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Sunday, October 10, 2004

Wired? Bush's Mystery Bulge.

Salon has an excellent compilation of the rumors and evidence going around the web that Bush was wired during the first Bush/Kerry debate and perhaps earlier in his term. A screen capture of Bush's back (above) clearly shows a bulge that looks suspiciously electronic in shape, despite the fact that the debate commission has stated the mics at the venue were on the podium and that nothing was placed on the bodies of the debaters. You may recall Bush saying "let me finish" during one of his answers, despite the fact the green light was still on and the moderator hadn't said anything to him. (Click photo for larger view.)

The accusation is that Bush was being fed audio answers through some type of earpiece, which in this case caused him to try and hush the audio cues. Folks are saying this explains Bush taking those long pauses between sentences and his odd facial expressions and eye movements. There's also speculation that Bush has some sort of neurological deterioration. If you compare his speech and demeanor during his debates with Gore with his latest one, it seems clear something has changed drastically. It also seems strange that Bush skipped his usual August physical, with his campaign claiming he hasn't had time. Considering how much time he's spent at his "ranch," this explanation seems more than a little disingenuous.

To decide for yourself, check out the Salon story and the links it provides, and then visit the Is Bush Wired website. (If you don't have a subscription to Salon you may have to join for the day for free and watch an ad.) The story recently made it into the mainstream media in the New York Times.

October 10, 2004 at 08:48 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


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