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Saturday, March 22, 2008
NM-01: Firedoglake et al. Pick Martin Heinrich as Next Blue America Candidate
Join the live blog with Martin hosted by Howie Klein of Down with Tyranny at Firedoglake from Noon to 2:00 PM MDT today. Then donate a few bucks to his campaign at the Blue America '08 page at Act Blue. Blue America, a project of national bloggers at Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars, Down With Tyranny and Digby, raised more than $545,000 in only a few months during the 2006 election cycle for select Dem candidates across the nation. They expect to raise much more than that in the current cycle.
Also check out this Crooks & Liars post welcoming Heinrich as a Blue America candidate, which includes a new video of Martin talking about his campaign and what he believes in.
March 22, 2008 at 12:06 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)
3/25 Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund Event Postponed
From Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund:
RESCHEDULING the Tuesday, March 25th Announcement of the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund's New TV Ad and Senate Campaign
Dear New Mexico Progressive Activists,
I regret to inform you that the lunch-hour press conference scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th at 12:00 PM to unveil the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund's new TV ad and website targeting the U.S. Senate race is being postponed to a later date in the very near future to strengthen their quality of effectiveness. I will be sure to let you know once the rescheduled date and time is confirmed. I apologize for any inconvenience, and please feel free to contact me for any questions.
Ed Yoon, New Mexico Campaign Manager
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
(505) 248-0118, Ext. 3
March 22, 2008 at 11:30 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
Americans for Democratic Action to Launch Working Families Win Project in NM
From Americans for Democratic Action (ADA):
ADA is America's most experienced independent liberal lobbying organization. In the spirit of the New Deal and ADA founders Eleanor Roosevelt, renowned economist John Kenneth Galbraith, and former Senator and Vice President Hubert Humphrey we lobby through coalition partnerships, through direct advocacy, and through the media.
Our Working Families Win (WFW) project is non-profit and non-partisan and will work to change the economy in favor of working families, provide education about economic decisions made in Washington and the impacts within our local communities, and engage individuals through neighbor to neighbor communication to hold our elected officials accountable.
Continue reading "Americans for Democratic Action to Launch Working Families Win Project in NM"
March 22, 2008 at 01:02 AM in Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Education, Healthcare, Poverty | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, March 21, 2008
Video: Richardson Endorses Obama
Bravo. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama for President today with a strong speech at an electric campaign rally in Portland, Oregon. Read all about it. Join Gov. Richardson in supporting Obama by donating right now to Barack's campaign.
Video of Obama thanking Richardson at the event:
Continue reading "Video: Richardson Endorses Obama"
March 21, 2008 at 01:35 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (4)
Saturday: Heinrich to Live Blog at Noon on Firedoglake
NM-01 Dem Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich will be participating in a live chat on the national blog Firedoglake at Noon MDT tomorrow, Saturday, March 21, 2008. Martin will be hanging out at the blog for about two hours to answer your questions and take your comments.
The influential Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars, Digby and Down With Tyranny are the creators of the Blue America campaign at Act Blue that's dedicated to raising netroots support for electing "more and better Democrats." During the 2006 election cycle, Blue America raised almost $545,000 for Dem House and Senate candidates around the country in only a few months. They expect to raise much more in the run-up to the 2008 election.
By the way, you're invited to a Victory Party to celebrate Martin's win at last Saturday's preprimary convention. Come on down to O'Niell's Pub, located at 4310 Central Ave. SE in Albuquerque, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 25 and join in the festivities. Read more and RSVP.
March 21, 2008 at 01:03 PM in Events, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (1)
Bill McKibben: Talk and Booksigning on 'Deep Economy'
Albuquerque independent bookstore will host environmental realist and journalist Bill McKibben at UNM's SUB Ballroom A & B in Albuquerque at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 to talk about and sign his new book, Deep Economy. Challenging the prevailing wisdom that the goal of economies should be unlimited growth, McKibben argues that the world doesn't have enough natural resources to sustain endless economic expansion and looks at news ways to structure our civilizations. If we are to thrive or even survive within the fragile balance of nature, our definitions of concepts like "wealth" and "growth" and "progress" must change dramatically.
A thoughtful post at The Blue Voice about the coming of the Vernal Equinox talks about McKibben's alarming but action-oriented message about the state of Planet Earth and ways we might counter the dire effects of global warming and learn to live in a manner that minimizes damage to the environment, while actually bolstering our sense of community and increasing our emotional and spiritual fulfillment.
As we find ourselves enmeshed in the dizzy day-to-day, a presidential race for the ages, mounting economic worries and complicated choices regarding Iraq and other pressing issues, a much more serious global (in every sense) question looms: how can we create sustainable communities to mitigate and survive what we know is coming as a direct result of how we've been living for the past hundred years or so?
Deep Economy tackles these issues head on:
Continue reading "Bill McKibben: Talk and Booksigning on 'Deep Economy'"
March 21, 2008 at 12:04 PM in Books, Economy, Populism, Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)
Albuquerque Area Firefighters Union Endorses Eric Griego in Senate District 14 Race
Eric Griego today received the endorsement of the Albuquerque Area Firefighters Union IAFF Local 244 in his run for the State Senate in Albuquerque's District 14 in the Democratic Primary.
"This was an easy decision for us--Eric has a demonstrated ability to lead," said Diego Arencon, President of the Firefighters Union. "Eric has done more than be supportive; he's really been proactive on our behalf. When Eric was a City Councilor, he fought to get the resources firefighters need to do our jobs better."
"This is an important endorsement I'm proud to receive," said Griego. "Our firefighters are our first responders and everyday they work to make us safe."
The union pointed to Griego's strong record of standing with the firefighters, citing:
March 21, 2008 at 09:50 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races | Permalink | Comments (1)
Gov. Bill Richardson Endorses Obama
Note: Also see my later post with videos of Gov. Richardson's endorsement speech at a raucous campaign rally in Portland, OR, and Barack Obama's thank you.
According to an AP report, Gov. Bill Richardson will appear with Barack Obama today at a campaign event at 12:30 PM PST in Portland, Oregon to formally endorse him for president. Here's the message that was emailed to supporters at 1:10 AM explaining the Governor's decision:
During the last year, I have shared with you my vision and hopes for this nation as we look to repair the damage of the last seven years. And you have shared your support, your ideas and your encouragement to my campaign. We have been through a lot together and that is why I wanted to tell you that, after careful and thoughtful deliberation, I have made a decision to endorse Barack Obama for President.
We are blessed to have two great American leaders and great Democrats running for President. My affection and admiration for Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton will never waver. It is time, however, for Democrats to stop fighting amongst ourselves and to prepare for the tough fight we will face against John McCain in the fall. The 1990's were a decade of peace and prosperity because of the competent and enlightened leadership of the Clinton administration, but it is now time for a new generation of leadership to lead America forward. Barack Obama will be a historic and a great President, who can bring us the change we so desperately need by bringing us together as a nation here at home and with our allies abroad.
Earlier this week, Senator Barack Obama gave an historic speech. that addressed the issue of race with the eloquence, sincerity, and optimism we have come to expect of him. He inspired us by reminding us of the awesome potential residing in our own responsibility. He asked us to rise above our racially divided past, and to seize the opportunity to carry forward the work of many patriots of all races, who struggled and died to bring us together.
As a Hispanic, I was particularly touched by his words. I have been troubled by the demonization of immigrants--specifically Hispanics-- by too many in this country. Hate crimes against Hispanics are rising as a direct result and now, in tough economic times, people look for scapegoats and I fear that people will continue to exploit our racial differences--and place blame on others not like them . We all know the real culprit -- the disastrous economic policies of the Bush Administration!
Senator Obama has started a discussion in this country long overdue and rejects the politics of pitting race against race. He understands clearly that only by bringing people together, only by bridging our differences can we all succeed together as Americans.
His words are those of a courageous, thoughtful and inspiring leader, who understands that a house divided against itself cannot stand. And, after nearly eight years of George W. Bush, we desperately need such a leader.
Continue reading "Gov. Bill Richardson Endorses Obama"
March 21, 2008 at 01:55 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (4)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Rep. Tom Udall Responds to Endorsements of LCV and Conservation Voters New Mexico
Santa Fe, NM – At a Roundhouse press conference today, Congressman Tom Udall proudly accepted endorsements for his U.S. Senate campaign from two leading conservation groups, while outlining a number of common-sense proposals for energy independence. Udall was joined at the press conference by League of Conservation Voters national President Gene Karpinski and Conservation Voters of New Mexico Director Sandy Buffett.
"I am honored to accept these endorsements today," Udall said. "Fighting to protect our natural resources is not just a political issue for me –- it has been a lifelong commitment of mine, and I look forward to continuing the fight for conservation and energy independence in the United States Senate."
Rep. Udall (right) greeting Dems at NM Preprimary Convention
Udall, who has long been as a champion of policies to protect New Mexico's treasured landscapes like the Valle Vidal, spur national policies to promote renewable energy and reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil, continued, and spoke of the initiatives he has championed in the House and also looks forward to taking-on in the Senate.
"As a United States Senator, I will continue the fight to end our fossil fuel addiction, develop alternative sources of energy, secure our energy independence and reduce green house gas emissions in the Senate. For me, and so many New Mexicans, these are more than buzzwords, they are the economic future of New Mexico and the moral imperative of this country."
Touching on what he called three common-sense proposals, Udall said he said will not only help redefine the way we look at energy, but do so in a way that creates jobs:
Continue reading "Rep. Tom Udall Responds to Endorsements of LCV and Conservation Voters New Mexico"
March 20, 2008 at 03:08 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)
LCV and Conservation Voters New Mexico Endorse Tom Udall for U.S. Senate
From the League of Conservation Voters:
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The League of Conservation Voters and Conservation Voters New Mexico announced today their joint endorsement of Congressman Tom Udall for the U.S. Senate, citing Udall's unparalleled leadership in defending New Mexico's public lands and creating a clean, renewable energy future.
"Tom Udall understands the need to develop clean, renewable energy, not just to defend against global warming, but to create jobs and increase the security of our country," LCV National President Gene Karpinski said. "And when it comes to protecting our lands, our water, our air, our health and our economy, Tom Udall ranks among the country's best legislators. We need real champions like Tom in the Senate, which is why this race is a national priority."
"The health and beauty of the Land of Enchantment have no greater champion than Congressman Udall," said Sandy Buffett of Conservation Voters New Mexico. "In Congress, his work has already helped protect the Valle Vidal from drilling and his support for renewable energy has created new green collar jobs here in the state."
Continue reading "LCV and Conservation Voters New Mexico Endorse Tom Udall for U.S. Senate"
March 20, 2008 at 02:54 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)