Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Sadness

529399_10151523809919286_2081302640_nPatriot's Day is always a special day off in Boston. For as long as I remember the Monday Patriots day is celebrated on is the day the Boston Marathon is run. Think of 30,000 runners gathering to run 26.2 miles. Spectators line much of the route cheering the runners on. I have always marveled at that long distance run, and the diligence to prepare for a marathon.

Yesterday's Boston Marathon is very different. Explosions at the end of the 26.2 miles, purposely timed to go off at the time most number of runners would be crossing the finish line. What kind of a depraved human would do this?

Some people like Brian Colon can take this horror and use his efforts to turn this horror into something positive for the victims. Brian is holding a 5k run in Albuquerque New Mexico to raise funds for Boston. Today while I was kind of moping around I thought hell, get on that treadmill and walk Mary Ellen, You have perfectly good legs and others lost their legs yesterday in an instant. So I did. And I am committed to walking the 5k here in Methuen Massachusetts in support of Brian's supportive event. And that is how love works. One does for the other to the other for the other and on and on.

From Brian Colon on Facebook: Sunday APRIL 28 @ 1pm is #ABQ5k4Boston We need donations, volunteers & entrants! Goal: 1000 entrants + $20k in sponsors = $47,000 from #47! Go-NM!

Because I am not in NM and am living here 30 minutes from Boston, I too am going to walk the 5k and I am going to try to help my dear friend Brian Colon with his generous heart, being the human that he is and helping people 2500 miles away.  

Maybe it will inspire you as well.....let's all walk for those that can't. Love is the answer.

April 16, 2013 at 06:28 PM in Action Alerts, Brian Colon | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thank You Rep. Mary Helen Garcia

Bigots imagesThank you Rep. Mary Helen Garcia for being a bigot today. Because you and Rep. Rodella voted NO to HJR 3 I as a gay woman do not have to wait longer to have my love life voted on this year. It is always a torturous time when a bill that is so meaningful is hanging in time. What will they vote, at each turn, we people who believe in full equality wait and wonder what will they (you) vote. This year the Consumer and Public Affairs Committee, the first committee to hear the HJR3 passed the bill, the second committee to hear the bill - House Voters & Elections Committee- they killed it. So now I do not have to stress about this particular bill that means so much to me. It is kind of like your team in the Olympics that you have trained with and worked with loosing in the second match. Only it is every year, and your own teammates fail you.

ProgressNow has a good write up about this bills death today. All the contact information is there for the haters that killed the bill.

A sincere Thank You to Rep. Egolf for Introducing HJR3 - MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES & CEREMONIES, CA.  It would be great to have some of Rep Garcia's close allies and better yet her constituents to call her out on this negative vote. And for the Native American community and Rodella's constituents to call Rep. Rodella out on this negative vote. Why? Why do you continue to vote against your neighbors, your friends, your family?

There is a petition here asking for Democrat Rep. Mary Helen Garcia to resign from the Democratic Party of New Mexico. I urge you to go sign it.

On March 26, the Supreme Court is going to hear the case that every American is guaranteed the freedom to marry. A great website to follow this historic case for equality is the American Foundation for Equal Rights. Maybe Rep. Mary Helen Garcia can follow the high court proceedings and learn a thing or two. You bet I am nervous about the results of this case in the Supreme Court.

February 21, 2013 at 08:17 PM in Action Alerts, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2013 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12,000 New Mexicans Ask Gov. Susana Martinez to Protect the Pit Rule

From the SouthWest Organizing Project:
Groups and Community Activists Hold Press Conference in Albuquerque Thursday to discuss 12,000 New Mexico petitions in support of our strong Pit Rule; Petitions delivered to Gov. Susana Martinez in Santa Fe

In September, the Chile Lovers of New Mexico delivered a petition composed of over 10,000 signatures from New Mexicans in Santa Fe, Albuquerque and Rio Rancho in support of protecting New Mexico’s landmark Pit Rule to Governor Susana Martinez. Since then, an additional 3,000 New Mexicans from our rural communities have spoken up in support of a strong Pit Rule.

The Pit Rule is an important safeguard that protects our land and groundwater from oil and gas industry waste. Currently, Martinez’s Oil Conservation Commission is considering dismantling the Pit Rule in ways that will hinder its ability to protect the land and water that sustains all New Mexicans.

The commission has delayed making a final decision several times, and is set to reconvene in January. Supporters of a strong Pit Rule are asking Governor Susana Martinez to not change the rule by adopting amendments proposed by the oil and gas industry.

Who: New Mexicans in support of protecting the Pit Rule and our groundwater
What: Press conference
When: Noon, Thursday, Dec. 13
Where: Washington Park at Park and 10th Streets, Albuquerque

What: Petition delivery in Santa Fe
When: 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13
Where: Gov. Martinez’s office, Santa Fe

The Chile Lovers of New Mexico is a collaboration between the Southwest Organizing Project and the Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund.

The Pit Rule is a law that protects New Mexico’s land and water by ensuring that industries properly line their waste pits to prevent contamination. Before the law was enacted in 2008, there were over 400 known cases of groundwater contamination that could be linked directly to poorly maintained oil and gas industry waste pits. Since then, there have been zero known cases.

December 12, 2012 at 04:19 PM in Action Alerts, Environment, Mining, Susana Martinez | Permalink | Comments (3)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

12/1: Learn how to Lobby!

New Mexico League of Women Voters
2012 Lobbying Workshop

December 1, 10:00 to noon
Montezuma Lodge, 431 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, NM

The goal of the workshop, presented by the League of Women Voters of New Mexico, is to teach interested attendees to be effective in advocating as individual citizens or as members of civic organizations or other groups in interacting with the NM Legislature. Handouts and discussion will also provide information on the legislative process, on lobbyist regulation, and on the tools available on the legislative web site.

The workshop is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is not required, but please arrive before 10:00 to sign up and collect handouts, so that we can start promptly at 10:00.

Senator Peter Wirth was elected to the NM House of Representatives in 2004, re-elected in 2006, and since 2008 he has represented Senate District 25 in Santa Fe.
Representative Jimmie Hall has served in the NM House of Representatives since 2004, representing House District 28 in Bernalillo County.
Linda Siegle has been a registered lobbyist in New Mexico since 1992. She specializes in representing non-profits and health care associations.

November 29, 2012 at 01:30 PM in Action Alerts, Events, NM Legislature 2013, Peter Wirth | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11/15: Pit Rule Update from SWOP

From SouthWest Organizing Project

Pit Rule Update

The Oil Conservation Commission is scheduled to meet today- Thursday 11/15/12 at 9:00 AM in Santa Fe. They are finishing up deliberations and expected to make a final decision on changes to the Pit Rule requested by groups representing the oil and gas industry. Their decision could weaken the rule which would have dire effects on the environment and public health in New Mexico.

The pit rule requires oil and gas companies to line their pits of toxic waste.Before the the pit rule, New Mexico had thousands of cases of groundwater contamination from oil and gas pits but since the pit rule has been in place there have been no cases of contamination at sites covered by the rule.

The pit rule holds oil and gas companies accountable making them pay for cleaning up contamination from pits instead of using taxpayer money.

That is why we are having a Pit Rule Forum today at 6:30 @ the SWOP office.

WHAT: Pit Rule Forum
WHEN: Thursday, November 15th @ 6:30 PM
WHERE: SWOP Offices 211 10th St. SW
We will be discussing the results of the hearing and writing letters to the editor in response to this important issue. Please join us. Food and refreshments will be provided. Translation will be available. Contact: Dustin 505-204-0023

November 15, 2012 at 10:13 AM in Action Alerts, Mining, Regulation | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Three Two One


The clock is running out on this election and it's GO TIME on keeping New Mexico BLUE!

We have 2583 doors to knock before Election Day and NEED YOUR HELP to make sure that voters all across District 30 know that I will always represent their interests, not the special interests.

Click here to sign up and volunteer today!

The choice could not be more clear. In the Roundhouse, I will fight for local small businesses by ending the unfair tax breaks out of state corporations currently enjoy and stand up for New Mexican children by fully funding early childhood education.

But I cannot do these things without your help. Click to sign up and volunteer right now.

Thank you for your support and all you do to keep New Mexico BLUE,

Mary Ellen

P.S. With just 25 days left in this election I need your help more than ever to win this election. Join me by visiting www.electmaryellenbroderick.com/volunteer.

October 16, 2012 at 04:58 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Action Alerts, Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, October 05, 2012

NM GOP Trains Poll Workers in Voter Suppressio​n from ProgressNowNM

On October 4, 2012, ProgressNow New Mexico released an undercover video showing a Republican and Tea Party leader training “poll challengers” to illegally deny thousands of legal New Mexico voters a ballot on Election Day. To see the whole story click here.

Undercover video recorded by ProgressNow New Mexico shows the Republican Party training poll challengers in illegal tactics that could potentially restrict the voting rights of as many as 1-in8 New Mexicans in November.

A recording of the September 26th official "Poll Challenger Training" conducted by the Republican Party shows a GOP & Tea Party leader giving false and/or misleading information about voting rights and regulations to the training's attendees. The training was replete with misinformation about ID requirements, the use of provisional ballots, assistance for Spanish-speaking citizens, change of address requirements, and the rights of the disabled at the polls.

The group even created it's own poll challenger guide complete with instructions on how to demand ID and force legal voters to vote by provisional ballot in blatant contradiction with election law.

The tactics disseminated at the Republican "Poll Challenger Training" have the potential to restrict the voting rights of New Mexicans throughout the state by making it harder for eligible voters to exercise their civic duty and by compromising the integrity of the entire state electoral process.

Once ProgressNow NM broke the story it started moving swiftly across the web. ThinkProgress promoted it on their front-page and Salon.com already published a piece.

But, The Nation caught up with Rep. Steve Pearce to ask his opinion about issue. He told them that these illegal tactics are the way the GOP will take back New Mexico. Really:

Pearce appeared to be aware of the NM GOP’s poll watching efforts, and supported them. “We’re simply saying that we’re going to start, we’re going to take it back it into our hands,” said Pearce. “We should check for ID since you have to show an ID to do anything in America.” He did, however, admit that doing so would be against the law. “Its against New Mexico law to check for ID,” the congressman conceded.

ProgressNow says "We aren't going to let them get away with this. State GOP leaders like Steve Pearce are encouraging their own party to break the law and we need your help to bring pressure to stop them."

Please help ProgressNow NM get this story out to the media in New Mexico and across the country. We can’t let Tea Party extremists break the law and bully voters into staying home on election day. Take a minute to give to help us keep up the pressure on Tea Party trainers to stop training challengers to bully our voters.

After you give, share it on Twitter and Facebook; email it to your friends; call your local news station. Whatever you can do to spread the word. New Mexicans need to know the tactics being used by those who want to limit voting rights and compromise the integrity of our election.

October 5, 2012 at 10:19 AM in 2012 General Election, Action Alerts, Election Reform & Voting, ProgressNow New Mexico | Permalink | Comments (3)

Friday, September 21, 2012

9k signatures in favor of Pit Rule delivered to Gov. Martinez

From the SouthWest Organizing Project

PitRulePetitionsOn Thursday, September 20th representatives from SouthWest Organizing Project and Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund delivered a petition containing almost 9,000 signatures to the office of Governor Susana Martinez. The petition represented New Mexicans who want to maintain a strong Pit Rule, which protects groundwater from waste produced by the oil and gas industry. The Oil Conservation Commission will make a decision on the Pit Rule on Monday, September 24th.

Here is the language as it appeared on the petition that was signed by nearly 9,000 New Mexicans:

As a concerned New Mexican and a supporter of Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund, I am outraged by your administration's efforts to weaken the existing environmental protections that safeguard New Mexico's clean air, land, water, and wildlife. Policies like the oil and gas Pit Rule -- which your Oil Conservation Commission is now considering dismantling -- protect our scarce water supply, and therefore our livelihood. New Mexicans are counting on your administration to keep these safeguards in place, hold polluters accountable, and protect our families, communities, and livelihoods.

What is the Pit Rule?

Read more about the Pit Rule here and here.

September 21, 2012 at 01:35 PM in Action Alerts, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, September 14, 2012

09/16: DFA - Democracy for America Action Summit Here in Abq

Now is the time to get involved! See you here. DFA training folks are here to help keep New Mexico BLUE! To RSVP click here.

Dfa summit 001

September 14, 2012 at 04:58 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/16: Democracy for America Day of Action Here in New Mexico

Following from Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

Does Heather Wilson care about New Mexico?

Her record shows that she's more interested in protecting special interests and the 1% than supporting working families. Whether it's voting against raising the minimum wage, or supporting the Republican plan to gut Medicare, you can trust that Wilson doesn't have New Mexico's best interests in mind.

It takes true progressives to represent the people of New Mexico - candidates committed to protecting working families, preserving the environment, and standing up for social justice. Candidates like Martin Heinrich (NM-Sen) and Mary Ellen Broderick (NM-HD30), two truth-tellers in our area that embody those values and are ready to fight for you.

But they can't do it alone. Republicans are pouring thousands of dollars into New Mexico and will buy the November elections if left unchallenged. We need to build a people powered movement to ensure that the voices of New Mexico are heard in November.

Join me on Sunday, September 16th for a three hour Action Summit training to build a grassroots campaign to elect Martin Heinrich and Mary Ellen Broderick and progressives up and down the ticket.

The Action Summit training is free, fun, fast paced and provides activists like you all the tools and information needed to be campaign advocates and progressive organizers. The training is an opportunity to engage with other activists, to network, and to undertake a day of action for progressive candidates in New Mexico.

Martin is a vocal advocate for the swift withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and a fierce defender of New Mexico's middle class. Mary Ellen is DFA legend; a progressive who knows you can't change things by being on the sidelines. These two candidates and others are running to bring change to New Mexico, to fight for working families and to protect and preserve New Mexico's natural resources.

Join us on Sunday, September 16th for our Action Summit -- a one day program that will give you the most effective and cutting edge skills you need to contact voters and run a successful, grassroots operation.

Agenda for Day of Action 

Noon –Welcome and Introductions
12:15 –Introduction to Candidates and DFA briefing
12:25 –Leadership and Volunteering
1 – Break
1:10 – House Parties
1:20 –Online Organizing
1:30 – Phone Banking and Canvassing
1:50 – Role Playing/Action Practice
2 – 4: Day of Action

I hope you'll RSVP and see me and other activists on Sunday. Thanks for everything that you do, -Tim Timothy Nicholas, Western Regional Organizer Democracy for America

September 11, 2012 at 12:23 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Support Growing for Same Sex Couple Parents, Hope Christian Silent.

On August 8th, the following blog piece was provided by Jesse Lopez, President of New Mexico Coalition for Student Justice

In less than three days, over 400 individuals have logged on to change.org and signed the petition titled “End discrimination against GLBT at Hope Christian Academy School.” The petition, being endorsed by GetEqualNM and the Coalition for Student Justice, was created in response to the school denying enrollment to a child because the child’s parents are of the same sex.

As support grows for the family, organizations and national media outlets across the country are beginning to weigh in on the debate over federal funding, 501-c3 non-profit status, and the New Mexico Human Rights Act that prohibits discrimination in employment, housing and “public accommodations.” It also bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

“Not only does it appear that Hope Christian may in fact be violating the law, they are sending the wrong message to the community. Already several high school students that identify as being gay have reached out and are scared to go back to school, and are now more afraid to come out. It appears Hope’s leadership team is willing to take tax payer dollars and create an environment with inequality, and more so, willing to allow students currently enrolled to feel morally derogated and belittled because they are gay.” Jesse Lopez

Please follow this link to sign petition. Below is a copy of the petition:

Greetings, I just signed the following petition addressed to: State of New Mexico Federal Delegation - End discrimination against GLBT at Hope Christian Academy School

State of New Mexico Federal Delegation,

We the signed petitioners of New Mexico and across the USA are urging you to look into recent actions by Hope Christian Academy in Albuquerque New Mexico denying a 3 year old enrollment because the child's parents are of the same sex.

As I am sure, you are well aware, in 1954 the Supreme Court ruled in Brown vs. the Board of Education that "Segregation of students in public schools violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, because separate facilities are inherently unequal."

Although HOPE Christian Academy maintains itself as a private institution it in facts receives $60,000 annually from the federal government. These tax dollars come from the pockets of American families, including those of same sex couples. Because the school, in part is funded by my tax dollars, I am signing this petition and asking that you look further into the discriminative actions taken by HOPE Christian Academy and enforce the law of the United States government and allow this child to enroll.

If we do nothing, we have failed to learn from our past, and allow agents of hate to exist. If we are to began teaching a new generation on equality allow this child to enroll and not fall short on unequal actions.

August 13, 2012 at 12:55 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, Children and Families, GLBT Rights | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Vote for Michelle on Emily's List: Voting Ends at 10:00 MT Today Monday

Mlg emily's listGo to the EMILY's List website, enter your name, email address, and zip code and vote for Michelle.

It's big: EMILY's List will send out an email to their nationwide network about Michelle before the June 30th filing deadline IF she gets the most votes!

Go to EMILY's List NOW, and vote for Michelle!

Tell a friend and ask them to vote.

Just enter your name, email address, zip code, click on the picture of Michelle, and press the SUBMIT button. That's it.

Voting ends Monday at 9:59 pm Mountain Time so don't delay!

June 25, 2012 at 10:49 AM in Action Alerts, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | Permalink | Comments (0)

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