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Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results of 2008 Prez Election
February 26, 2008 at 12:37 PM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (1)
Accuracy of NM Secretary of State's Voter List Questioned
Heather Clark of the Associated Press has written a thoughtful and comprehensive article discussing problems encountered with the voter lists used at caucus sites during New Mexico's February 5th Democratic presidential caucus. New Mexico's Secretary of State's office, along with those of many other states, contracts with ES&S, a Nebraska-based corporation, to maintain its master list of registered voters.
The Democratic Party of New Mexico used the Secretary of State's list to generate the list used at the caucus sites. According to the Party, the only changes made to the master list were the result of a merge operation conducted by TrueBallot, which added in late additions sent by three counties. The Party contracted with TrueBallot to produce the list used at the caucus sites.
As quoted in the article, reports from caucus volunteers, long-time registered voters who weren't on the caucus site list, the Mora County Clerk and others seem to point to the Secretary of State's list as a likely source of data problems. Excerpts:
In interviews with The Associated Press, several voters and volunteer poll workers pinpointed problems with the voter lists at polling places—and raised the possibility that the trouble may have originated not with the party but with the voter lists Democratic organizers were provided by the Secretary of State's office and county clerks.
In Mora County, for example, where half the voters cast provisional ballots, about 1,000 Democrats were stripped of their party affiliation in the Secretary of State's databank and so were never given to the Democratic Party for the caucus list, County Clerk Charlotte Duran said.
In one Bernalillo County polling place, last names beginning with the letter "A" were missing, said Lynn Jacobs, a volunteer poll worker at the site. In San Miguel County, voters on an entire street did not appear on the list, said Pat Leahan, director of the Las Vegas Peace and Justice Center who observed the caucus. And Caucus Director Beth Adams said caucus workers have noticed the names of some people whose addresses were rural routes or post office boxes were not included on the lists.
The names of state Auditor Hector Balderas and state District Judge William Lang—both longtime Democrats and voters—were omitted from the voter lists that were relied on during the Super Tuesday caucus, the two officials said.
A half dozen poll workers said they saw other longtime Democrats try to vote on Super Tuesday only to find their names were not on the lists.
"I had person after person, who had voted in every election, they hadn't moved in years, and were not on the lists," Jacobs said.
Since the lists were provided by Secretary of State Mary Herrera's office, any problems during the caucus could be repeated for the June primary and general election in November.
The question is: Were the problems inherent in the original lists provided by Herrera's office or did the Democrats change the data and inadvertently knock off voters' names?
Continue reading "Accuracy of NM Secretary of State's Voter List Questioned"
February 26, 2008 at 09:48 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (16)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Clinton Campaign Devolves Into Hypocrisy, Mockery
Mixed with a little Pink Floyd above. Moving closer to the edge below.
How low can she go? Apparently really, really, really low if she keeps listening to the venal advice characteristic of slimy Mark Penn and Howard Wolfson, her two most prominent strategy and messaging consultants. She's now freely using the Rovian tactic of accusing her rival of doing something she's doing. However, I can't imagine how the majority of voters in the March 4th primary states will see it as anything but the transparent and desperate hypocrisy that it is.
Clinton's plunge into bashing Obama doesn't seem to be working, at least in Texas, where she once held a huge lead. The lastest polling released today by CNN/Opinion Research Corp. shows a statistical dead heat: 50% of likely Democratic primary voters said Obama is their choice for the party's nominee, while 46% backed Clinton. Two recent polls by other organizations also show the race statistically even.
Continue reading "Clinton Campaign Devolves Into Hypocrisy, Mockery"
February 25, 2008 at 07:16 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (25)
Vote! Clean Elections Amendment on March 4th Santa Fe Ballot
On March 4th, 2008, Santa Fe has a chance to join Albuquerque and many other communities around the nation in voting for clean elections. Albuquerque voters approved the adoption of a voluntary public financing option for all municipal elections in 2005, by a margin of 69-39%. In next week's municipal election in Santa Fe, voters will consider Charter Amendment 4, which proposes a process for establishing public financing in city elections prior to May 2010. Common Cause New Mexico provides an excellent guide on the issue why you should support Amendment 4.
A Santa Fe New Mexican article describes Albuquerque's public financing option and lays out how the Santa Fe amendment would approach the issue:
If Santa Fe voters favor Amendment 4, they will order the City Council to develop a system to establish "meaningful public financing of campaigns" before May 2010, although the amendment doesn't specify the system must be up and running by that time.
... Campaign spending has been on the rise in recent Santa Fe city elections. In 2002, winning incumbent Mayor Larry Delgado raised and spent about $96,000. In the 2006 mayoral election, in which three candidates spent a total of more than $355,000 campaigning for the $25,700-a-year part-time position, winner David Coss led the pack at $146,169.
Continue reading "Vote! Clean Elections Amendment on March 4th Santa Fe Ballot"
February 25, 2008 at 01:29 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (2)
DPNM: Back to the Future
The next time you want local mainstream media to pay attention to your event, send out an anonymous and roughly written "press release" promising mayhem and claiming widespread support. Works like a charm.
I don't know who sent out the release the day before Saturday's Democratic Party of New Mexico's special State Central Committee meeting in Albuquerque on resolutions and platform announcing there'd be an attempt to oust DPNM Chair Brian Colón. The statement claimed strong support for a recall from SCC members, candidates and current and former Dem officeholders, but didn't name any names. KRQE-News was apparently so taken with the prospect of a brouhaha aimed at Colón that they covered the press release challenge on their Friday evening broadcast -- despite there being no way to check out its veracity. New TV-News Rule: No fact checking necessary on political stories about possible Democratic Party turmoil.
So what happened at Saturday's SCC meeting? Several standing ovations for Brian Colón (right) and everybody else involved in the Dem Caucus for hanging in there and performing the incredibly tough jobs of responding to record voter turnout and painstakingly qualifying and counting 17,000+ provisional ballots. Most attendees wore pro-Colon stickers.
"Evidently, the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated" said Colón. "I sit before you humbled by the support I have received from the 33 county chairs. They believe in Brian Colón." Here's an AP story, an Albuquerque Journal article and a column by the Journal's Gene Grant about the meeting.
Colón announced that the Party would pursue a two-pronged plan to study the strengths and weaknesses of the Caucus process: 1) forming a committee headed by himself and Lt. Gov. Diane Denish to study what happened, including problems with the voter lists, and consider alternatives for future caucuses or primaries; 2) organizing a town hall Caucus Summit to be headed by Gov. Bill Richardson, tentatively set for April 25, to hear feedback and suggestions from Party members and voters about the issue.
Continue reading "DPNM: Back to the Future"
February 25, 2008 at 12:05 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (1)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Dem Women of Sandoval County to Meet 3/5/08
Wednesday, March 5, 7:00 PM, social time at 6:30. Democratic Women of Sandoval County will meet in the Town Council Chambers at the Town of Bernalillo City Hall, 829 Camino del Pueblo, Bernalillo. Invited speaker will be DA Lemuel Martinez. Questions will be taken from the audience following his talk. Light refreshments will be served. The public is encouraged to attend. Guests are welcome. For info call Janice Saxton at 867-1139 or email jnjsaxton@msn.com.
February 24, 2008 at 09:00 PM in Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)
Reminder: Today at 2:30 PM, Tim Keller Campaign Launch
I met with Tim Keller this past week and was very impressed with his ideas, energy and positions on the issues. I think he'll be a formidable candidate for State Senate in District 17 if he gets the support he needs. Whether we live in his district or not, I think it's important that we support candidates of Keller's caliber and ethical focus who would put the people's needs over those of vested special interests in the New Mexico Legislature. Today's event provides a great opportunity for you to meet Tim and make up your own mind:
Join Us for Tim Keller's Campaign Launch
for State Senate District 17 on Sunday, 2/24!
New Leadership Working for Us!
Tim is the change we need.
Please join friends, family, and community leaders for
Tim's campaign kick-off for New Mexico State Senate!
Bring your friends and family
(light hors d'oeuvres and beverages will be provided)!
Sunday, February 24 2008
from 2:30 - 4:30 PM
El Norteño Restaurant
6416 Zuni Rd SE, ABQ 87108
Click here! for a map
Continue reading "Reminder: Today at 2:30 PM, Tim Keller Campaign Launch"
February 24, 2008 at 11:32 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tonight on 60 Minutes: The Secret Karl Rove
Tonight's 60 Minutes story on Rove and his involvement in smearing and framing Dem Gov. Don Siegelman of Alabama is reportedly a must see. Here's what the AP has to say:
A former Republican campaign worker claims that President Bush's former top political adviser, Karl Rove, asked her to find evidence that the Democratic governor of Alabama at the time was cheating on his wife, according to an upcoming broadcast of '60 Minutes.'
"Jill Simpson, who has long alleged that Rove may have influenced the corruption prosecution of former Gov. Don Siegelman, makes the claim against Rove in a broadcast scheduled to be aired Sunday, according to a statement from CBS.
"Simpson testified to congressional investigators last year that she overheard conversations among Republicans in 2002 indicating that Rove was involved in the Justice Department's prosecution of Siegelman. She has never before said that Rove pressed her for evidence of marital infidelity in spite of testifying to congressional lawyers last year, submitting a sworn affidavit and speaking extensively with reporters.
Dan Froomkin of the Washington Post has more.
February 24, 2008 at 11:00 AM in Justice, Media | Permalink | Comments (2)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
SurveyUSA Poll: Obama Has Best Chance to Beat McCain in NM
In SurveyUSA poll results released yesterday, Obama is ahead of McCain by 15 points, with Clinton's margin at 5 points in New Mexico. The survey, commissioned by KOB-TV, was conducted during the period of 2/15-2/17/08 and shows 5% undecided:
Obama 55%--40% McCain
Clinton 50%--45% McCain
Click to see the cross tabs SurveyUSA polled 506 registered voters. The results have a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4%. You can see the results from SurveyUSA polls in other states here.
February 23, 2008 at 09:18 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (0)
State Senate District 10: Democrat Victor Raigoza Announces Candidacy
From the Victor Raigoza Campaign:
Albuquerque financial advisor and community activist, Victor P. Raigoza, recently announced that he will seek the democratic nomination for State Senate District 10 – an area that encompasses the Northeast Heights, North Valley, Los Ranchos, Corrales, and parts of Rio Rancho.
A familiar face to local residents, Raigoza recently led a community coalition to defeat corporate retail giant, Wal-Mart in a campaign to build a ‘super store’ in the North Valley. The effort not only preserved landing space for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, but united divergent business and neighborhood interests toward a common goal as a result.
“When the battle to preserve the site for Albuquerque’s signature event began, victory was very much in doubt,” the 43-year-old Raigoza said, “But just as David battled Goliath, a caring and united community emerged to defeat an imposing giant. I was proud to play a leading role in an effort that preserved our local interests alongside soccer fields and the Fiesta’s balloon landing sites – efforts that I will build upon as New Mexico State Senator.”
Continue reading "State Senate District 10: Democrat Victor Raigoza Announces Candidacy"
February 23, 2008 at 08:16 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)