Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Sadness

529399_10151523809919286_2081302640_nPatriot's Day is always a special day off in Boston. For as long as I remember the Monday Patriots day is celebrated on is the day the Boston Marathon is run. Think of 30,000 runners gathering to run 26.2 miles. Spectators line much of the route cheering the runners on. I have always marveled at that long distance run, and the diligence to prepare for a marathon.

Yesterday's Boston Marathon is very different. Explosions at the end of the 26.2 miles, purposely timed to go off at the time most number of runners would be crossing the finish line. What kind of a depraved human would do this?

Some people like Brian Colon can take this horror and use his efforts to turn this horror into something positive for the victims. Brian is holding a 5k run in Albuquerque New Mexico to raise funds for Boston. Today while I was kind of moping around I thought hell, get on that treadmill and walk Mary Ellen, You have perfectly good legs and others lost their legs yesterday in an instant. So I did. And I am committed to walking the 5k here in Methuen Massachusetts in support of Brian's supportive event. And that is how love works. One does for the other to the other for the other and on and on.

From Brian Colon on Facebook: Sunday APRIL 28 @ 1pm is #ABQ5k4Boston We need donations, volunteers & entrants! Goal: 1000 entrants + $20k in sponsors = $47,000 from #47! Go-NM!

Because I am not in NM and am living here 30 minutes from Boston, I too am going to walk the 5k and I am going to try to help my dear friend Brian Colon with his generous heart, being the human that he is and helping people 2500 miles away.  

Maybe it will inspire you as well.....let's all walk for those that can't. Love is the answer.

April 16, 2013 at 06:28 PM in Action Alerts, Brian Colon | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tonight: Join Brian Colón and Family for a Gratitude Reception and Annual Toy Drive

Click image for larger version


Dear Friends, Happy Holidays! I hope this message finds you well.

I am back at work practicing law with Robles, Rael, & Anaya, PC. Thank you for your support this past year. As a token of gratitude, I hope you can join us for this holiday reception at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, December 14th, at Casa Esencia.

Please RSVP at brian@roblesrael.com and let me know if you can join us. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

With gratitude, Brian Colón

Reception Menu

December 14, 2010 at 09:27 AM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Events, Holidays | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, December 06, 2010

12/14: Join Brian Colon and Family for a Gratitude Reception and Annual Toy Drive

From Brian Colon:

Gratitude Party 12.13.2010 final(3)
Click image for larger version

Dear Friends, Happy Holidays! I hope this message finds you well.

I am back at work practicing law with Robles, Rael, & Anaya, PC. Thank you for your support this past year. As a token of gratitude, I hope you can join us for this holiday reception at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, December 14th at Casa Esencia.

Please RSVP at brian@roblesrael.com and let me know if you can join us. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

With gratitude, Brian

Reception Menu

December 6, 2010 at 10:09 AM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Monday, November 01, 2010

Spirits Are High on Election Day Minus One at Denish-Colón Campaign HQ

Click for photo album

New Mexico's Democratic candidates for governor, , and lieutenant governor, , were at the busy Vote New Mexico office on San Mateo in Albuquerque around Noon today (photos above) to give a shout out to volunteers for their hard work, and rally voters. Spirits are high and internal polling shows this is a neck and neck horse race that will go down to the wire. The determining factor? Say it with me: DEMOCRATIC TURNOUT! GOTV!

State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino joined Diane and Brian at the rally, urged folks to vote for Denish-Colon and Rep. Martin Heinrich and had this to say about the election and the lies spread by Republicans:

Tonight at 6:00 PM, President Barack Obama will join Diane Denish and Senator Jeff Bingaman for a tele-town hall with New Mexico voters. The tele-town hall will target more than 100,000 Democrats, who will be called and given an opportunity to join and hear from the President.

Diane talking about what's at stake

Brian talks about importance of election and thanks DFNM

The Denish campaign needs our help from now until the polls close tomorrow at 7:00 PM. Contact your nearest .

November 1, 2010 at 04:01 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Brian Colon, Diane Denish, Jerry Ortiz y Pino | |

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Photos and Videos: Labor 2010 GOTV Rally in Albuquerque

Click for photo album

Check out photos (above) and video clips (below) of some of the speeches from Saturday's high-energy Labor 2010 GOTV BBQ and Rally in Albuquerque. Besides lots of hard-working labor folks and other Dems, candidates from up and down the ticket attended to thank folks for all their hard work on the campaigns. These strong supporters of working families and economic justice urged everyone to keep on working from now right through Tuesday, when the polls close at 7:00 PM.

Senator Jeff Bingaman, Senator Tom Udall, governor candidate Diane Denish, lieutenant governor candidate Brian Colón, Rep. Martin Heinrich, State Auditor Hector Balderas, State Treasurer James L. Lewis, Secretary of State Mary Herrera, land commissioner candidate Ray Powell, Rep. Moe Maestas, Rep. Al Park, Rep. Eleanor Chavez, Rep. Ben Rodefer, Rep. Karen Giannini, Rep. Jack Thomas, New Mexico House candidate Alex Russell, City Councilor Ike Benton, Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales, Appeals Court Judge Robert Robles and Metro Court Judge Christina Argyres were all on hand to share one main message:

If Democrats vote, Democrats win!

Also in attendance was Republican and former Governor Dave Cargo -- who has strongly endorsed the Diane Denish - Brian Colón ticket. As Cargo has said, the Republican Party of today isn't his Republican Party. And he's backing Democrat Denish over extreme right-wing Republican Susana Martinez. Good decision!

Regardless of what the pundits or the polls may say, the only real poll is on Election Day, when voter turnout is what matters. Democrats outnumber Republicans in the state by a healthy margin and if our voters turn out in good numbers, we will win -- no doubt about it. So get your body down to a campaign office, the Dem Party or OFA tomorrow, Monday and all day on Election Day if possible. There's so much at stake and unity and action are the keys to victory! Yes, we can! Si, se puede!

All photos and videos by M.E. Broderick.

October 31, 2010 at 12:17 AM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, 2010 NM Legislature Races, Brian Colon, Diane Denish | |

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Congressman Harry Teague Rallies Student Support at NMSU

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NMSU students, Teague and student reporter

Contributing writer Stephen Jones checks in with more on-the-ground coverage from Southern New Mexico.

Congressman Harry Teague rallied student support outside the Corbett Student Center at New Mexico State University on Wednesday prior to the KRWG-TV debate between Teague and his Republican challenger Steve Pearce.

“It’s important that we put Democrats back into public office,” Teague told the students who came out to meet the candidate prior to the debate. Teague outlined his Congressional record on obtaining funding to support college and university students, and his backing for education funding targeted at returning veterans. “We’ve gotten more money for higher education in this Congress than at any time since the Montgomery GI Bill in the 1950’s,” Teague said.

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Teague speaks to students

“You’re going to hear from our opponent tonight that he thinks we’re putting too much money into education," Teague continued. "We think it’s important for our future that everyone who wants an education has an opportunity to go to college.” Teague did not limit his remarks to college students. “You’re also going to hear us debate tonight, not only about college education, but the importance of public education,” Teague said. “I want everyone to have a chance to get here, no matter where you’re from.”

Teague touched on a range of issues for the students, including immigration issues and the economy. “It’s very important that we don’t step back to the sort of de-regulation that got us into the mess we’re in today,” Teague said. “It’s very important that we don’t go back to the way things were, the ways which are making it so tough for so many of you to get to school, and for you and your parents to keep you here in school.”

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Teague, Brian Colón, Andy Segovia; Joel Cano and Teague

“We need to keep enough Democrats in Congress to keep even tougher times from happening,” Teague said. “It looks to me like Wall Street is gearing up to run all over Main Street, and pick our pockets again. Please go vote,” Teague told the students. “It’s not just important to keep Congress. It’s going to take all of us, from the Magistrate Judge to the Governor here in New Mexico.”

Teague was joined at the NMSU event by , Democratic Candidate for Lt. Governor, Andy Segovia, Democratic candidate for Doña Ana County Assessor, and Jose “Joel” Cano, candidate for Magistrate Judge.

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Aggie Brian Colón, NMSU students

“I have been all over southern New Mexico today,” said Colón, “I’ve knocked on doors all over this county, talking about how important it is to re-elect Congressman Teague and to elect Diane Denish our next Governor,” he said. “Let me tell you that there are some stark differences between us and our opponents."

"We believe that we need to continue to invest in education, because an investment in education is an investment in economic development in our state of New Mexico, Colón continued. "We have to maintain our investment, whether it is early childhood development, or post-secondary education, and to put money into first-class research and development institutions like New Mexico State University,” Colón said, adding, “and I’m proud to say there is only one ‘Aggie’ in this race for Lt. Governor, and that’s Brian Colón.”

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Segovia and Cano outlined the functions of their offices and pointed out the importance of NMSU students turning out to elect Democratic candidates in less visible “down-ballot” elections, such as themselves. Segovia told the students that he would continue to count on interns from the University if elected in November. Cano told the students, “One thing you need to consider is that if any of you, or those you know should ever be involved in some sort of infractions, you will be sent to the Magistrate Court. You want somebody who is fair and knowledgeable in the office. I urge you all to get out and vote.”

Photos by Stephen Jones. Click on photos for larger versions. To see more posts by Stephen, visit our archive.

October 28, 2010 at 12:29 AM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Las Cruces, NM-02 Congressional Race 2010, Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/24: Join Brian Colón at Belen Matanza-Fundraiser-Get Together

You are cordially invited to attend a
Mantanza - Fundraiser - Get Together

Democratic Candidate for Lt. Governor
Sunday, October 24, 2010, 11:00 AM
53 Edmundo Road - Belen, NM 87002
Featuring Chicharrone Burritos!
Hosted by:
Jerry & Loretta Gabaldon-Sanchez, Corine Pacheco-Johnston, Steve & T. Eileen Torrez and Friends of Brian from Valencia and Bernalillo County
Click for Flyer with directions.

October 21, 2010 at 05:39 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Brian Colon, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

10/24: Join Brian Colón in Los Lunas in Support of All Democratic Candidates

Join us in our support of
Sunday, October 24 2010, 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Pando Family Home
2295 Los Lentes Rd. NE, Los Lunas, NM 87031
Click for Flyer

October 21, 2010 at 05:30 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Brian Colon, Democratic Party, Diane Denish, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Saturday 10/16: Join Diane Denish and Dem Candidates for Early Vote Rallies in Northern New Mexico

Early voting in expanded locations all over the state begins this Saturday. Click to find out where and when you can vote early on an or on the Secretary of State's listing.

Please join the Democratic candidates and for Early Vote Rallies in Northern New Mexico on Saturday, October 16:

Please RSVP to the Denish for Governor Campaign at (505) 255-1282 or at info@dianedenish.com. Click for flyer.

October 14, 2010 at 02:30 PM in 2010 General Election, 2010 NM Governor's Race, Brian Colon, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Get Free Tix for 10/14 Denish Rally in Espanola with President Bill Clinton

Clinton and Denish at ABQ fundraiser earlier this year

As you've no doubt heard, President Bill Clinton is coming to Espanola, New Mexico for a huge rally in support of the - ticket for governor and lieutenant governor. President Clinton will talk about what's at stake in this election -- and why it's so important to get active in the final weeks of the campaign and get the word out to everyone you know that voting is vital in this tough election year.

The free public rally will take place on the Española Plaza at 3:30 PM on Thursday, October 14. Have you got your ticket yet? Today's the last day you can pick up a ticket ahead of time.

To get a ticket, just visit any one of the Denish-Colon campaign offices across the state listed below and sign a pledge-to-vote card to retrieve a ticket. You can also go to Democratic Party of New Mexico HQ at 3200 Monte Vista NE in Albuquerque and pick some up. Call 505-830-3650 for more information.

Tickets will also be available on a first-come-first-served basis at a table located on the south-end entrance to the Española Plaza at noon on October 14.

If you have any questions or concerns contact the Denish for Governor headquarters at (505) 255-1282 or clintonvisit@dianedenish.com

Former President Clinton is a strong supporter of Denish

Statewide Headquarters
111 Lomas Blvd. NW Suite 424
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: (505) 255-1282

Albuquerque Office
4565 San Mateo NE Suite F34
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505) 872-9269

Santa Fe Office
1420 Cerrillos Rd.
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: (505) 954-1335

Las Cruces Office
136 N. Water St.
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Phone: (575) 805-9408

Rio Rancho Office
2218 Southern Blvd. #3
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Phone: (505) 892-7195

Las Vegas Office
164 Bridge St.
Las Vegas, NM 87701
Phone: (505) 907-6404

October 13, 2010 at 12:17 PM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Bill Clinton, Brian Colon, Diane Denish, Events | |

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/13: Kids for Colón Event at ABQ Jump (Parents Can Attend Too)

Please Join Us For Another Event Brought To You By
Kids for Colón
Hosted By:
Sonya Carrasco-Trujillo, Ramona Chavez, Aleli Colón, LaDonna Giron, Meredith Griego, Samantha Jarrett, Leslie Kelley, Gina Manfredi, Clara Moran, Nicole Moss, Mike Plante, Cydni Sanchez, Karlos Ulibarri, Cara Valente-Compton
And By:
Amanda, Brett & Jace, Cole, Gabriella & Joshua, Gloria, Maggie & Molly, Marco, Mia & Rafael
On Wednesday, October 13, 2010, From 5:30 PM-7:30 PM
At ABQ Jump, 2731 Broadway NE, Suite E
Suggested Contribution: $25
Contributions benefit the Democratic Coordinated Campaign
Pizza, cupcakes, and FUN included!
RSVP To Faye Gibson at (505) 470-3134 or Faye@ElectColon.com
Kids of all ages are welcome, just remember to bring socks.
Click for (pdf)

October 12, 2010 at 09:23 AM in 2010 General Election, Brian Colon, Events | |

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Guest Blog: As a Teacher I Dare Not Envision a Republican in the Governor's Seat

This is a guest blog by Vicki Whitaker, who is a progressive school teacher in Farmington, New Mexico.

As a teacher, I dare not envision the impact of a Republican in the governor's seat. It would entail a free-for-all axing of the education budget.

Everyone in education has taken a paycut this year. We know this will continue for the next couple of years even under the most ideal circumstances. If, however, we allow people who desire privatization of every public service, we'll be in for devastation of current public school programs and we'll see a slashing of educator pay. It would not surprise me to see serious attempts to compromise retirement policies and benefits.

Further, the insinuation of voucher programs will be a mortal blow to public education. Private schools, which may be able to skirt requirements for accepting exceptional students (i.e., special education students or behaviorally challenged students), will be able to cherry pick the children who will attend those schools. The gap between wealth and poverty will continue to grow and our school systems will be among the first to reflect this.

and are the only candidates who hold even a thread of hope that the people (i.e., the extensive breadth of ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity in the state of New Mexico) will be empowered. Failure to elect them will be a green light for predatory capitalism. A Denish and Colon victory, on the other hand, will ensure a green light for green energy development, a green light for humane public programs, a green light for education, and a green light to keep regulations in place for protection of people rather than corporations.

Thanks to all the folks who are working to keep sanity in government.

This is a guest blog by Vicki Whitaker. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

October 7, 2010 at 08:58 AM in 2010 NM Governor's Race, Brian Colon, Diane Denish, Education, Guest Blogger | |