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Monday, May 12, 2008

82% Now Believe Country on Wrong Track; 31% Approve of Bush

The GOP and its candidates at every level have a lot to worry about in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, especially with a presidential candidate whose positions on most major issues mirror Bush's in almost every detail:

Eighty-two percent of Americans now say the country's seriously off on the wrong track, up 10 points in the last year to a point from its record high in polls since 1973. And 31 percent approve of Bush's job performance overall, while 66 percent disapprove.

The country’s mood – and the president’s ratings – are suffering from the double whammy of an unpopular war and a faltering economy. Consistently for the past year, nearly two-thirds of Americans have said the war in Iraq was not worth fighting. And consumer confidence is near its lowest in weekly ABC News polls since late 1985.

... Bush now has gone 40 months without majority approval, beating Truman's record (also during economic discontent and an unpopular war) of 38 months from 1949-52.

May 12, 2008 at 02:14 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain, Polling | Permalink | Comments (1)

Guest Blog: Re-Elect Mary Jane Garcia for State Senate

MjgarciaThis is a guest blog by Stephanie L. DuBois of Tularosa.

Senator Mary Jane Garcia (right), a Democrat from Dona Ana, NM who serves as Majority Whip, is seeking re-election to her Senate District 36 seat. Known in her district and around the state as the "working senator," Senator Garcia has sponsored and passed some of the most significant legislation we've had in the areas of protecting children from abuse, as well as protecting women from domestic violence. She was also instrumental in the passage of legislation to make human trafficking a crime.

Senator Garcia has a tremendous work ethic and is always willing to help. She doesn't know how to say "no," and the people of New Mexico reap many benefits from her efforts. Senator Garcia has received many awards in recognition of her superior service, including  The 2007 Milagro Award titled, "The Mary Jane Garcia Champion for Animals Award," The Spirit Award 2007 for her advocacy against domestic violence and the Outstanding Woman of New Mexico Award, presented by Governor Richardson and sponsored by the Commission on the Status of Women 2007.

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May 12, 2008 at 01:14 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Guest Blogger, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

DPBC to Host 5/19 Reading & Book Signing with Former U.S. Sen. Fred Harris

Fred Harris Reading and Book Signing
UNM Law School, Room 2401, Map
1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque NM
Monday, May 19, 6:00 PM
Special Forum, Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
Does People Do It? - A Memoir by Fred Harris
Public Welcome

The well-known "people's politician" recalls his life and career.

One of Oklahoma's most famous native sons, Fred Harris faced life's challenges with the same resolve as a favorite uncle: "Does people do it? If people does it, I can do it."  In this engaging memoir, he describes how he met those challenges head-on.

HarrisprezA child of the Great Depression, he describes his upbringing and his initiation into state politics, and tells how he was elected to the U.S. Senate at the age of thirty-three. Earning a reputation as a "new populist," Harris chaired the national Democratic Party and was a serious presidential candidate. Enlivening his account with firsthand conversations, Harris contributes to our understanding of the motivations and personalities of figures such as Lyndon B. Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Robert F. Kennedy, including the infamous tensions between Johnson and Kennedy. Despite rubbing elbows with such power brokers, Harris maintained his own reputation as a down-to-earth man of the people whose advocacy included American Indian causes.

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May 12, 2008 at 11:41 AM in Books, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Albuquerque Journal Endorses Heinrich

Mheinrich1Yesterday, the Albuquerque Journal endorsed Democrat Martin Heinrich for Congress in New Mexico's First District primary race. Their editorial explaining their decision cites his success as a consensus builder on the Albuquerque City Council, as well as his talent for problem-solving that arises from top-notch listening and communication skills. The Journal also coined a new phrase -- the Heinrich Maneuver:

1st Congressional District Democrat — Heinrich: The partisan two-step is a common dance during the political season: A step toward the party regulars who often determine the primary results, a step back toward the center in time for the general election.

But Martin Heinrich established a record of putting one foot in front of the other to build consensus on the often contentious Albuquerque City Council. His liberal leanings are clear, but so is the pragmatism and respect for other points of view that endow Heinrich with the ability to listen, accommodate and move difficult initiatives forward. That would be a welcome talent in Congress.

The Heinrich Maneuver was key to navigating the controversy of the city minimum wage ordinance and producing a measure that the business community and activists could live with. It was apparent outside of City Hall when he worked with ranchers, Native Americans and outdoor recreation interests to build the bridges that helped lead to federal establishment of the Ojito Wilderness.

Continue reading "NM-01: Albuquerque Journal Endorses Heinrich"

May 12, 2008 at 09:59 AM in Media, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Guest Blog: Open Letter to Bill McCamley & Harry Teague

This is a guest blog by Col. Donald E. Jonker, USAF Ret., of Las Cruces in the form of an open letter to Bill McCamley and Harry Teague, Democratic candidates for Congress in NM-02.

The President is going to ask the Legislature to approve these additions for fiscal year 2009. An additional $1.3 billion to meet health care needs for the 350,000 military men and women returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. $3.9 billion for mental health services and $1.5 billion for prosthetic and sensory aids. This does not include the fact that some men and women will be in pain the rest of their lives. I believe all New Mexicans are interested in these tragic numbers and those of us in Democratic District Two have a right to know where our candidates stand on these issues.

Open Letter to Bill McCamley & Harry Teague
Most of us New Mexicans believe that the economy, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and health care are the three biggest areas of concern in the next election. Since I am not an expert on the economy or health care, I will stick to the wars. Almost all of the active duty, National Guard, Reserve, veterans and widows are deeply concerned about many aspects of the wars; however, I would like to concentrate on three areas: 1) Should we or should we not withdraw from the wars, and if so, when? 2) What health benefits should our military receive? And, 3) How should the VA be funded to ensure our brave young men and women returning from the wars after three, four and even five combat tours be treated for life long injuries?

If the wars go on, the cost of benefits could reach as high as $75 to $150 billion. During the wars, despite improved equipment, for every person killed there are 16 wounded and injured, an unprecedented number. (In Vietnam the ratio was 2.6 for every death and in Korea it was 2.8 for every death.) For 2009, the President has asked for $1.3 billion for health care needs, $3.9 billion for mental health services, and $1.5 billion for prosthetic and sensory aids. That's only $6.7 billion -- nowhere near what is necessary.

Continue reading "Guest Blog: Open Letter to Bill McCamley & Harry Teague"

May 12, 2008 at 09:18 AM in Guest Blogger, Iraq War, Military Affairs, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Prez Candidates to Focus on Independents, Hispanics, New Mexico

Obamamccain_2Must read: This article in today's New York Times lays out the strategies that will likely be employed by the McCain and Obama presidential campaigns in the general election. Get ready for a big onslaught by the prez campaigns in the Land of Enchantment. Both campaigns will be heavily targeting Western swing states, including New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada:

Both sides say the states clearly in play now include Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

Post-primary action kicked off in New Mexico and across the nation this Saturday with the Obama campaign's Vote for Change effort to register and mobilize voters. In Albuquerque, more than 60 people at the IBEW Hall to receive voter registrar training and hit the streets in the first phase of what will be a continuing effort until election day in November.


It looks like Gov. Richardson will be active in Obama's efforts:

Mr. Obama’s aides said the endorsement by Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, one of the nation’s most prominent Hispanic leaders, could prove more critical in the general election than in the primary.

Now this is exciting:

In a sign of what could be an extremely unusual fall campaign, the two sides said Saturday that they would be open to holding joint forums or unmoderated debates across the country in front of voters through the summer. Mr. Obama, campaigning in Oregon, said that the proposal, floated by Mr. McCain’s advisers, was “a great idea.”

Continue reading "Prez Candidates to Focus on Independents, Hispanics, New Mexico"

May 11, 2008 at 02:40 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election | Permalink | Comments (3)

Celebrate 20th Anniversary of Amigos Bravos

From Amigos Bravos, Friends of the Wild Rivers:
Come celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Amigos Bravos and the launch of a new campaign to establish the constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment in New Mexico. No charge for current members -- this party is for you! Friends who wish to become members: $25 at the door.

Where: Philip Bareiss Gallery, 15 Route 150, Taos, NM
When: Saturday, May 17, 6-9 PM
Music by the Brent Berry Band

13th Annual Raffle for the Río
Grande Prize — Round-Trip Tickets for Two to the Bordeaux region of southwestern France, and a seven-day stay in the BED & BREAKFAST at the historic Chateau La Gatte, in Saint André de Cubzac (Some restrictions apply).

A $25 ticket gives you one chance to win -- Purchase a packet of 5 tickets for $100 and multiply your chances -- or give tickets to your friends. Click here to purchase your tickets now! Raffle coming to an end on Thursday, May 15th at 5:00 PM.

May 11, 2008 at 12:55 PM in Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Dedicated to Our First African-American Presidential Nominee

I just discovered that Wolfgang's Concert Vault now has embed code for much of its material. Nice. I thought this was the perfect time to put up a musical salute to our first Black presidential nominee -- Barack Obama -- on a weekend when he has surpassed Clinton in the superdelegate count and leads her by virtually unassailable margins in pledged delegates, states won and popular vote. Enjoy a White working class Texas redneck playing a song by Hendrix, possibly the first African-American psychedelic rock guitarist in the world. Seems fitting. Unity.

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May 11, 2008 at 08:30 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Music, Racial Minorities | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

NM-02: Latest on McCamley Campaign

Two big endorsements were unveiled this week for Bill McCamley, Dem candidate for Congress in New Mexico's Second District. I've already reported on 2006 Dem nominee Al Kissling's endorsement. He's now been joined by the National Sierra Club. Their support is a great recognition of the importance McCamley's campaign has placed on protecting our environment and developing alternative energy.

The campaign has also released video footage of their check-signing ceremony where McCamley loaned his campaign $47.50 (see above). As Bill explains, it was a fun event, but it had a serious purpose: "It highlighted the difference between our candidacy that is funded mostly by small and medium-sized donors from across the District and the country, and our opponent's candidacy, which is funded primarily by oil money. Can you help us continue to point out that difference? Can you contribute $47.50, $475, or $4,750 to our campaign? You can do so quickly and securely by clicking here or by sending a check made out to "Bill McCamley for Congress" to: Bill McCamley for Congress, PO Box 6552, Las Cruces, NM 88006."

Continue reading "NM-02: Latest on McCamley Campaign"

May 10, 2008 at 04:41 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (4)

Laurie Weahkee Chooses Obama; Barack Catches Clinton in Superdelegates

I'm sure you've heard by now that New Mexico add-on delegate Laurie Weahkee, the Native American Voters Alliance Coordinator at Albuquerque's SAGE Council, has publicly endorsed Barack Obama for president. I'd like to welcome Laurie to the Obama fold -- I know there was a lot of pressure applied by the campaigns of both candidates. Weahkee was one of nine superdelegates and a union leader who endorsed Obama on Friday. Obama is now about even with Clinton in the superdelegate count, depending on the source that's doing the counting.

Laurie Weahkee's official statement released late Friday by the Obama campaign:

“Today, I’m proud to announce my support as a presidential delegate for Barack Obama. After the primary elections in Indiana and North Carolina, it is now absolutely clear that Barack Obama will be our nominee.  I’d like to applaud both Senators Clinton and Obama for their commitment and dedication. In particular, I’d like to recognize Senator Clinton for her many years of service to this country, and for laying the groundwork for women across this country to run for office.  It is time for all of us to unite behind Obama as we head into a difficult general election.  Obama has proven that he can campaign in a difficult environment and still inspire thousands of new voices to take part in the democratic process. As a Native American woman, I’m proud to support Obama, and I ask all of us to now join together and start building the movement for victory in November.”

The New Mexico Independent has an excellent interview with Weahkee, where she goes into more depth about the reasons she decided to endorse Obama and describes her reaction to the local Clinton campaign's challenge to her selection:

... I was a little disappointed by the aggressive tone of the New Mexico Clinton campaign to challenge my selection as a delegate, because I really was at that time undecided. The aggressive tone from folks here locally just added into the my overall sense that the Clinton campaign was really aggressive. It was disappointing. I was truly undecided and they were already putting me in one camp or another. I just felt it was a bad representation on Hillary Clinton and her overall campaign.

I'm sure you recall that Laurie Weahkee won the election to become New Mexico's at-large, unpledged add-on delegate at the April 19 Dem Party State Central Committee meeting, and that the procedure was challenged unsuccessfully by the Clinton camp.

One of the criteria Weahkee cited as a basis for making a decision on an endorsement was the candidate's positions on Native American issues. Here are Obama's Principles for Stronger Tribal Communities. Also check out a Native American Times article on Weahkee.

Continue reading "Laurie Weahkee Chooses Obama; Barack Catches Clinton in Superdelegates"

May 10, 2008 at 02:37 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 Presidential Primary, Local Politics, Native Americans | Permalink | Comments (0)