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Monday, May 26, 2008
Action Alert: Dem Party Protest of Bush's Tuesday Visit to NM
From the DPNM: The Democratic Party of New Mexico will be demonstrating against George W. Bush's visit to Albuquerque to fundraise for Darren White:
- What: Demonstration against George W. Bush's war and his plan to veto the GI Bill! We don't support his war and we don't support anyone who uses him to raise money!
- When: Tuesday May 27th, 2008 from 11AM-12 Noon
- Where: Hartnett Park, Los Ranchos De Albuquerque: 6718 Rio Grande Blvd NE (MAP)
Come down and show Darren White and George Bush what Americans really think of the War! Don't forget to bring your SIGNS! More info.
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May 26, 2008 at 11:10 AM in Democratic Party, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (0)
Guest Blog: NM Governor Richardson Best USA Secretary of State/Ideal Democratic Dream Team
This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox of Santa Fe. You can also access this piece here.
My "dream team" would have Hillary as VP, Edwards as Attorney General, Richardson as Secretary of State, Dr. Dean as Secretary of Health or as FDA Commissioner, repairing damage done to USA international by Bush Neocons and eight years of corporate kleptocracy! We absolutely must demand such a dream team just to stay viable as a nation.... All above are proven, intelligent, practical, and vital leaders.
Concerning the Bushes/Neocons criticizing Obama's wanting to speak with the President of Iran as "appeasement," an absurd and hypocritical stance, please read this piece by Robert Parry. Also see Gov. Bill Richardson's article on Creating a U.S. Foreign Policy for a New Century from Harvard International Review. Another vital article by Bill Richardson appeared in Foreign Affairs.
Everyone recognizes the endangered perception of the USA in every international context. We are inviting ongoing trouble by allowing the most powerful USA corporations to entirely manipulate many branches of government like the Department of State, even if you don’t ascribe to a Hegelian or a Marxian view of economic and political history.
May 26, 2008 at 11:09 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Guest Blogger, International Relations | Permalink | Comments (2)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
NM-01, NM-03 Journal Polls: Heinrich, Lujan Ahead But Undecideds High
Results from the Albuquerque Journal's telephone polling of Democrats in the First and Third Congressional Districts by Research and Polling Inc. were released in this morning's paper. Martin Heinrich and Ben R. Lujan, Jr. were the winners in the NM-01 and NM-02 Dem primary race polls for U.S. House seats, respectively, but there were high percentages of undecided voters in each contest. This, despite there being only nine days until the June 3rd primary election, and early voting already underway.
The paper quotes David Wasserman, the Cook Political Report editor who covers House races, on the high percentage of undecideds: "I would definitely expect for voters to realize in the final weeks of the campaign that there is an election going on."
Surprising, at least to me, was the second place finish in NM-01 by former NM Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron. Vigil-Giron got into the race late, had to gather additional signatures to get on the ballot and has run what can only be called a poorly funded, low-key campaign. In the reporting period that ended May 14, Vigil-Giron said she'd raised only $18,000 to date and had spent only about $15,000. Heinrich has raised a total of $733,000 in donations and spent almost $525,000, according to his report. Heinrich would seem to have a strong edge over Vigil-Giron going into the primary as he can spent significantly more on TV ads, mailers and GOTV efforts in the final days of the primary.
In a polling universe where 29% are undecided after months of primary race events, maybe it isn't surprising after all that name recognition appears to be a big factor. Despite campaigning longer than Vigil-Giron and airing one TV ad to none by Vigil-Giron, Lujan Grisham garnered only 10% of the votes in the sample. She has to be disappointed.
In NM-03, the race appears tight between frontrunner Lujan and second place finisher Don Wiviott. Given that a third of voters sampled were still undecided, this race could still go either way. Although Wiviott has more money at his disposal, Lujan seems to have enough to stay up on TV with his ads and to conduct an effective campaign in the final days. Shendo finished a distant fourth, despite the media blitz that followed his allegations about Lujan's "life style." Part of the polling in this race was done after Shendo's accusations received widespread attention in the media and blogs, but they appeared to have little or no affect on the results, according to Brian Sanderoff, president of Research and Polling Inc.
Polling results NM-01 Congressional Dem Primary: Telephone interviews were conducted on May 20-22 with 402 registered Democrats in the 1st District who have a record of primary voting. The margin of error is plus or minus 5 points.
34% Martin Heinrich
23% Rebecca Vigil-Giron
10% Michelle Lujan Grisham
04% Robert Pidcock
Polling results NM-03 Congressional Dem Primary: Telephone interviews were conducted May 20-22 with 500 registered Democrats in the 2nd District who said they were likely to vote. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.5 points.
29% Ben R. Lujan, Jr.
23% Don Wiviott
07% Harry Montoya
05% Benny Shendo, Jr.
02% Jon Adams
01% Rudy Martin
Continue reading "NM-01, NM-03 Journal Polls: Heinrich, Lujan Ahead But Undecideds High"
May 25, 2008 at 10:04 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Journal Dem Prez Primary Poll in NM-01, NM-03: Obama Leads
The Albuquerque Journal today released results from a survey by Research and Polling Inc. on the Dem presidential primary race in New Mexico's First and Third Congressional Districts. Matching the February 5th Dem caucus results, Barack Obama is ahead in both Districts. He's widened his lead over Hillary Clinton in both the Albuquerque metro area and Northern New Mexico since the state's Dem caucus:
Results in NM-01: Telephone poll conducted May 20-22 surveying 402 likely Democratic primary election voters. The margin of error was plus or minus 5 points.
44% Obama
38% Clinton
04% Neither
Obama beat Clinton in NM-01 in the February 5th primary balloting in New Mexico by about 2.6%.
Results in NM-03: Telephone poll of 500 likely Democratic voters conducted May 20-22. The margin of error was plus or minus 4.5 points.
43% Obama
37% Clinton
06% Neither
Obama beat Clinton by about 3.6% in the 3rd District in the February 5th Dem caucus in New Mexico, mostly by running up margins in Santa Fe, Taos and Los Alamos.
The Journal did not poll New Mexico's Second Congressional District in this survey.
Continue reading "Journal Dem Prez Primary Poll in NM-01, NM-03: Obama Leads"
May 25, 2008 at 10:03 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (1)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
... Younger Than That Now
Happy 67th Birthday, Bob
... he not busy being born is busy dying ...
May 24, 2008 at 02:42 PM in Music, Saturday Music Hall | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Reminder: Dem Party Picnic in ABQ Tomorrow
The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County
would like to invite you to a
Democratic Picnic
Saturday May 24, 2008, 12-4PM
at the
Spanish Village, EXPO NM
(300 San Pedro Dr. NE, Abq, NM)
Music will be provided by
Supreme Court Justice Charlie Daniels & Judge William Parnall
May 23, 2008 at 03:18 PM in Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
NM-01: New Heinrich Ad Says Bush Leaves NM Families in the Dust
I really like the new ad from the Martin Heinrich for Congress campaign in NM-01, which takes on the Bush agenda's horrific affects on the economy and New Mexico's families. It's right on time given George Bush's upcoming visit to New Mexico next Tuesday to host a private, big-dollar fundraiser for Bush protege Darren White, the presumed GOP candidate in NM-01. The failed president is expected to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for White and the New Mexico Repub Party at a private reception in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque (last we heard).
Continue reading "NM-01: New Heinrich Ad Says Bush Leaves NM Families in the Dust"
May 23, 2008 at 12:18 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)
NM-Sen: New DSCC Videos, Tom Udall the Un-Politician
The videos above were released by the DSCC as part of their Road to Victory series on Democratic Senate candidates being conducted by Amy Rubin, who's been hitting the road with a video camera and interviewing Dems running for U.S. Senate. Visit the Road to Victory website for more videos and Amy's travel diary.
Also see this diary by liberaltruthsayer on Daily Kos about Rep. Udall, his family and the videos. And don't miss the New Mexico Independent's exclusive interview with Rep. Udall. Nice work. Excerpt on Rep. Udall's position on endorsing a Dem presidential candidate:
Continue reading "NM-Sen: New DSCC Videos, Tom Udall the Un-Politician"
May 23, 2008 at 11:35 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)
(Updated) Barack Obama to Visit Las Cruces Monday
UPDATE 5.24.08: According to a press release from the Obama campaign, the early afternoon event will be a Memorial Day Veterans Town Hall with Barack Obama and Gov. Bill Richardson. Attendance is by invitation only and the Town Hall is not open to the public. The location of the event is not yet being made public.
Barack Obama will be in Las Cruces on Monday, May 26, 2008 for a public event of some kind according to his campaign. No other details are available yet, but the word is the event will be related to honoring veterans. I'll let you know when more info is released. In the meantime, content yourself with checking out the video above. Yes We Can!
Michelle Obama, John McCain and George Bush will also be in New Mexico next week. Click for info.
Technorati Tags:
May 23, 2008 at 10:23 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Bird Blogging, Events | Permalink | Comments (4)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
NM-02: McCamley Endorsed by Democracy for America
McCamley is a big favorite of grassroots Dems in NM-02 and all over New Mexico. He's earned our respect by running a passionate, energetic and positive campaign for real change. He's conducting a creative and effective grassroots effort based on hard work, lots of personal outreach and small donations from ordinary folks. If we want McCamley to be the nominee, we have to help him win with our active financial and volunteer support. And we have to do it NOW. Hope you'll take action today and help McCamley in his campaign for the people and against the special interests that are dedicated to protecting the status quo. Please give what you can today. The June 3rd primary is less than two weeks away.
Here's the notice sent out to DFA members across the country today:
We have all seen what can happen when big oil men get sent to Washington: profits over people and $4 dollar gas -- with no relief in sight.
Big oil money can buy you a fancy car, a mansion and maybe even a private jet. But it shouldn't be able to buy you a seat in the House of Representatives.
That's why DFA is proud to endorse Bill McCamley for Congress in New Mexico's second district. This is a Republican-held open seat that we can win with this election, but Bill has to face a self-funding oil man in the primary first.
Bill is running a true grassroots campaign and has the progressive record to back it up. With your support, we'll send another people-powered progressive to Congress.
Contribute $25 today to put Bill over the top.
Continue reading "NM-02: McCamley Endorsed by Democracy for America"
May 22, 2008 at 11:02 AM in DFA, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (15)