Friday, January 04, 2013

Lujan Grisham Appointed to House Budget Committee and Elected President of the Democratic Freshman Class of the 113th Congress

A warm congratulations to Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham for her swearing into the 113th Congress that occured yesterday.

Two press releases from Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham:

Today, U.S. Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-01) announced she won a prized seat on the House Budget Committee.

“I worked hard to get on the Budget Committee to ensure that the first district receives the investments it needs. With the fiscal challenges continuing, the committee is crucial to deciding whether we will invest our way out of this recovery or we will cut our way out. I will work to develop and implement budget choices that reflect our priorities and values; get people back to work; and ensure a bright future for our children. That starts with strong investments in health care, education, and energy, as well as infrastructure. I look forward to working with Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen from Maryland and all the members of the Budget committee.”

The Budget Committee is responsible for developing the annual budget resolution which sets forth the levels of spending, revenue, the deficit or surplus, and public debt. The budget resolution also creates parameters within which Congress can consider legislation dealing with spending and revenue. The Budget Committee impacts all issues from Defense and Veterans Affairs’ to Education and Health Care policy.

Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-01) represents all of Torrance County parts of Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Valencia Counties. She additionally serves on the House Committee on Agriculture in the 113th Congress.

Also this exciting news was sent out by the Congresswoman:

Today, Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisham (NM-01) was elected by her fellow freshman Democratic members to serve as President of their Freshman Class for the second session of the 113th Congress. Rep. Lujan Grisham was the only female elected to be Class President.

As President of the Democratic Freshman Class, Rep. Lujan Grisham will work with her freshman colleagues and House Democratic leadership to formulate policy agendas and legislative priorities. She will also serve as a representative to House Leadership on behalf of her freshman classmates. “I’m excited to take on this leadership position,” said Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham. “I am so proud of the Freshman Class. We come to this institution at a challenging time, but I know we are ready and looking to ensure it responds to the needs of the American people once again. I will work with my colleagues and our leadership team to make sure we are unified in our commitment to addressing the priorities of middle class families – from Social Security and Medicare to education and rising health care costs.”

January 4, 2013 at 01:04 PM in Agriculture, Michelle Lujan Grisham | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Michelle Lujan Grisham Joins Congressional Hispanic Caucus in Support of Comprehensive Immigration Reform

MlgPress release from CD1-elect Michelle Lujan Grisham

Congresswoman-elect Michelle Lujan Grisham joined her colleagues from the Congressional Hispanic Congress today in reaffirming support for a comprehensive immigration plan.

“A comprehensive immigration plan must include a balanced, workable solution for the agriculture industry that ensures agricultural workers have a route to citizenship and employers have the workers and American agriculture continues to lead in our global economy,” Congresswoman-elect Lujan Grisham said at a news conference today.

The Caucus outlined nine principals of immigration reform, which include:

1. Requires the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. to register with the federal government, submit to fingerprinting and a criminal background check, learn English and American civics, and pay taxes to contribute fully and legally to our economy and earn a path to permanent residency and eventual citizenship;

2. Protects the unity and sanctity of the family, including the families of bi-national, same-sex couples, by reducing the family backlogs and keeping spouses, parents, and children together;

3. Attracts the best and the brightest investors, innovators, and skilled professionals, including those in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies, to help strengthen our economy, create jobs, and build a brighter future for all Americans;

4. Builds on the extraordinary success of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and incorporates DREAMers – those who were brought to the U.S. at a young age and are Americans but for a piece of paper – into the mainstream of life in the United States through a path to citizenship so that America benefits from their scholastic achievements, military service and pursuit of their dreams;

5. Includes a balanced, workable solutions for the agriculture industry that ensures agricultural workers have a route to citizenship and employers have the workers and American agriculture continues to lead in our global economy;

6. Ends the exploitation of U.S. and immigrant workers by providing sufficient, safe, and legal avenues for foreign workers to fill legitimate gaps in our workforce, with full labor rights, protection from discrimination, and a reasonable path to permanence that lifts up wages and working conditions for both native and foreign-born workers and their families;

7. Ensures smart an reasonable enforcement that protects our borders and fosters commerce by targeting serious criminals and real threats at our northern and southern borders and promotes the safe and legitimate movement of people and goods at our ports of entry and which are essential to our economy;

8. Establishes a workable employment verification system that prevents unlawful employment and rewards employers and employees who play by the rules, while protecting Americans’ right to work and their privacy; and

9. Renews our commitment to citizenship, to ensure all workers pay their fair share of taxes, fully integrate into our way of life and bear the same responsibilities as all Americans and reaffirms our shared belief that the Citizenship Clause of the Constitution is a fundamental freedom that must be preserved.

November 28, 2012 at 06:30 PM in Hispanic Issues, Immigration, Michelle Lujan Grisham | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Congressman Luján Elected First Vice Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and Congresswoman elect Michelle Lujan Grisham elected Whip

Two Huge Cheers for New Mexico's Congressman Ben Ray Lujan elected First Vice Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus by his colleagues! And Congresswoman elect Michelle Lujan-Grisham elected as Whip.

Brl sfrCongressman Luján issued the following press release from the CHC announcing the caucus’ new leadership. (Photo at right from Santa Fe Reporter)

Chairman Charles A. Gonzalez (TX 20) released this statement following the election of Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (TX 15) as CHC Chairman for the 113th Congress, Rep. Ben Ray Luján (NM03) as First Vice Chair, Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA39) as Second Vice Chair and Congresswoman-elect Michelle Luján Grisham (NM01) as Whip.

Chairman Charles A. Gonzalez (TX 20):  “It has been an honor to serve as CHC Chairman alongside Congressman Hinojosa and I’m certain that his extensive experience as a legislator and an advocate for Hispanic issues will greatly benefit the CHC of the 113th Congress.“Congressman Hinojosa’s passion for extending opportunities to Hispanic youth was demonstrated by his tireless efforts on the CHC’s Education Task Force and as First Vice Chair. I look forward to seeing how his abilities as a strong leader and advocate, combined with the largest delegation of Latinos to ever serve in Congress, will advance the issues most vital to our community.”

Rep. Rubén Hinojosa (TX 15), Chair-elect: "I want to thank my colleagues for showing their support as I proudly take on the role of the Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. For 36 years the CHC has focused on legislative priorities covering all areas that have a direct impact on the Hispanic or Latino community. We will continue to bring new ideas and new vigor to pave our way towards our great future in this country.
“In the 113th Congress we will have 30 Latinos in Congress. This is the largest Hispanic group in our nation's history to serve in Congress. The recent Presidential election proves that the Latino vote is a crucial voting bloc. No longer will our voices be silenced. No longer will we be placed in the back of the line.
“The challenges we face are arduous and no doubt we will suffer some set-backs during our climb, but we will not turn back. I along with my fellow CHC colleagues will join with President Obama as we work to pass comprehensive immigration reform. We will work together to not only allow DREAM Act students to earn a college degree, but to grant them a path to citizenship in the U.S.A., the country they already call home.
“As the new Chairman of the CHC, I will work to reorganize task forces to address high priority issues such as: our economy and creating jobs, addressing and improving the way home mortgages and micro loans are handled for our Latino communities and small businesses. On health care, we will address particular areas of the Affordable Care Act and make certain that our doctors and hospitals are reimbursed. In education we must protect the Pell Grant so that it does not drop below the current $5,550. We will also see that the Direct Federal College Loan Program continues to offer our children an opportunity to register and attend college.
“Again, I thank my colleagues for their faith in me and together we will continue to improve the quality of life for not only the Latino community but for all Americans."

Rep. Ben Ray Luján (NM03): “This is an important time for the Hispanic community across the country as we have seen our numbers and influence increase in all facets, from government to small businesses. I am honored to have the opportunity to represent the members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus as First Vice Chair, and I look forward to working with them and my colleagues in the House to advocate for an agenda that helps Hispanics, and indeed all Americans, by growing our economy, spurring job creation, and investing in education.”

Rep. Linda T. Sánchez (CA39): “It is an honor to have been selected by my colleagues to serve as the Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ Second Vice-Chair. I look forward to working with the CHC to address the issues that matter most to Latinos. I am excited to work with the CHC to ensure we create jobs, grow our economy, and achieve comprehensive immigration reform. It is also with great pleasure that I welcome the new members of the CHC. Together we will fight to ensure that Latinos have a strong voice in Congress.”

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), founded in December 1976, is organized as a Congressional Member organization, governed under the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. The CHC is dedicated to voicing and advancing, through the legislative process, issues affecting Hispanics in the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Territories.

November 15, 2012 at 06:39 PM in Hispanic Issues, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM Congressional Delegation, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Michelle Lujan Grisham Highlights Vision for Middle Class During Candidate Debate

Opponent Embraces Ryan Budget, Has No Plan for Jobs

Democratic Congressional Nominee Michelle Lujan Grisham delivered a strong debate performance on Sunday, successfully highlighting why she is the only candidate with a vision and a plan to restore the middle class and stop Republicans from gutting Medicare.

“Too many New Mexicans are worried about keeping their job or even having a job; too many people are going without health care; and too many of our children don’t have the same educational opportunities that we once had,” Lujan Grisham said during today’s debate, hosted by Congregation Albert.

“I’m running for Congress to take responsibility for putting the middle class first.”

Michelle’s Republican opponent kicked off the debate embracing Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan and his plan to gut Medicare. Ryan’s plan would also slash funding for Sandia Labs by 10 percent. When asked about maintaining Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, Janice Arnold-Jones said: “I support Paul Ryan’s approach.”

Michelle Lujan Grisham said she will stand up to the Tea Party Republicans in Congress who are using the Ryan budget as a blueprint for gutting Medicare and waging a war against the middle class.

“I believe that the Ryan budget…walks away from the most vulnerable of New Mexicans and Americans,” Lujan Grisham said.

“Sure you’ve got to make tough decisions,” Lujan Grisham said. “But you don’t make those on the backs of the people who are less fortunate. You don’t ask the middle class to do more. And you don’t pretend that the very social programs that we’re talking about haven’t in fact lifted a great number of Americans out of povertyArnold-Jones also downplayed job creation as a priority for Congress, saying her top priority will be passing a budget.

As a small business owner, Lujan Grisham emphasized repeatedly during the debate that her top priority in Congress will be to create jobs for New Mexicans.

“Jobs have got to be the number one priority,” Lujan Grisham said, noting her successful efforts to create jobs as a Bernalillo County Commissioner. “We’ve got to get the economy moving. Too many people are waiting for us.”

Michelle Lujan Grisham said she will work to end the Bush tax cuts for the rich and close corporate loopholes that allow companies to ship jobs overseas.

September 13, 2012 at 10:04 PM in Economy, Populism, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Monday, August 06, 2012

NM01: Michelle Lujan Grisham Changes Two Young Women's Lives; Guest Blog

Following is a guest blog by Hannah Roberto and Addie Bordegaray two young women entering their senior year of high school. They are Michelle Lujan Grisham's summer intern extraordinaires! Thank you Michelle for helping these two young women along a path that has influenced their lives.

Photo 3 crop
Hannah and Addie!

On the very first Friday of our pivotal summer between junior and senior year in high school, we helped Mary Ellen organize her campaign party, not knowing that it would open a new window of opportunity for us. While greeting partygoers and collecting donations, we met Michelle Lujan Grisham and immediately hit it off during a casual conversation about summer and adolescent fun. We joked around about helping Michelle’s campaign in any way she needed and then gave our contact information to her campaign manager, Dominic Gabello, not expecting a call back. Within 48 hours, we were contacted by a staff member at the campaign who invited us to come in to help with calls, canvassing, and other campaign activities.

The following Monday, we went to her office down Mountain Road and 6th Street, not knowing what to expect. As we walked in, we were greeted by unfamiliar, yet friendly faces and were immediately put to work on contacting voters. Within the first two hours in the office, we were whisked away to a couple of news interviews and other events in which Michelle was being showcased. All of this seemed as though it was a dream. Within a couple days we were already experiencing a side of politics we had never seen before.

We began working for Michelle 11 days before the crucial primary election, and to say things were hectic would be a HUGE understatement. For 12 hours a day during the next two weeks, we made phone calls, knocked on doors, and did whatever was necessary to convince people to vote for Michelle. Everyone thought it was crazy that two 17-year-old girls would be so dedicated to this campaign so early, but we felt a connection to Michelle from the first day we met her, and knew we would do whatever it took to help her succeed. Little did we know that every phone call and knock on a door would help lead to a five point margin victory in the primary election.

Immediately following the election, Dominic asked us to take on the role of formal campaign interns and help Michelle through the General Election on November 6. Obviously, this sounded too good to be true! Who would’ve thought that two weeks of grueling hard work could lead to an opportunity that not only benefits us now, but will do so greatly in the future? Being an intern on Michelle’s campaign has taught us life skills, as well as the ins-and-outs of a political campaign. The skills we gain from working for Michelle are not just limited to politics, but will help us to succeed in any career endeavors we have in the future. Aside from just the professional standpoint, we also have formed bonds with many of our co-workers and have had the privilege to meet and get to know so many people just through this opportunity.

To us, this isn’t just a summer job that we were lucky to grab; it is much more than that. This opportunity has shown us what it’s like to have a serious and time consuming job, how to connect to people from all walks of life, and how to take chances and use them to benefit not only us, but our future. We could not be more grateful to Michelle and Dominic for giving us this chance, but we will stop at nothing to make them proud and to see Michelle not only win this election, but be the fantastic Congresswoman we know she can be!

August 6, 2012 at 04:38 PM in Candidates & Races, Guest Blogger, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Women's Issues, Youth | Permalink | Comments (7)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Michelle Lujan Grisham Endorsed by League of Conservation Voters Action Fund

Democratic Congressional nominee Michelle Lujan Grisham was endorsed today by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, which works to elect candidates who will implement sound environmental policies.

“New Mexico families have trusted Michelle to put in place environmental safeguards to protect public health and our natural resources for more than twenty years. It’s time we had her leadership in Congress. LCV Action Fund is proud to endorse Michelle Lujan Grisham,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski.

Michelle Lujan Grisham won a hard-fought, three-way, primary race in June. She is dedicated to protecting New Mexico’s environment and natural resources.

“I will always fight to protect our clean air, quality water and our pristine land,” Lujan Grisham said. “I have the experience and energy to end the gridlock in Washington and stand up to corporate polluters who need to do more to reduce greenhouse gas.”

Michelle was appointed by three New Mexico governors to serve as Director and Cabinet Secretary of the Department of Aging and Long-Term Services. She also served as the Secretary of the Department of Health. She was elected in 2010 to serve on the Bernalillo County Commission, and has supported efforts to protect our limited groundwater from pollution by replacing aging and unsafe home septic systems.

July 27, 2012 at 04:24 PM in Candidates & Races, Environment, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Michelle Lujan Grisham Endorsed by New Mexico Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO

Democratic Congressional Nominee Michelle Lujan Grisham announced her endorsement by the New Mexico Federal of Labor, AFL-CIO, a coalition of 24 unions representing 25,000 members across the state.

“Michelle Lujan Grisham is the perfect candidate for this critical seat,” said Federation President Jon Hendry. “NM District One was always Republican until Martin Heinrich won it in 2008 and retained it in 2010. Michelle will win the seat with our help and support. With her record of hard work and constituent service she will retain this seat while proudly representing working families.”

Michelle Lujan Grisham said she is especially pleased to earn the AFL-CIO endorsement at the same time that Republicans in Congress are preparing to vote to extend the Bush tax breaks for millionaires.

“I’m proud to stand with New Mexico’s working families, who are struggling to make ends meet while Republicans are cutting taxes for the wealthy,” Michelle Lujan Grisham said. “My priority in Congress will be to rebuild the economy by strengthening the Middle Class.”

New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District, which has traditionally been held by Republicans, has earned a spot on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s highly competitive Red-to-Blue program. The DCCC recognizes that Lujan Grisham surpassed demanding fundraising, organizing, and infrastructure goals and skillfully demonstrated to voters that she is a problem-solver who will protect the middle class when elected to Congress.

July 23, 2012 at 07:12 PM in Candidates & Races, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Unions | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, July 16, 2012

NM CD1: Michelle Lujan Grisham Out-raises Opponent 5-to-1 in Last Quarter

Democratic Congressional nominee Michelle Lujan Grisham raised more than $459,000 during the last three months in the race for New Mexico’s 1st District, with nearly $900,000 million raised since the start of the race. Lujan Grisham won a competitive, three-way primary race on June 5 against two well-known Democrats.

“Michelle’s impressive primary-election victory has energized people throughout the district who embrace her fight to restore the Middle Class,” campaign manager Dominic Gabello said.

Michelle Lujan Grisham campaign-finance report, filed with the Federal Election Commission, shows that her campaign raised $459,024.57 for the 2nd quarter of the year (April-June). The campaign raised $353,232.04 since the last reporting period in mid-May, nearly a 5-to-1 advantage over her general election opponent. The campaign has $203,606.70 cash on hand, a nearly 3-to-1 advantage over her opponent, despite the fact that Michelle had a competitive primary race.

New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District, which has traditionally been held by Republicans, has earned a spot on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s highly competitive Red-to-Blue program. The DCCC recognizes that Lujan Grisham surpassed demanding fundraising, organizing, and infrastructure goals and skillfully demonstrated to voters that she is a problem-solver who will protect the middle class when elected to Congress.

July 16, 2012 at 08:55 PM in Candidates & Races, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Affordable Care Act Upheld by Supreme Court

The Health care reform act was challenged clear up to the US Supreme Court and the decision was rendered today. It is satisfying to know the highest court in the land upheld the constitutionality of this important legislation. The final deciding vote was cast by Chief Judge John Roberts, appointed by Bush 43.

This will not stop the republicans at all, in fact it will embolden them. As Pearce says at the end of these statements, "The House has scheduled a vote on the full repeal of ObamaCare during the week of July 9."

What a contrast of message from the R's to the D's about good news for the people of this Country.

Let's contribute to the State races for the NM House of Representatives. You know the SusanaPac is rolling in the dough today with this news. Please start with a contribution to my race for NM House District 30. Please go to this ActBlue link here, thank you in advance.

Below are the statements from all of NM Congressional leaders:

Congressman Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico’s CD-3 released the following statement today on the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

“For too long, families and small businesses in New Mexico have seen their health care costs skyrocket as they continue to pay more and receive less. The ranks of the uninsured grew while insurance companies continued to deny or drop coverage for those who needed it most. That is why President Obama and Democrats in Congress took action to pass health insurance reform that ends the insurance companies’ worst abuses, expands coverage, and takes steps to bring down costs for hard-working New Mexicans.

“Today’s decision by the Supreme Court to uphold the law is an important victory for the people of New Mexico. Young adults will be able to remain on their parents’ insurance plan, those with pre-existing conditions will be assured that they will have health insurance, and seniors will continue to pay less for prescription drugs and receive free preventive care.

“It is now abundantly clear that the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land and that the people of New Mexico will continue to benefit from its many important provisions.”

Congressman Martin Heinrich (CD-1) Statement On Supreme Court Decision Upholding Health Care Reform 

U.S. Senate candidate Martin Heinrich released the following statement today after the Supreme Court ruled the Affordable Care Act constitutional:

“The Supreme Court has spoken, declaring the Affordable Care Act constitutional. This decision means New Mexicans will continue to benefit from expanded access to quality, affordable health care.

“Now it’s time to move on to the major economic problems facing our country. Our focus needs to be on creating jobs and getting our economy back on track. The finger-pointing needs to end and Washington needs to get its priorities straight by cutting waste and ending the Bush tax breaks for millionaires and companies that outsource jobs, so we can focus on job creation and strengthening Social Security and Medicare."

Michelle Lujan Grisham Candidate for CD-1: Health Care Debate Must Shift to Controlling Costs

Congressional candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has spent her career as an advocate for quality health care, said the Supreme Court’s decision today is a victory for the thousands of New Mexico families that deserve access to quality, affordable health care.

“This is a victory for New Mexico families because insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to people with asthma, cancer or heart disease, or force women to pay more for health care,” Michelle Lujan Grisham said. “This is a good first step toward reforming our broken health care system.

“However, there is still work to be done. When I get to Congress I will work to require health insurance companies to put patients before profits. We must control health care costs, improve quality and train more health care workers.”

Senator Udall Statement on Supreme Court’s Health Care Ruling Following the Supreme Court's 5-4 ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:

"When Congress and President Obama first took up this issue, we knew it wouldn't be easy. The Supreme Court's decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act is the best possible outcome for the American people. Today, quality, affordable health care is a major step closer to becoming a reality for millions of Americans who live one accident or diagnosis away from losing everything. For these families, health care is an economic matter with the very real consequences of life, death and bankruptcy. As a nation, and across New Mexico, we cannot afford to go back to just a short time ago when insurance coverage for all was further from reach, when children with cancer could be denied coverage, and when unemployed, recent college graduates would be kicked off their parents' insurance by age 22.

"We can still improve upon the law we've put into place, but today, New Mexico has already received more than $200 million in grants and loans to establish an insurance exchange, strengthen community health centers, train new health professionals and so much more. Since passing the law, more than 26,000 young adults under 26-years-old in our state have been allowed to stay on their parents’ insurance plans. Almost 20,000 New Mexico seniors on Medicare received a rebate to help cover prescription costs when they hit the donut hole in 2010. And 285,000 New Mexicans with private health insurance no longer have to pay a deductible or copayment for preventive care like physicals, cancer screenings and vaccinations. More is yet to come.

"Today's decision marks another turning point in our country's approach to health care equality. Now’s the time to put aside partisanship and work together to make our health care policy even stronger."

Republican NMCD-2 Rep. Steve Pearce issued the following statement:

Supreme Court Decision Allows for New Obamacare Tax on New Mexico Families

“I have long believed that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2011 was an unconstitutional overreach by the President. ObamaCare is a violation of our individual rights and an expansion of federal government power our nation’s founders would have found unfathomable.

“The Supreme Court, which has the responsibility of interpreting the law, found this overreach acceptable as a tax. While I do not agree, I respect its authority to make this interpretation.

“Since day one, the Obama Administration has denied that his law was a tax on the American people. Yet, the Obama Administration will claim victory, when all this law does is assess a greater financial burden on hardworking American families and small business owners.

“ObamaCare puts government bureaucrats between patients and their doctors, hurts small businesses and creates trillions in new government spending that will add a huge new weight to our already overloaded deficit.

“We need to get back to work on repealing this ‘tax’ and reforming our healthcare system. These reforms must be focused on protecting patient access to the care they need from the doctor they choose.”

The Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that the law is constitutional. The House has scheduled a vote on the full repeal of ObamaCare during the week of July 9.

June 28, 2012 at 04:17 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Healthcare, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Health Care Reform, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-03), Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Sen. Tom Udall, Steve Pearce | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Vote for Michelle on Emily's List: Voting Ends at 10:00 MT Today Monday

Mlg emily's listGo to the EMILY's List website, enter your name, email address, and zip code and vote for Michelle.

It's big: EMILY's List will send out an email to their nationwide network about Michelle before the June 30th filing deadline IF she gets the most votes!

Go to EMILY's List NOW, and vote for Michelle!

Tell a friend and ask them to vote.

Just enter your name, email address, zip code, click on the picture of Michelle, and press the SUBMIT button. That's it.

Voting ends Monday at 9:59 pm Mountain Time so don't delay!

June 25, 2012 at 10:49 AM in Action Alerts, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ready for the Next Step of this Journey

Ready for the next step of this journey from Michelle Lujan Grisham's campaign for Congessional District 1.

Election Night

It was because of your support and your votes that I have the honor and privilege of being your Democratic nominee for New Mexico's First Congressional District. I was considered the third-place candidate in what, last March, was being called a 2-man race, but our message rang true with voters. I had two formidable candidates who want the best for New Mexico, but, I believe my history of advocacy, of doing what is right for others - whatever the political climate - made the difference in this election.

Now, we have a new challenge: beating the Republican hopeful for this Congressional seat. Make no mistake, Janice Arnold-Jones and the GOP will be tough opponents. I will continue to need your strong support throughout this race. This is a watershed moment for America - one where we could be faced with an empowered Republican Party fulfilling their agenda of dismantling Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and creating even more roadblocks for Americans trying to live the American Dream.

Working together, we can create a renewed strength - one where we develop an even stronger country based on compassion, shared sacrifices and shared opportunities., and a country where we put people first. I will be asking for your time, your votes and your donations over the next few months, and, in turn, I pledge to work tirelessly for you and for New Mexico.

Meet our Summer Interns

Summer Interns
Leilei, Hannah, Christina, Addie and Jane

We've been fortunate to bring on board five exceptional young women to help with our campaign this summer.

Leilei, from the Sichuan province of China, was an exchange student at UNM this last year. Her interest is in international relations and working at our office is her opportunity to learn about how the American political system works. She has been impressed with how Michelle engages with people, noting that, in China, politicians seldom interact with the public.

Christina is from Albuquerque and is a Sophomore at UNM majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications. She wanted to find an internship in the political field, and wanted to work for someone she could believe in. She put together a Thank-You video for us after the election.

Jane, a graduate of Eldorado High School, is now a Junior at Whitman College majoring in Politics. Jane was attracted to Michelle because of where she stands on the issues. Her mother is a nurse so she understands well the the challenges facing our healthcare system and is impressed with Michelle history of getting things done.

Hannah and Addie are friends entering their Senior years at Eldorado High School. Michelle met them at an announcement party for MaryEllen Broderick. Democratic Candidate for State House District 30. Hannah is interested in public relations, and Addie brings an unbounded energy to do whatever task is asked of her.

June 18, 2012 at 07:01 PM in Candidates & Races, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (3)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Final Countdown to Pre-Primary Election June 5, 2012

T minus 6 days.

Primaries are tough. This year the CD1 primary has been real tough. Barb had a way to wrap up all the "he said she said's." For me it is a struggle. I feel like I should have a striped shirt on and a whistle, yelling "Fowl, ten yard penalty". 

Who am I to say what is a penalty unless it is very blatant. And to be fair each claim brought up by a campaign against the other has to be researched in depth. So far Eric's campaign stating Michelle was in charge of the Ft Bayard complex when things were so horrible down there, is the most awful thing. However, what it triggers for me is how the poor souls living in those types of conditions still exist I am sure. Our society is not caring for our elderly. We do not staff the senior care centers right and more of us are getting old and will need care of some sort. Bottom line, the senior care centers need more funding and oversight. Reviewing the federal report briefly it appears Michelle worked very openly with the federal gov't when they stepped in to review this nightmare. But, I am sure it is still going on within this state somewhere. I had the pleasure of shadowing Michelle for a day back in February, to a Native American senior gathering, and these seniors just lit up seeing Michelle. Each one saying how she helped them out. I took video testimonials at the time but never had time to put them up. I will share one now.

As for Eric and his speeding tickets and other non violent fines, what can I say? First thing that comes to mind is "is that the best you all got?" Oh yeah, there is the fact that Eric only had one bill that he carried pass. For me that is a sign of the road block times we live in. No wonder he got speeding tickets after being in this legislature and seeing nothing get done, and very important measures being voted down, like senior care and oversight. I may be speeding too! Folks should not forget that Eric cast many many votes for all the other bills during his 4 years as a senator. They were the right votes and were very much needed for the people. I am sharing a video below of Eric speaking about the DREAM act, Let's think about all the people the DREAM act will help, kids that want to learn and make a difference.

Last but not least is Marty. Marty could still pull this out for sure. Marty has his pluses and minuses as all human beings. He is staying out of the finalist riffraff it appears. The fouls were being thrown early between Eric and Marty as CD1 candidates. There is no sense in revisiting these here and now. Suffice to say Marty could still pull out a win.

I am putting up a video below of all three candidates at a debate that was sponsored by Bern Co ward 11A. The question was about the budget, balancing the budget.

May 30, 2012 at 04:19 PM in Candidates & Races, Eric Griego, Martin Chavez, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Taxes | |

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