Thursday, April 12, 2012

Alibi's Best of Burque 2012 Poet: Hakim Bellamy and Best Comedian: Sarah Kennedy

2012 Best of Burque Poet: Hakim Bellamy

From the Alibi: Bellamy is not just one of our most beloved young wordsmiths—he’s a contemporary Renaissance man, cross-pollinating his lyrical work with pursuits in film, theater, journalism, music, youth education and community activism.

Please take the time to go read and listen to Hakim's latest moving peice From OJ to Trayvon, at this is a must read and hear folks.

Lettuce Sarah Kennedy!

From the Alibi: Readers love Sarah Kennedy for her casual, observational, consistently hilarious brand of humor. We agree: This lady has got to be one of the most likable people we’ve seen on stage. Check out a sample of Sarah below.

Quintessential Artists

Hakim and Sarah are both very engaged in their communities. They use their gift to tell a message. They follow issues and care, they create their art to help communicate their message of caring and love. Give it up for two local talented stars!

April 12, 2012 at 09:54 AM in City of Albuquerque, Current Affairs, Humor, Theater | |

Friday, October 09, 2009

The Laramie Project 10 Years Later, An Epilogue: 10/12 Gala and Three More Performances in ABQ


The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later ~ An Epilogue
Presented by Mayor Martin Chávez & the City of Albuquerque,
Equality New Mexico, and Working Classroom.

Gala, October 12, 2009, $100 Per Person
Includes Pre-Show Reception at Standard Diner, 5:00-7:00 PM
Performance at South Broadway Cultural Center at 8:00 PM
Coffee & Dessert with Cast at 9:30 PM

Additional Performances October 16 and 17 at 8 PM
October 18 Performance at 2 PM
South Broadway Cultural Center
1025 Broadway SE, Albuquerque
$15/general and $10 student & seniors

All Performances Benefit
Equality New Mexico Foundation and Working Classroom
Written by Moisés Kaufman, Leigh Fondakowski,
Greg Pierotti, Andy Pari and Stephen Belber
A Working Classroom Production Directed by Jesse Ontiveros

Purchase tickets online at  and at the South Broadway Cultural Center. For more information call Daniel Garcia at 505-242-9267.

Prior to the Gala performance, a live webcast will be presented from Lincoln Center, with Moisés Kaufman and the original cast introducing the play. Following the performance, another webcast will be available for a live question and answer session via social media technology.

Tectonic Theatre Project traveled to Laramie in 1998 a month after the beating of Matthew Shepard to conduct interviews with the people of the town. In June 2008, members of Tectonic Theater Project returned to Laramie, Wyoming to explore how the town had changed in the ten years since Matthew Shepard's murder. What they found defied their expectations. The result is a new play about how we construct our own history.

This is the continuing story of an American Town.

Please also check out the online community at and read the New York Times article on the project.

October 9, 2009 at 01:46 PM in City of Albuquerque, Civil Liberties, Events, GLBT Rights, Theater | Permalink | Comments (2)

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