Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9/30: Alameda North Valley Association Hosts Candidate Forum

From ANVA: The Alameda North Valley Association (ANVA) would like to invite you to attend a North Valley Candidate Forum. The forum will be co-sponsored by the Northeast Valley Neighborhood Association, the Wildflower Neighborhood Association and the Vista Del Norte Alliance. This is your best opportunity to talk with and hear our local candidates for office.

The forum will take places on Thursday, September 30, 2010, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the Raymond G. Sanchez Community Center located at 9800 Fourth Street NW -- just north of Alameda Blvd. on the east side of Fourth. The invited candidates include:

Bernalillo County Assessor
Karen Montoya – (incumbent)
Christie Humphrey

Bernalillo County Commission – District One
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Simon Kubiak

Bernalillo County Sheriff
Manuel Gonzales – (incumbent)
Dan Houston

State Representative District 15
Bill O’Neill – (incumbent)
Justin Horwitz

We will allow the Candidates 2 minutes each for introductions and then the candidates will be asked a series of questions followed by closing statements.

We encourage the community to send us questions for the candidates. Is there something that you are concerned about or is there an item you think the candidates need to know about? Please understand that we can only take written questions. If you have any questions for the candidates please send them to:

The media will be invited and the meeting is open to the public.

We hope you can attend this important meeting. Please share this information with your neighbor. Thanks! Visit our website at .

September 22, 2010 at 11:35 AM in 2010 Bernaillo County Assessor Race, 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Legislature Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

8/21: Campaign Volunteer Kickoff for BernCo Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins


From Campaign to Elect Maggie Hart Stebbins:
A Volunteer Kickoff Event for Maggie Hart Stebbins will be held on Saturday, August 21st, at 9:30 AM, at AFSCME Headquarters, located at 1202 Pennsylvania NE in Albuquerque.

Join other volunteers in the effort to elect County Commissioner ( ) Maggie Hart Stebbins. There will be a volunteer-oriented informational meeting starting at 9:30 AM, followed by the initial District 3 door-to-door canvass. A light breakfast will be provided. Please RSVP or direct questions to or 505-750-4624.

Since joining the commission, Maggie has worked to rebuild our local economy and is fighting for ethics and spending reform in county government. Please help us keep Maggie Hart Stebbins as District 3 County Commissioner in 2010.

Photo by M. E. Broderick.

August 17, 2010 at 12:33 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

BernCo Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins Praised for Role in Resolution of Dantis Problems

Hart Stebbins talking with constituent

Not surprisingly, the Albuquerque Journal provided heavy coverage on the story of ongoing problems with Jamie Dantis, the son of long-time Bernalillo County jail director John Dantis, and how Jamie was hired at the county's Metropolitan Assessment and Treatment Services (MATS) facility, as well as the incidents that should have gotten him placed on leave and/or fired. It's the kind of story the Journal loves to do.

What IS surprising is that the right-wing-trending Journal published an editorial on the story this past Friday that included praise for a Democrat -- Bernalillo County Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins:

The public has Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins to thank for forcing the issue as she carefully walked the line between setting policy and involving herself in personnel actions. Had it not been for her courage, there is a very real possibility county management would have simply hunkered down.

Although we are rarely in synch with the Journal's take on things, we strongly agree with its assessment of Maggie's pivotal role in helping to get the dispute addressed and resolved in a sensible manner. County Manager Thaddeus Lucero was convinced to call for an outside investigation, after which John Dantis eventually decided to step down. Lucero has said he will fire Dwight Dias, manager at the county's MATS facility where Jamie Dantis worked. Jamie has also resigned. There's every indication that the "housecleaning" will produce a much better county operation in a variety of areas.

Stebbins, a progressive Democrat with a strong ethics reform streak, is running for a second term representing . She faces Republican Robert Applegate in November's election. It's critical that we help her get reelected so she can continue providing her much-needed emphasis on reform at the County level. 

You may recall that Stebbins was also instrumental in getting an ethics bill passed to reform a vague and inadequate county ethics code that hadn't changed since 1975. The revised code, produced via collaboration with numerous organizations and individuals pushing for reform, implemented clear standards of conduct for elected officials, while making it easier for individuals to report cases of fraud or abuse by elected officials. There's a lot more to be done on this issue, but Stebbins' bill represents a meaningful first step.

We need to make sure Maggie gets another term to keep the pressure on in her understated, common-sense way. Please donate some time or make a donation to Maggie's campaign to help her get reelected to do just that. Progressives are always talking about electing more and better Democrats -- and Maggie Hart Stebbins is a good example of what we mean by that.

July 6, 2010 at 12:03 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Government, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

More Dem Primary Winners: Judge Linda Vanzi, Ray Powell, Michelle Lujan Grisham

> LINDA VANZI (Inc.) 59,149 55%

> RAY POWELL 45,471 41%
HARRY MONTOYA 38,819 35%
SANDY JONES 27,715 25%

420 of 424 Precincts as of 6/2/2010 12:03:42 AM
DAN SERRANO 2,199 24.80%

June 2, 2010 at 12:25 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, 2010 Bernalillo County Sheriff Race, 2010 Democratic Primary Results, 2010 Judicial Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Video Clip: BernCo Commission District 1 Candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham

Mary Ellen ran into Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democratic primary candidate in the race for Bernalillo County Commission, at a recent political event and got to ask her a few questions. Michelle discusses her campaign, her priorities for the job and how folks can get connected with her campaign in the short video above.

Lujan-Grisham's candidacy has been endorsed by the www.vallevidal.orgAlbuquerque Journal. Her campaign has also been endorsed by the Albuquerque Area Firefighters, Sen. Dede Feldman, Rep. Moe Maestas, Rep. Gail Chasey, Rep. Denice Picraux, City Councilor Debbie O'Malley and more. You can read about her background and experience here.

On her campaign website, Michelle says she'll fight for integrity and accountability in government, clean, high-tech jobs, infrastructure improvements, preservation of our natural resources, balanced development, public safety and access to quality healthcare. One of Michelle's most innovative proposals is an effort to empower young people to get involved in the governmental process. She plans to recruit students to serve on Bernalillo County boards and promote a proactive public process to engage young people.

“The youth of our community deserve to be heard and have a hand in shaping their future,” Lujan Grisham said. “As Commissioner, I will commit to actively recruiting students from local high schools, community colleges, trade schools, and universities, to serve as voting members of County boards and committees.”

Among the board positions Lujan Grisham plans to recruit for: the Arts Board, the Board of Finance, and the Joint Air Quality Board.

“I believe Albuquerque’s youth have a real stake in the future of Bernalillo County,” she said. I will promote the involvement of young people in local government. As the future leaders of our county, I believe we need to engage, listen to and empower our youth.”

The other candidates in the Democratic primary, which takes place on June 1, are Loretta Naranjo Lopez and Dan Serrano. Whoever wins will run against Republican Simon Kubiak in the general election.

May 27, 2010 at 02:17 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races | Permalink | Comments (5)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BernCo District 1 Commission Candidate Naranjo Lopez Endorsed by Central NM Central Labor Council

NaranjoLopez Former AFSCME Local 3022 President, Loretta Naranjo Lopez, was endorsed by the  on Monday, May 3, 2010 in her Democratic primary campaign for Bernalillo County Commissioner in District 1. is located on Albuquerque's West Mesa and in the North Valley.

"I was unanimously endorsed by my brothers and sisters," said Naranjo Lopez in a statement released by her campaign. "The council represents 35 different unions and 47,000 employees. It is with unity that we will make history. Thank you.”

Naranjo Lopez said she is running for the office of Bernalillo County Commission because she has the passion, background and training. She stated that she will provide accountability and openness on the Bernalillo County Commission. She stressed that she has the education and leadership background, including the ability to create a positive vision for the district, and a commitment to family and community to serve the district.

The campaign of Loretta Naranjo Lopez explained that she has at least 40 years of union family history. She started with AFSCME Clerical union in the 1980s when it was created. She first organized the management union in 2000. On February 12, 2001, she became the first President of the Management Union Local 3022.

AFSCME mobilized employees concerning the city of Albuquerque budget shortages and possible employee layoffs. They has at least 1,000 employees and families at the Convention Center talking to the City Council about the dignity of work and looking at alternatives for layoffs, and because of our organizing efforts, nobody was laid off.

The Naranjo Lopez campaign explained that she has 25 years of public service and 18 years of volunteer community work experience. As a union leader, she provided alternatives to lay-offs. She was also instrumental in organizing around the quarter-cent tax for Public Safety. This was the first time the Fire, Police and AFSCME unions came together on an issue. “All unions sat at the table and cooperated to make sure this issue was passed,” aaid Naranjo Lopez. 

More recently, as a community organizer, Loretta was instrumental in obtaining $12 million for infrastructure repair in her neighborhood. For 50 years, residents in Martineztown dealt with flooding and nothing was being done to correct this flooding issue.

“As a retired person, I will be an accessible, available, and as an inclusive county commissioner who will use my leadership and experience to get things accomplished together," Naranjo Lopez said. "I will be visible in the community and I would like the community to be more involved in County government.”

“I would be honored to serve my fellow union brothers and sisters and District 1 on the Bernalillo County Commission," she continued. "I respectfully ask for your vote on June 1, 2010. Thank you.”

Loretta Naranjo Lopez is facing Michelle Lujan Grisham and Dan Serrano in the June 1 Democratic primary for Bernalillo County Commissioner in . The winner will go on to run in the general election against Republican Simon Kubiak. The seat is currently held by Alan Armijo.

May 11, 2010 at 09:52 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, April 19, 2010

District 1 Bernalillo County Commission Candidate Loretta Naranjo Lopez Announces AFSCME Endorsement

NaranjoLopez120 Former AFSCME Local 3022 President, Loretta Naranjo Lopez was endorsed by AFSCME People Committee Wednesday, April 14, 2010. "I am so proud and honored to be endorsed by my brothers and sisters. Thank you,” Naranjo Lopez said to the members of AFSCME.

Naranjo, a Democrat, says her first exposure to a union was through her father, who was a Local 624 member who stood in the picket line for wages and decent equipment. In the 1980’s, Naranjo Lopez began her involvement with the union.  In 2000, she was a union member that organized for a local.

“I was a President that worked on union grievances, negotiated a contract, was active in political campaigns and served as AFSCME’s volunteer coordinator for several elected officials," Naranjo Lopez said in a statement released by her campaign. "I was at the front line fighting to save jobs in 2001, when I was elected President of Local 3022.  I stood with the State workers and organized to bring back their union in Las Vegas.  I lobbied for the State Employees in Santa Fe.  I was with Transit workers when they fought to be members of AFSCME.  Most recently, I stood with my union brothers and sisters at the Council meeting on the City budget,” she continued.

As a former AFSCME Union President for Albuquerque City Management, Loretta said she understands and can directly relate to working family needs and issues.

“I was trained by the union to know that it takes unity and inclusion to get things accomplished.  This is my background.  I understand and know that everyone has a voice in County government,” she said.  

“When I was with the union, I wish I would have had the same opportunity to have a City Councilor or Commissioner that could relate with the union background and experience that I have to offer," Naranjo Lopez continued. "This is an important historical election that is going to affect all of us which we need to seize.  I will communicate directly with you and ask for your input.   I will be a proactive Commissioner not a reactive.”

Loretta believes her union training and experience have trained her to be an effective County Commissioner.  

Loretta Naranjo Lopez explained that she is a native of Albuquerque and being a life-long resident of District 1 inspired her passion to serve as County Commissioner. She said she brings direct experience and understanding as a community organizer/activist and planner on community issues.  Naranjo Lopez pledges to provide accountability and openness on the Bernalillo County Commission.

"I will use my experience, education, leadership and vision to serve our families, neighborhoods and the District 1 community as a whole," she said.

Loretta emphasized she will bring to the job over 25 years of public service experience, including seven years working directly with the County Planning Commission for 7 years. “I know that persistence and hard work pay off and I plan to spend whatever time is necessary to do the job right,” she said.

Loretta's campaign pointed out that, as an elected member of the Public Employee Retirement Association, she oversaw $13 billion of assets and appointed members to the board.  She has also dealt with million dollar projects on the Greater Albuquerque Housing Project board, and was a factor in appointing the current Executive Director.  As a planner, she drafted and analyzed ordinances and resolutions and made recommendations on numerous land use cases that dealt with development in District 1. On the County Commission, she will oversee a budget for FY10 of over $217,000,000.

Naranjo Lopez explained that because she was a small business owner for several years she directly understands the issues people deal with when starting up a business and the regulations that are required of a small business owner.

“Residents of District 1 need someone to represent their best interests on the Bernalillo County Commission," Naranjo Lopez said. "I’ll be a strong voice for the people and I won’t be afraid to take on special interests. I will be a team builder who will use my leadership and experience to help District 1. I am retired and will serve District 1 as a full-time County Commissioner.” 

Naranjo Lopez also said that, as a union leader, she provided alternatives to lay-offs and was instrumental in organizing support for the quarter-cent tax for Public Safety. For the first time in history, the Fire, Police and AFSCME successfully came together on an issue. The City unions negotiated with former Councilor Griego and organized to make sure this issue was passed.

Loretta encourages her union brothers and sisters to get involved in her campaign and those in District 1 to vote on June 1, 2010. “In the Spirit of Unity, together we can make history,” she said.

April 19, 2010 at 11:29 AM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, April 02, 2010

Wellington Guzman Drops Out of the District 3 BernCo Commission Dem Primary

MHartStebbons Wellington Guzman has dropped out of the Democratic primary race against Maggie Hart Stebbins (right), who currently serves as Bernalillo County Commissioner in . This leaves Hart Stebbins with the primary ballot for her district all to herself, and allows her to prepare for November's general election instead of dealing with a primary challenge.

Today, Hart Stebbins had this to say on Guzman's withdrawal from the contest:

I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Guzman and had a good conversation with him today about possibilities for the County Commission. I am grateful for his willingness to discuss his ideas with me and know that he and I share many of the same goals for the next coming two years. I am happy that we can now focus our attention on winning the General Election in November.

She also thanked her supporters this way:

I want you to know how grateful I am for your support and the contributions you have made to helping me get to this point. It’s clear to me that I’m without an opponent because of the effort put forth by so many people in support of my candidacy. When I put together my campaign team in early January, we organized not knowing what opposition I might face. We decided to prepare for a strong challenge, and we did just that. I’ve been busy meeting voters at their doors, fundraising, and earning endorsements.

... I still have a Republican challenger for the General Election—so there’s no end to campaigning yet.

District 3 encompasses the University, Nob Hill and International District neighborhoods. Hart Stebbins will face Republican candidate Robert W. Applegate, a post-doctoral research scientist at UNM's Center for Biomedical Engineering, in November.

April 2, 2010 at 06:12 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races | Permalink | Comments (2)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

3/29: Campaign Fundraiser Reception for Maggie Hart Stebbins for Bernalillo County Commission

Fred Harris, Margaret Elliston, Herb Denish, Ted Martinez, Demetria Martinez and Laura Harris

Invite you to a reception honoring
Bernalillo County Commissioner
Maggie Hart Stebbins

Monday, March 29th, 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Scalo Northern Italian Grill
3500 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM

Suggested contribution is $50 (but don’t let this keep you away; every contribution is appreciated). Please RSVP to Mimi Aledo: 505-980-1151 or email

March 25, 2010 at 12:48 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

3/21: Loretta Naranjo Lopez Announces Campaign for Bernalillo County Commission District 1


Albuquerque resident Loretta Naranjo Lopez will announce her candidacy for Bernalillo County Commissioner, District 1 on Sunday, March 21, 2010, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM, at the Spiritual Renewal Center at 6400 Coors Blvd NW in Albuquerque. "I can’t think of a better place for announcing my candidacy,” Naranjo Lopez said in a statement released by her campaign.

Naranjo Lopez will speak about how her experiences as a native of Albuquerque and life-long resident of District 1 inspired her passion to serve as County Commissioner. She says she brings experience and understanding as a community organizer/activist and planner on community issues. 

Naranjo Lopez said she will provide accountability and openness on the Bernalillo County Commission. "I will use my experience, education, leadership and vision to serve our families, neighborhoods and the District 1 community as a whole," she stated.    

The Bernalillo County Commission is responsible for a budget of $100 million for the operation of County government. This includes local laws, setting policies, zoning and business regulation in the unincorporated areas, as well as appointing individuals to various boards and committees. Loretta Naranjo Lopez explained she will bring to the job over 25 years of public service experience, including seven years working directly with the County Planning Commission. “I know that persistence and hard work pay off and I plan to spend whatever time is necessary to do the job right,” she said.

As an elected member of the Public Employee Retirement Association (PERA), Naranjo Lopez says she oversaw $13 billion of assets and appointed members to the board.  She has also dealt with million dollar projects on the Greater Albuquerque Housing Project board, and was a factor in appointing the current Executive Director.  As a planner, she drafted and analyzed ordinances and resolutions and made recommendations on numerous land use cases that dealt with development in District 1.

Naranjo Lopez noted that she was a small business owner for several years so she directly understands the issues people deal with when starting up a business and the regulations that are required of a small business owner. Likewise, as a former AFSCME Union President for Albuquerque City Management, she understands working family needs and issues.

More recently, as a community organizer/activist she was instrumental in obtaining $12 million for infrastructure repair in the Martineztown neighborhood where she lives. “We were able to fund efforts to stop flooding that had been affecting Martineztown residents for over 50 years," she said.

"As a successful organizer, I will use these leadership skills on the Board of County Commission to be a team player who will use my leadership and experience to get things done,” Naranjo Lopez added. “Residents of District 1 need someone to represent their best interests on the Bernalillo County Commission. I’ll be a strong voice for the people and I won’t be afraid to take on special interests. I will be a team builder who will use my leadership and experience to help District 1. I am retired and will serve District 1 as a full-time County Commissioner,” she concluded.    

Naranjo Lopez was also “honored” in 2009 for Hispanic Heritage month by Emerge America, a national organization, as an “amazing Latina on the rise” and an “Emerge success story.”

She encourages the people of District 1 to vote on June 1, 2010.

You can learn more about the campaign at her website or on Facebook.

March 18, 2010 at 02:41 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Danny Hernandez Announces his Candidacy for Bernalillo County Commission District 3.

Dannyhernandez Danny Hernandez, another Democratic candidate for the Bernalillo County Commission seat, has officially announced his entry into the 2010 primary. The seat is currently held by Maggie Hart Stebbins, who was appointed to the post last May, when Deana Archuleta gave up her seat to take a job in Washington. The law requires her to run for the seat this year, the first election after her appointment. This election is to fill the last two year's of Archuleta's term. Hart Stebbins officially announced her candidacy this Saturday.

Here's the announcement statement released by Danny Hernandez for Bernalillo County Commission:

After more than 20 years of dedication and service to central Albuquerque communities, Danny Hernandez is proud to announce his candidacy for the Bernalillo County Democratic primary race in District 3.

Hernandez just began his twelfth year of service on the Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Authority, serving as AMAFCA chair for two of those years. Hernandez won his first election in 1999 as the first Hispanic elected to the board, and subsequently re-elected in 2002 and 2008.

Because water issues are so important in our desert environment, Hernandez has been an active and informed member of the Middle Rio Grande Water Assembly and the Mid-Region Council of Governments Water Resources Board, where he became one of the authors of the Middle Rio Grande Regional Water Management Plan. This has allowed Hernandez to delve into diverse water issues like water harvesting, conservation, quality and drainage.

In addition to serving on the AMAFCA Board of Directors, Hernandez has been a neighborhood association president, was a founding member of Bike ABQ, was a community organizer in the Trumbull and La Mesa neighborhoods, has been an advocate for alternative transportation, held various official positions within the Democratic Party, has worked as a KUNM Reporter, Chairs the graduate student government at UNM and serves on the Albuquerque Pride Board of Directors - among other things.

"My life revolves around serving communities important to me. It is my passion," he explained.

Hernandez has a long record of officially and unofficially working with other governmental agencies. As an AMAFCA Director and Chair, he's collaborated with various City of Albuquerque departments, various New Mexico State Agencies the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, the New Mexico Department of Transportation, and, of course, Bernalillo County. As a neighborhood association president and as a community organizer in the Trumbull and La Mesa neighborhoods, he's also worked closely with the APD Southeast Heights Substation and has had a relationship with all its commanders. He will continue to collaborate with other governmental agencies when elected County Commissioner.

More than 20 years of experience in working on campaigns and as a community organizer gives Hernandez a unique skill set that has led to an exemplary track record. Experience and outstanding community service has made him a popular candidate who has won every election he has run in. His most recent win came with nearly 67 percent of of the votes. Hernandez says, "I've remobilized my supporters from the 2008 AMAFCA re-election campaign as the kernel for this County Commission race and I'm excited at the prospect of being able to help my communities."

Hernandez is currently working on dual masters degrees in Public Administration and Community and Regional Planning at UNM.

You can reach Hernandez or learn more about his candidacy on Facebook.

January 25, 2010 at 03:20 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Maggie Hart Stebbins Launches Bid for Bernalillo County Commissioner (with Photos)

Click for album or larger version

This afternoon, Maggie Hart Stebbins launched her campaign for Bernalillo County Commissioner at the Carpenters Union Hall in Albuquerque. A large turnout was there to cheer her on, including many supporters from District 3, which includes the University of New Mexico, Uptown/Winrock, Kirtland Air Force Base, South East Heights and Nob Hill areas, as well as many political notables and elected officials.

As Commissioner, Hart Stebbins said she will continue to make our county government more accountable and responsive to our families and community. She said her priorities would include rebuilding and investing in our local economy so that jobs stay in Albuquerque; protecting our natural resources; setting the highest ethical standards and ending corruption; working to make healthcare more affordable; and supporting public safety strategies that address root causes of crime.

"As County Commissioner I’m giving back to the community where I was raised and that I care for deeply. It’s an honor to represent the neighborhoods, businesses, and families of District 3,” Hart Stebbins said. “I am grateful the diversity of support I’ve received and which is represented here today.”

“These are tough times, and the recession means we must be focused and aggressive in reviving our struggling economy. This is why I believe we must use our economic resources to invest in local businesses,” she said.

Also speaking to her priorities, Hart Stebbins stated, “I strongly believe we have a responsibility to use our taxpayer dollars wisely. This means we must get rid of fraud and abuse that siphon money from crucial public services.” Earlier this month, Maggie Hart Stebbins authored Bernalillo County’s new Anti-Corruption Law which makes reporting fraud and abuse easier for residents while ensuring worker whistleblower protections.

According to Hart Stebbins, since her appointment in May she has promoted smarter water use and helped pass the recent water reuse and conservation initiatives that save 400 million gallon of water a year; she’s made prescription medicines more affordable by restoring the Bernalillo County Prescription Drug Discount Card; to reduce drunk driving she’s worked with local businesses to expand the county’s Safe Ride Program; and worked to fix county jail problems and has worked with jail staff, community leaders and service providers to help break the cycle of crime and incarceration.

Hart Stebbins lives in the Albuquerque with her husband, Eric, and four children.

The Democratic Primary election is June 1, 2010.

Maggie Hart’s Campaign Kick-Off Host Committee includes:

Dr. Javier Aceves, Jim Baca, C. Shannon Bacon, Bruce Barnaby, Nancy Bearce, Charlie Bennett, Ariel Bickel, Mary Ellen Broderick, Cristy Carbon-Gaul, Martha Cole McGrew, Suzanne Danciger-Garcia, Kristina Daniels, Herb Denish, Nancy Denker, Reginald Fitz, Dr. Frank and Zora Hess, Bill Hoch, Clara Holguin, Reyna Juarez, Norty Kalishman, Christina Kennedy, Lissa Knudsen, Idalia Lechuga-Tena, Victor Limary, Bounphom Limary, Lenton Malry, Bobbie Nobles, Judith A. Pratt, Angela R. Sandoval, Don Schiff, Delphina Tenorio, Carmie Toulouse, Teresa Trujillo, Stephen Whitman, Barb Wold;

And Senator Cisco McSorley, Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Senator Eric Griego, Senator Tim Keller, Senator Tim Eichenberg, Rep. Danice Picraux, Rep. Al Park, Rep. Mimi Stewart, Rep. Karen Giannini, Rep. Gail Chasey, City Councilor Ike Benton and former US Senator Fred Harris.

All photos by M.E. Broderick.

January 23, 2010 at 05:45 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (3)

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