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Monday, April 30, 2012

ALEC State Chair says ALEC Too Partisan, But Happy They Send Him Free Money

From ProgressNow New Mexico

Alec money

One of New Mexico's two state chairmen told constituents on Friday that thanks to ALEC he has never had to solicit a single campaign contribution. "It just shows up in the mail," he said in reply to questions from ProgressNow New Mexico.

On Friday, New Mexico State Representative Paul Bandy hosted a public forum on ALEC.  During the 90 minute session, Bandy took questions on everything ALEC and exposed, for the first time, how he as state chairman controls a corporate-sponsored slush fund he uses to pay for "scholarships" and other unreported expenses for ALEC members in the state.  

Bandy also told the group that references to ALEC are intentionally scrubbed from model legislation introduced because ALEC legislation would not pass in the state if the true origins were known. The ALEC chairman accidentally disclosed that ALEC membership is larger than has been publicly reported, though he declined to provide a full list.  New Mexico has one of the largest reported ALEC memberships in the country, formerly at 22 known members.  State Senator George Munoz resigned after ProgressNow NM called for legislators to leave the group.

In response to questions about challenges to ALEC's non-profit status, the ALEC state chairman also voiced concerns about the organization having become "too partisan."

Bandy's forum was hastily announced last week in an email from Bandy to a small group of constituents who responded to ProgressNow NM's call for constituents to call on their elected representatives to leave ALEC.  ProgressNow NM obtained a copy of the email and embarked on the 350-mile round trip to cover the event.  

A full accounting of the meeting, as well as audio clips are available online at ProgressNowNM.org .

April 30, 2012 at 03:24 PM in Corporatism, ProgressNow New Mexico | |

Art De La Cruz Chastised by Campaign Challenger for Being the Only Commissioner Still Defending Michael Wiener's Behavior

Economou: If Art De La Cruz won't denounce Commissioner Wiener's behavior, then he owes it to his constituents to explain why he is still protecting him.

008cropPhoto at right Zoe Economou candidate for Bernalillo County Commission District 2

Although Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry and Bernalillo County Commissioner Wayne Johnson joined DPNM, NMGOP, Governor Martinez, Bernalillo County Commissioners Michelle Lujan Grisham and Maggie Hart Stebbins and many others, in denouncing Michael Wiener's recent behavior in visiting a known red-light district the Philippines, Wiener still has one protector-- Bernalillo County Chairman Commissioner Art De La Cruz. According to the Albuquerque Journal, "Commission Chairman Art De La Cruz, a Democrat, said it’s too early to respond. 'Michael Wiener’s visit to the Philippines was not associated with Bernalillo County business,' De La Cruz said. 'Absent any additional information beyond the two photos and his comments to date, I believe it is premature to pass judgment or seek remedies at this time.'" [Albuquerque Journal, 4/26/12 and 4/29/12]

"As a woman, I’m embarrassed that Michael Weiner is still representing my county and as a resident of the South Valley, I’m troubled that Bernalillo County Commission Chairman Art De La Cruz is the only Commissioner, and one of a very few elected officials, who have not called on Michael Wiener to resign," said Zoe Economou. "If Art De La Cruz won't denounce Commissioner Wiener's behavior, then he owes it to his constituents to explain why he is still protecting him. I realize that Weiner voted for De La Cruz as Chair; but it is beyond rational loyalty for De La Cruz to still be standing by Wiener in the face of this recent revelation. This type of political cronyism needs to end and it's exactly why the South Valley needs an independent voice representing them, a Democrat who votes with other Democrats and truly speaks for the citizens of the South Valley."

Zoe Economou is challenging Art de la Cruz for the Bernalillo County Commission District 2 seat in the June 5th primary election. 

April 30, 2012 at 02:00 PM in 2012 Bernalillo County Commission Race, Candidates & Races, Democrat | |

5/1: Munoz Campaign Kick-Off for Matt David Munoz NM HD 15

From the campaign to elect Matt David Munoz to New Mexico HD15.

Munoz kick off 001

April 30, 2012 at 12:40 PM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races | |

5/2: House Party for Al Park Candidate for PRC

The following is from the Al Park for PRC campaign. To download invite click here.

Al park fr 001


April 30, 2012 at 11:28 AM in 2012 NM PRC Races, Candidates & Races | |

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Republican Party of Sex and Money

Some of the Republican leadership in the state are asking for their colleague Republican Commissioner Wiener to resign. If the Downs Casino betting establishment was open, I would put a bet on this Wiener resignation - Will he or won't he resign?

Brown sugar
Photo above by Keatley along Wiener's way

Even our friends at the Conservative Abq Journal in an editorial today say Wiener should take the high road and step down. The Journal does not mention his party affiliation though. That he is a Republican does not come out in the editorial. But at least they get to the creepy point of Wiener latest adventure.

The war on woman has heated up dramatically this year, as we all have seen. Even to the point of banning contraception and mandatory vaginal probes before a abortion, even after being raped by the looks and ways of another male like Republican Wiener. Seems like all the churches like Preacher Smothermon at Legacy church should be on their pulpits saying Wiener is the devil. 

The conservative Republicans are experts at the art of "throwing of stones at glass houses." For years we have heard the complaint of Democrats having no family values, morally bankrupt. Wiener is the perfect posterboy for the Republican Party, perhaps the NM republicans should look at their own flock before judging others.

Money in canThe republicans also hold the constant refrain about dirty money in politics and point the finger at the Democrats. Republican Susana Martinez ran on a platform of routing out corruption and pay to play. Abq Journals daily up-front opinion news columnist Tom Cole, wrote a puff piece earlier this week about the money SusanaPAC made in the first fudraiasing report of this campaign cycle. Cole followed it up today on Saturday with a column with the title "GOP PACS Tops in Donations, Spending."

Yes the Party and gal of "NO PAY TO PLAY" wins out on this money game. Tom Cole states, " As you can see, the lists are dominated by Republican or right leaning groups. The major contributors to the Republican Campaign Committee of NM included oil and gas companies and milk producers." Cole must have had to cough up some of the moths to get that one out.

Earlier this month ISPAC one of the PACs mentioned in Coles piece unveiled a report which was published on this blog  but not much anywhere else, calling out Republican Susana for her own corrupt Pay to Play. Susana received out-right bold contributions from the Casino Downs group who won the billion dollar contract of rerunning the State Fair downs which they performed so horribly on previously.

More Hypocrisy. The Downs Pay to Play is not about sex obviously but it is about Pay to Play. The Journal should condemn the Pay to Play exposed by ISPAC. Look into the strong arming and intimidation, of individuals on the State Fair Commission.

Let's remember when the Republican Party states they are so moral and just, let's keep a clear picture of Wiener and the Casino Downs dirty deal of pay to play fresh in our minds.  

April 28, 2012 at 08:50 AM in Democratic Party, Independent Source PAC, Republican Party, Susana Martinez | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bernalillo County Commissioner Republican Michael Wiener No Stranger to Controversy

Republican Michael Wiener our very own Bernalillo County Commissioner scumbag. 

Republican Wiener is no stranger to controversy. Democratic Party of NM and others were asking for Wiener's resignation back in March 2010 for making racist comments in an email. DFNM did a piece on his racist comments, you can read it here and KRQE has this report from a rally calling Wiener out on his racist comments.

IMG_9671    IMG_9667
Above DFNM photos from Resign Wiener Rally March 2010

Then there was also this call from the Young Democrats of NM for Wiener's resignation in June 2011. When Wiener allegedly made inappropriate comments towards a female staff member, please read all about that sexual harassment here.

And now we have this scandal, or is it just another day in the life of a New Mexico Republican. Wiener was outed on a double x-rated red light district in Angeles City Philippenes. Just "a flight layover" says Wiener. This guy can just say whatever he wants, how come there is not outrage from his own Republican colleagues and party over this inappropriate behavior? Imagine if it was a democratic leader?

The NMTelegram has a great article about Republican Wiener's latest adventure. The NMTelegram interviews the two reporters who  found the smiley Wiener in the double x-rated red light district. The NMTelegram reports that Keatley and Eric Becker "were in the Philippines , a . Keatley and his friend, filmmaker Eric Becker, were to document the sexual slavery and sex trade in the Philippines for the group." The NMTelegram goes on to explain "Keatley was in the Philippines for over a week. “My job was to tell a story of these red light districts, who are these people, try to put a face to it,” he said."

Try to put a face on it

Wiener and women
Photo by: Keatley; Republican Commissioner Michael Wiener looking a little disheveled

Of all faces to show up, our very own Republican Bern. County Commissioner Michael Wiener. Keatley and Becker, these two good human beings, outed the smiling Wiener. Keatley and Becker were traveling and reporting and exposing the dirty truth of sexual exploitation Wiener was found in the middle of. Keatley admits he was uneasy having to do this reporting but felt it is important to expose. Look at the age of these young women in this photo flanking Wiener, does it conjure up the exact image of the piece Keatley and Becker set out to expose? "Sex slavery and the buying of women by 40, 50, 60, 70 year old men."

Meet the Fiancee

Wiener and fiancee
Photo above by Keatley; Wiener and the future Mrs. Wiener

Michael Wiener works for all of the people in Bernalillo County. By looking at Wiener's own campaign website and facebook page there is not much about his personal life. The only new information is a FB update on April 25th 2012 saying he is "In a relationship." Go figure.

Isn't it weird and creepy? When did he really meet her? How old is she? How long have they been seeing each other? Will anyone ask Wiener these questions? Not to mention the conservative republican hypocrisy for not letting gays and lesbians get married, even after years and years of commitment.

As written in the Abq Journal this morning he is "oh so innocent", just like all the other harassing, rude, sexist, racist, behavior he has been accused of and is innocent of. Look at the age of these girls in these photos on Keatley's journalism piece regarding sex slavery and the buying of women by 40, 50, 60, 70 year old men. Does our very own Bernalillo County Commissioner fit that discripition? Let's help Keatley and his group expose this sexual enslavement prostitution network that they went to great lengths to expose. Commissioner Wiener can do whatever he wants but my expectations of elected officials is way higher than what he consistantly displays.

One more thing: Think of all the Woman's rights issues being attacked, and then think of Republican Michael Wiener. 

April 26, 2012 at 04:59 PM in 2012 Bernalillo County Commission Race, Bernalillo County, Republican Party, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (6)

PRC Candidate Forums by NM Green Chamber of Commerce

PRC Candidate Forums brought to us by NM Green Chamber of Commerce.

Santa Fe (District 3)
County Clerk Valerie Espinoza, Brad Gallegos, Danny Maki, Commissioner Virginia Vigil
Monday, April 30th: 11:30am-1pm
Santa Fe Area Home Builders Association:
1409 Luisa Street, Suite A, Santa Fe 
Cost $15 (includes lunch)  

Albuquerque (District 1)
Cynthia Hall, Esq, County Treasurer Karen Montoya, State Representative Al Park, Christopher Ocksrider (invited)
Moderator: Bob White, former City Attorney for Albuquerque
Questions from: Kevin Robinson-Avila, NM Business Weekly, Viki Harrison, Common Cause
Tuesday, May 1st: 11:30am-1pm
Hotel Andaluz, 125 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque
Cost $20 (includes lunch)

Taos (District 3)
County Clerk Valerie Espinoza, Brad Gallegos, Danny Maki, Santa Fe County Commissioner Virginia Vigil
Wednesday, May 2nd: 5:30pm-7pm
Kit Carson Electric Coop Board Room
118 Cruz Alta Road, Taos
Free to the public

This is an opportunity for the public to learn about the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) candidates in their district. The PRC regulates electric utilities, gas utilities, telecommunications, and insurance.

The PRC has a vital role in encouraging renewable energy development, energy efficiency as well as ratemaking that have a direct impact on the NM economy.

An RSVP is required for the Santa Fe and Albuquerque events.
Information can be found at: www.nmgreenchamber.com

April 26, 2012 at 01:10 PM in 2012 NM PRC Races, Candidates & Races, Democrat | Permalink | Comments (0)

Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) & Sierra Club Endorse Maxine Velasquez

LAGUNA PUEBLO, NM (April 25, 2012) Maxine Velasquez has secured the official endorsement of two of the biggest environmental organizations in New Mexico in her bid for the New Mexico State Senate district 30 seat. The support of both Conservation Voters New Mexico and the Sierra Club is a huge advantage for Velasquez's campaign in the rural Senate district 30.

Velasquez faces incumbent David Ulibarri and two other challengers in the Democratic Primary. She was raised in Laguna Pueblo and has worked as an attorney advocating for economic devlopment in rural communities in New Mexico for over a decade.

“I'm honored to announce the endorsement of both Conservation Voters New Mexico and the Sierra Club today. Growing up, we were taught that it was the responsibility of each individual to be a steward of the land and to protect it for future generations. As Senator, I will continue to fight to preserve our environment, our rural way of life and to focus on job creation in renewable and green sectors.”

Today's official endorsements follow a historic convening where three tribes in Senate district 30 - Laguna Pueblo, Zuni Pueblo and the Alamo Chapter of the Navajo Nation - announced their support for new leadership, endorsing Velasquez.

More information about Maxine can be found at www.maxineforsenate.com

April 26, 2012 at 12:47 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Candidates & Races, Democrat, Environment | |

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Free Screening of the classic film Salt of the Earth

Free Screening of the classic film Salt of the Earth
Wednesday, April 25th 7PM
KiMo Theatre, 423 Central Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Download Salt of the Earth Flier here

After 60 years of blacklisting, the movie they still don't want us to see.
Pulls together the history, culture and politics of New Mexico in a dramatic and inspiring story.
The movie depicts the McCarthy Era strike by zinc miners in southern New Mexico and the struggle of women to achieve equality.

One of the greatest movies made in New Mexico, Salt of the Earth is on of only 400 motion pictures selected by the Library of Congress for the National Film Registry.

Please join the Progressive Voters Alliance of Central New Mexico for this very special event!

Salt of the earth 001

April 25, 2012 at 09:19 AM in Corporatism, Events, Film | Permalink | Comments (3)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Congressional Candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham Launches First TV Ad

Democratic Congressional Candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham unveiled her first television commercial today, kicking off an aggressive TV campaign designed to show voters her tenacity and dedication to fighting for New Mexicans. The first ad, titled “Stand Up,” goes on the air starting today in the Albuquerque TV market.

“The national media is describing this primary race as extremely competitive and the momentum is clearly with Michelle Lujan Grisham,” said campaign manager Dominic Gabello. “Michelle was endorsed this week by a major New Mexico union, enters the final 6 weeks with the most money and is working hard to secure more high-profile support for the final weeks of the campaign. As voters are starting to pay attention to this race, we are confident that they will be impressed with Michelle’s fighting spirit and her strong and effective record as an advocate and a reformer for New Mexico families.”

Click above to watch Michelle Lujan Grisham’s first ad, “Stand Up.”

During nearly two decades as a public servant, Michelle Lujan Grisham was the voice for senior citizens, veterans and disabled New Mexicans. She served as Director and Cabinet Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Aging and Long-Term Services and the Department of Health. She currently serves as a Bernalillo County Commissioner.

The “Stand Up” ad highlights one of the defining experiences of Michelle’s career in public service. In 1997, she went undercover as a totally dependent stroke victim and checked into a long-term care facility to expose inexcusable neglect. As a result, the state cleaned up several facilities, changed state law, and became the only state to have undercover care evaluations modeled after the work that she did.

April 24, 2012 at 05:35 PM in Candidates & Races, Michelle Lujan Grisham, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Political Ads, Television | |

Town Hall Meeting for District 1 Congressional Candidates

What: Town Hall Meeting for District 1 Congressional Candidates
            Michelle Lujan Grisham
            Marty Chavez
            Eric Griego
When: Sat Apr 28 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Where: Indian Pueblo Cultural Center - Albuquerque, 2401 12th St. NW

Ward 11A is sponsoring an Old Fashioned Town Hall Meeting -- Put your name in the "hat" to ask a question of the Democratic 1st Congressional District Candidates. Free coffee and breakfast provided by your neighbors and democratic activists of Ward 11A (North Valley, Old Town and Downtown areas).

April 24, 2012 at 05:18 PM in Action Alerts, Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012 | |

Sierra Club Northern New Mexico Group Endorses De Anda, Holian, Stefanics for County Commission

The Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter's Northern New Mexico Group today announced its endorsement of Maria De Anda Hay, Kathy Holian and Liz Stefanics for Santa Fe County Commission districts 2, 4 and 5, respectively.

District 2: Maria De Anda Hay. De Anda is a lawyer and chair of the Santa Fe County Development Review Committee. As a member of the CDRC, she supported the county Oil and Gas Ordinance and the Santa Fe County Sustainable Growth Development Plan. De Anda served as counsel to New Mexico Secretary of State Stephanie Gonzales and is respected and admired for her intelligence and insight.

“I've known Maria-Ester in her role as member and then as chair of the Santa Fe County Development Review Committee. She is a thoughtful person of honesty and integrity, and has often asked the difficult questions of developers applying to the CDRC,” said Susan Martin, Rio Grande Chapter Political chair. “She is vitally concerned about the impact on water resources of new or expanded development, and also concentrates on whether new buildings will meet fire codes or put our emergency responders in jeopardy when they go to the rescue of residents.”

District 4: Kathy Holian. Among Commissioner Holian's many environmental accomplishments, she played an important role in passing the county’s Sustainable Growth Management Plan, a blueprint for maintaining our rich resources for future generations. Holian is dedicated to ensuring that the commission creates a code that effectively implements the concepts in the plan, including open space and trails, green building, and agriculture.

“Commissioner Holian has been a champion for the water, air, land and wildlife that make Santa Fe County special. She is also developing smart solutions to climate change to protect our children and grandchildren,” said David Van Winkle, chair of the Northern New Mexico Group, which has more than 1,800 members in Santa Fe County. “Kathy is an active member of the Northern New Mexico Group, and we are proud to endorse her.”

District 5: Liz Stefanics. Stefanics has supported acequia improvements, protected water resources essential to La Cienega and Rancho de las Golondrinas, supported a Renewable Energy Improvement financing district within the county, voted to increase funds for Santa Fe River Trail and Dale Ball Trail extensions and helped secure federal funds to provide energy-efficiency measures to improve county buildings and replace street lights with high-efficiency LED lamps.

“In four years representing Santa Fe County, Commissioner Stefanics has demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting our resources and making Santa Fe County a better place to live,” Van Winkle said.

More details on all three candidates are included in the attached press releases. The Sierra Club Northern New Mexico Group develops an extensive questionnaire and interviews candidates before deciding on election endorsements. The Northern New Mexico Group, with 1,800 members in the county, will devote its energies to electing these candidates to keep our county’s unique character and resources intact.

April 24, 2012 at 03:44 PM in 2012 NM PRC Races, Candidates & Races, Environment | |

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