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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Snowy Caucus Day in New Mexico 2008


Update: A story in the Albuquerque Tribune about Caucus turnout is entitled, "Overwhelming interest surprises New Mexico Democrats."
Snow frosted our Obama sign this morning in Albuquerque, on New Mexico's Democratic Presidential Caucus Day 2008. We got an inch or two overnight, but most of it will be gone by the time the Caucus sites open at Noon. Up north, things will be a bit more dicey. The Chama area got the most snow with four feet falling over two days in some spots, creating emergency conditions and closing many roads. Yesterday, Gov. Richardson declared Chama and the rest of Rio Arriba County to be a disaster area, and today he ordered more than a dozen National Guard troops to assist with relief efforts there.

Continue reading "Snowy Caucus Day in New Mexico 2008"

February 5, 2008 at 11:32 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (7)

Monday, February 04, 2008

Guest Blog: Why New Progressives Should Support Obama

This is a guest blog by Eric Griego, Moe Maestas and Javier Benavidez:

It is rare in American politics that a leader emerges who inspires people to look beyond their political party, their race, or their gender.  A leader who truly restores faith in the idea that we are all in this together and that it is still possible to change America for the better.  We believe Barack Obama is that leader.

With a few notable exceptions, the two remaining Democrats have similar platforms.  Obama has been a strong and steady opponent of the war in Iraq.  Clinton voted to go to war.  Obama has the most progressive position on immigration, including a path to citizenship. Clinton flip flopped on the issue of issuing drivers’ licenses to immigrants to protect public safety.  While Clinton is as hawkish as conservative Republicans on using diplomacy, Senator Obama believes we should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to negotiate with some of our toughest enemies.  Not with a blank check and no agenda, but with an earnest resolve to move diplomacy where we can.  Instead of forcing people who cannot afford insurance to buy it, Obama’s healthcare plan focuses on cutting costs.  Clinton’s plan looks a lot like the failed and underfunded Massachusetts model.

Almost 50 years ago, another young Senator inspired a nation with his message of unity and bold change for America.   His name was John F. Kennedy.  Like Senator Obama he challenged Americans to believe that we could change history by making America work for all of us again.  He was not the typical candidate.  He was young.  He was from a religious group (Catholics) that had never fielded a Presidential candidate.   Some people at the time said he was a gamble.  However, his bold plan for America changed the course of history.

One of JFK’s closest allies in the U.S. Senate, was a man, who grew up in Albuquerque’s Barelas neighborhood, Senator Dennis Chavez.  Dennis Chavez co-chaired the national Viva Kennedy campaign, which helped deliver not just the state for Kennedy, but most of the Hispanic vote nationwide. It was the first time that Hispanic voters were mobilized enough to determine the outcome of a national campaign.

Sadly, the Clinton campaign is claiming that Hispanics are monolithic and according to her pollster, Sergio Bendexin, will not support a Black candidate.  The myth of a brown-black rift is just that – a myth.  A fairytale if you will.  As Time magazine pointed out, Hispanics have helped elect several big city Black mayors from Harold Washington in Chicago to Wellington Webb in Denver.  Here in New Mexico Obama’s state campaign co-chair James Lewis was elected by an overwhelming Democratic majority – most of whom were Hispanic.

This should not be a black vs. white election, or even a black vs. brown election.  It should also not be a man vs. women election. It should be a future vs. the past election.  An innovation vs. the status quo election.  Color, gender or age should be irrevelant.

In the end, the differences between Obama and Clinton are minor compared to the Republican alternatives.  Both Obama and Clinton are more than qualified to be President.  The real question is whether we want a new direction, a fresh approach, a new way.  For those of us who are trying to be part of a new kind of politics here in New Mexico, we think Obama offers the best hope for our future. 

We hope you will join us.

February 4, 2008 at 11:45 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Guest Blogger, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (19)

Fired Up, Ready to Go Song: Pass It On

Seattle Musicians: Read about it.



Come wind, come rain, come snow

February 4, 2008 at 07:27 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)

What Will Super Tuesday Bring?

Plus Alaska and American Samoa

Super Tuesday states. Obama has had incredible momentum since South Carolina, and he's been making big polling gains on Two-For-The-Price-Of-One Clinton in states like California, Massachusetts and New Jersey. Some of the national polls show them in a statistical dead heat. Still, Clinton may well hang on in California and beyond tomorrow. New Mexico appears to be up for grabs and anybody's guess. Turnout is everything.

Obama is moving up fast but he hasn't crested yet, so he'll probably lose any number of states, most of them by single digits. In some places, not enough people were exposed to him or his wife, Michelle, in time for an out-and-out victory. In others, where early voting is big, many marked their ballots for Hillary before Obama's big mo got going, or they voted for Edwards thinking he'd still be in the race on Super Tuesday.

Obama's Goal: Stay Competitive
The point is that Obama doesn't need to win the majority of states tomorrow to "win" in the long run. What he needs to do is win a few and come close in others to show that Hillary's trajectory has been flat as a pancake since the early contests. Obama must collect enough delegates to stay close and that will equal the equivalent of a victory, for now.

Continue reading "What Will Super Tuesday Bring?"

February 4, 2008 at 06:17 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (2)

(Updated) Voting: Other Ways to Find Your 2/5/08 NM Caucus Site

UPDATE 2/5/08: From Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver:

In regard to the removal of the "Where do I Vote?" tool on the County Clerk's website:

The Bernalillo County Clerk's office is working diligently to assist the Democratic Party with today's caucus. 

In the preceding weeks we've received multiple complaints regarding the fact that the tool does not refer voters to their Caucus website.  The tool is based on our voter registration system, which only allows us to enter polling locations when we are conducting elections.  Since the state Democratic Party is conducting this election, we are not able to use the tool in the same way.  If a voter accessed the "Where do I Vote?" tool recently, it gave them information about how to vote in the September, 2007 CNM election. 

Needless to say, this was confusing to voters.

We temporarily removed the tool from our website in order to reduce the confusion.  In it's place, we put a link to the State Democratic Party website.

Voters may contact our office at 468-1291 to find out their precinct and polling location. Phones will be answered until polls close at 7 PM.
I'm hearing that many people are having a hard time finding where to vote in the NM Democratic Presidential Preference Caucus tomorrow because Dem Party phone lines and website pages are overwhelmed at times. I also noticed the tool to find your precinct number is down or removed from the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office website, and you need your precinct number to find your caucus site. An easy solution is to the use the tool at the Obama New Mexico page. Just type in your info here. Granted, you'll get on the campaign's mailing list whether you're a supporter or not, but at this point it might be your best bet. Various alternative links are listed on the left-hand sidebar near the top of the page on DFNM.

Update: You can also go to here and look yourself up. It'll list your Precinct number next to "Polling place." Then go to the State Party site  (which seems to be working ok) and see which polling place your Precinct is assigned to. I was originally directing people to a League of Women Voters site but have since learned it doesn't alway return the right voting place for this particular election.

February 4, 2008 at 02:48 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (6)

Today: HB9-Domestic Partner Bill Hearing in Senate Judiciary, 2PM

From EQNM: We're sorry for the short notice, but the Senate Judicary Committee is going forward with hearings on House Bill 9 (The Domestic Partners Rights and Responsibilites Bill) after all! The hearing is scheduled for 2:00 PM in room 321 at the Roundhouse. We anticipate the meeting will probably start a little late, so if at all possible please join us for our rally and press conference in the rotunda at 2:30 PM and then stay for the hearing. Today is EQNM Lobby Day at the Legislature. Let's Rock the Roundhouse!

February 4, 2008 at 12:26 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-03: Wiviott Kicks Off Tour on Easing Energy Squeeze for Families


Over the next few weeks, Don Wiviott,a  Democratic Congressional candidate in NM-03, plans an energy tour that will take him throughout the Third District. The tour kicks off today at a house party from 5:00 to 7:00 PM hosted by Jill Meyer at 512 Los Nidos, Estancia Primera, Santa Fe. All are invited to attend. He plans to travel the state on the tour in a new hybrid van (above) that is fueled by cooking oil from Santa Fe’s Flying Tortilla. Very cool.

With the price of gas hovering around three dollars and the cost of heating a home at an all time high, Third Congressional District candidate Don Wiviott said today that he would use his 30 years of experience working with energy to fight for solutions that help hardworking families get ahead.

At his event Monday, the candidate will announce that he will spend the next month touring the Third District to talk to voters about his ideas to end the energy crunch. He promised to draw on his decades of work in affordable housing and energy efficiency to help middle-class families across the Third District.

In his campaign, Wiviott said he’s heard from families across the district who are paying more for energy and in need of relief. Money these families once had for groceries or a night out is now going down the tank. In Congress, the candidate pledged to offer the new leadership Washington needs on this issue. Instead of energy plans that benefit special interests, Wiviott pledged to fight for relief for the working Americans who really need it.

“It’s no coincidence that as the price of gas has gone up, the popularity of Washington has gone down,” said Wiviott. “The Washington answer to families pinched at the pump is to line the pockets of big oil and gas. Its solution to our addiction to foreign oil is to keep consuming 21 million barrels a day. The politicians don’t get what’s happening in America, but as someone with 30 years of real experience in energy issues, I do.” 

Continue reading "NM-03: Wiviott Kicks Off Tour on Easing Energy Squeeze for Families"

February 4, 2008 at 12:15 PM in Energy, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Santa Fe Reporter Hosts Election Night Party

The Santa Fe Reporter is hosting a Super Duper Tuesday election-watchin' party tomorrow night, Tuesday, February 5th, from 7 PM to Midnight, at the Catamount on Bar and Grille on 125 E. Water Street in Santa Fe (map). Come one, come all, and share refreshments with the Reporter crew while the primary and caucus results pour in from 20+ states including New Mexico.

February 4, 2008 at 09:56 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM Health Security Act Hearing Today

From Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign: The NM House Judiciary Committee will hear the Health Security Act (HB 214) today, Monday, February 4, at 1:30 PM in Room 309. The Health Security Act is first on the agenda, followed by the governor's Health Solutions bill (HB 62). Please come to the hearing! We need a very strong showing at this hearing. Call Your legislators this morning:

Continue reading "NM Health Security Act Hearing Today"

February 4, 2008 at 09:31 AM in Healthcare, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Even More for Obama

***Must See: Michelle Obama in Las Cruces Monday Night***

Joan Baez endorsed Senator Obama today in the San Francisco Chronicle:

Editor - I have attempted throughout my life to give a voice to the voiceless, hope to the hopeless, encouragement to the discouraged, and options to the cynical and complacent. From Northern Ireland to Sarajevo to Latin America, I have sung and marched, engaged in civil disobedience, visited war zones, and broken bread with those who had little bread to break.

Through all those years, I chose not to engage in party politics. Though I was asked many times to endorse candidates at every level, I was never comfortable doing so. At this time, however, changing that posture feels like the responsible thing to do. If anyone can navigate the contaminated waters of Washington, lift up the poor, and appeal to the rich to share their wealth, it is Sen. Barack Obama. If anyone can bring light to the darkened corners of this nation and restore our positive influence in world affairs, it is Barack Obama. If anyone can begin the process of healing and bring unity to a country that has been divided for too long, it is Barack Obama. It is time to begin a new journey.

Menlo Park

And in a real shocker, California First Lady Maria Shriver endorses Obama at today's outstanding and very moving rally at UCLA with Michelle Obama, Oprah, Caroline Kennedy and Stevie Wonder. I'm looking for video of this entire event, which was aired on C-SPAN. To my mind, it was one of the most moving and powerful sets of speeches I've ever witnessed for a political candidate.

Continue reading "Even More for Obama"

February 3, 2008 at 09:18 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (4)