Thursday, October 04, 2012

Democracy for America Endorses Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30

The picture above features Jim Dean, Mary Ellen Broderick and Martin Heinrich, was taken October 1st, 2012 at a campaign event by Annie Olson.

Burlington, VT – Today Democracy for America (DFA) endorsed Mary Ellen Broderick for New Mexico House District 30.

"Mary Ellen is a lifelong activist with a spirit for change,” Jim Dean, Chair of DFA, explained to NM voters while canvassing with Mary Ellen this weekend. “She not only believes that things will improve in New Mexico, but she will fight for what’s right, what’s fair, and be a strong advocate for her community. Real, progressive change happens at the local level. It manifests itself more quickly because ordinary people see what matters to their community and what will help make things better. That’s why we’re urging folks in New Mexico’s 30th District to support Mary Ellen.”

Mary Ellen Broderick has been a leading progressive activist in New Mexico since she co-founded the Democracy for New Mexico blog and meet-up group in 2004. Broderick believes that healthcare is a fundamental right – not a privilege for just those that can afford it – and she will see that healthcare reform is fully implemented in the state because it not only provides desperately needed services, but also provides thousands of new health-related jobs. Mary Ellen will also embrace New Mexico’s unique leadership towards a green-energy economy by investing in new sustainable sources of clean energy and putting her foot down to hold polluters accountable.

“I am extremely grateful for the DFA endorsement. Democracy for America believes in people powered progress, not corporate funded campaigns,” said Mary Ellen Broderick. “This is exactly what my campaign for NM House District 30 is about – people power. We’re grassroots at every level. I never thought I would be running for State Office, but the time has come for average everyday citizens to take back our government.”

Mary Ellen is running against first-term Republican Nate Gentry. Since taking office, Gentry has inexcusably missed 94 votes, making him among the most absent members of the New Mexico Roundhouse.

ABOUT DEMOCRACY FOR AMERICA: Democracy for America is the people-powered Democratic Political Action Committee. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up.

October 4, 2012 at 07:00 AM in 2012 Legislature Races, Candidates & Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Green Economy, Progressivism, Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

06/30: HEALTH CARE FORUM Understanding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

HEALTH CARE FORUM; Understanding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

WHEN: Saturday, June 30, 2-4 PM
WHERE: First Unitarian Church, 3701 Carlisle NE
Purpose: The Forum is intended to increase understanding of the Affordable Care Act. Our health care system continues to struggle! We have 50 million people without health insurance. As a nation, we pay more for our health care than other country, and have less to show for it. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act emerged as a serious attempt to respond to our challenges. Because of its complexity, most people do not fully understand it. However, it is of critical importance that we all comprehend and be able to utilize new directions.
Format: Four speakers with expertise in various areas of the new health program will summarize their areas, followed by an hour of questions. The speakers are: Dan Derksen, M.D. (Workforce Issues), Nandini Kuehn, Ph.D. (Health Economics), Derrick Nelson, M.D. (Rural Health Care), and State Senator Jerry Ortiz y Pino (Public/Private Interface).
Questions: will be submitted in writing, either in advance or on cards available during the Forum. References to readily available information will be provided.
Sponsorship: The Forum is sponsored by Progressive Democrats of America, Central New Mexico Chapter in collaboration with other organizations (List available at the Forum)

A health care forum will be held June 30, 2-4 PM at the First Unitarian Church on Carlisle and Commanche, focused on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(ACA). While the Supreme Court may act before that date, it is likely that much of the Act will remain intact if not the whole. It is of great importance that we all understand the Act in as much detail as we can, for the following reasons:

1] The ACA is, at present, the law of the land
2] While maintaining the health insurance industry largely unaffected, it contains a myriad of very positive components
3] It represents a meaningful step towards universal health coverage

Some of the very positive sections of the ACA deal with:
1] Preventive practices focused on legitimate and reachable goals
2] Improving access to primary health care services, in rural and urban settings
3] Improve the ratio of primary care providers to specialists
4] Using technology to improve communication between health care resources and patients
5] Enhancement of the effort to use evidence-based medical practice and procedures
6] Channeling and conserving medical technological devices
7] Leveling the playing field in terms of coverage by health insurance companies
8] Deny exclusion of patients with pre-existent illnesses
9] And many other sections

The Forum is being sponsored by Progressive Democrats of America, Central New Mexico Chapter, as a public service.

June 20, 2012 at 03:56 PM in Events, Healthcare, Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, June 02, 2012

CD1 Candidate Eric Griego at HQ with PCCC and Volunteers GetOutTheVote

At 10:30 on Saturday morning the parking lot was full and the energy was high down at the Eric Griego for Congress Campaign Headquarters. Lots of volunteers eager and ready to go. It is a very very close race and the winner will be the one who turns out the vote.

016   012
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) was in the house. Putting their feet where their money and mouths are and going door to door for Eric. Stephanie Taylor and Adam Green both co-founders of the PCCC, made statements on behalf of their supporters believe in Eric Griego. Paraphrasing: "Eric is running on holding Wall Street accountable, can a true progressive get elected saying he will not cave to the pressures of the fat cats."

Below is the co-founders of the PCCC introducing Eric Griego and Eric's powerful speech to his volunteers and supporters. Eric gets emotional 3/4 of the way into his speech when he is talking about people on fixed incomes giving $10 to his campaign, because they know he will not mess around with social security and medicare. Ten dollars is alot to people these days and Eric knows that. Also, if you do not have time to watch the whole video; watch from minute 5 to minute 7 most importantly . This is the quintessential Eric Griego " One human being sent to Congress with vertebrae."

 The next video is Abq Councilman Rey Garduno, giving a testimonial to his support to Eric.  

And the next video is the distinguished LaDonna Harris telling us why she believes in Eric at this time for this position.

Last but not least is Lucas Griego telling us to Vote 4 his Daddy!

June 2, 2012 at 01:46 PM in Candidates & Races, Economy, Populism, Environment, Eric Griego, Events, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (3)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

02/23: Meet Eric Griego and Jim Hightower at Los Poblanos!

Griego-hightowerIt was once said that “if Will Rogers and Mother Jones had a baby, Jim Hightower would be that rambunctious child -- mad as hell, with a sense of humor.”

So, it's exciting that America’s most popular populist, Jim Hightower, is traveling to Albuquerque to support Eric Griego for Congress.

Join Jim and Eric for a talk and book signing on Thursday, February 23 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Click here to RSVP.

Eric has the record to win this critical congressional race. He passed campaign finance and ethics reform, a green jobs bill, and works for the people to “fight the powers that be.” Having two passionate 99% warriors together is sure to make for a fun night.

As Jim would say, "even a dead fish can go with the flow." Come meet with fellow Democrats on February 23, and "we'll stir things up a bit."

If you have any questions, please call (505) 304-3355.

February 15, 2012 at 02:22 PM in Candidates & Races, Eric Griego, Events, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Guest Blog by Jim Hightower: Hoping Won’t Do It; Let’s Make Next Year Better

The following endorsement information was provided by the Eric Griego for Congress Campaign.

About Jim Hightower: 220px-Jim_hightower_2008Writer, Commentator, and Agitator. National radio commentator, writer, public speaker, and author of the book, Swim Against The Current: Even A Dead Fish Can Go With The Flow, Jim Hightower has spent three decades battling the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought To Be - consumers, working families, environmentalists, small businesses, and just-plain-folks.

Let's not just hope and pray that next year is better than 2011 – let's team up to make it better.

One way to do that is to send someone to Congress who actually believes what he says and does what he believes. We need someone who is a populist champion with a record we can trust to fight for ordinary families.

I’m talking about our friend, Eric Griego, who is running a genuine people-powered campaign. He’s running for Congress in New Mexico’s First District, and he’s the real thing – principled and people-minded.

The problem with someone like Eric, who actually puts people first, is that he inevitably invites powerful opposition.  After all, he’s consistently taken firm stands for consumers and small businesses against corporate giants.  He defended Elizabeth Warren against right-wing attacks and stood up to Speaker John Boehner, demanding that he stand with the 99%.

As a State Senator and City Councilor, Eric has fought for and passed real campaign finance and ethics reforms to save our democracy from the torrent of corporate money and powerful lobbyists. A politician
who actually fought for and passed laws to take less money? How about that!

These are some reasons why Eric’s facing well-funded opposition from Tea Party Republican and centrist candidates drinking out of deep corporate troughs.

Eric Griego is a rising national star. He counts on the support of people-powered groups such as Blue America PAC, Democracy for America, Political Action, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and the Daily Kos. Major labor unions representing middle class workers in both the private and public sectors are also standing with him. He’s no slouch either when it comes to fighting for clean energy and environment, with groups such as the Sierra Club and League of Conservation Voters committed to his victory in 2012.

Join me in sending a real Democrat to Washington to stir things up a bit.



December 29, 2011 at 05:27 PM in Candidates & Races, Eric Griego, Guest Blogger, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Progressivism | |

Friday, December 23, 2011

Democracy for America is Proud to Endorse Eric Griego for Congress NM-CD1

A few weeks back, DFA conducted a poll of who the DFA New Mexico membership supported for CD1. On Monday Dec. 20th the following announcement was made from Jim Dean Chair of Democracy for America (DFA) of the endorsement of Eric Griego as the favored candidate of Congressional District 1.

Eric Griego 120311We’ve become accustomed to Republicans fighting for a 1%-only agenda. But don’t you feel like there are too many Democrats in Washington who have forgotten the values that make us Democrats? And who are too eager to cut any deal with the Tea Party Republicans, even if it means hurting working families, seniors and children?

Our country can’t afford any more timid solutions from so-called centrists cozying up to powerful corporate special interests lobbying for a 1%-only agenda. We can’t fix what’s broken in Washington unless we send more bold progressive Democrats to shake things up.

That’s why Democracy for America is proud to endorse Eric Griego for Congress in New Mexico’s First District.

Eric’s people-powered campaign needs our help immediately to have the resources to win against his corporate-powered centrist opponents.

Contribute $25 now to send a Democrat with backbone and principles to Washington.

Eric Griego is known as many things – authentic, principled, progressive, a reformer, a fighter. But being a typical business-as-usual politician isn’t one of them.

When Speaker John Boehner refused to even allow the House to vote on President Obama’s job bill, Eric stood up to Boehner and demanded that he “stand with the 99%” and pass the bill. Eric started and led a petition delivery to Boehner that was joined by other real progressives and was featured on CNN.

Eric is also committed to limiting corporate influence in our democracy and has made campaign finance and ethics reform a centerpiece of his agenda.  He joins Senator Bernie Sanders in supporting a constitutiional amendment to overturn Citizens United.  He has also been an advocate for public financing of elections and led its passage in Albuquerque.

December 23, 2011 at 08:07 AM in Candidates & Races, DFA, Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Progressivism | |

Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Political Party Emerging: The Justice Party with a New Presidential Candidate

There is a new political party emerging within the United States. The Party is called the Justice Party. How much more betrayal can we take.

Amy Goodman of Democracy NOW interviewed Rocky Anderson. Rocky Anderson recently announced his candidacy for President under the Justice Party. You can read and hear the complete interview here.

"A new political party has entered the fray as an alternative to Democrats and Republicans ahead of the 2012 elections. On Monday, former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson announced he will run for president with the newly formed Justice Party."

Bill Moyers and other important and knowledgeable progressives weigh in on this Common Dreams article. This article lays out many powerful reasons why Obama must be challenged and how the two parties are really one anymore, so the Justice Party is really adhereing to a two party system. This Party is being formed for the long term as well as the short term. For Progressive ideals and to support getting big corporate money out of politics.

To learn more about Rocky Anderson for President visit his website here.

And Lastly has Obama gone too far with the indefinite detention? Is this the last straw? Will they come get me for writing this peice? Who determines what is terrorism? Slippery slope. Imagine if Bush did this. Watch this:

December 15, 2011 at 06:22 PM in 2012 Presidential Race, Candidates & Races, Corporatism, Obama Administration, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, October 03, 2011

Guest Blog: 2012 Presents A Real Opportunity for Democrats To Propose Plausible, Progressive Economic Alternatives

AlexanderCotoia This is a guest blog by Alexander J. Cotoia, a paralegal with Holt Mynatt Martinez, P.C. in Las Cruces and a member of the Democratic Party State Central Committee from Dona Ana County. He previously sought the Democratic nomination for the District 7 seat on the Public Education Commission.

As a member of the Democratic Party State Central Committee, I’m often asked to defend the actions, or increasingly, inactions of my Democratic compatriots. My answer to critics is that I’m a progressive first and a Democrat second.  

This distinction highlights an important problem with the current crop of Democratic politicians in Washington, with a few notable exceptions. Progressives are tired of the liberal lethargy that seemed to characterize the first few years of this presidential administration where the thirst for legislative victory too often meant sacrificed principles and lost opportunities. Neither the President nor his Democratic allies in Congress can afford to perpetuate this trend.

As Democrats we shouldn’t and can’t be afraid to illustrate what’s at stake. An increasing concentration of wealth at the top and diminishing incomes for the rest of us mean economic stagnation. It doesn’t take a Nobel laureate to know that more tax relief for those at the top of the socioeconomic strata won’t remediate the real problem—a failure of consumer confidence and aggregate demand. In an economy driven by consumption, accounting for nearly 60% of all economic activity, it’s a fool’s errand to believe that corporate profits can soar as consumer confidences collapses.  

Nothing short of a radical reorientation of our economic paradigm is required. The fixation with less government and lower taxes, while a popular political refrain, ignores the reality that trickle-down tactics simply haven’t worked. If anything, the Bush-era policies have contributed to widening inequality and exacerbated a seemingly intractable deficit debacle. Rather than stimulate economic growth, these generous giveaways have widened the chasm between the poor and the rich. They have also robbed the American people of the ability to redress our budgetary woes with a balanced approach to both revenue and expenditures.  

No Retreat From Sensible Solutions
2012 presents Democrats with a real opportunity to address these and other problems with plausible, progressive alternatives. The timidity of the Tea Party and the GOP’s draconian dogma simply aren’t real replacements for sensible solutions; solutions like expanding the earned income tax credit for middle class workers, or as former Labor Secretary Bob Reich has proposed, imposing higher marginal rates on the wealthy and eliminating the distinction between capital gains and ordinary income to partially fund wage supplements for cash-strapped workers. These proposals and others would have the effect of reconstituting a ragged middle class and eliminate a perversity of our tax system that unfairly penalizes the poor and rewards the rich.  

Progressives must also stand against calls to dramatically reduce or scale back our investment in public infrastructure. While conservatives love to rail against profligate spending and a burgeoning bureaucracy, non-defense discretionary spending is at a historic low, and the government’s contribution to research and development as a percentage of GDP in 2009 stood at a meager .08%. These are hardly positive attributes in our current economic climate, when history shows that public investment is an indispensable ingredient in fostering a full and robust recovery.   

2012 is not a time for progressives to retreat from their principles. It’s a time for Democratic politicians to give Americans a real alternative.  As a Democrat, I’ll continue to support principled progressives who share my belief that a return to President Clinton’s philosophy of “opportunity for all, responsibility from all, in a community of all Americans,” is the best recipe for national unity and shared prosperity.  

This is a guest blog by Alexander J. Cotoia. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

October 3, 2011 at 12:56 AM in 2012 General Election, Democratic Party, Economy, Populism, Finance, Investments, Guest Blogger, Progressivism, Taxes | |

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

AZ Congressman Raúl Grijalva Endorses Eric Griego for Congress in NM-1

RaulGrijalvaCr In an email to Griego's supporters today, 5-term Democratic Congressman Raúl Grijalva (AZ-7) announced his endorsement of Eric Griego for Congress in New Mexico's First District. Rep. Grijalva Co-Chairs the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) and serves as Chair of the Education Task Force of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC). He also is a Vice Chair of the House LGBT Equality Caucus and Co-Chairs the Congressional National Landscape Conservation System Caucus.

"As John Boehner and Tea Party Republicans wage class war against working families, Progressives in Congress are fighting back. But we need help. We need more bold progressives fighting by our side," said Grijalva. "That's why I endorse State Senator Eric Griego for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District open seat."

Griego_eric "Eric Griego believes that 'the last thing we need to send to Washington is a Democrat who's a kinder, gentler version of the Republicans'. I agree. Democrats must fight for a government that works for all people, not just those with deep pockets and fancy titles," Grijalva noted.

"Eric fought to get corporate money out of politics as an Albuquerque City Councilor, where he passed one of the strongest local campaign finance reforms in the nation. As State Senator, he took on the Big Oil companies and put middle-class workers first by passing a green jobs bill into law," Grijalva continued. "Eric is supported by leading progressive groups and major labor unions -- and he is the only candidate in the race to have a lifetime 100% rating from Conservation Voters New Mexico."

Rep. Grijalva encouraged supporters to donate to Griego's campaign, saying, "I need Eric Griego fighting by my side in Congress. To make that happen, he needs your help."

Congressman Grijalva serves on the Subcommittees on Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education, and Workforce Protections, of the Committee on Education and the Workforce, as well as on the Committee of Natural Resources, were he is a member of the Subcommittee on Water and Power and the Ranking Membe of the Subcomittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands.

Click to see our previous posts on Eric Griego, as well as the NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, in our archives.

September 28, 2011 at 01:53 PM in Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (5)

Monday, September 26, 2011

NM-1 Congressional Candidate Eric Griego Ranked #2 on AlterNet's 5 Progressive Candidates to Watch

EricGriegoCr On Friday, AlterNet published a story about "5 Progressive Candidates to Watch as the 2012 Campaign Heats Up." At Number 2, the article listed Eric Griego, a Democratic candidate for Congress in New Mexico's First District, and had this to say about the race:

2. Eric Griego—New Mexico House District 1

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) made its first endorsement for a 2012 Congressional race, and it's Eric Griego, currently a state senator and running for New Mexico's 1st district House seat, as Democrat Rep. Martin Heinrich is vacating the seat to run for Senate.

The PCCC's email called Griego “one of the most progressive members of the New Mexico Senate,” and pointed out that he challenged a more conservative Democrat for his state senate seat. They jumped into the race to try to raise funds for Griego early and warn off more conservative Dems, saying that Griego will “vote to bring our troops home, tax big corporations and the rich, and protect Social Security and Medicare from benefit cuts proposed by either party."

The 1st district,in central New Mexico, in and around Albuquerque, is considered pretty safe, so it's a move by the PCCC and others to get a fierce candidate who will actually fight into the Congress rather than have another Blue Dog in the spot.

And Griego seems to be up for the challenge --"The last thing we need to send to Washington is a Democrat who is a kinder, gentler version of the Republicans, frankly,” his campaign video says.

The other candidates AlterNet named to the list -- all Democrats -- include 1. Tammy Baldwin—Wisconsin Senate; 3. Chris Murphy—Connecticut Senate; 4. John Waltz—Michigan House District 6; and 5. Elizabeth Warren—Massachusetts Senate.

Being ranked high in a listing of four other noteworthy candidates with strong national profiles indicates just how important this race in New Mexico is viewed on the national scene by prominent progressive Dems -- and how much attention Griego is garnering as a progressive standout. As noted in the AlterNet article,

While Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul eat up time on cable news with their latest out-there soundbite, we thought we'd bring you five progressive candidates to keep an eye on. Their message is resonating with people in their districts, and these candidates are ready to steal some of the spotlight back from the ultra-right with policies that would actually improve the lives of working people.

Imagine that!

September 26, 2011 at 01:40 PM in Eric Griego, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Progressivism | |

Friday, September 23, 2011

9/27: Progressive Women for Balderas Meet and Greet Hosted by Prof. Margaret Montoya

From Balderas for Senate:

Meet & Greet
Hosted by
Prof. Margaret Montoya
Dr. Carletta Bullock  Angela Chavez Adkins 
Hon. Diane Denish  Maria Martinez  Diana Montoya-Boyer  Suzanne Prescott  Charlotte Roybal   Dr. Karen Sanchez-Griego  Dr. Kristine Suozzi  DeAnza Valencia

Hon. Hector Balderas
Candidate for United States Senate
Tuesday, September 27th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
At the Boyer-Montoya Home—931 Green Valley Road, NW, ABQ
Click for Flyer (pdf)

Contributions Gratefully Accepted, But Not Required
RSVP: or call (505) 345-6382

September 23, 2011 at 02:22 PM in 2012 NM Senate Race, Events, Hector Balderas, Progressivism, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)

Report on Energized MoveOn and NM Unions Rally for Jobs, Not Cuts in Santa Fe 9/17


This is a report from the field by Elizabeth Cook-Romero one of the citizen activists of MoveOn New Mexico. The group is involved in helping to coordinate a series of demonstrations in New Mexico advocating citizen action to help Rebuild the Dream.

Their next event, in conjunction with the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP), will take place TODAY, starting at 5:00 PM at the Albuquerque Civic Plaza, to counter the right-wing, astro-turf Hispanic Leadership Network that's meeting across the street. Click for details. Activities coordinated by 100 Thousand Poets for Change follow on the Plaza at 6:00 PM. On Saturday, 100 Thousand Poets groups around the globe, including here in Albuquerque.

A half hour before MoveOn’s September 17 rally began last Saturday, singing filled the park behind the Roundhouse. The Union Town Criers were warming up, and MoveOn organizers and their union partners sang along as they assembled the stage and arranged literature on tables. 

The event started a few minutes after one. The crowd was still small -- perhaps a hundred people. The Criers sang two old-time union songs, then guitarist Carol Oppenheimer stepped into the audience, as dozens of health care workers streamed into the space between the stage and the Roundhouse.  Protestors were arriving from every direction, and the crowd swelled to more than 300. Many held handmade signs that read, “Where are the jobs, Susana?” AFSCME members held yellow banners.  Everyone was singing and swaying as Oppenheimer, strumming her guitar, circled through the crowd.

Sen. Peter Wirth, Mayor David Coss

Santa Fe Mayor David Coss served as MC, a daunting task since almost two dozen speakers were on hand to address the crowd. Jon Hendry, President of the NM Federation of Labor kicked off the event, then Coss turned the mike over to state legislators who needed to return to the capitol to cast votes. State Representatives Brian Egolf, Eleanor Chavez, Antonio Luján, Bobby J. Gonzales, Rick Miera, Sheryl Williams Stapleton and Luciano “Lucky” Varela made it abundantly clear that New Mexico isn’t Wisconsin. Like Scott Walker, Gov. Martinez’s campaign was funded by big business, but policies that hurt workers and preserve tax breaks for oil, gas and out-of-state businesses will not get an automatic pass here.

Sen. Dede Feldman, Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton

Teachers, artists, nurses and communications workers stood side-by-side as State Senators Peter Wirth, Mary Jane M. Garcia and Eric G. Griego talked about the governor’s lack of proposals to create jobs. For a while, old-time songs were replaced by the 21st-century slogan of resistance: “This is what democracy looks like!” 

State Senator Dede Feldman, who was not scheduled to speak, climbed onto the stage. She had heard the rally from the Senate Floor, and she urged everyone to yell louder so Gov. Susana Martinez, in her fourth-floor office, would hear.

Sen. Eric Griego revs up the crowd

A half dozen labor leaders, including Jennifer Garcia (Northern NM Labor Council), Miles Conway (CWA), Delma Delora (NUHHCE) and Carter Bundy (AFSCME) reminded the crowd that industry didn’t agree to the 40-hour week and weekends off without a long, hard fight. A majority of those listening were union members, and their shouts proved they knew history and understood that privatization of government services would replace middle-class civil servants with workers with few rights or benefits -- so that profits could flow to out-of-state stock holders. 

IMG_3939 Cheryl A. Bumpus, president of NEA Santa Fe, shouted that she would like to talk to Susana about cheating. Loud hisses and laughter rose toward the governor’s office as Bumpus was dissing the Martinez administration’s plan to spend $70 thousand tax dollars on an erasure-analysis program to see if teachers are changing their students’ answers on standardized tests.

Santa Fe County Commissioner Kathy Holian told the crowd she would leave inspired by their courage.  And radio host Craig Barnes reminded everyone that radical conservative ideology threatens more than decent wages, workers’ rights and benefits; it threatens the earth we live on.

By the time the last three speakers, Dr. Wanda Ross Padilla (NAACP), Marcella Diaz (Somos Un Pueblo Unido) and Todd McElroy (Equality NM) took the stage, a warm bond had developed -- not only among the three human-rights workers -- but between speakers and audience. Though the fight ahead will be hard, many were smiling. The smiles expressed hope and defiance, but most of all they expressed self-respect.

This is a guest blog by Elizabeth Cook-Romero. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

September 23, 2011 at 10:48 AM in Economy, Populism, Education, Eric Griego, Events, Jobs, Labor, NM Legislature Redistricting 2011, Progressivism, Susana Martinez | Permalink | Comments (4)

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