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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Dem Tim Keller Files for State Senate District 17

Tim drops off his signatures

From the Tim Keller campaign:
Recently announced challenger Tim Keller turned in petition signatures today, filing his candidacy for State Senate District 17 in Albuquerque's Southeast Heights. He will face incumbent Shannon Robinson in the Democratic Primary on June 3, 2008. A total of 36 nominating signatures from voters in District were required; Tim turned in 336 -- ten times the number needed.

Tim notes, "Since I announced my candidacy, the outpouring of support from the voters I've met has been encouraging. In short, the feedback has been, 'we need a change in Santa Fe.' I'm running because we need leadership in Santa Fe that will fight for our district—someone who we can count on who will fight for healthcare and ethics reform. I am a candidate who will work for our district and not the special interests."

Tim Keller, a progressive Democrat from Albuquerque, is a business consultant and spends much of his time volunteering on the boards of several non-profit groups that foster economic opportunities in the Southeast Heights and around the New Mexico.

March 18, 2008 at 01:58 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tonight: Obama Supporter Meeting in ABQ with James Lewis

From Grassroots Obama - New Mexico:
There will be a meeting of Obama for President supporters in Albuquerque on Tuesday, March 18, at 7:00 PM at 1301 San Pedro NE (Democratic Party state headquarters).  This is a special meeting. We have the Honorable James Lewis, our very own State Treasurer, as guest speaker. He is the highest ranking state official to support Obama. If you support Barack Obama for President, hope to see you there. More info: Bradford Lyau; Chair, Grassroots Obama - New Mexico (GO-NM); 650-430-5340 (cell)

March 18, 2008 at 01:08 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Major Speech: Obama Addresses Race

Full prepared text of Barack Obama's major speech on issues of race given today in Constitution Center on Independence Mall in Philadelphia. The 37-minute video above captures the entire speech as given. I decided not to provide any excerpts because I think it's essential to take in the speech in its entirety, from start to finish, to experience its power and clarity. I kept thinking as I listened, imagine having a president talking in these terms, in this manner, for eight years, to all the people, persuasively and inclusively, as we take on the immense challenges and changes in motion in almost every area of human endeavor. This time ....

March 18, 2008 at 11:00 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Minority Issues, Racial Minorities | Permalink | Comments (6)

UPDATED-POSTPONED: You're Invited: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Launch of Campaign to Support Tom Udall for U.S. Senate

UPDATE: These events have been postponed and will be rescheduled soon. See my later post.
From Ed Yoon, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund:

Dear New Mexico Progressive Activists,

I invite you to join me and other progressive activists on Tuesday, March 25th in Albuquerque for a meaningful and fun press conference to formally launch Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund’s statewide campaign to defeat anti-conservation Republicans Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson and elect pro-conservation champion Democrat Tom Udall to the U.S. Senate.

At this press conference, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund will unveil our new TV ad, campaign website and literature, and also announce our state campaign headquarters. We will also have a fun camera-worthy visual activity to highlight our message. The media is expected to be present and your volunteer time will be well-spent and appreciated.

Training and message preparation will be provided for those who are interested in speaking to the media as volunteer participants for the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund. And we will provide free lunch since the event occurs during lunch break for many of you.

Please click here to RSVP or e-mail me at EYoon@DefendersActionFund.org.If you are with an organization, please be sure to indicate which so that we can try to connect further about collaborating in 2008, and to discuss how Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund can also be helpful to your efforts in the future.

Press conference to formally kick-off Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund’s statewide campaign to elect Tom Udall to U.S. Senate, including the unveiling of its new TV ad, campaign website and literature, and campaign headquarters

Tuesday, March 25th, 12:00 PM

Conference Room
1202 Pennsylvania Street NE, Albuquerque

Free lunch provided.

Thank you. Please click here to RSVP or e-mail me at EYoon@DefendersActionFund.org.

Continue reading "UPDATED-POSTPONED: You're Invited: Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Launch of Campaign to Support Tom Udall for U.S. Senate"

March 18, 2008 at 05:00 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Hey Heather Wilson: Return the Vitter Cash

From Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington:
Washington, DC – In light of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s call for candidates and members of Congress to return soon-to-be former Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s (D) donations, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) wonders why members and the National Republican Senatorial Committee have not returned Sen. David Vitter’s (R-LA) contributions. As widely reported, Sen. Vitter has solicited prostitutes in the past. Rather than being condemned and ostracized, Sen. Vitter received a standing ovation at a Republican Caucus luncheon after his transgressions became public.

Government officials must obey all laws, not just those with which they agree. We do not, however, advocate returning legal campaign donations made by officials who broke the law when the contributions are in no way tied to the illegal activity. Nevertheless, we note that what is good for the goose should be good for the gander and, therefore, point out the following contributions made by Sen. Vitter:

2006 Cycle:
National Republican Senatorial Committee – $25,000
House members:
Charles Boustany, Jr. (R-LA) – $1,000
Steve Chabot (R-OH) – $2,500
Jim Gerlach (R–PA) – $2,000
Deborah Pryce (R-OH) – $2,000
Mark Souder (R-IN) – $2,000
Heather Wilson (R-NM) – $2,000

Continue reading "Hey Heather Wilson: Return the Vitter Cash"

March 17, 2008 at 07:34 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday: Next Meeting of Friends of Albuquerque Tribune

From Friends of the Albuquerque Tribune: FOAT, Inc. preparing to bring out The Albuquerque Trial Balloon with a readership survey and articles by Tribune columnists. Volunteer journalists invited to meeting Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 7:00 PM at UNM Law School.

At its regular meeting yesterday, the Board of Directors of Friends of the Albuquerque Tribune, Inc. decided to publish a print newspaper, in broadsheet form, as the forerunner for a projected on-line daily. The paper, to be called “The Albuquerque TRIalBallooN”, will be mirrored on FOAT’s website. Several locally-based columnists from the Albuquerque Tribune have agreed to provide articles for the first issue, which will also contain an opinion survey of potential readers/subscribers to the forthcoming on-line paper.

The board has received sufficient funds to cover the production cost of the first issue, and eagerly looks forward to further financial support from the public in central New Mexico. Future issues will contain more local, state, national, and international news and will provide an extensive forum for community input.

Continue reading "Tuesday: Next Meeting of Friends of Albuquerque Tribune"

March 17, 2008 at 04:00 PM in Events, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM Dem Preprimary Convention Congressional Races


Click for Official Results (pdf) of voting at Saturday's Dem Preprimary Convention.

NM-01 (Albuquerque area):
Martin Heinrich was the only Congressional candidate in any of New Mexico's three Districts to get more than 50% of the delegate votes -- a very strong showing in a field of four. Also, his 28% margin of victory over the First District's second-place finisher Michelle Lujan Grisham -- at 56.41% to 28.29% -- was the largest of any winning candidate. Heinrich and Grisham were the only two candidates to reach the 20% level in NM-01, giving them automatic placement on the primary ballot in the number one and two slots, respectively.

Diego Arencón, Debbie O'Malley, Martin Heinrich

Heinrich was nominated and seconded by Albuquerque City Councilor Debbie O'Malley, who touted his leadership and hard work on issues like raising the minimum wage, water conservation and smart growth planning, and International Association of Fire Fighters' Local 224 President Diego Arencón, representing one of the many unions that have endorsed Heinrich's candidacy. Heinrich emphasized he has the skills necessary to lead in Washington and take on the special interests. He pushed ethics, renewable energy, ending the war, creating green-collar jobs, solving the health care dilemma and regaining and protecting our constitutional rights and civil liberties.


Rebecca Vigil-Giron (at 11.15%) and Robert Pidcock (at 4.16%) will have to submit more petition signatures if they want to get on the ballot. They both gave spirited speeches. Jessica Lynn Wolfe withdrew from the race before the voting began, and will run instead for State Senate in District 21 against conservative Repub incumbent Kent Cravens.

Unfortunately, I had to leave the event before Michelle Lujan Grisham gave her speech. I believe she had the tough role of being the last speaker of the day-long Convention. I've heard she was rousing nonetheless. Anyone out there hear her?

NM-02 (Southern NM):
Despite the deep pockets of wealthy oil business honcho Harry Teague and his friends in the Hobbs area oil patch funding Teague's candidacy, Dona Ana Commissioner Bill McCamley scored an impressive victory in the Second District with 48.71% of the delegate vote in the four-person race. Teague came in second with 36.47%, followed by Al Kissling (13.41%) and Frank McKinnon (1.41%).

Teague supporters fill the stage

McCamley's live-wire (and sometimes humorous) speech at the convention seemed to wow the delegates in all three Districts. He recounted how he had beaten big odds in his first campaign for Dona Ana County Commissioner, and trashed conventional wisdom in his fundraising and grassroots organizing in this campaign. Change is in the air and McCamley is working hard to bring fresh air and new ideas to Washington.

Former Lea County Commission Teague, however, won the unofficial wardrobe award in NM-02 with dozens of his supporters wearing blue campaign t-shirts and white hardhats as they marched to the stage in unison. He stressed his hard scrabble roots and his up by his bootstraps business successes as evidence of his hardworking nature and knowledge of the concerns of ordinary people.

Mccamley_3McCamley (right) entered the contest back in April when incumbent Repub. Steve Pearce had yet to vacate the race to run for U.S. Senate, and by all accounts has waged a highly successful person-to-person grassroots campaign, traveling more than 45,000 miles to visit every county in the massive District -- some several times.

Continue reading "NM Dem Preprimary Convention Congressional Races"

March 17, 2008 at 11:58 AM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (4)

Tonight: Reelection Fundraiser for Rep. Moe Maestas

Javier Benavidez, Chris Catechis, Jennifer Conn, Francie Cordova, Miguel Maestas, Naomi Salazar, Iris Guzman, Faizel Kassam, Martha Chicoski, Eric Hannum, Marshall Martinez, Kenneth Owens, Lupe H. Preciado, Angela Spieght, Laura E. Sanchez, Elaine Lopez, Mario Benavidez, Michelle Otero, Route 66 Design, Nate Tapia, Raul Torrez & Barbara Armijo

Cordially invite you to a Fundraiser for
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patrick's Day, 5:30 to 7:30 PM
Q-Bar at Hotel Albuquerque
800 Rio Grande Blvd. NW

Suggested Contribution $100. Checks payable to: The Moe Family, P.O. Box 188, Albuquerque, New Mexico  87103. For more information: antonio@moejustice.com.

March 17, 2008 at 11:07 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

2008 NM Dem Preprimary Convention: More Photos, Video

Rep. Tom Udall, Dem candidate for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, speaks out against torture at DPNM Preprimary Convention Saturday

First off, watch the video above and then head over to UdallForUsAll.com to add your name to the list of Americans who won't stand for torture.

Next, go check out some additional photos I added at Flickr from yesterday's Democratic Preprimary Convention held at Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Also see my previous post on the Convention (and a later one here on the Congressional race results).

Warning: I learned that Flickr has been having a problem for two weeks with visitors who use Internet Explorer 6 as their browser. Usually the photos show up fine but the slideshow feature doesn't load and/or work properly. They're still trying to come up with a fix.

March 16, 2008 at 04:03 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

2008 NM Dem Pre-Primary Winners: Martin Heinrich, Bill McCamley, Ben Ray Lujan (with Photos)

Campaign signs line the way to Santa Ana Star Center

UPDATE: Also see my later post for a link to more photos from the event.
Click for Official Results (pdf) of the pre-primary delegate voting for Congressional races, U.S. Senate and NM Supreme Court Justice.

Amanda Cooper, Jill Cooper-Udall, our next Senator: Rep. Tom Udall, former Ambassador Joe Wilson

I'm beat from spending most of the day at the Santa Ana Star Center in Rio Rancho at the Dem Pre-Primary Convention but I wanted to post the Congressional results and some photos.

Rep. Tom Udall and wife Jill Cooper-Udall, who gave his nomination speech

Dems were out in force, campaign supporters were enthusiastic and vocal, the speeches were rousing (well, mostly) and competition for delegates was fierce.

2000+ Dems at Santa Ana Star Center

We had everything from a mariachi band strumming up support for Michelle Lujan Grisham to a Native American invocation, to former Ambassador Joe Wilson, now a Santa Fe resident, giving the nominating speech for Don Wiviott. I admit it -- I love waving campaign signs, being plastered with candidate stickers and schmoozing in an arena packed with Democrats. I can't help myself.

NM-02 candidate Bill McCamley with his mom

NM-01 candidate Martin Heinrich at podium with Albuquerque City Councilor Debbie O'Malley to his left, who gave his nomination speech

Continue reading "2008 NM Dem Pre-Primary Winners: Martin Heinrich, Bill McCamley, Ben Ray Lujan (with Photos)"

March 15, 2008 at 07:01 PM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (20)