Monday, May 14, 2012

USDA Taps Lawrence Rael for Top Post in New Mexico

RaelMay 14, 2012 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced the appointment for State Executive Director (SED) of the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) in New Mexico. The secretary has tapped Lawrence Rael to serve the Obama Administration in this capacity.

The Farm Service Agency administers federal farm policy as laid out by Congress through a network of federal, state and county offices. FSA programs are designed to improve the economic stability of the agricultural industry and help agricultural producers adjust production to meet demand. Economically, the desired result of these programs is a steady price range for agricultural commodities for both producer and consumer.

As the State Executive Director for the New Mexico FSA, Rael will oversee all aspects of federal farm program delivery for an agency that employs nearly 1700 people and on average, issues more than $100 million annually in commodity, conservation, disaster and credit benefits to farmers and ranchers across the state.

“FSA plays a vital role in the economic viability of rural America. As the State Executive Director in New Mexico, I have a significant responsibility to insure the Agency is making wise use of taxpayer dollars and that our employees are provided the fiscal and human resources necessary to efficiently and effectively deliver our programs to the state’s agricultural producers,” said Rael.

Rael is a native New Mexican and life-long public servant. Rael served as the Executive Director for the Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) for eight years. While holding this position he was responsible for the comprehensive planning and development programs for twenty-seven local governments in the region. Prior to working with MRCOG, he spent twelve years as Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Albuquerque. While there, he coordinated the City of Albuquerque’s purchase of the Elena Gallegos land grant to preserve the area along the base of the Sandia Mountains, helped expand the Petroglyph National Monument, and preserve wetlands in the Rio Grande Valley. Rael also served as a Legislative Assistant to Senator Jeff Bingaman, Acting Deputy Secretary for the New Mexico Transportation Department, and State Program Director for New Mexico Employment Security Dept. He received his degree from the University of New Mexico.

Rael and his wife Kim have three children and reside in Los Ranchos.

May 14, 2012 at 04:08 PM in Lawrence Rael, Obama Administration, Rural Issues | Permalink | Comments (3)

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Homebuyers Energy Savings Tax Credit Bill Passes House 44-20, Introduced in Senate

Green chamber of commerceShort-term Tax Credit Encourages Consumers to Buy New Energy Efficient Homes or Upgrade Foreclosed Homes, Creating New Construction Jobs, Improving the Existing Unsold Home Market and Generating Net State Revenues

CS HB 177 the New Homebuyers Energy Savings Tax Credit plan that will create new construction jobs and generate important revenue passed the House Floor last evening and introduced to the Senate today. HB177 passed the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee and the House Taxation and Revenue without opposition.

The plan, analyzed by the non-partisan research organization Architecture 2030, builds on the success of the federal First Time Homebuyers Tax Credit, as a means of increasing new homes sales and renovations in a distressed housing market. The plan marries a refundable state tax credit with energy reduction targets in order to dramatically increase private spending, stimulate new building construction, expand the local tax base and generate much needed jobs and tax revenue.

"The Energy Efficient Home Income Tax Credit will create well-paying construction jobs, help New Mexico's working families save money on their utility bills, and make homes more affordable," said Representative Brian Egolf. "The proposal will also bring major benefits to small businesses statewide and help move foreclosed properties off the auction block and into a family's future. I look forward to bringing this bill to the House Floor."

"This tax credit goes directly to the consumer, for either upgrading a foreclosed home or buying a new energy efficient home," said Lawrence Rael, President of the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce. "The goal is to get people into energy efficient homes while spurring growth in the construction industry."

"The New Homebuyer Energy Savings Tax Credit'-like the popular First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit-is focused on encouraging new homes sales which will help revitalize the construction market," said Ed Mazria, CEO of Architecture2030. "This tax credit also helps the existing home market, as it offers the same tax credit for upgrading foreclosed properties that are reducing property values in communities across our state."

The Plan includes a refundable:

$4,000 State tax credit or rebate for purchasing a HERS 60 or equivalent home; $6,000 State tax credit or rebate for purchasing a HERS 25 or equivalent home; and a $8,000 State tax credit or rebate for purchasing a zero-net-energy or HERS 0 home.

The Plan would also offer owners of foreclosed homes:

$4,000 State tax credit or rebate for a 50 percent energy reduction $6,000 State tax credit or rebate for a 75 percent energy reduction $8,000 State tax credit or rebate for a 100 percent energy reduction

Under the Plan, each dollar ($1) of State incentive would not only pay for itself, but would generate approximately:

$14.10 in construction spending and $7.19 in indirect and induced spending creating much-needed jobs; $1.36 in State and Local Government taxes from construction spending, and $0.70 from indirect and induced spending; and $0.11 in property taxes

The bill is supported by the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce, the New Mexico Association of Counties, the New Mexico, Central and Santa Fe Home Builders Association, the NM Green Building Council and the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce.

February 13, 2012 at 07:48 AM in Brian Egolf, Building Code Energy Efficiency, Energy, Environment, Jobs, Lawrence Rael, NM Legislature 2012, Taxes | |

Saturday, May 22, 2010

(Updates x 2) Robo-Call From "Democrats for Better Government" Bashes Brian Colón

Update Early Monday morning 1:20 AM: I finally spoke with Joe Campos earlier tonight, after we returned from a day in the mountains. He flatly denied that he was behind the robo-call, and said he had never done negative campaigning and never would. We spoke for about an hour about a variety of topics. There is, of course, no way to know who is telling the truth and who isn't in the current situation. In my post, I relayed what I knew and tried to reason who might gain from conducting such a robo-call, and who wouldn't. I believe that was a valid approach. I also think that every politician is capable of negative campaigning depending on the circumstance, especially in a hotly contest race. Politicos aren't saints.

I am still very angry and hurt about the use of my civil rights as a wedge issue in the LG race. As most Democrats are aware, there is a segment of our party that believes LGBT people don't deserve equal rights under civil law, so there is always an opportunity for candidates to pander to that segment to try and gain votes. This must stop. Wherever and whenever I come across evidence of the use of that tactic, I will do the same thing I did in this instance -- try to discover and logically consider who might be doing it. I stand by how I went about it this time, and I will do it again.

One more thing. Joe Campos told me that he is not for full marriage rights for same-sex couples. He said he supports civil unions for all and believes only hetero couples should be "married" because that is a church sacrament. I asked him what it says on the license or certificate when a couple gets married at a drive-thru quickie marriage place in Las Vegas, or before a justice of the peace, for example, and he said he didn't know. I know: it says marriage license or marriage certificate, and no church sacrament is required.
Update 10:24 AM Sunday: FYI, still no response to our message left on the personal cell phone of Joe Campos yesterday afternoon. No other communication has been received from his campaign about this matter.
About 2:15 PM today, Mary Ellen and I got a robo-call from an outfit identifying itself as "Democrats for Better Government." We have since heard that many other Dems are getting the same call, all over the state.

The call was clearly aimed at destroying the reputation of Brian Colón, a Democratic primary candidate for lieutenant governor in New Mexico. Saying Brian was "bad for Democrats and bad for New Mexico," the female voice went on to provide exaggerated, distorted and incorrect information about Colón. It touched on his tenure as DPNM Chair, the presidential caucus and other aspects of Colón's career. It was very nasty.

At one point it strongly suggested that Brian may have stolen money from Moving America Forward, the foundation that was set up to register minority voters for which Colón served as Treasurer. The voice rambled on using charged language, trying to paint Colón as a bumbler, a crook and a crony -- all of this most likely coming from the campaign of one of the other Democratic candidates for lt. governor.

Then, horror of horrors, it accused Colón of supporting marriage equality. In fact, Brian Colón has been on the record for some time as being supportive of marriage equality. Shocker.

Candidate Contact
I want everyone to know that I received a personal phone call this afternoon from Lawrence Rael, who had heard about the call. Mr. Rael convincingly explained that he would never conduct such a call or allow such a call to be conducted on his behalf as part of his campaign. He said he considered what was said in the call as being "clearly out of bounds." He also said he had talked to Brian Colón via phone and told him the same thing. I believe Mr. Rael. From observing Lawrence and his campaign for many months now, I don't believe it's his style, and I don't believe he needs to stoop that low to get significant support from Democrats. He took the initiative to call both Colón and I when he heard about the call. 

I have also left a message on the cell phone of Joe Campos explaining the situation and requesting a call back because I wanted to get his reaction before I posted on this. So far, no response. It's been a couple hours.

I left a message at Jerry Ortiz y Pino's campaign office too, but have gotten no reply yet. I find it hard to believe that Sen. Ortiz y Pino would use the marriage equality issue to attack Brian Colón because Jerry has long supported marriage equality. Of course you never know, and it would be helpful to hear from Jerry. I didn't call Sen. Linda Lopez because she has long been a champion for LGBT rights and I don't think her campaign has the money to do this anyway. She is so far behind in the race that it wouldn't help, regardless.

Using LGBT Rights as a Wedge
Despite the fact that marriage equality is supported by an official, approved resolution of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, some Dems still like to use the issue as a wedge -- a political football -- as bait to attract the votes of conservatives of both parties. You know, give a nudge and wink and use language that suggests that you, too, think that LGBT New Mexicans, like Mary Ellen and I, should SFU, accept second class citizenship and abide by the rules of the Catholic Bishops. You know, because civil law should match the dictums of the Church. Oh, hardee har har, those sicko gays!

That there's a strong possibility that a Dem LG candidate used a robo-call to stir up more bigotry against LGBT folks and those who support us makes my stomach turn -- especially since we know all the candidates on a personal basis, at least to some extent. At the very least, we know what they all tell us about LGBT rights when we ask about them. However, given the robo-call contents, we have some idea what at least one of them is saying behind our backs, for expedient political gains.

The Target Demographic
Clearly, the message was crafted to try and define Colón as a puppet under the control of Governor Bill Richardson and to emphasize the point on LGBT equality. Who do you think is the main target audience for these talking points in a Dem primary? I hate to say it, but it's obviously a certain segment of conservative Democrats, many of whom just happen to be Hispanic and/or rural. 

We don't know definitively who is behind today's robo-calls, but I think we need to consider which candidate is most heavily targeting the demographic within the Democratic Party that is most displeased with Governor Richardson and most against any sort of equal rights at all for LGBT New Mexicans. I think there are strong hints in the tenor and content of press releases that emerged this week, including those announcing personal endorsements.

I'll also note that we received another robo-call about 15 minutes after the call from "Democrats for Good Government." This one featured the voice of former Mayor Martin Chavez praising Jose (not Joe) Campos and urging people to vote for him. Coincidence or a pattern? You decide. Also remember that Mark Fleisher, who was Mayor Chavez's right-hand man, has been running the campaign of Joe Campos for some months. 

The Campos campaign was initially run by Carlos Trujillo, assisted by Santiago Juarez and Michelle Mares. When they left the Campos campaign, Juarez and Mares went to work for the campaign of Dennis W. Montoya, who is challenging Judge Linda Vanzi for New Mexico Court of Appeals. Dennis W. Montoya has been running scandalous public and whisper campaigns against Judge Vanzi using code language that appeals to bigots. All of this doesn't prove anything, of course, but I think it definitely raises suspicions, don't you?

Finally, some are saying the call bashing Colón may have come from Republican interests. This makes no sense to me. Wouldn't they want Colon in the general election so they could use this kind of distorted information against him when it matters most? 

Democrats for Better Government
In the meantime, Tom Solomon, an active Albuquerque Democrat, was so disgusted by the robo-call that he sought to find out who the "Democrats for Good Government" might be. He Googled and found an Indiana organization with that name and sent an email to the designated contact person, named Krista Lockyear. I also have a call into Krista Lockyear. We don't know if the outfit that conducted the robo-calls is hers, or just shares a generic name. 

I'm sure whoever purchased the services of a robo-caller to attack Colon has managed to cover their tracks by passing money off to pay for it to someone hard to connect to the campaign or the candidate. Campaigns don't have to reveal their spending in this period until after the election anyway. The payment to a robo-caller may or may not show up on one of their reports. My guess is that it won't because some innocuous entity or person made the payment.

It pains me to have to write about this call and to contemplate that a Democratic candidate I know and respect may be behind this robo-call attack. It's no fun, but I do intend to get to the bottom of it and let everyone know what I find.

May 22, 2010 at 05:31 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, GLBT Rights, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Joe Campos, Lawrence Rael, Linda Lopez | Permalink | Comments (63)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Ad by Lt. Gov. Candidate Lawrence Rael Uses Stop Motion Images

Lawrence Rael, a candidate for lieutenant governor in the Democratic primary, has released his second TV ad. "Proven Results That Matter" is an unusual ad in that it uses stop motion images instead of ordinary smooth-streaming video images. I assume the effect was used to differentiate the Rael ad from others that will be filling the TV airwaves from now until the June 1 primary. There are only so many ways to attract viewer attention in the run-up to any election, when candidate ads are plentiful. I've never seen this one before.

The ad focuses on Rael's long and varied experience in local government, and his achievements while there. It mentions he grew up in New Mexico, where the ad says he learned that "talk is easy -- it's actions that count," and then lays out some of Rael's achievements, including creating jobs, getting the Rail Runner implemented, bringing new technologies to the classroom, protecting water and natural resources and improving the quality of life through his involvement in the creation of senior centers, the Biopark, Isotopes Stadium and the Explora! science museum.

By the way, Rael received the endorsement of Albuquerque Journal in their Sunday edition.

May 18, 2010 at 01:19 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Lawrence Rael | Permalink | Comments (13)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lt. Gov. Candidate Lawrence Rael Says He's Raised Total of $364K+, Has $68K+ On Hand

LawrenceRael Lawrence Rael, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, announced today he has received more than $364,000 for his campaign since he began fundraising last August. Rael reported that he has raised a total of $34,200 since the last reporting period in April, with $27,150 in monetary donations and $7,050 in in-kind services. Rael has $68,356 cash on hand to help him in the last three weeks of the campaign for the June 1st primary election. His unpaid campaign debt is $120,000. Click to read his on the Secretary of State's website.

“I am very grateful for the support of so many New Mexicans. People across the state are coming on board to support the campaign and they keep telling me that they think experience really matters to them,” Rael said in a statement sent out by his campaign. “I know that my experience, partnered with Diane Denish’s leadership, will make a difference for New Mexico.”

Rael's campaign pointed out that he also received strong delegate support at the Democratic Party Pre-Primary convention in March, winning approximately 22% of the vote and earning the second ballot position in this crowded race. Rael has also been endorsed by the All Indian Pueblo Council and 10 Native American Pueblos.

May 10, 2010 at 09:28 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Lawrence Rael | Permalink | Comments (8)

5/13 in ABQ: OLÉ to Host Dem Lt. Governor Candidate Forum on Early Childhood Education

Organizers in the Land of Enchantment (OLÉ) Announces:

Lt. Governor Candidates Forum
Early Childhood Education in New Mexico
Sponsored by OLÉ Working Parents Association

Thursday May 13, 2010 – 6:30 PM
Alamosa Community Center
6900 Gonzales Rd. SW (Coors / Bridge)
Albuquerque, NM 87121

New Mexico Democratic Lt. Governor Candidates
Brian Colon
Lawrence Rael
Jose Campos
Jerry Ortiz Y Pino
Linda Lopez
New Mexico Community Members

Candidates will weigh in on New Mexico early childhood education and answer VOTERS' questions. For more information, call the OLÉ office at (505) 796-6544. Check out our new website at

May 10, 2010 at 11:58 AM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Children and Families, Education, Events, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Joe Campos, Lawrence Rael, Linda Lopez | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lt. Gov. Candidate Lawrence Rael Condemns Arizona Immigration Law

LawrenceRael110 Lawrence Rael, Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, released the following statement today regarding the new Arizona immigration law:

“Most have heard of the new Arizona law that, in practice, will likely lead to racial profiling and the harassment of innocent people. I join Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish and others in condemning this law in the strongest possible terms.

The problem with this legislation is that it does nothing to resolve the immigration issue. Instead, it makes things worse, and could potentially divide our neighborhoods against the law enforcement we rely on. This law jeopardizes the trust inherent in effective public safety, and creates a climate of hostility and fear. One important lesson that I learned from working with the Albuquerque Police Department for over a decade is that you absolutely cannot lose the trust of the people you are trying to protect. This isn’t what good government does.

Clearly a sovereign nation needs to secure and control its borders. However, it is also clear that we need comprehensive immigration reform that effectively addresses this issue. The Arizona law is simply bad legislation, short-sighted and reactionary. It has absolutely no positive impact on finding long-term solutions for our immigration challenges.

If anything, the Arizona law underscores the need for us to address this problem at the federal level, with a goal of finding policy that will be fair to all. I pledge to work respectfully with our friends and neighbors to bring the best possible resolution to this complex issue.”

April 28, 2010 at 01:24 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Border Issues, Civil Liberties, Hispanic Issues, Immigration, Lawrence Rael, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/23: Meet, Greet & Eat with Lt. Gov. Candidate Lawrence Rael in Albuquerque

From the Lawrence Rael for Lt. Governor Campaign:

Cynthia and Alan Hall, Dwight Lamberson
Art Gradi, Enrico Gradi
Candidate for Lieutenant Governor

FRIDAY, APRIL 23RD, 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Cynthia and Alan Hall, 511 Solar Road, NW, Albuquerque

Friend $25, Supporter $50, Benefactor $75, Champion $100
PLEASE RSVP TO (505) 216-6853 OR

April 22, 2010 at 01:11 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Events, Lawrence Rael | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

4/23: Join Lt. Gov. Candidate Lawrence Rael for a Day of Golf

From Lawrence Rael for Lt. Governor Campaign:
Please join Lawrence Rael, candidate for Lt. Governor, for a day of golf on Friday, April 23, 2010 at Santa Ana Golf Club. At 10:30, Registration and Practice Range Opens; at 12:00 Noon, Shotgun Start; at 5:30 PM, Awards Ceremony Reception at Prairie Star, Santa Ana Golf Club. Learn more or sign-Up today at 505.216.6853 or

April 21, 2010 at 12:19 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Events, Lawrence Rael, Sports | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lawrence Rael Guest Blog: A Progressive Candidate

Lawrence Rael photo130 This is a guest blog by Lawrence Rael, a candidate for New Mexico lieutenant governor in the Democratic primary to be held on June 1, 2010.

I often hear one or another of the Democratic lieutenant governor candidates being described as the “progressive” candidate. It always surprises me that I am not included in that list. That’s why I especially appreciate the editors of Democracy for New Mexico giving me this opportunity to share a few thoughts about myself, and more importantly, about my strong record in areas important to us all.

As many of you know, I worked for Senator Jeff Bingaman early in my career, before moving on to serve for twelve years as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Albuquerque. After that I served as the Executive Director of the Mid-Region Council of Governments, where I worked on a wide variety of regional projects. It was while I was at MRCOG that I managed the construction and operation of the Rail Runner commuter train between Belen and Santa Fe.

The other candidates for Lt. Governor this year have experience as legislators or, in one case, as a Democratic Party official. These positions involve speaking out on a variety of issues. My role, as a public employee, was more focused on getting things done, including projects of deep importance to the progressive community. And this is what I did, steadily and often without public acclaim, over 25 years of public service.

Many of us, for example, can still remember 1994, when politicians everywhere were running away from GLBT issues, and anti-gay initiatives were being enacted across the country. That’s when I, as Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Albuquerque under Mayor Chavez, issued an administrative order banning discrimination against gays and lesbians.  Three years later, under Mayor Baca, I developed the city’s same-sex partner benefits program. My friends in the state legislature and at the state party have spent many years advocating for this issue, and they still have not produced successful legislation on these fundamental human rights for all New Mexicans.

Environmental protection and conservation are key values as well and, here too, real accomplishment matters. I coordinated the City of Albuquerque’s purchase of the Elena Gallegos land grant to preserve the area along the base of the Sandia Mountains. Other purchases helped expand Petroglyph National Monument and preserve wetlands in the Rio Grande Valley. We acquired Anderson Fields, a large tract of farm land in the north valley that was on the brink of development, to provide habitat for wildlife and open space in an urban setting. We began to invest in renewable energy for city services almost two decades ago, from developing solar energy to power water wells and streetlights to the extensive use of photovoltaics at the Sunport and Rail Runner stations. There is a difference between advocacy and actually getting things done.

I occasionally think my involvement in large projects has made some progressives suspicious. I hope this isn’t the case, because we need to make sure our values have real impact in the public sphere. The Rail Runner was a huge project, involving 19 municipalities including 6 tribal entities, but I was able to bring it in on time and on budget, creating the centerpiece of a public transportation system that we could only have dreamed of a few years ago. Every time the Rail Runner goes by it reminds us of our ability to do things together, and of the role of shared action in our lives.

Lawrence and wife Kim at recent Isotopes Park event

One of my goals has been to make a high quality of life available for all of us, whatever our income level or particular interests. This philosophy, when I was with the City of Albuquerque, led to the construction of community and senior centers throughout the city, an extensive after-school educational program for working parents’ children, over a hundred miles of bike and walking trails, a revitalized downtown and multi-use transportation system, and construction or expansion of the Zoo, the Aquarium, Explora Science Center and Isotopes Baseball Park. These are real projects that benefit real people, and they honor our belief in a vibrant public life full of opportunity and interest. We shouldn’t shy away from getting cherished ideals actually enacted in the public arena.

One of our campaign themes has involved our urging voters to “Ask Anyone” about our accomplishments and about the way I have conducted myself as a public servant. If you do, I think you will find yet another reason for progressive voters to support me as Lt. Governor -- my record of honesty, integrity and inclusion at all levels of governmental decision-making.

This will be especially important in the 2010 general election. It’s no secret that Republicans will attack Democrats on the perception of cronyism and questionable ethical standards, and on an inability to make government work for the people it serves. That’s why it’s vitally important that Diane Denish have a running mate with a real record of accomplishment, and one who has not been enmeshed with the old school politics that New Mexicans have grown so weary of. As Democrats, we stand for essential values -- for equal rights, for environmental protection, and for a positive role of government in our lives -- and we cannot afford to have the ticket dragged down by unwanted baggage and ties to the past.

I grew up in a small town in northern New Mexico. My father died in a car accident when I was three, and my mother raised seven children as a single parent. Life wasn’t easy, but we knew that our mother loved us. We knew the value of hard work, honesty, and community and its importance in our lives.

I believe in public service, and in seizing the endless opportunities for making our shared dreams a reality. We can work with one another to do this. It’s a good thing to be able to get things done. Let’s build the strongest ticket possible for Diane Denish and the Democratic Party. I would very much appreciate your vote in the upcoming primary, and your support for the Democratic ticket this fall.

This is a guest blog by Lawrence Rael. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

April 14, 2010 at 02:33 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Lawrence Rael, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (16)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lt. Gov. Candidate Lawrence Rael Raises $78,000 This Period; $126,000 on Hand

LawrenceRael Lawrence Rael released a statement today announcing he has received over $330,000 for his campaign for Lieutenant Governor since he began fundraising last August. Rael reported that he has raised $78,000 since the last reporting period and has $126,000 cash on hand to help him continue to get his message of Building a Better New Mexico out to voters before the June 1st primary election.

“I’m honored that so many people have contributed to the campaign and given what they can,” Rael said in a written statement. “We don’t have a handful of donors contributing large amounts, so that means we can remain independent and not beholden to special interests. That’s the kind of campaign most New Mexicans want.”

In addition to raising more than $78,000 since the last fundraising reporting period, Rael said he made a personal commitment of $105,000 to the campaign in order to properly represent the interests of all New Mexicans and be able to remain competitive in a crowded field of candidates. Click to see his April 12, 2010 report to the Secretary of State.

Rael started the period with $105,283, raised $183,088 this reporting period (including a $105,000 loan to his campaign), spent $162,175 since October and has a closing balance of $126,195. He received in-kind donations of $6,151 this period. All told, Rael has loaned his campaign a total of $120,000

Rael's campaign pointed out that he received strong delegate support at the Democratic Party Pre-Primary convention in March, winning approximately 22% of the vote and earning himself a spot on the June primary ballot. Rael has also been endorsed by the All Indian Pueblo Council and 10 Native American Pueblos. “As I’ve traveled around the state, New Mexicans have told me that job creation and restoring trust in our government are their highest priorities,” Rael said. “Clearly, New Mexicans believe that my experience and commitment to good ethics in government make me the best candidate to help Diane Denish move our state forward.”

Rael's release today included a summary of his experience: Rael served as the Deputy Secretary of Transportation under former New Mexico Governor Toney Anaya and as an Aide to Senator Jeff Bingaman. Rael also served as Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Albuquerque through three successive mayoral terms where he managed an budget of over one billion dollars. Throughout his career, Rael has worked hard on several economic initiatives to bring good paying jobs to New Mexico.

He most recently served as the Executive Director of the Mid-Region Council of Governments, a multi-county organization that assists in a variety of planning services ranging from transportation and land-use to workforce and economic development. Rael was the driving force behind the New Mexico Rail Runner Express. The project required working with more than 19 tribal and county governments, and creating partnerships necessary for the New Mexico Rail Runner Express’ successful completion.

April 12, 2010 at 06:03 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Lawrence Rael | Permalink | Comments (8)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Videos: Lt. Gov. Candidate Speeches at 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention

This another in a series of posts about last weekend's Democratic Pre-Primary Convention. We've only got a few more posts to go. Phew! Click to see the whole series of posts or my earlier report with a photo slide show of the Lt. Governor candidates at the Convention.

Here's a collection of videos covering the appearances of the five Democratic candidates for Lieutenant Governor during their nominations at the Democratic Party of New Mexico's 2010 Pre-Primary Convention last Saturday, March 13, at Buffalo Thunder Resort in Pojoaque. They're in the order that was followed at the event.

Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino arrival and speech

Cheering for Joe Campos and nominating speeches

Joe Campos gives acceptance speech

Brian Colon arrival and acceptance speech

Sen. Linda Lopez accepts nomination

Nominating speeches for Lawrence Rael and arrival onstage

Lawrence Rael's speech accepting nomination

All videos by M.E. Broderick. More usable video was obtained of some candidates than others due to a variety of factors beyond our control.

March 19, 2010 at 12:19 PM in 2010 DPNM Pre-Primary Convention, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Joe Campos, Lawrence Rael, Linda Lopez | Permalink | Comments (0)

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