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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Santa Fe City Council Passes Peace and Plutonium Resolutions

As reported in the Santa Fe New Mexican, the Santa Fe City Council last week passed resolutions regarding plutonium pit production by Los Alamos National Lab and the celebration of Mother's Day by the city.

One resolution directs the city clerk to inform federal authorities of the city's opposition to the production of plutonium pits by LANL in line with the National Nuclear Security Administration's recently released draft environmental impact statement. According to the resolution, the transformation would result in releases of hazardous and radioactive waste in the area.

The second resolution will return Mother's Day to its original mission, with a peace rally on the Plaza this May 11th and every Mother's Day going forward. The national holiday was established in 1870 at the urging of Julia Ward Howe, a feminist abolitionist, who wrote it should be an occasion to encourage women to "solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace," according to the resolution.

February 19, 2008 at 08:45 AM in Local Politics, Nuclear Arms, Power, Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

DEA Ordered Seizure of Medical Marijuana from Paraplegic Patient

Priorities, priorities. Goon squads on parade in New Mexico.

From the ACLU New Mexico: CARLSBAD, NM - According to a sworn affidavit filed this past week by an Eddy County law enforcement official, the seizure of medical marijuana from a local paraplegic man, "was done at the direction of and under the guidance and control of the [Drug Enforcement Administration] DEA."  The affidavit, submitted by David Edmondson, Commander of the Pecos Valley Drug Task Force, which conducted the seizure on September 4, 2007, makes clear that the federal government directed local law enforcement to seize the medical marijuana of a patient fully authorized to use the medicine under state law.

"This is yet another glaring example of the federal government's improper obstruction of states' ability to implement compassionate and sensible medical marijuana policies," said Adam Wolf, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union's Drug Law Reform Project.  "For the DEA to co-opt local law enforcement in its misguided assault on medical marijuana patients is both callous and unconstitutional."

Continue reading "DEA Ordered Seizure of Medical Marijuana from Paraplegic Patient"

February 17, 2008 at 01:22 PM in Civil Liberties, Crime, Healthcare, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Auditor Balderas Meets with Czech Republic Delegation to Discuss Transparency and Ethics in Democracy

Hector Balderas (far right) and Czech delegation. (Click on photo for larger image.)

Yesterday, State Auditor Hector Balderas met in Santa Fe with a distinguished delegation from the Czech Republic to discuss transparency and ethics in democracy. The delegation was invited to tour the United States under the auspices of the Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program.

“It is an honor to meet representatives from the Czech Republic to exchange knowledge and ideas about ethics in government,” Balderas stated. “As a burgeoning democracy, the Czech Republic is undergoing numerous challenges in developing systems for accountability and transparency. I hope our dialogue continues for months and years to come, and that I can be a resource in assisting them with government reform.”

The Department of State has outlined the following specific objectives for the project:

• To explore how U.S. federal, state, and district agencies combat corruption;

• To examine the crucial role of NGOs, such as watchdog agencies, in ensuring transparency in politics and public institutions;

• To address issues of judicial ethics and reform; and

• To explore whistleblower protections in the United States.

Continue reading "Auditor Balderas Meets with Czech Republic Delegation to Discuss Transparency and Ethics in Democracy"

February 16, 2008 at 08:52 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, International Relations, Public Policy | Permalink | Comments (6)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Saturday: Insight New Mexico Radio's Legislative Wrap-Up

From Insight New Mexico:
The lastest installment of airs on Albuquerque's Progressive Talk Radio 1350 AM from Noon to 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 9. Cohosted by Heather Brewer and Javier Benavidez and produced by Suzanne Prescott. You can call in live during the show with your questions and comments at 338-4090. This week's show:

Continue reading "Saturday: Insight New Mexico Radio's Legislative Wrap-Up"

February 15, 2008 at 04:06 PM in Local Politics, Media, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight on New Mexico In Focus: Legislative Session Wrap-Up

From New Mexico IN FOCUS: FRIDAY, FEB. 15 at 7:00 PM and repeated SUNDAY, FEB. 17 at 6:30 AM  on  Channel 5, KNME-TV. Hosted by Gene Grant and David Alire Garcia.

This Week’s TOPICS: The 2008 Legislative Session Wraps Up With Issues, from Universal Health Care To Domestic Partnership And Ethics Reform; The Growing Tension Between Lawmakers and Gov. Richardson; The Congressional Candidates Make Their Campaigns Official; The Ballot Counting Continues In The Democratic Presidential Caucus; The Battle Over Oil And Gas Drilling In The Galisteo Basin Rages On.

Continue reading "Tonight on New Mexico In Focus: Legislative Session Wrap-Up"

February 15, 2008 at 02:23 PM in Local Politics, Media, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

This Weekend: Controversial Play 'My Name Is Rachel Corrie' at Out chYonda

CorrieDenver-based political theatre collective, Countdown to Zero, in partnership with Justice First!, announces the premier New Mexico production of 'My Name Is Rachel Corrie,' the highly controversial play, in a limited run at the Out ch'YondA Art Space (929 Fourth St. SW, Albuquerque). The play was created from the personal journal entries, emails, and writings of the young activist Rachel Corrie (above right) after her death in 2003 while trying to stop an Israeli bulldozer in a Palestinian residential area in Gaza. An idealistic, curious, and passionate young woman is presented as she explores her personal world as well as that of the complex world of Middle Eastern politics.

After a critically-acclaimed run in Denver, Countdown to Zero's production will run for two performances only, Saturday, February 16, 2:00 PM, and Sunday, February 17, at 2:00 PM. This play was chosen as an artistic vehicle for community conversation. After both performances, post-show discussions will be offered in order to address the issues raised in the play and to encourage fair and honest conversation and reflection. Ticket prices are $20. For reservations and information visit www.RachelABQ.com or call 505-350-1276.

Click for info on a companion event set for Saturday at 6:30 PM at the Albuquerque Mennonite Church where artists and activists will discuss political theater and music.

Continue reading "This Weekend: Controversial Play 'My Name Is Rachel Corrie' at Out chYonda"

February 15, 2008 at 09:47 AM in Events, Middle East | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Final Results of 2008 NM Dem Caucus: Clinton by 1,709 Votes

Hillary Clinton pulled out a squeaker in the popular vote, winning by a margin of 1,709 votes out of a total of 149,779 votes cast in New Mexico's February 5th caucus. Clinton won 48.80% to Obama's 47.66% in the statewide vote counting election day, absentee and provisional ballots. Obama won NM-01 in the Albuquerque area and NM-03 in Northern NM, while Clinton won NM-02 in Southern NM.

Obama won Bernalillo, Catron, Los Alamos, Sandoval, Santa Fe and Taos Counties, while Clinton won the rest. It was extremely close in Socorro County where Clinton got 692 votes to Obama's 688, or a four-vote difference. Clinton won a total of 14 pledged delegates to Obama's 12.

John Edwards got a total of 2,157 votes, so if a majority of those voting for him had switched to Obama after Edwards withdrew, Barack would have won New Mexico's popular vote. Bill Richardson got 1,305 votes and Dennis Kucinich 574, with scattered votes for the other original Dem contenders, write-ins, etc.

From the Democratic Party of New Mexico
Thursday, February 14, 2008, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Today, ahead of deadline, the Democratic Party announced the canvass results of the 2008 Democratic Caucus.

“With this caucus, New Mexicans had the chance to hear directly from two historic candidates for the presidency,” said Chairman Colón. “Democrats had the opportunity to select the next President of the United States. With two great candidates to choose from, we had the largest turnout in the last 20 years or more. New Mexico Democrats have spoken and here is what they have to say.”

Statewide totals for the 2008 Democratic Caucus:

Barack Obama


John Edwards


Christopher Dodd


Dennis Kucinich


Bill Richardson


Joe Biden


Hillary Clinton


At the start of the process, both campaigns and the Democratic party formed an agreement to make sure the vote counting process was fair, consistent and transparent.  Volunteers worked over 2,250 hours to find registered voters, and were able to find 8,200 voter registrations. After a preliminary review of provisional ballots--Twenty percent had either already voted absentee or had failed to attach an affidavit to their ballot, and eight percent of provisional voters were not registered.

“The biggest surprise of this caucus was the more than 3,500 voters---Independents, Greens and Republicans---tried to vote in the Democratic Caucus,” said Chairman Brian Colón. “Clearly, their message to us was---they want change in this country.  My message to them is ‘We couldn’t agree more.  While we couldn’t accept your vote in our Democratic caucus, we welcome your vote at the general election this November.’” [emphasis mine]



February 14, 2008 at 04:40 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (6)

Interested in the End Results of the NM Legislative Session?

FightNo, I didn't think so. Me either. It's hard to stay engaged during 30 days filled mostly with the low spark of high-heeled boys. You know what I mean. I found it next to impossible to write with real hope about the prospects for passage of stem cell research, REAL heath care reform, educational improvement, ethics and campaign reform, domestic partnership or other important measures. Clearly, our critical needs really don't matter much with too many up there, all caught up in who can stick their tongues out the farthest. Much ado about nothing, negating months of work on important issues by hundreds of people.

Now the usual suspects can prattle on about which side "won" in any given spat. Let's not waste much time here doing that. Oversize egos, narrow minds and corporate lobbyists won out over everything else. Period.

There's little to praise beyond the valiant efforts of adult legislators like Rep. Mimi Stewart, Sen. Dede Feldman, Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino and others who take the job seriously. There are significant numbers of state senators and representatives who work tirelessly to craft sensible legislation in the face of raging juvenile delinquency in the Roundhouse from top to bottom (and that includes the newly bearded one). Special gold star, though, to honor a 45-minute filibuster last night by Sen. Cisco McSorley that stopped the SunCal TIDD bill giveaway. Bravo, Senator. Or as Cocoposts puts it, Kiss Senator Cisco!

Anyone else remember any high points this year?

February 14, 2008 at 04:15 PM in NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (3)

Public Information Meeting: 2006 Post-Election Audit Study

You can read about the audit study here. UNM Political Science Professor Lonna Atkeson will be leading the New Mexico project in collaboration with University of Utah Professor Thad Hall and California Institute of Technology Professor R. Michael Alvarez. The goal of the project is to document the proper way to conduct a post-election audit, including what to watch out for, the cost in time and resources and the various challenges associated with different ballots and voting modes. It will also examine voter intent issues and address voter education needs regarding the use of paper ballots.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Bernalillo County Clerk
University of New Mexico

Open to all those interested in learning about the
process and procedures of the upcoming
PEW Foundation-funded
audit study commencing on 2/25/08.

WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 2008, 5:30pm – 7:30 PM
Bernalillo County Clerk Voting Machine Warehouse
Bernalillo County Complex, 2400 Broadway SE Building H

For more information, please contact Robert Adams at 505.468.1207 or by email at radams@bernco.gov. Click for flyer (pdf).

February 14, 2008 at 01:52 PM in Election Reform & Voting, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Domestic Partner Bird Blogging: Happy Valentine's Day

Hambone and Ginger, sitting in a swing, k-i-s-s-i-n-g ...

We have new love among our parakeets -- our female parakeets. Hambone, the daughter of now deceased mom Whitey and dad Queenie, has allowed herself to be wooed and won by Ginger, our female lutino budgie. It was a long and sometimes rocky courtship. For many moons, Hambone didn't want much to do with Ginger, preferring to busy herself with toys and seed dishes. When Ginger would make an affectionate overture, she'd peck Ginger's head and make threatening noises. Ginger, however, was undeterred and persistent in her courtship. She had it bad for Hambone.

Recently, however, Hambone had a change of heart and the two of them can be found side by side most of the day and through the night, often sharing a swing, as above. Ginger feeds Hambone, as any good parakeet lover does with its domestic partner. She sings to her, kisses her beak, grooms her feathers and yes, makes sweet parakeet love with her. This is nature at work -- not the result of any propaganda from the GLBT parakeet community. Obviously, they don't consider it a "sin." Our other parakeets seem just fine with the arrangement, and grant Hambone and Ginger their space and their dignity despite the couple's obvious difference in orientation. No big whoop.

Continue reading "Domestic Partner Bird Blogging: Happy Valentine's Day"

February 14, 2008 at 10:02 AM in Bird Blogging, Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)