Tuesday, October 05, 2010

10/9: GOTV Matanza Celebration in Albuquerque's South Valley

All Welcome - Pass It On

October 5, 2010 at 01:26 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, 2010 NM Secretary of State Race, Democratic Party, Diane Denish, NM-01 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | |

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/30: Alameda North Valley Association Hosts Candidate Forum

From ANVA: The Alameda North Valley Association (ANVA) would like to invite you to attend a North Valley Candidate Forum. The forum will be co-sponsored by the Northeast Valley Neighborhood Association, the Wildflower Neighborhood Association and the Vista Del Norte Alliance. This is your best opportunity to talk with and hear our local candidates for office.

The forum will take places on Thursday, September 30, 2010, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center located at 9800 Fourth Street NW -- just north of Alameda Blvd. on the east side of Fourth. The invited candidates include:

Bernalillo County Assessor
Karen Montoya – (incumbent)
Christie Humphrey

Bernalillo County Commission – District One
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Simon Kubiak

Bernalillo County Sheriff
Manuel Gonzales – (incumbent)
Dan Houston

State Representative District 15
Bill O’Neill – (incumbent)
Justin Horwitz

We will allow the Candidates 2 minutes each for introductions and then the candidates will be asked a series of questions followed by closing statements.

We encourage the community to send us questions for the candidates. Is there something that you are concerned about or is there an item you think the candidates need to know about? Please understand that we can only take written questions. If you have any questions for the candidates please send them to: anvanews@aol.com.

The media will be invited and the meeting is open to the public.

We hope you can attend this important meeting. Please share this information with your neighbor. Thanks! Visit our website at www.anvanews.com .

September 22, 2010 at 11:35 AM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Legislature Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, June 03, 2010

BernCo Sheriff Candidate Pat Davis Thanks Supporters (and We Thank Him)

PatDavis I've posted a message below that was sent to supporters by Pat Davis, who was a candidate for Bernalillo County Sheriff in Tuesday's Democratic primary. Although Pat didn't win his , he managed to come within 5.5 percentage points of the winner, Manny Gonzales -- who was already serving in the post as an interim appointee. This was quite an accomplishment, especially in a field of seven candidates. 

Even more impressive, to my mind, was that Pat achieved it by running a truly grassroots campaign on a relative shoestring -- one full of positive messages, energized volunteers, fun-filled events and intelligent dissection of some of the most important issues in law enforcement.

Pat and his partner, Matt, worked their hearts out on the effort -- and so did all of the volunteers who saw real hope and opportunities for significant change emanating from the campaign. Well done, Pat. You made Mary Ellen and I, as well as so many others in our community, very proud! It was a brave and beautiful campaign by a smart and well-qualified candidate who just happened to be an out gay man, and we hope you decide to do it again some time in the future!

Message from Pat Davis to supporters:

Thank you!

It is easy to have friends when you win. It is better to have friends when you lose. Thank you all for being great friends.

Who would have thought, just five months ago, that we could have put together such a great campaign in such a short amount of time?

Thank you all for every word of encouragement, every email sent, every phone call made, every dollar given, every mile walked and every vote you turned out!

I am humbled by the support you showed Matt & I, and because of you, people listened. I am proud of the campaign we ran, and I am proud to have my name on it. I hope that all of you are proud to have your name on it as well.

You helped make ours the only campaign in this race that was 100% funded by donations from the community. Because of community support, we showed that our community wants a louder voice in public safety decisions that affect us all, and that progressive ideas are welcome in this debate.

Thanks to you, I feel more connected to our communties now than ever before. I met so many great people who are involved in work that is so much more important than themselves. They have inspired me to stay involved, continuing to work to make our communities better.

For many of us, this race was as much about opportunity and equality as it was about responsible law enforcement. I am proud to have carried that message, and we proved that it is possible for openly gay candidates to run viable campaigns in our most populous and diverse county. Sexuality became a part of the discussion, not the only discussion. That is progress that we can all be proud of.

As we move forward, please keep working to elect the right candidates.

For those of you who gave up your nights and weekends to volunteer, take a well deserved break. Enjoy some time with your family and friends, and tell them thank you for giving you time to get involved. (I know I could not have done this without Matt, our families and friends!)

Your skills and dedication as volunteers are invaluable to campaigns, and there are many candidates who will need your help.

I hope to see you soon, volunteering alongside me to elect Diane Denish and our other great candidates!

I hope you will all continue to stay in touch, and tell me how I can help you in your own ventures!

June 3, 2010 at 02:41 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, GLBT Rights, Law Enforcement | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

More Dem Primary Winners: Judge Linda Vanzi, Ray Powell, Michelle Lujan Grisham

> LINDA VANZI (Inc.) 59,149 55%

> RAY POWELL 45,471 41%
HARRY MONTOYA 38,819 35%
SANDY JONES 27,715 25%

420 of 424 Precincts as of 6/2/2010 12:03:42 AM
DAN SERRANO 2,199 24.80%

June 2, 2010 at 12:25 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, 2010 Democratic Primary Results, 2010 Judicial Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

BernCo Sheriff Candidate Pat Davis Critical of New Albuquerque Policy on Immigrants

Pat Davis speaking at recent DFA-DFNM Meetup

As KOB News reports, "A closer inspection of Albuquerque’s new policy concerning arrests is found to also apply throughout the county." In other words, the potential negative impact and reach of the City's controversial new arrest plan are much greater than originally revealed.  All law enforcement officers who operate within the county will essentially be serving as an arm of Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Mayor Richard Berry’s new policy dictates that ICE agents will have offices at the downtown prisoner transport center, where they'll be checking the immigration status of every person arrested. This will include all arrests that occur in Bernalillo County -- not just Albuquerque proper -- because people arrested by sheriff's deputies or state police are also taken to the city's prisoner transport center for processing.

In response, Pat Davis, a candidate for Bernalillo County Sheriff in the June 1 Democratic primary, had this to say:

The City's new agreement with ICE does affect arrests in the county also. Local law enforcement cannot pretend they are not enforcing federal immigration laws when they deliver local arrested persons to the waiting hands of federal agents."

Our currenty Sheriff has embraced this policy with a 'wait and see' approach.

This policy is offensive to our immigrant community and makes our entire community appear to be anti-immigrant and closed. As Sheriff, I'll change that image from day 1.

Pat has my vote, and he has earned some impressive endorsements.

State Senator Dede Feldman said, "...he sees law enforcement as part of a larger social system and his experience as a policeman in Washington, DC, a lieutenant at UNM and a public information officer at the DA's office will help in this regard."

State Representative Mimi Stewart stated, "Pat is truly the progressive candidate we need as Sheriff."

Other supporters include Albuquerque City Councilor Rey Garduno, former Albuquerque City Attorney Bob White and Neighborhood Association leaders from across the county, including La Mesa, Nob Hill and others. He's also been endorsed by PAWS-NM, a proactive animal-rights advocacy group and the Victory Fund.

To learn more about Davis, make a donation or get involved with his campaign, visit his website. He can win this race, but he need our help -- right now.

May 19, 2010 at 11:38 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, Civil Liberties, Hispanic Issues, Immigration, Law Enforcement, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dem BernCo Sheriff Candidate Pat Davis Raises $11.5K in Four Weeks

PatDavis The Pat Davis for Bernalillo County Sheriff campaign reports that with the closing of the second finance reporting period yesterday, 'Sheriff Pat' supporters exceeded the campaign's fundraising goal for the month of April.

During the first three months of the year, Davis' supporters contributed just over $10,000 to his campaign for Sheriff. The campaign set a goal of $10,000 in this last reporting period, and supporters exceeded that by giving more than $11,500 to the campaign during just four weeks -- quite an achievement, especially in a county sheriff's race.

"As a leader that works with the community, I am pleased to report that 100% of the contributions came from our communities," said Davis. "I am proud to remain the only candidate who is 100% community supported! I am humbled that so many people have stepped forward to support and endorse me in this race. Please continue to tell your friends, family, and co-workers about my campaign."

The campaign also noted that supporters raised more money than five other candidates (and more than twice that of their next closest opponent) vying for the Democratic Sheriff's nomination. "These benchmarks are important for campaigns because they draw a distinct difference between the candidates and campaigns in this race, Davis said. "Our momentum has never been stronger."

"Today, we have less than three weeks left before Bernalillo County chooses its Democratic nominee for Sheriff," Davis added. "There is not a moment to lose! Your hard work and dedication are paying off and our momentum is building. Every donation from $10 to $100 goes directly to getint out the vote for the June 1 primary."

"This is a critical week for fundraising, as the money we raise goes directly to turn out voters," Davis said. "Please, help me continue the momentum and continue to move this campaign forward to electing the right Sheriff for Bernalillo County!"

How to donate to the campaign:

The 'Sheriff Pat' campaign is also seeking volunteers for door-to-door canvassing and phone banking. To learn more, email pat@SheriffPat.org or call (505) 750-8560.

You can also join Pat Davis on Facebook.

May 12, 2010 at 09:56 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race | Permalink | Comments (4)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

5/6: Young Professionals Happy Hour Reception for Pat Davis for BernCo Sheriff

From Committee to Elect Patrick Davis:

Please Join
Nicole Moss, Ian King, Carlos Pacheco,
Barry Porter, Jennifer Romero, Angie Poss, Ryan Harris,
Richard & Clara Moran, Susie Rogers,
& Other Young Professionals
For a Happy Hour Reception
To benefit the campaign of
Patrick Davis
for Sheriff of Bernalillo County
THURSDAY MAY 6th, 5:00 until 6:30
Blackbird Buvette
509 Central Avenue NW, Downtown Albuquerque
Refreshments Kindly Provided Courtesy of Our Hosts
Suggested Contribution Twenty-Five Dollars
Contributing Supporters Will Receive
A complimentary Bar Voucher
All are welcome
Click for Flyer (pdf)

RSVPs are encouraged to hosts or Jordon Johnson, Campaign Director, (505) 503-5183 or by email TO Pat @ SheriffPat.org,

Guests who wish to contribute prior to the event, or who are unable to attend but wish to contribute, may do so online at SheriffPat.org or by mail to the address below. The Committee To Elect Patrick Davis, Idalia Lechuga-Tena, Treasurer, 2610 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E, Albuquerque, NM 87110.

May 5, 2010 at 09:42 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Guest Blog by Patrick Davis: When Prejudice Becomes Policy, We All Lose

PatDavis This is a guest blog by Patrick Davis, who is a Democratic candidate in the Bernalillo County Sheriff primary.

I am deeply disturbed by the recent passage of legislation in Arizona which requires local law enforcement officers to investigate the immigration status of persons without documentation. Codifying intolerance and discrimination is just wrong.

As a law enforcement officer, I have worked hard to overcome prejudices and stereotypes on the part of police and communities. Personal security is an individual and personal right, and the most basic of services our government can provide. But, when prejudice becomes policy, we create a barrier to safety; not just for those who may be undocumented, but for the entire community.

As sheriff, I will put people before politics. Using law enforcement to create a class of people who are less equal than others is wrong on so many levels. The supporters of these policies know the true consequences: Hispanics in Arizona, documented or not, are now subject to unreasonable detention when they fail to possess papers. No one should be required to carry paperwork to demand dignity and respect.

When a person needs help, she should not be afraid to call 911 because the responding officer may arrest her before going after the true criminal. A witness to a crime should never be discouraged from entering the courthouse because he is afraid they he will never be permitted to exit. 

Public safety is a public problem. Solutions involve everyone in our community, regardless of their social, economic or cultural status. When we create a class of people who are afraid to work with law enforcement in the established way, those people are subject to exploitation by gangs and violence.

As sheriff, I will reverse our department's policy allowing the investigation of the immigration status of persons not charged with a serious crime. And as sheriff, I will fight against any and all attempts to marry law enforcement with discrimination.

A simple slogan has been reused by numerous campaigns in the past few years: RESPECT. EMPOWER. INCLUDE.

This simple statement is more than a slogan. It should be the mission of those of us in public service. As sheriff, I will make it the mission of our department.

Electing the right Sheriff is so important. Join me in my campaign for the Democratic nominee for Sheriff.

Visit my website, SheriffPat.org, to donate time or money to keep the campaign moving forward! Together, we will make a difference!

This is a guest blog by Patrick Davis. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

April 25, 2010 at 12:03 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, Civil Liberties, Guest Blogger, Hispanic Issues, Immigration, Law Enforcement, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (7)

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Tonight: DFA-DFNM Meetup with Ray Powell, Pat Davis, Rep. Moe Maestas

Our April DFA-DFNM Meetup is scheduled for tonight, Tuesday, April 6, at 7:00 PM at the First Unitarian Church Social Hall located on the SW corner of Carlisle and Comanche in Albuquerque. All are welcome to attend.

Tonight's Meetup will provide an important opportunity to interact personally with Democratic primary candidates Ray Powell, who's running for Land Commissioner, and Pat Davis, who's running for Bernalillo County Sheriff. They'll be talking about their campaigns and answering your questions.

Also on hand will be Democratic State Rep. Moe Maestas, who will discuss his take on the legislature this year and what's going on this election cycle. We'll also be discussing the possibility of another candidate forum and other election-related issues.

Hope to see you there! You can RSVP for tonight's Meetup and/or join the group and get on our email list at https://dfa.meetup.com/160/.

April 6, 2010 at 01:02 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, 2010 NM Land Commissioner Race, 2010 NM Legislature Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Events, MeetUp | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, April 05, 2010

April 8: Women for Pat Davis Fundraiser for Bernalillo County Sheriff Campaign

Pat Davis discusses community policing

Terra Reed, Barb Wold
Mary Ellen Broderick
Cara Compton, Idalia Lechuga-Tena

Cordially invite you to join us for
a fundraising reception in honor of
Patrick Davis
Candidate for Bernalillo County Sheriff
in the Democratic Primary
Hosted by Women But All Are Welcome!

The Event will be held at the home of Terra Reed
Thursday, April 8th, 2010 at 6:00 PM
1128 Monroe SE in Albuquerque
Suggested Contribution of $25
Though any contribution is welcome!
Please RSVP to Marshall 363-0152

If you cannot attend the event but would like to contribute checks can be sent to: Committee to Elect Patrick Davis, 3926 Simms Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108. 100% of our donations go to making positive change in our community. Or donate online at www.SheriffPat.org.

Video interview by M.E. Broderick.

April 5, 2010 at 10:46 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, Events, Law Enforcement | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pat Davis Announces First National Endorsement of Campaign for Bernalillo County Sheriff

PatDavisCr This is a big deal. Pat Davis, Democratic candidate for Bernalillo County Sheriff, released a statement late yesterday announcing the first national endorsement of the Democratic primary.

“I am honored to receive the support of this outstanding organization,” said Davis in a statement released by his campaign. “I am running for Sheriff because Bernalillo County needs the right Sheriff for right now. And the Victory Fund understands that as sheriff, I will do what I’ve done my entire career in law enforcement; fight to keep our schools safe, our families protected, and our communities strong.”

Victory Fund, an organization that endorses viable and strong candidates from across the nation, enthusiastically endorsed Pat Davis for Sheriff, making him the only candidate for Sheriff in the nation to be endorsed. If elected, Pat Davis would become the nation’s first openly gay male Sheriff.

“We’re proud that more LGBT Americans are stepping up to run for public office and refusing to wait for others to lead. When they win, many more of our authentic voices will be in positions of real power, and our democracy will be strengthened. This is good for the LGBT community and good for our country,” said Chuck Wolfe, president and CEO of the Victory Fund.

In 2009, 54 of 79 Victory Fund endorsees won their elections, and in 2008, 80 of 111 endorsed candidates were victorious. This endorsement follows several high profile endorsements of Pat Davis from local leaders, including:

Deborah Kuidis
Retired Deputy Chief, Albuquerque Police Department
Former Commander, UNM Police Department

Kathy Wright
Retired Chief Deputy District Attorney, Bernalillo County

Idalia Lechuga-Tena
Former Assistant to the Albuquerque Mayor, Marty Chavez
Vice-President of La Mesa Community Improvement Association

Angel Torres
Retired Sergeant, Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department
Founder, County’s 1st DWI Unit

The Victory Fund press release can be read here. For more information on the campaign, please visit sheriffpat.org.

March 26, 2010 at 11:44 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, GLBT Rights | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Guest Blog by Pat Davis: Limiting Access to Criminal Records Keeps Community Unsafe


This is a guest blog by Pat Davis, who is a Democratic primary candidate for Bernalillo County Sheriff. Currently, he serves as the Public Information Officer with the Bernalillo County District Attorney's Office.

“A small business employer will no longer be able to conduct a simple court record search to learn if a prospective new employee is facing embezzlement charges from her last job. A woman who just met “Mr. Right” will never know if he has been previously arrested for domestic violence or is on probation for drug or weapons offenses.”

On Monday, March 11, Robert Montoya allegedly walked into the office of an Albuquerque attorney and confessed to the senseless double murder of his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend in their Southeast Albuquerque home. Since that gruesome disclosure, police officers, court officials, reporters and the public have begun to question how the system failed a victim who did everything we ask when confronted with a stalker with demonstrated violent intent.

The simple fact is, the system failed, and two families now shoulder the burden of trying to rationalize a senseless act.

One issue that those of us in the criminal justice system have been aware of for too long is the inconsistent way in which different agencies in the criminal justice system, from law enforcement to courts to corrections, share information about those charged with crimes. By all appearances, officials who initially set conditions of release for Montoya were not fully aware of his previous stalking and arson convictions from Las Cruces, and therefore were unable to recognize the disturbing pattern of behavior that was developing between Montoya and his latest love interest.

In the interest of protecting individual privacy, our criminal justice system is moving away from making records regarding criminals easily available to the public.

The New Mexico Supreme Court recently announced a new rule for the filing of documents in criminal cases. Beginning July 1, 2010 personal information identifying accused criminals will no longer be available to the public. While the court will maintain a separate file with that information, a small business employer will no longer be able to conduct a simple court record search to learn if a prospective new employee is facing embezzlement charges from her last job. A woman who just met “Mr. Right” will never know if he has been previously arrested for domestic violence.

While I can appreciate the importance of protecting our individual information, the trend in New Mexico goes too far. If a court believes that there is sufficient evidence to charge a person with a crime, then the public should have access to the same information. The public has a right to know who is arrested, the status of their case and be able to make an informed decision about those who we associate with.

Several years ago, the courts made information about protection and restraining orders private, in part because of concern for disclosing sensitive information about the victims. Unfortunately, this also protected the abusers whose prior abusive histories are no longer available to new suitors. Perhaps, had Robert Montoya’s previous protection orders been public and available to Stefania Gray or her family, she could have avoided him before it was too late.

Having worked both on the streets as an officer and in the courts as an advocate, I have come to recognize that the criminal justice system serves a purpose larger than simply putting the bad people in jail. We have a greater obligation to protect the public by preventing victimization.

As Sheriff, I will be committed to making criminal records available to those who need them, and I will be committed to continue to be an advocate for solutions that protect our community. Bernalillo County deserves a Sheriff who will take a stand against the criminals and for our neighbors. We deserve a Sheriff who understands the problems we face right now, and we deserve a sheriff who will take a stand right now. That is the right sheriff for right now.

Learn more about this campaign at SheriffPat.org.

This is a guest blog by Pat Davis, a Democratic primary candidate for Bernalillo County Sheriff. Davis brings a diversity of experience to the race and the position. As a police officer in Washington, DC on 9/11, and more recently as a Lieutenant with the UNM Police Department, he was recognized for innovative approaches to law enforcement, especially in the use of new technology to fight crime and improve communication with the community.

Currently, he serves as the Public Information Officer with the Bernalillo County District Attorney's Office. The youngest New Mexican to be nominated to the FBI National Academy, Pat also holds a Master's Degree in Criminal Justice from New Mexico State University.

March 25, 2010 at 09:05 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, Guest Blogger, Justice, Law Enforcement | Permalink | Comments (3)

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