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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

NM-03: Former Ambassador Joe Wilson Officially Endorses Wiviott

Wilsonpodium_2Yesterday, the Wiviott Campaign announced the major endorsement of prominent Iraq war critic and respected diplomat Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Citing Wiviott’s commitment to finding a responsible end to the Iraq war, Wilson (right) praised Wiviott’s judgment and ability to effectively represent New Mexico’s Third District in the United States Congress.

“Don Wiviott’s call for an end to war in Iraq is a voice that is sorely needed in Washington,” Wilson said. “Wiviott has an extensive understanding of the situation in Iraq, and I’m confident his election will provide a crucial catalyst for change in Iraq and improving the strength of our international stature throughout the world.”

Wiviottpodium“I am honored to have the support of Ambassador Joe Wilson in this effort,” Wiviott (left) said. “Few individuals in our country possess a wider breadth of knowledge and experience in American foreign policy than Joe Wilson. I look forward to working closely with him and heeding his advice on Iraq and the Middle East.”

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March 26, 2008 at 11:41 AM in NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sandoval County Dem Women: April 2 Potluck

From the Democratic Women of Sandoval County: On Wednesday, April 2, at 6:30 PM the Democratic Women of Sandoval County will meet for a potluck dinner at UU Westside Congregation Church, 1650 Abrazo, Rio Rancho. Please bring a dish to share. Coffee, tea, and water will be available. There will be a business meeting beginning at 7:15. The public is encouraged to attend. Guests are welcome. For info call Janice Saxton at 867-1139 or email jnjsaxton@msn.com.

March 26, 2008 at 09:57 AM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saturday: Celebrate César Chávez Day


From the Recuerda A César Chávez Committee: The 2008 César Chávez celebration in Albuquerque will take place on Saturday, March 29th. The theme of this year’s celebration –- “Celebrating the Past, Continuing the Struggle” -– is meant to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the long walk, highlight the importance of the Latino vote in the 2008 elections and to call for a César Chávez national holiday. We have a lot to celebrate, but realize that the struggle continues. Click for FLYER (pdf).

The day will begin at 9 AM at the Sanchez Farm (Lopez and Arenal) with a service learning project, including planting seeds and working the land. Bring a shovel! There will also be live music and a planting ceremony. At 11 AM we will then march from the Sanchez Farm to the National Hispanic Cultural Center (4th Street and Avenida César Chávez), where a rally and cultural celebration will be held from noon until 3 PM with speakers, poets, performances and live music. This year, our featured performance is the musical group Nosotros! Food will be available for purchase from La Fonda del Bosque Restaurant. Learn more.

March 25, 2008 at 08:53 AM in Events, Labor, Local Politics, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (2)

Hillary "Misspoke"

CBS News

Why does she say things like this when it's so easy for people to check and get the facts? Maybe because she's said similar things in the past about her trip to Bosnia without getting called on it strongly by the media. If any number of other politicians were caught in the act like this, the video would be playing 24/7 on every cable news outlet.

The melodramatic version:

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March 25, 2008 at 12:38 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (29)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Save La Bajada Mesa from Strip Mining

From Save La Bajada Mesa:
The Railrunner is being used as an excuse to start strip mining historic, scenic La Bajada Mesa. The application (dated Jan. 30, 08) discloses that the operation would not be limited to ballast for the Railrunner (which is expected to be built by the end of 2008). The application has things in common with the last application to mine in 2005. That application was withdrawn. Buildology has become Rockology, same applicant, Steven Hooper. The land owners Peter Naumburg and Hugh Graham of Buena Vista LLC, are the same. This application, submitted by agent James Siebert, is for 50 acres. Water is required by law for dust control. They have proposed trucking 80,000 gallons a month from Cohiba Club LLC (near La Bajada Village). Off site water should not meet the County's standards for a secure source. Their temporary permit only goes until Sep. 6, 2008!

ROCKOLOGY WILL HOLD A PUBLIC MEETING: Monday April 7, 6:00 PM, Turquoise Trail Elementary School, along NM 14. The applicants hope to bring the proposal before “the next available County Development Review Committee meeting”—this could be April 17th.

TAKE ACTION: Contact Gov. Richardson and Santa Fe County Commissioners. Tell them the Railrunner should not be used to jump start the strip-mining of historic, scenic, and culturally significant La Bajada Mesa.

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March 24, 2008 at 04:30 PM in Energy, Environment | Permalink | Comments (0)

LCV and CVNM Endorse Martin Heinrich for Congress

HeinrichmThe League of Conservation Voters and Conservation Voters New Mexico have announced their joint endorsement of Albuquerque City Councilman Martin Heinrich for New Mexico's 1st District seat. The seat is currently held by Congresswoman Heather Wilson, a longtime enemy of the environment and two-time Dirty Dozen member. For more information on the Dirty Dozen, click here.

"Councilman Heinrich's commitment to conservation extends beyond his council votes," said LCV President Gene Karpinski. "Not only did he fight to bring curbside recycling back to Albuquerque, he helped build a solar car in college. Not only has he stood firm to protect the Bosque and Valle Vidal, his own home is powered by renewable energy. When elected, Martin Heinrich will be one of the greatest conservation champions in Washington and a tremendous improvement for both Albuquerque and the nation."

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March 24, 2008 at 01:02 PM in Environment, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Missing the Point on Richardson's Endorsement of Obama

It's been interesting to read the commentary about Gov. Bill Richardson's endorsement of Barack Obama for President last Friday. I think much of it misses the point. Analysis has focused on two questions -- whether the endorsement will sway Hispanic (or other) voters and whether it was made by Richardson to try and secure a future post in Washington. Speculation on both counts appears to be rather meaningless at this point in terms of the race at hand.

The bottom line is that unless Clinton gets overwhelming victories in all of the 10 states with upcoming primaries, she can't come close to Obama in terms of the popular vote, states won or pledged delegates captured. Even if she won all of the contests by a margin of 60-40, a definite pie-in-the-sky scenario, she'd still likely be behind in all three categories. As anyone who's studied the numbers knows, the only way Clinton can snatch the nomination away from Obama would be to a) destroy him personally or completely undermine the integrity of his campaign or b) strong arm enough superdelegates to overcome his healthy delegate lead and/or convince them Obama can't win in November.

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

In his endorsement speech, Richardson made a point to decry the negativity that's cropped up in the race as Hillary's chances for victory have weakened. It seems clear he's signaling to other superdelegates and so-called "party elders" that if this race -- that's unwinnable for Hillary unless she concentrates on gutter politics -- is allowed to continue there will be damage done to our eventual nominee with every passing news cycle.

Continue reading "Missing the Point on Richardson's Endorsement of Obama"

March 24, 2008 at 12:34 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (6)

Keep Maggie Toulouse Oliver as Bernalillo County Clerk


The word from election and voting reform advocates and ordinary citizens alike is that Maggie Toulouse Oliver has been one of the most innovative, responsive and technically proficient Bernalillo County Clerks in recent memory. Under Maggie's leadership, the office has been run transparently and professionally, with serious attention paid to researching and improving operations and communicating honestly and in a timely fashon with the public. With challenges in both the June primary and November general elections, Toulouse Oliver's campaign needs our help now so she can continue her efforts to ensure real election integrity within the County Clerk's office and beyond.

From the Maggie Toulouse Oliver campaign:
It’s official. Last Tuesday was Filing Day -- I now have a Democratic Primary Election opponent (a local realtor), as well as Republican opposition in the General Election (a consultant for the Republican Party).

I am committed to continuing my work as Bernalillo County Clerk, but I am going to need your help to ensure a strong win in the Primary and General elections this year. There is too much at stake not to win! The integrity of our election processes has never been more important or more closely scrutinized.

I have spent the past year working tirelessly to raise the standards of service in the County Clerk’s office to a higher level. From reaching out to stakeholders, to studying audit procedures, to working with the Secretary of State’s office to pass much-needed legislation, I have made election integrity my highest priority.

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March 24, 2008 at 09:06 AM in 2008 Bernalillo County Elections | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Sunday Bird Blogging

Sunny loves sunshine and Springtime bouquets

Sunny the sun conure doesn't celebrate Easter. He dislikes all the egg eating that goes along with the holiday. Can you blame him? He does, however, get off on the arrival of Spring. The increasing hours of light elicit an energy surge within him, as they do for all living things, and he gets very playful and stays up late working on a variety of projects within his "nest."

Sunny feels a oneness with all of life's colors and hues

This Spring, he's especially lively because he's so excited about Obama's presidential run. The only downside is that birds can't vote, which Sunny finds highly discriminatory. Still, he believes he can make himself useful by helping to spread the word about a candidate who's all about encouraging the flock to come together for the common good.

Sunny is so enthusiastic about Obama he can't stay still for the camera

(All photos by M.E. Broderick. Click on images for larger versions.)

March 23, 2008 at 12:49 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Bird Blogging | Permalink | Comments (1)

Michelle Lujan Grisham: Upcoming Campaign Events

From the Michelle Lujan Grisham Congressional Campaign:
Over the next several weeks, I'd like to welcome you to meet with me and learn more about our campaign at one of our upcoming events. Dates and information are listed here (doc), but please visit our website, or call us at our headquarters at 505-260-2008 for complete details. Our next event is an Open House at our Campaign Headquarters at 3716 Central Avenue SE in Albuquerque on Monday, March 24th, from 10 AM to 8 PM. Many more are listed here. I look forward to seeing you!

March 23, 2008 at 11:52 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)