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Friday, October 03, 2008

Post-Debate Polls Show Biden Debate Win

Palin supports civil unions! (?)

If "exceeding expectations" means ignoring the questions being asked and plugging in rote recitations of off-topic talking points, then Palin exceeded expectations. She was like a robot tearing through the programmed language at warp speed, while peppering her recitations with phony "folksy" flourishes and spiteful little attacks at Biden, meant to bait him into attacking her. He didn't bite. In fact, I thought Biden was incredibly disciplined and controlled, staying on message and focusing his attacks on McCain and his Bushian record. Mission accomplished.

The snap polls post-debate, as well as those focus group dial-polls conducted during the debate had Biden winning, although some of the pundits said it was a virtual tie because Palin didn't crash and burn. I guess they don't believe it's important to answer the questions being asked in terms of scoring a debate performance.

A total of 22 new "fact checks" were added to Count the Lies at the McCainPedia.org, documenting Palin's disinformation answers she no doubt was coached to regurgitate. Here's the complete transcript of the debate.

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October 3, 2008 at 11:51 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism | Permalink | Comments (1)

NM-02: Cook Report Upgrades Race to "Toss Up" and "Top Tier Race"

The Harry Teague campaign reports that the Cook Political Report, an independent non-partisan publication that analyzes political campaigns, yesterday upgraded the Congressional race in NM-02 from "Lean Republican" to "Toss Up." Teague, the Democratic nominee, is running a strong race and presents the best chance for the Dems to retake the seat in 28 years.

The Cook Political Report upgraded the race citing Harry's ties to the Southern New Mexico and his strong record as a businessman, as well as GOP candidate Ed Tinsley's poor record as a Washington lobbyist. According to Cook (subscription only):

"Democrats say Tinsley's time spent advocating for the National Restaurant Association's interests in Washington will turn off rural southern New Mexico voters. While this district's conservatism should provide Tinsley a boost, insiders say he has run a less than perfect campaign.

... Meanwhile, Teague has tied his business credentials to the district's roots, emphasizing his direct experience with oil and the issue of energy. A Hamilton Campaigns poll taken in September for Teague's campaign showed the Democrat ahead 46 percent to 41 percent. Democrats may still have a better shot at picking up the politically friendlier 1st CD open seat, but this is now a top tier race as well."

October 3, 2008 at 10:59 AM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 02, 2008

VP Debate Tonight; McCain Gives Up On Michigan

Palin's Greatest Hits by TPM

The McCain campaign is leaking that Sarah Palin will go after Joe Biden on foreign policy tonight at the Veep debate. That I wanna see. On the other hand, the Obama campaign is leaking that Joe will go after Johnny, not Sarah. He'll just let Sarah run on and trip herself up with her special brand of stop and start syntax and vague generalizations. Tuning into this debate is more than a little like watching NASCAR. Everyone will be waiting for a crash and burn, or at least some serious spinouts. Given the scary, surreal feel to the week's events, I'm in the mood for mayhem and a bit of hysterical laughter, aren't you? Let's hope it's at Sarah's expense, and McCain's.

Palin can't be pleased that she'll be entering the debate fray with bad news and fading poll numbers trailing the campaign. Palin has been pummeled for the past several weeks for her horrible performances in on-camera interviews. And now it's official -- McCain-Palin is giving up on Michigan -- pulling its ads, its direct mail and most of its staff. This was one state won by Kerry that the GOP felt they had a real chance at winning, but recent polling has Obama's lead moving into the double digits.

Continue reading "VP Debate Tonight; McCain Gives Up On Michigan"

October 2, 2008 at 03:26 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (8)

NM-02: New Teague Ad - Can You Believe This Guy?

This is the third TV ad for Harry Teague, the Dem who's battling Ed Tinsley for the Congressional seat in New Mexico's Second Congressional District. Tinsley's been running attack ads, and this is the Teague campaign's head-on rebuttal that's being aired district-wide. It's a powerful one that sideswipes Tinsley's attempt to paint Teague as being against gun ownership, and goes on to criticize Tinsley's troubling record on taxes and his shenanigans as a Washington lobbyist. I love the ending where the narrator asks viewers, "Can you believe this guy?" And then answers: "Ed Tinsley. Not for us. Not one of us." You can read the script for the ad below the fold.

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October 2, 2008 at 12:52 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Guest Blog: Don't Be Blindly Loyal, Vote for Rick Lass for PRC

This is a guest blog by long-time health care advocate and progressive Democratic activist Charlotte Roybal of Santa Fe.

The following editorial by the Las Vegas Optic expresses my views on the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) race in Northern New Mexico where Democrat Jerome Block Jr. is running against another candidate, Rick Lass. As a life-long Democrat, I cannot support a candidate who is unwilling to tell us where he stands on PRC issues. Many other Democrats share my views on this race and have come out in support of Lass. Unfortunately, Block's troubling statements and actions in this campaign have demonstrated such poor judgment, dishonesty and instability that we cannot support his candidacy.

We hope other Democrats will consider voting for Rick Lass for PRC in November. This of course means that you must take the time NOT to vote straight party ticket in the north. For more information go to Rick's web site at: www.ricklass.net.

Las Vegas Optic Editorial: Don't Be Blindly Loyal

Make no mistake about it, northern New Mexico is solidly Democratic. As a result, the party sometimes takes this area for granted.

Some people are loyal to the Democrats, others to the Republicans or Greens. But no party has a monopoly on wisdom and that's why we recommend against blind loyalty to your party. As such, we encourage voters to think twice before they vote straight ticket for any party.

Look at the District 3 race for the state Public Regulation Commission. It's between Democrat Jerome Block Jr. and Green Party candidate Rick Lass; no Republican entered the race. Amazingly, Block beat five candidates in the June Democratic primary — all of whom had more experience for the position involving regulation of utilities and insurance. But Block had an asset the others didn't — a politically powerful name. Both his father and grandfather had served on the PRC's predecessor, the State Corporation Commission.

In our view, Block's lineage shouldn't serve as a reason for his election as commissioner. Indeed, he has nothing much to offer the people of northern New Mexico.

Continue reading "Guest Blog: Don't Be Blindly Loyal, Vote for Rick Lass for PRC"

October 2, 2008 at 11:55 AM in 2008 PRC Election, Guest Blogger, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (12)

NM-01: White Campaign Uses Deputy's Murder in TV Ad

Repub Darren White's campaign for Congress in NM-01 must be getting desperate. His new attack ad uses an on-camera statement by the parents of slain Deputy James McGrane, attempting to exploit one of New Mexico's most emotionally distressing law enforcement tragedies for political gain. A photo from the officer's funeral is also featured in the ad.

White's insensitive ad is meant to be what his campaign calls a "counter attack" to Martin Heinrich's latest TV ad, which questions White's competence and performance when he served as New Mexico's Secretary of Public Safety under Gov. Gary Johnson. White's ad fails to refute any of the criticisms used in the Heinrich ad, including the fact that 89% of state police officers voted no confidence in White when he led the force, and a mention of a Santa Fe New Mexican report on the wives of state police officers saying White endangered their husbands.

White's ad clearly tries to get an emotional response from viewers by playing on their sympathies for the slain officer -- instead of presenting any material to knock down any of the assertions in Heinrich's ad.

Yesterday, KOB-TV News 4 featured a report (includes video) on the ad by Stuart Dyson. Excerpt:

UNM political professor Tim Krebs said White's new ad is a risky move for the sheriff. "I think anytime you politicize a tragic incident like this you run the risk of people perceiving that you're trying to take political advantage of this horrible incident," Krebs said.

The latest polling in the race has Martin Heinrich up by 6 points as we head into the last month of the campaign. Expect more how-low-can-he-go ads from the White camp. When GOP politicos can't campaign on the issues or the facts, you know what happens.

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October 2, 2008 at 11:18 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)

SEIU Prez Andy Stern Expresses Disappointment on Senate Bailout Bill

SEIU President Andy Stern released the following statement yesterday about the version of the bailout bill that passed the Senate last night by a margin of 74-25, with only 10 Dems voting against it. (Bingaman voted for it, as did Domenici.) Stern also references the work we have ahead of us to get Obama elected and keep the pressure on when he takes office. The struggle for a better deal for ordinary Americans never ends.

With the U.S. Senate poised to approve a bailout plan for Wall Street tonight, Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), expressed disappointment that Congress appeared ready to pass up an opportunity to address the economic concerns facing millions of American families:

“It’s very disappointing that Congress is passing on this opportunity to invest in a new economic model that puts government on the side of the people.

“The reality is that this bill isn’t going to solve the problems facing our economy. If we really want to revive the economy over the long-term, we must address the underlying financial issues facing American families, the consumers who are the backbone of our nation’s economic health. Rising unemployment, stagnant wages, the healthcare crisis, a tax system that favors the wealthy over the workers – these inequities are at the root of our nation’s financial crisis. If Congress can put $750 billion aside to save Wall Street, we expect at a minimum that they make the same commitment to invest in addressing these issues.

“The bad news is that these problems aren’t going to go away on their own. Things aren’t going to change unless we fundamentally change the way we do business in Washington. The good news is that a little over a month from now, we have an opportunity to make that change a reality.

Continue reading "SEIU Prez Andy Stern Expresses Disappointment on Senate Bailout Bill"

October 2, 2008 at 08:58 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government, Labor | Permalink | Comments (2)

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Tonight: Meet Tom Udall, Martin Heinrich on West Side

Senate candidate Tom Udall and NM-01 candidate Martin Heinrich will be at the Don Newton (Taylor Ranch) Community Center meeting voters today, October 1, 2008, from 5:45 to 7:15 PM. The Community Center is located at 4900 Kachina St. NW in Albuquerque. Great chance to meet Tom and Martin, and get your questions answered. Click for map. For more info or to RSVP, contact Cara at 505-884-3055 or cvalentecompton@tomudall.com.

October 1, 2008 at 02:52 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday: House Party to Help Re-Elect Maggie Tolouse Oliver as County Clerk

Please Join Ann Piper, Blair Kaufman, Representative Sheryl Williams Stapleton, Commissioner Deanna Archuleta and Carmie Toulouse
for a SE Heights House Party for
Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Bernalillo County Clerk
Thursday, Oct 2 • 5-7 PM
At the home of Ann Piper and Blair Kaufman
715 Amherst Dr. SE (corner of Amherst & Santa Clara)
$50 suggested contribution - all contributions appreciated!
Click for FLYER (pdf)

If you can't attend, please consider making an online donation to Maggie's campaign so we can make sure her excellent work as County Clerk can continue.

October 1, 2008 at 02:17 PM in 2008 Bernalillo County Elections, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tom Daschle in NM Discussing Economy, Rural Issues

Too bad the notices came out so late yesterday afternoon about Tom Daschle's visit to New Mexico this morning to stump for Obama and discuss rural issues at the El Commodore Restaurant in Moriarty and economic issues at the Transportation Center in Los Lunas. If they gave more notice, it would have been rewarding to witness a huge crowd of people disgusted about the bailout bill circus descend on the events and ask real questions about what's going on. As it stands, I'm sure Daschle mostly interacted with people who didn't raise much of a ruckus, if past events of this type are any indication.

I hope I'm wrong. I hope he got a taste of the palpable anger that's afoot among people who are paying attention to the "negotiations" in Washington and how they're so regally skewed to help the haves and to hell with the have nots. Yes, we need to do something, but most of what is being "seriously" considered in the Congress seems like a whitewash of epic proportions to me and many others. When will those on the side of the people get a meaningful say on this stuff?

October 1, 2008 at 01:45 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (5)