the fringe to back up their punditry. But politics doesn't happen at the fringe. Republicans know the American people won't tolerate a government shutdown, and we know we can't pass job-saving legislation without their help. On tax cuts for families and small businesses, on cutting deficit spending, on lowering our nation's debt, on benefits for veterans, and even on immigration—we will find a way. We will pass on a more prosperous nation than we inherited.

Know that I consider this victory a humbling challenge to keep fighting for you and for your families. My wife Julie and I are so grateful for your commitment to the hard working people of central New Mexico and to our nation’s Democracy, and we thank you for all your help and support.

Top photo by M.E. Broderick. Lower photo by Joe'l Trujillo.

This is a guest blog by Rep. Martin Heinrich. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

November 10, 2010 at 03:00 PM in 2010 General Election, Guest Blogger, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | |

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Bravo Team Heinrich! Martin Beats Back Barela Challenge 52-48%



Democratic incumbent Rep. Martin Heinrich beat back a tough challenge by Republican Jon Barela, grabbing the majority of votes on election day after the two essentially split the early/absentee votes in NM-01 (Heinrich led by about 1,000). The unofficial totals according to the New Mexico Secretary of State show a Heinrich victory by 6,839 votes:

Martin Heinrich, Democrat: 110,046 votes, 51.6%
Jon Barela, Republican: 103,207 votes, 48.4%

Heinrich6Cr In Bernalillo County, Heinrich garnered 99,487 votes, or 52.4%, to Barela's 90,353 or 47.6%. Heinrich also edged out Barela in Sandoval County, with 4340 votes, or 51.0% to Barela's 4174, or 49.0%. In Valencia County, Martin got 3310 votes, or 47.2%, to Barela's 3706 votes, or 52.8% Barela captured 1543 votes, or 67.0%, in Santa Fe County to Martin's 761, or 33.0%, and won the portion of NM-01 in Torrance County, getting 3431 votes, or 61.5% to Heinrich's 2148 votes, or 38.5%, but it wasn't enough to overcome the margin Martin built up in the other two counties.

Rep. Heinrich made history in 2008 when he became the first Democrat elected to Congress in New Mexico's first congressional district by beating Republican Darren White by a margin of 55.5% to 44.5%. Bucking a national trend towards Republicans this year, he made history again by becoming the first Democrat to be re-elected in NM-01.


The Courage of Our Convictions
Rep. Heinrich mounted the stage at Hotel Andaluz to chants of "Martin, Martin, Martin!" at about 11:45 PM last night, after Barela called him to concede (click to see a video of  ). Heinrich had high praise for both his campaign team, who did everything right, and his congressional staffers in Albuquerque and Washington, who provide top-notch constituent services. He also thanked his family for the sacrifices they made as he flew back and forth to Washington over the past two years. Rep. Heinrich thanked his Jon Barela for his "spirited camapaign and his willingness to serve."

Rep. Heinrich noted that "a great campaign team doesn't get your there if the volunteers never show up, if the supporters don't help, and we had the most incredible army of folks knocking on doors and making phone calls -- hundreds of thousands of them."

Martin said another reason for the victory was that "we had the courage of our convictions. Unlike a lot of folks this year, I never shrank from the fact that I was proud I voted for health care reform in a country that needed it (huge cheers). And we will keep fighting to make New Mexico the clean energy jobs capitol of the world. I'm proud of the fact that we put mortgages here in Albuquerque and throughout New Mexico and people's homes ahead of the Wall Street CEOs at AIG and Goldman Sachs."

He extended his thanks to all of NM-01, saying, "I want to thank all of the people in this district, every single one of them -- the ones who were right there making sure we were re-elected tonight and the ones who disagree with me. Because I've learned so much from them traveling this district, sitting down with people one on one, and I am in their debt. This opportunity to serve again is something that means a great deal to me and I do not take it lightly."

Turning to the unfinished business at hand, Rep. Heinrich said, "Our nation has as many challenges today as it did yesterday, and it's time for us to roll up our sleeves, work with each other -- including across the aisle -- and get back to work on behalf of the people of this great state."

Heinrich Turns Back Last-Minute Barela Surge
Until the last weeks of the campaign, Rep. Heinrich had been sitting on at least a somewhat comfortable lead of a 6-7 points according to most polling. A visit by President Barack Obama to a residence in Albuquerque's South Valley at the end of September helped shore up support for Rep. Heinrich.

However, in the final weeks of the campaign, more than $3 million of outside money from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others poured into the district in support of Barela -- much of it funding dishonest attack ads. The struggling GOP candidate then started to pick up some momentum. Internal polling by the Heinrich campaign reportedly had him up by a couple points, while Barela claimed his internals had him up by a couple percentage points. The final Albuquerque Journal poll released this past Sunday claimed that Barela had moved ahead by two points.

A combination of Heinrich's solid debate performances, fact-checking analyses that revealed the dishonesty of several of Barela's attack ads and a stepped up, strategic savvy and a well-targeted and highly effective GOTV ground game made the difference. The Heinrich campaign's phone banking and canvassing operation was running on all cylinders all the way through election day, until the polls closed at 7:00 PM. In the end, the campaign's hard-working candidate and staff, along with a determined swarm of loyal volunteers, won the day.

50+ waiting vote at 6:50 PM last night, RFK in South Valley

To see our previous posts on this race, visit our archive.

November 3, 2010 at 03:35 PM in 2010 General Election, Jon Barela, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | |

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Right Wing Horror Show: Susana Martinez, Steve Pearce, Jon Barela, Tom Mullins AND Karl Rove

See greedy, anti-working family monsters Steve Pearce, Jon Barela, Susana Martinez, Tom Mullins and Karl Rove mash it up as only teabaggers can. Kinky little buggers. Don't let them trick er treat at your house -- they have only monstrous tricks (and lies) up their sleeves ...

October 31, 2010 at 03:02 AM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Jon Barela, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, NM-02 Congressional Race 2010, NM-03 Congressional Race 2010, Republican Party, Steve Pearce, Susana Martinez | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New TV Ad: Martin Heinrich Pledges to Keep Fighting for New Mexicans

The Martin Heinrich for Congress campaign has announced the release of its next television advertisement highlighting Martin’s commitment to keep fighting to grow jobs in New Mexico, preserve Social Security and make sure our veterans get the benefits they’ve earned. The ad, titled “By Now,” began running today on network television stations (video above, transcript below).

Note: Rep. Heinrich's final fundraiser before the election is set for tonight at O'Niell's Irish Pub in Nob Hill, Albuquerque, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. He'll be joined by Sen. Tom Udall and DNC Chair Tim Kaine. Outside special interests so far have spent about $1.3 million for nasty opposition ads against Rep. Heinrich. We need to step up once more and help give him the resources to stay on the air during the waning days of the campaign. R.S.V.P. to Jeff at (505) 242-4416 or email Jeffrey.Gordon@MartinHeinrich.com

The campaign also needs as many volunteers as possible. Call one of Martin's campaign offices and set up a time to phone bank and/or canvass!


MARTIN HEINRICH: By now, we’ve all had enough of these commercials. But it’s important to remember just what’s at stake in this election.

Especially in times like these, New Mexicans need a Representative who works hard for them, one who puts our interests ahead of the special interests. I’ve always done that and with your vote, I’ll keep fighting to grow jobs in New Mexico, preserve Social Security and make sure our veterans get the benefits they’ve earned.

I’m Martin Heinrich and I approve this message because there is still so much work to be done.

October 27, 2010 at 01:58 PM in NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Political Ads, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | |

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

10/30: Get Out The Vote Rally With Denish, Udall, Heinrich and Bingaman at AFSCME in Albuquerque

From Labor 2010: Ready to turn things around? Join Diane Denish, Sen. Tom Udall, Rep. Martin Heinrich and Sen. Jeff Bingaman for a free BBQ and Get Out The Vote Rally hosted by Labor 2010 on Saturday, October 30th, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at Labor 2010 headquarters. The event will take place at the AFSCME office located at 1202 Pennsylvania NE in Albuquerque (map). Click for a flyer and pass it on to your friends, neighbors and family.

Bring your family for food and fun! Get ready to vote! Speak with Labor’s endorsed candidates about the future of New Mexico and how WE will, together, turn things around. Please RSVP to NMLabor2010@gmail.com or 505.489.3820.

Note: Saturday, October 30, is the last day of early voting in New Mexico for the November 2nd election. Click to find your nearest and its hours of operation. If you haven't yet done so, please vote early!

October 26, 2010 at 02:17 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Diane Denish, Events, Labor, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Tom Udall | Permalink | Comments (0)

10/27 at O'Niell's: Martin Heinrich's Final Fundraiser with Tom Udall, DNC Chair Tim Kaine

You Are Cordially Invited to
Martin Heinrich's
with special guests
U.S. Senator Tom Udall
DNC Chairman Tim Kaine
Wednesday, October 27th, 5:30-7:30 PM
O’Niell’s Irish Pub
4310 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Suggested Contribution:
Host: $500, Sponsor: $100, Individual: $50

More than 50 people have already sent their R.S.V.P. but there is still plenty of space! Please help us plan by calling in your R.S.V.P. to Jeff at (505) 242-4416 or email Jeffrey.Gordon@MartinHeinrich.com.

October 26, 2010 at 12:08 PM in Democratic Party, Events, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Sen. Tom Udall | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jon Barela Accepts Campaign Cash From Anadarko of BP Oil Spill Fame and THE Citizens United

In the NM-01 congressional race, GOP candidate Jon Barela revealed in his 48-hour campaign funding report to the FEC over the weekend that he took money from two of the most infamous, filthy players on the national scene. 

Bp Barela reported a $2500 donation from Anadarko Petroleum Corp PAC. Does that name ring a bell? Anadarko was one of the parties responsible for BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig blowout and explosion that killed 11 workers and caused the spewing "leak" that went on for months in the Gulf of Mexico. Anadarko was a business partner with BP on the project, holding a 25 percent financial investment in the well.

Why would Anadarko be giving Jon Barela money? A new article in the Wall Street Journal explains:

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. led the way among smaller firms drilling in the Gulf of Mexico's deep waters. Now, the company is bracing for a tougher regulatory climate, and faces uncertainty over costs from a massive oil spill.

...The uncertainties loom as companies begin to apply for permits to drill in the Gulf after a five-month deep-water moratorium was lifted on Oct. 12. Still, companies aren't sure how soon or how many permits will be issued.

... In a July report, the consulting firm Grant Thornton LLP named Anadarko ... as a likely candidate for selling its deep-water assets. The report argued that if Congress removed the $75 million liability cap on oil spills, insurance would become prohibitively expensive for independents [like Anadarko].

... legislation ... has since been approved by the House that would require companies operating in deep water to demonstrate $300 million in financial responsibility ... the fate of that legislation is uncertain beyond the November elections.

Get the picture? Anadarko is into donating to Barela, who has a nice, strong anti-regulatory bent and isn't exactly what you'd call an environmental champion.

Anadarko clearly hopes Barela will be in office to vote no on upping the liability cap for companies responsible for deep water oil spills. With a change in the NM-01 seat and with the possibility of the Republicans taking over the U.S. House, Anadarko might get away with only $75 million in liabilities instead of $300 million, and also might get more favorable treatment in the granting of future deep water drilling permits in the Gulf.

Barela also took money from Anadarko's PAC before the spill, but this is the first time their PAC has contributed to his campaign since the horror in the Gulf. 

Images-2 Next Up: Citizens United
Barela's weekend report also revealed that he accepted $1000 from Citizens United Political Victory Fund. Yes, THE Citizens United -- the plaintiff in the case against the FEC that resulted in a Supreme Court ruling allowing corporations to make unlimited independent campaign contributions while not disclosing their donors. You know, the ruling that's permitting millions and millions of dollars worth of corporate spending on ads across the nation this cycle -- almost all of which support right wingers.

You can read about the checkered past of the ultra-conservative Citizens United organization on SouceWatch, including its connections to the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth (hey, Swiftboater Bob Perry gave $450,000 to the GOP's candidate for governor in New Mexico, Susana Martinez) and many other nefarious plots and campaigns. And yes, there's a big Texas connection. 

So, the truly awful Citizens United wants to see Jon Barela in a U.S. House seat, as does Anadarko of BP oil spill fame. That should tell any voter with a brain and a conscience all they need to know about Mr. Barela. On the side of ordinary working families? I don't think so.

Martin Heinrich to the Rescue
On the other hand, in order to restore transparency to our election system, Rep. Martin Heinrich cosponsored the Disclose Act, a bill that would undo at least some of the damage of the flawed ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and require these kind of groups to disclose their donors. The bill would also require groups to put a face to their message by appearing on television advertisements to approve of messages, just as political candidates are currently required to do.

Heinrich is also a cosponsor of the Fair Elections Now Act, which would allow qualified congressional candidates to receive grants and matching funds to run competitive campaigns instead of relying on contributions from lobbyists and other special interests. It would institute a voluntary system of campaign public financing similar to the system we have here in Albuquerque.

October 25, 2010 at 09:30 PM in Corporatism, Energy, Jon Barela, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Right Wing | |

Heinrich Honored to Receive Support of U.S. Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar

Salazar and Heinrich on Sunday in Santa Fe

Nice boost! Martin Heinrich was joined yesterday by U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in support of his reelection to Congress.

"New Mexico is one of the top five states in the country for the new energy frontier," Secretary Salazar said during an interview with the Albuquerque Journal, on Sunday, October 24,2010. "We're doing a tremendous amount of work still on conventional oil and gas, but when you look at the potential for solar, wind and geothermal energy New Mexico ranks near the very top. [Martin] has a huge interest in renewable energy and he's working hard to make sure that the world knows about clean energy jobs and New Mexico."

In September, the U.S. Department of Interior building in Washington, D.C. was renamed the Stewart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building at a ceremony attended by Martin, Secretary Salazar, and the rest of the New Mexico Congressional Delegation. Martin introduced the bill in the House of Representatives that provided for this honor for former U.S. Secretary Udall.

October 25, 2010 at 03:24 PM in Energy, Environment, Green Economy, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | |

Today 10/25: Town of Bernalillo Heinrich-Udall Early Vote Rally, Chat with Westside Supporters

Heinrich early vote rally and phone bank last week

Join Congressman Martin Heinrich and special guest Senator Tom Udall today, October 25, for an Early Vote Rally from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at The Range Cafe, 925 S. Camino Del Pueblo in Bernalillo (map). Refreshments Provided! Albuquerque's own Django Rhythm Meat Grinders will be playing! Transportation will be available to take participants to an Early Voting site.

Afterwards, join Rep. Heinrich for a chat from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM at his Westside campaign office, located at 3805 Atrisco Drive NW in Albuquerque (map).

Early voting continues thru October 30. Click for and hours in your county.

October 25, 2010 at 12:19 PM in 2010 General Election, Events, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Sen. Tom Udall | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Environment New Mexico Endorses Heinrich, Teague, Luján

Today Environment New Mexico, with over 13,000 members and activists, announced its endorsement of Representatives Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Harry Teague (NM-02) and Ben Ray Luján (NM-03) for this November’s election. The organization cited their records on dealing with our energy crisis, ending America’s dependence on oil and curbing global warming pollution. According to the organization, Heinrich, Teague and Luján voted for policies to create more than 11,000 clean energy jobs and cut energy costs by more than $450 per year per household in New Mexico.

“These candidates have been consistent and effective leaders, producing real results that are moving New Mexico toward energy independence, creating clean energy jobs and cracking down on dangerous carbon pollution,” said Sanders Moore, Advocate for Environment New Mexico, in a statement. “New Mexicans are at work today in jobs manufacturing solar energy systems and building wind farms, consumers are saving money and pollution is being reduced because of policies they have helped put in place"

Environment New Mexico pointed to the most recent Council of Economic Advisors’ report that shows the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act is responsible for 19,000 jobs in New Mexico to date, including a large number of clean energy jobs.

“While campaign cash from Big Oil and the polluter lobby is drowning our political system, Representatives Heinrich, Teague and Lujan have consistently stood up to powerful interests and fought for our parks, the quality of our air and water and the promise of a clean energy economy,” said Moore.

Environment New Mexico will be mobilizing its members to support these candidates in the November election and to make sure their voice is heard on critical environmental issues facing New Mexico.

October 22, 2010 at 12:46 PM in Climate, Energy, Environment, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, NM-02 Congressional Race 2010, NM-03 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03), Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02), Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Upcoming Early Vote Rally Events at UNM, ABQ NE Heights, Bernalillo, S. Valley, Los Lunas and Elsewhere

Voteearly Early voting at a variety of sites is now taking place all over New Mexico, and will go through October 30, 2010. Click for of early voting locations in your area. Sample ballots are available here. Click for dates and locations of Democratic in various areas of the state. They offer opportunities to meet candidates, as well as free refreshments, music, etc. They are either close to early voting sites or offer transportation to the nearest site.

Click for an interactive map that shows all the details about upcoming Early Vote Rally events in New Mexico's First Congressional District with Rep. Martin Heinrich and other Democratic candidates.

October 17, 2010 at 01:33 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Diane Denish, Events, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (1)

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