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Thursday, May 29, 2008

DPNM Hosts 2008 Primary Night Watch Party

The Democratic Party of New Mexico will be holding a Primary Night Watch Party on June 3rd, at the Albuquerque Convention Center. The event is free and open to the public. We expect most of the Democratic candidates, including Congressman Tom Udall, to attend. Polls close at 7:00 PM. Make sure you vote in the primary and then come on down to celebrate our victories:

Who:  New Mexico Democratic Party
What:  Primary Election Night Party
When:  6:00 PM to 11:00 PM, Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Where:  Albuquerque Convention Center
San Miguel Room (2nd Floor - East Complex)
401 2nd Street NW , Albuquerque

Technorati Tags:

May 29, 2008 at 11:42 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

NM-02, NM-03: Richardson Endorses Teague, Luján

Governor Bill Richardson officially announced two endorsements today in New Mexico's Congressional Dem primary races in NM-02 and NM-03. He didn't make any endorsement in NM-01, where Martin Heinrich has a double digit lead according to recent polling. What does this tell us? That the races in the Second and Third Districts must be mighty close and the candidates he endorsed likely felt they needed to convince the Governor to publicly support them as the days tick down toward the June 3rd primary. Their primary rivals are breathing down their necks.

Richardson backed Harry Teague in the 2nd Congressional District, saying that "Teague is the right person to carry the Democratic banner into the general election."

"Harry Teague is a successful businessman and community leader with moderate views who should be able to wind the general election," Governor Bill Richardson said. "I worked with Harry Teague to reinvigorate and diversify the economy in Southeastern New Mexico. I know Harry will use that experience to create jobs and represent the mostly rural communities of Southern New Mexico in Congress."

No response yet from the Bill McCamley campaign, but I have one -- go McCamley! P.S. Go check out post on McCamley's bold new ad. I also see that Mr. Heath has an additional quote from Richardson's camp about the endorsement in NM-02:

“The decision to endorse was a tough one. The governor fully supports Harry Teague, but he’s also very big on Bill McCamley, who he believes has great potential to be a political leader in the future,” Gallegos said.

In the 3rd Congressional District up north, where Richardson once served as a Congressman, the Governor endorsed Ben. R. Luján, Jr:

Continue reading "NM-02, NM-03: Richardson Endorses Teague, Luján"

May 28, 2008 at 04:39 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Local Vet Calls McCain Memorial Day Event in ABQ a 'Republican Pep Rally"

More on that below, but first watch Santa Fe Reporter writer Dave Maass take MoveOn's Bush-McCain Challenge at the Plaza in Santa Fe. The Challenge is happening in locales all over America today, drawing attention to the similarities between John McCain and George Bush. Hard to tell 'em apart, eh Dave? Speaking of the Santa Fe Reporter, you might want to check out their guide to the June 3rd primary election, which includes endorsements for all the Santa Fe area races. One, in particular, is creating some controversy. Can you guess which one?

Onward. Have you seen this story? Quote:

As he spoke to a Memorial Day crowd of about 1,000, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was joined by New Mexico Republican Sen. Pete Domenici and Rep. Steve Pearce and Rep. Heather Wilson, who are running for Domenici's soon-to-be-vacant seat.

[Bruce] Clark, a former Marine whose son Bradley Clark is serving in the U.S. Army in Iraq, said he showed up at the event to protest what he called "this criminal war" and McCain's support of it.

But though it was a public event on public property, all signs of dissent were quashed by the heavy presence of APD officers and agents from the Secret Service, he said.

"We were very intimidated," he said.

Continue reading "Local Vet Calls McCain Memorial Day Event in ABQ a 'Republican Pep Rally""

May 28, 2008 at 03:14 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Civil Liberties, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (1)

NM Dem Women Host National Convention in ABQ; Guests Include Chelsea Clinton, Valerie Plame

KickingdonkeyFrom DPBC e-News: The Democratic Women of New Mexico will host the National Federation of Democratic Women in Albuquerque on Wednesday, May 28th to Sunday, June 1st, 2008 at the Albuquerque Marriott Hotel.

The attendees will be touring Santa Fe and Acoma on Wednesday and Thursday.

On Thursday evening, May 29th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, there will be a "Wild West Welcome" party at the Albuquerque Marriott. Everyone is invited to attend. Tickets are $50.00 per person and available at the door. Nominated by Democratic Women of New Mexico and receiving the NFDW award for "Outstanding Elected Democratic Women Official" will be will be our own Lt. Governor Diane Denish.

On Friday, May 30th, the NFDW 37th Annual Convention begins with a welcome from Mayor Martin Chavez beginning at 9 AM at the Marriott Hotel. The luncheon's featured speaker is Valerie Plame Wilson. On Friday evening, Chelsea Clinton will also be on hand to "meet and greet" the attendees.

Continue reading "NM Dem Women Host National Convention in ABQ; Guests Include Chelsea Clinton, Valerie Plame"

May 28, 2008 at 06:22 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

NM-01: Darren White Claims Independence from Bush at Bush Fundraiser Today

Darren White's campaign claims that Bush raised $317,000 today in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque -- money that reportedly will be split between White's campaign and the NM GOP. And now we have proof that Darren White will say anything, no matter how silly, to try and gain credibility for his candidacy in NM-01. According to a news release reporting on today's NM fundraiser for White and the GOP with George Bush:

"White said he appreciates the President's willingness to attend the fundraiser, noting that liberal special interests are expected to invest heavily in the campaign of his likely Democrat opponent, who is constantly referred to as the 'darling of the Left."

White, the Republican Bernalillo County sheriff, said he expects the Democrats to spend big on the race.

"The Democrats are poised to nominate a candidate well outside the mainstream of this district. I fully expect the radical left-wing special interest groups to spend millions trying to elect one of their own to Congress. My campaign is about shaking up Washington with strong, independent leadership and I look forward to earning the support of the voters."

Yeah, the kind of "strong, independent leadership" that depends on large donations from extreme right GOP bigwigs still lured by the Bush mystique, whatever that is. Oh, and the only person who keeps referring to White's opponent as a 'darling of the Left' is our infamous rumor-blogger and stealth Republican, Joe Monahan. You remember Joe. He's the guy who mocks efforts to pass ethics and campaign finance reform in the NM legislature because his "Alligators" like it just the way it is in Santa Fe and, obviously, in Washington too.

Continue reading "NM-01: Darren White Claims Independence from Bush at Bush Fundraiser Today"

May 27, 2008 at 04:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (9)

Video: DPNM Protests Bush Fundraiser for GOP & White

The Tom Udall campaign liveblogged the Dem Party of New Mexico's demonstration in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque today protesting George Bush's fundraiser for NM-01 candidate Darren White and the state GOP. Click to see the recorded video of the event. Participants included reps from the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Tom Udall's campaign and UNM College Dems, as well as State Dem Party chair Brian Colon, NM-01 Dem Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich and Janice Saxton, Dem candidate in NM House District 22. KRQE News 13 has this video of Bush's arrival in Albuquerque and the protest in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.

A major complaint raised by demonstrators centered on Bush's promise to veto the new GI Bill that would expand veterans' benefits and support every vet who's served since 9-11 with expanded financial support for a college education. John McCain, the presumed GOP nominee for prez, is also against the new GI Bill. I guess he supports vets, but only when George Bush tells him it's ok. A couple of quotes from participants about the close relationship between White and Bush:

Continue reading "Video: DPNM Protests Bush Fundraiser for GOP & White"

May 27, 2008 at 02:28 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Labor, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (3)

NM-01: Heinrich Responds to Bush Fundraiser for White

Do your part to counter Bush Repub partying ... After a fundraiser for Darren White here today, Bush heads to AZ to raise money for his pal John McCain

Martin Heinrich, running for the Dem Congressional nomination in NM-01, is hitting back at George Bush's fundraising with GOP elites at a residence in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque today by reaching out to the national and local netroots/grassroots for support. Bush is sneaking into town today to attend a private, no-press-allowed, $1000-per-person event to raise campaign funds for long-time buddy Darren White, the presumptive Repub Congressional candidate in NM-01, and the State Repub Party's so-called Victory Fund.

It's expected that the event will raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for White and the GOP. As we all know by now, Darren White is a Bush-clone supreme, having served as Bush's campaign chair in Bernalillo County in 2004 and having been selected to accompany Bush to the podium for his nomination at the RNC Convention that year. His positions support the continuation of the Bush agenda even when Bush will be gone from the White House. We can't have that, can we? What we can do:

First, listen in today at Noon Mountain time, Heinrich will be interviewed for 45 minutes by Adam Lambert and David Atkinson on a Blog Talk Radio Heading Left show hosted by ePluribus Radio. Click here to listen online.

Next, head over to the nationally prominent blog, Crooks and Liars, at 3:00 PM today Mountain time, to lend some local flavor to Heinrich's live blog there.

Continue reading "NM-01: Heinrich Responds to Bush Fundraiser for White"

May 27, 2008 at 11:55 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Obama and Richardson in Las Cruces


These photos (click on images for larger versions) show Barack Obama appearing with Gov. Bill Richardson yesterday at a Memorial Day gathering of about 200 veterans and their families at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces and talking about veterans' issues. Gov. Richardson introduced Obama before a backdrop of the Organ Mountains. In his introduction of Obama, Gov. Richardson said, "He's a man of principle and impeccable character. He's a patriot who loves this country with all of his heart. He's an extraordinary leader, a once-in-a-generation leader."

Obama gave a short speech honoring veterans and describing ways he would work to vastly improve veterans' benefits. After his remarks, Obama took questions from the crowd. Obama and Richardson later made a surprise stop at the Las Cruces Veterans Memorial Park to lay two large wreaths honoring local veterans.


Thanks to Ellen Wedum, who's running for for State Rep in District 59, for passing along these photos taken by NM Rep. Nathan Cote of HD 53, himself a Navy veteran. In an article about Obama's visit in the Las Cruces Sun-News, Rep. Cote was quoted as saying Obama was knowledgeable about veterans issues. "I think it was extraordinary for Las Cruces and the vets of Las Cruces," he said of Obama's visit. The Sun-News also has a nice collection of photos and videos of Obama's visit.




And here's another photo of Obama, this time with the New Mexico flag, taken by Obama supporter Rep. Al Park (D-HD26) of Albuquerque:


Continue reading "Obama and Richardson in Las Cruces"

May 27, 2008 at 10:49 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Local Politics, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (1)

Update on 2008 Primary Voting from Bernalillo County

UPDATE: To find your polling place anywhere in the state you can use the Secretary of State's VoterView page. Click here.
**********You can get all the latest information on voting in Bernalillo County in the June 3rd primary election in this update (doc) from the office of Maggie Toulouse Oliver, the Bernalillo County Clerk. Some excerpts:

Election Day Information - Polling Places and Sample Ballots: Election Day polling places and sample ballots are available online – electronically – through our “Where do I vote?” webpage. This page can be accessed through www.bernco.gov/clerk or .

Absentee Ballots as of May 25, 2008

  • Democratic Absentee Ballots:  7,260 Ballots Mailed/3,208 Ballots Returned
  • Republican Absentee Ballots:  8,019 Ballot Mailed/3,874 Ballots Returned

Early Voting Numbers as of May 25, 2008 (Click for open thru 5/31/08)

  • Democratic Early Voters:  3,723
  • Republican Early Voters:  3,114
  • Total Early Voters:  6,837

Need More Poll Workers
We are currently training  about 2,500 poll workers for Election Day on June 3, 2008. As is always the case, we need more poll workers! If you know of anyone who is willing to serve, please encourage them to contact our office at (505) 468-1291 or apply here.

Continue reading "Update on 2008 Primary Voting from Bernalillo County"

May 27, 2008 at 06:14 AM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (3)

Monday, May 26, 2008

NM-Sen: Meet Tom Udall at Official Opening of Campaign HQ This Thursday

TudallheadFrom Tom Udall for U.S. Senate:
You're invited to join us in welcoming Congressman Tom Udall as we celebrate the formal opening of the Tom Udall for Senate Campaign Headquarters in Albuquerque! There will be light refreshments and information about how you can get involved in helping to elect Congressman Udall to serve as New Mexico's next US Senator!

  • When? Thursday, May 29th, 5 PM until 7 PM
  • Where? 3311 Candelaria Rd NE, Suite B (Just West of Carlisle), Albuquerque
  • Click for FLYER and pass it on

RSVP by contacting Andrew Marshall at 505.884.3055 or by email at amarshall@tomudall.com.

Technorati Tags:

May 26, 2008 at 12:15 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race | Permalink | Comments (3)