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Thursday, March 20, 2008
DPNM Needs DNC Delegate Applicants TODAY for Affirmative Action Status Groups
I posted earlier today about the 5:00 PM deadline for applying to be a delegate to the Democratic Convention in Denver this August and/or for registering to vote for these delegates at the April 19, 2008 Congressional District Conventions to be held in each of our Congressional Districts.
Now I've learned from Lynn Jacobs, Chair of the DPNM Affirmative Action Committee, that the Party is short of applicants for several affirmative action status groups. Such applicants are needed in all three CD's. Click to download a delegate application.
We especially need applicants, both male and female, who are NATIVE AMERICANS (all CD's); AFRICAN-AMERICANS (all CD's); HEARING (all CD's), SIGHT(all CD's) and MOBILITY (especially in CDs 2 & 3); and DISABLED.
We would like to see more applications from LGBT - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (all CD's); ASIAN/PACIFIC ISLAND AMERICANS (all CD's); YOUTH - Under 40 (all CD's - could be combined with other status groups).
Currently, the largest number of affirmative action status groups applications are from Hispanics. All Democrats registered to vote in New Mexico are eligible and encouraged to apply to be a Delegate.
Please contact any friends and relatives who might be interested and have them fax a signed form to headquarters by 5:00 PM today.
Continue reading "DPNM Needs DNC Delegate Applicants TODAY for Affirmative Action Status Groups"
March 20, 2008 at 02:21 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (1)
Register TODAY to Vote for NM Delegates to Denver Convention
If you want a say in who represents your Congressional District as a pledged delegate or alternate to the Democratic Convention in Denver on August 25-28, of if you want to run for a delegate slot yourself, you must act today. On April 19, 2008, Conventions will be held in all three of New Mexico's Congressional Districts to elect pledged delegates and alternates. In order to vote for pledged delegates and alternates to the DNC Convention who will represent the presidential candidates as allocated by our Dem Presidential Preference Caucus last month, you must either be:
- a current member of the Party's State Central Committee, in which case you automatically get to vote and don't need to file an additional form, or
- a delegate to last Saturday's State Preprimary Convention, in which case you must submit a form to register to participate, or
- a registered Democrat who participated in the 2008 Democratic Presidential Caucus on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 by casting a vote at a caucus site or by mail, in which case you must file a form to register to participate.
The district delegate registration form, available here for download, must be completed and received by the Democratic Party of New Mexico by 5:00 PM TODAY, March 20, 2008, indicating you wish to serve as a delegate or alternate to the District Convention. (See below for email address and fax number.) In order to vote at a District Convention, you must do so in person. No proxy voting will be allowed. A total of 17 pledged delegates and 3 alternates will be elected at the District Conventions, and will be equally apportioned by gender and by Congressional District.
Continue reading "Register TODAY to Vote for NM Delegates to Denver Convention"
March 20, 2008 at 09:52 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Happy Birthday, Cocoposts
For a state with a small population New Mexico has one of the finest collections of progressive bloggers in the country. (For comparison, check out another large but low population state like Maine.) Over the past several years New Mexico's progressive blogsphere has grown by leaps and bounds in terms of the number of blogs, their quality and the degree of networking that goes on among them. Moreover, each blog seems to have carved out a distinctive niche, its own unique angle on things, amidst the larger community. Go click on the links located down a bit on my left-hand sidebar under the heading NM Blogs to see what I mean.
A key piece of the New Mexico blogging community is Coco's fine blog at https://cocoposts.typepad.com/. Cocoposts, Albuquerque People, Places, Politics, Planning and a Big Dog, is also one of the most unusual. Coco provides indepth insight into New Mexico's development empire and our archaic planning process, along with a myriad of observations on places, animals, food, movies and more. Why do we read it? Because we want to understand and we want to do it with a chuckle. Thank you, Coco. And happy third birthday to Cocoposts!
(Aside ... want to see the first Cocopost from March 20, 2005? Click here. Hat tip to SP.)
March 20, 2008 at 08:32 AM in Progressivism, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (2)
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
NM-01: Today's Must Read on Martin Heinrich
Martin with son on his shoulders at Saturday's preprimary convention
Johnny Mango has an excellent post at Duke City Fix based on an interview with Dem Martin Heinrich. The piece considers his "resume" and what has shaped and prepared Heinrich to become the next member of Congress from New Mexico's First District.
Also, if you haven't seen it yet, check out Albuquerque City Councilor Debbie O'Malley's letter supporting Heinrich's candidacy. Councilor O'Malley lays out exactly why she has strongly endorsed him-- based on her work with Martin on the City Council and the kind of experience and principles he brings to the table.
Some critics of Heinrich, like those of Barack Obama, suggest that Martin isn't ready to serve because he doesn't have decades of a certain kind of narrow "experience." Well, we've seen the damage, deception and corruption that supposedly "experienced" politicos have brought to the halls of Congress and the White House alike. Fortunately, more and more Americans have come to realize that what we really need in Washington are fresh ideas, new perspectives, caring advocates, persuasive problem-solvers and change agents -- not more business-as-usual bloviators in it for their own power and glory.
If you agree, you can help make a difference right now. Heinrich's campaign is trying to raise $15,000 by 11:59 PM on March 31st, and is tracking donations as they come in on his website. As of Noon today, they've raised more than $5,000. Add your donation here in any amount, large or small. Another great way to support Martin's campaign is to host a house party, whether you live in NM-01 or elsewhere. If we don't do it, who will?
March 19, 2008 at 12:46 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Vote for Rep. Tom Udall in Sen. Feingold's Progressive Patriot Contest
Click here. Pass it on.
March 19, 2008 at 10:31 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (1)
LWV Santa Fe Hosts Civic Dialog Event
From the League of Women Voters of Santa Fe County:
"Civic Engagement: Tools to Influence Government"
College of Santa Fe, O'Shaughnessy Room, Benildus Hall (Map)
Goal: Increase civic dialogue by providing a tool kit of methods, activities, styles to influence elected officials. Learn how you as a citizen can be included in the policymaking process and what you have a right to know from government + and to do.
Keynote Speaker: Fred Harris, former U.S. Senator and national Chair of the Democratic Party, now professor emeritus of political science at the University of New Mexico.
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March 19, 2008 at 10:20 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)
Two Excellent Analyses of the Obama Speech on Race
Glenn Greenwald and Commentary on Greenwald's piece.
The man crying to the left of Michelle is Marty Nesbitt, the Obama's best friend and the woman to Michelle's right is Valerie Jarrett.
Continue reading "Two Excellent Analyses of the Obama Speech on Race"
March 19, 2008 at 07:06 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Minority Issues, Racial Minorities | Permalink | Comments (0)
Eric Griego Files for Senate District 14 with Strong Petition Support
From the Eric Griego campaign:
Eric Griego filed all necessary paperwork in Santa Fe yesterday for State Senate in District 14, including 645 petition signatures, which represents 20 percent of all residents who voted in the last Democratic primary.
Senate District 14 includes the Barelas neighborhood where Eric was born and raised along with several other neighborhoods in Albuquerque, much of the South Valley, Isleta Pueblo, East Mountain communities and the Bosque Farms area in Valencia County. As a former Albuquerque City Councilor, Eric represented nearly one third of the Senate district from 2001-2005. Since January, Eric has walked every weekend and, along with volunteers, has worked tirelessly to meet and talk with voters at their doors.
"The message I'm getting from talking to voters at their doors is that we need a change in the way things are done in Santa Fe," Griego said. "Many voters in this district feel their State Senator must make sure that the basic needs of our district like roads and schools are a priority."
A total of 54 nominating signatures from voters in District were required; Eric turned in 645. Eric previously represented eight of the 29 precincts in Senate District 14, and he won most of them in his City Council election and in his 2005 Mayoral campaign.
Continue reading "Eric Griego Files for Senate District 14 with Strong Petition Support"
March 19, 2008 at 12:35 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (5)
Brian Egolf Files for State Rep District 17: Unopposed in Race
Brian Egolf and daughter Cameron handing signatures and declaration to Santa Fe election director Denise Lamb
From the :
Yesterday Brian Egolf officially filed his Declaration of Candidacy for State Representative – District 47, an open seat being vacated by Rep. Peter Wirth. Seven hundred fifty voters signed a petition to nominate Brian for State Representative, nearly nine times the eighty-six signatures required. Voters from every precinct signed Brian’s petition. Brian will have no primary opponent or Republican challenger for the seat.
Brian said, “I am extremely grateful to all the voters who have signed my nominating petition. The support I have received from people throughout the district has been, and continues to be, extremely humbling. I am looking forward to the campaign ahead and to my favorite part of campaigning: meeting voters at their front doors to talk about a shared vision for a sustainable future in Santa Fe.”
Continue reading "Brian Egolf Files for State Rep District 17: Unopposed in Race"
March 19, 2008 at 12:24 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More Than 2000 Signatures: John Blair Qualifies for State Senate District 15
From the John Blair campaign:
John Blair, Democratic candidate for State Senate District 15, today filed his declaration of candidacy, submitting more than 2,000 qualifying petition signatures with the Bernalillo County Clerk's Office.
"Voters are hungry for new leadership and fresh ideas in Santa Fe," said Blair. "The overwhelming support we received in the District shows that Democrats are behind us and will give us the edge in June."
Although only 69 signatures of registered Democrats are required to qualify for the Democratic position in District 15, Blair turned in over 2,000 signatures. As part of his grassroots campaign, Blair has walked more than 125 miles across District 15 talking with voters about their concerns and what he'll do as State Senator. Blair's campaign has knocked on more than 3,200 doors in District 15 and Blair personally knocked on more than 2,200 of these doors.
As estimates based on prior Democratic primary results show that approximately 2500 votes will be needed to win the primary election, Blair said that he's excited by the early response to his message of change.
Continue reading "More Than 2000 Signatures: John Blair Qualifies for State Senate District 15"
March 18, 2008 at 03:12 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (1)