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Monday, December 14, 2009
Meet New BC County Sheriff Manuel Gonzales, Visit With Fire Chief John Garcia
From Bernailllo County Commissioner DeLaCruz:
Come meet new Bernalillo County Sheriff Manuel (Manny) Gonzales and visit with Fire Chief John Garcia, and Deputy County Manager John Dantis and the public safety staff.
Join Commissioner DeLaCruz and Sheriff Gonzales for hot chocolate and biscochitos at a South Valley Public Safety Forum on Saturday, December 19, 2009 from 10:00 AM to Noon at Mountainview Community Center, located at 201 Prosperity SE in Albuquerque between Broadway and Second Street (map). Click for an invitation for you and to share with your neighbors, colleagues and friends.
December 14, 2009 at 09:29 AM in Bernalillo County, Events, Law Enforcement | Permalink | Comments (1)
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Health Care Headline of the Day
Lieberman Rules Out Voting for Health Bill.
He won't go for a Medicare expansion or any kind of public option, no matter how it's constructed. Period. Let's remember that Obama endorsed Lieberman and appeared on his behalf in the CT primary. So did Sen. Barbara Boxer.
Think how different this would be with Ned Lamont in there instead of JoeMentum.
The only question worth asking now: Will the Dems have the cajones to use reconciliation to pass the plan, thus needing only 51 votes? I won't hold by breath.
December 13, 2009 at 06:39 PM in Healthcare, Obama Health Care Reform | Permalink | Comments (4)
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Video of the Day: Albuquerque's Raging Grannies with a Revised Version of 12 Days of Christmas
Be sure to watch all the way through. Ring some bells?
December 12, 2009 at 07:48 PM in Holidays, Music | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tonight 5-8 PM: Join Councilor Rey Garduno at Nob Hill Main Street Fundraiser at O'Niell's in ABQ
O'Niell's Pub is proud to announce a holiday-season fundraiser for Nob Hill Mainstreet. This organization’s goal is to ramp up the revitalization of Nob Hill, and that’s a goal everyone in Albuquerque can rally around -- just ask Nob Hill’s own Rey Garduno, who will be serving beers from behind the bar as our special guest bartender for the fundraiser, starting at 5 PM on Saturday, December 12. Click for more info (pdf).
When you come by, just add your name to O'Niell's mailing list and we’ll donate $3.00 to Nob Hill Mainstreet for everyone who comes! That's right -- your presence alone will raise money for this worthy cause. Pull up a seat and share your thoughts about our unique neighborhood with neighbors, local business leaders and your representatives in government.
O’Niell’s is committed to transforming Nob Hill into the Southwest’s premier place to live, shop, and enjoy the arts. With your help, we know it can be done.
December 12, 2009 at 03:08 PM in Events, Holidays | Permalink | Comments (0)
Reminder: LG Candidate Joe Campos Hosts Grand Opening of Campaign Office Today
Click image for larger version
December 12, 2009 at 02:22 PM in 2010 NM Lt. Governor Race, Events, Joe Campos | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Coalition Representing Over One Million New Mexicans Opposes Reimposition of the Food Tax
Hey Governor Richardson and NM Legislators, are you getting the message yet? Don't even think about trying to get blood from a stone -- i.e., trying to wring more tax dollars out of hands of those who can least afford it. Our wealthiest citizens did just fine before their taxes were significantly cut in 2003. The measure decreased the top state income tax rate from 8.2% to 4.9%, phased in over several years. We need to put it back where it was. Those who have made out like bandits over the past eight years need to pay their fair share now that the Bush "recession" is in full swing.
And while we're at it, let's make multi-state corporations doing business in New Mexico -- like Walmart, K-Mart and Home Depot -- to pay income tax on the profits they make here. Let's use the "combined reporting" method of taxation, as do a majority of states that tax corporations.
Above all, don't reapply the tax on foods.
The New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops, the New Mexico Conference of Churches, AARP and the Santa Fe Alliance business group are among a growing list of organizations that have joined with Think New Mexico to oppose the reimposition of the food tax. Other members of the coalition include Bread for the World New Mexico, Farm to Table, La Montanita Co-op and the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union.
Together, the membership of these organizations is well over a million New Mexicans. For example, the Catholic Church serves more than 600,000 New Mexicans and AARP has about 280,000 members.
The Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce recently proposed that New Mexico reimpose the tax on food to combat the state’s budget deficit. The food tax was repealed by Governor Richardson and the Legislature four years ago. It had originally been levied in 1933 as part of a “temporary” and “emergency” tax. Today, only two states fully tax the sale of groceries: Alabama and Mississippi.
December 11, 2009 at 01:38 PM in Economy, Populism, Gov. Bill Richardson, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, NM Legislature 2010, Poverty, Taxes | Permalink | Comments (3)
Have We Been Had on Health Care Reform?
It's irritating to read about the latest wrangling over health care (insurance) reform in the U.S. Senate. Clearly, the process is being controlled by A) the health care industry, B) the pharmaceutical industry C) compromised whack jobs like Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson and, even worse as it turns out, D) President Obama and Harry Reid. Who's on the side of ordinary Americans? Only those Senators who are brazen enough to dare pissing off the Dem Party's big donors by proposing real reform, cost cutting and expansion of access. Of course the Dems have any number of Senators whose positions are excellent on health care reform issues. New Mexico has two of them. But what power do they have in a caucus run by weak-kneed Harry Reid?
Old Harry allows Senate Dems to be dominated by the obstructionist demands of a handful of sell outs led by the venal Joe Lieberman. Apparently Obama and Reid are content to sit on the sidelines and allow the President's old Senate mentor to hold forth and twist the legislative process however he wants, with no threat of any punishment or blowback from the White House. Instead, Obama sends Rahm Emanuel and other White House operatives to pressure progressive Dems to cave in to the demands of industry lobbyists and their pets.
Bye Bye Public Option, Hello Crumbs?
One has to wonder at the self-destructiveness of the Dem strategy on this -- on what is viewed as our signature issue. We've watched the public option be pumped as the end all and be all of reform, without which the legislation isn't worth passing. A significant majority of Americans continue to support the public option, even if they have no idea of what it really is or how weakened and deformed it's become in the hands of corporate manipulators.
Now, as we move towards a finalized bill in the Senate, we're suddenly presented with a new end all and be all in the form of Medicare expansion. If this is a terrific idea now, why wasn't it a terrific idea during all those months when the Gang of Six was fiddling while Rome burned? We're switching horses this late in the process? I guess there must be some crumbs thrown to the masses given the triggered and weakened public option that remains, at least for now, in the mix. Suddenly a strong public option isn't necessary if we have expanded Medicare and a few other elements thrown into the mix to placate progressives? Talk about changing horses in mid-stream.
I'm all for expanding Medicare -- I think it should be expanded to allow everyone to buy in immediately -- but if it's only for those aged 55-64, how can it be an effective replacement for a robust public option? Those younger than 55 will be stuck having to buy expensive coverage from the usual for-profit suspects, with absolutely no downward pressure on premium costs. No way does that make up for the lack of a strong public plan to compete with the for-profit sharks.
Another proposal aimed at convincing people we don't need a genuine public option comes in the form of an opportunity for folks to purchase insurance through the federal employee benefit plan. That sounds appealing, but is it? Will it do anything to make health coverage affordable?
Greedy Insurers and Big Pharma Triumph
So what will we get if the Senate bill ends up as reported? Robert Reich lays out the inadequacy of the current reform proposal -- including the Medicare expansion and proposed access to the federal employee benefit plan -- in no uncertain terms:
Continue reading "Have We Been Had on Health Care Reform?"
December 11, 2009 at 12:04 PM in Corporatism, Healthcare, Obama Health Care Reform | Permalink | Comments (11)
Recovery Act Funds Go to NM Tribal Communities for Energy Efficiency, Transportation
Senators Jeff Bingaman and Tom Udall announced yesterday that several New Mexico tribal communities will receive funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to improve energy efficiency and public transportation.
“New Mexico communities are putting their share of recovery funds to very good use, and in the process they’re creating jobs. Some of this funding will help boost energy efficiency efforts, while other funding will be invested in key public transportation initiatives,” Senator Bingaman said.
“The Recovery Act continues to provide significant investments in New Mexico’s tribal communities in critical areas like energy efficiency and improved access to public transportation,” Senator Udall said. “With this funding, these pueblos will be able to make improvements that will create jobs, save money and improve the quality of life for all their residents.”
Five pueblos and the County of San Juan will receive more than $900,000 in energy efficiency grants through the Department of Energy for energy audits, building retrofits and to create financial incentive programs for energy efficiency improvements. They include:
December 11, 2009 at 09:10 AM in Energy, Native Americans, Obama Administration, Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Tom Udall, Transportation | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Martin Chavez to Participate in Climate Change Panel in Copenhagen
Former Albuquerque Mayor Martin J. Chavez will participate in a panel on climate change as part of the larger United Nations climate change summit. Specifically, Chavez's panel will discuss "Leadership and Innovation by US Cities and Local Governments" as it relates to the reduction of Green House Gases.
Mayor Chavez is a member of the Board of Directors of the North American International Committee of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and a member of the International Committee of the ICLEI and will be meeting with White House staff to discuss green policy while in Denmark. The ICLEI is an international group which is instrumental in advising and assisting local governments in reducing carbon emissions.
Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM) Chairman, Javier Gonzales had this to say about Chavez's participation in the historic conference:
"Mayor Chavez's invitation to address the United Nations' summit on climate change is a great honor for the City of Albuquerque and State at-large.
"During his tenure as Mayor, Martin was the leader in the charge for making Albuquerque a more sustainable, greener city. His experience and expertise will serve as a model for other cities to emulate.
"I offer my personal congratulations on behalf of the Democratic Party of New Mexico to Mayor Chavez and thank him for being a strong advocate on behalf of environmental issues."
You can follow the Mayor's trip by visiting his Facebook page or by following him on Twitter @MartyChavez.
December 10, 2009 at 07:02 PM in Climate, Martin Chavez | Permalink | Comments (0)
Rep. Ben Ray Luján Highlights Energy Efficiency Grants in NM-03
Today, Rep. Ben Ray Luján highlighted several Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) made to communities in New Mexico’s Third Congressional District that will help improve energy efficiency and create clean energy jobs. The awards were made by the Department of Energy through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Click for a listing of grants (pdf) awarded in NM-03.
“These grants will help communities improve energy efficiency and reduce energy use,” said Rep. Luján in a statement released by his office. “Investments in energy efficiency will help move New Mexico toward energy independence, create clean energy jobs, and save families and businesses money. I’m encouraged that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is making these important investments in clean energy efforts in New Mexico.”
According to the Department of Energy, funding for the EECBG Program under the Recovery Act totals $3.2 billion, of which approximately $2.7 billion will be awarded through formula grants to more than 2,300 cities, counties, states, and Indian tribes nationwide. In addition, more than $400 million will be delivered through competitive grants. Activities eligible for EECBG funding include energy audits and building retrofits in the residential and commercial sector, the development and implementation of advanced building codes and inspections, and the creation of financial incentive programs for energy efficiency improvements.
December 10, 2009 at 06:25 PM in Energy, Green Economy, Obama Administration, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan | Permalink | Comments (0)