Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Rep. Ben Rodefer Guest Blog on News that SunCal is Facing Foreclosure
This is a guest blog by State Rep. Benjamin Rodefer (D-Corrales 23).
I'm writing in response to a recent AP article reporting that lenders filed a foreclosure lawsuit against SunCal Cos. in state court in New Mexico last week to collect more than $180 million in outstanding loans the developer used to finance a property purchase on Albuquerque's West Side from Atrisco Land Grant heirs.
New Mexico nearly, within one vote, entered into a 40-50 year financial partnership with this company, one that would have diverted over a billion dollars from the state's general fund. This company was never financially stable nor sound. It was always my strong belief that passing the Suncal TIDD would cause significant and long term damage to our state, its finances, and our ability to provide the very fundamental services our people deserve.
Hopefully much more sensible opportunities for economic development and good jobs creation will come New Mexico's way, allowing us to more wisely invest our limited funds, and better support our people and our economy.
It was a true David vs. Goliath victory back in January to have stopped this taxpayer swindle. It was an improbable victory considering the strong support from the executive and legislative leadership, as well as the innumerable high-paid lobbyists working the Roundhouse on Suncal's huge dollar.
Continue reading "Rep. Ben Rodefer Guest Blog on News that SunCal is Facing Foreclosure"
December 22, 2009 at 11:08 AM in Finance, Investments, Guest Blogger, Land Issues, NM Legislature 2009, Real Estate Development, Sun Cal | Permalink | Comments (8)
Environment New Mexico & California: Sub-National Governments Pave the Path Forward After Copenhagen
Upon world leaders reaching a final accord in Copenhagen, Environment California Legislative Director Dan Jacobson and Environment New Mexico Environment Associate Kim McMurray issued the following statement:
“The Copenhagen Accord makes it clear that our work is far from over. Although world leaders have come together as never before to address the threat of global warming, even they have acknowledged that this agreement is not sufficient to protect the planet.
“Through their struggles to reach agreement, international leaders have shown that the diligent work of sub-national governments is vital to stopping global warming. Cities, states, and provinces across the world have been paving the way for real reductions in the pollution that causes global warming by passing and implementing meaningful policies for decades. States and cities in the U.S. and across the planet can and now must continue to move us forward even without a binding international agreement.
“Recent Environment America research found that actions led by American states are estimated to cut U.S. global warming pollution by 536 million metric tons of CO2-equivalent annually by 2020 – more pollution than is emitted by all but eight countries in the world, and equivalent to 7% of America’s total CO2 pollution in 2007.
“We applaud the steps taken in Copenhagen but we call on our national and international leaders to build upon the success in the states and commit to reducing global warming pollution to the levels scientists say is necessary. Toward that end Congress must pass a strong clean energy and climate bill this spring and global leaders must work quickly towards a fair, ambitious and binding deal in the months to come.”
December 22, 2009 at 10:10 AM in Climate, Energy, Environment | Permalink | Comments (4)
Stephen Jones: Keeping to an Independent Path
This is a post by contributing writer, Stephen Jones, who is a progressive political activist and a resident of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
There is an old saying in Democratic Party circles that goes, "I'd vote for a yellow dog if he ran on the Democratic ticket." This expression places party loyalty over either personal integrity or allegiance to the good of the nation. I am no “yellow dog” Democrat, I am a progressive.
I believe progressives, Democrats and otherwise, if we are to be an effective voice, must retain both our integrity and our independence. We need to build and support our independent organizations, but need not abandon our registrations in the Democratic Party. In fact to do so, will only serve to marginalize progressives rather than built on our strengths.
Events of the past few months have soured many of us on a seemingly unredeemable majority party, and further enraged us over the repulsive and hateful ideology of the other party. While the partisans of the Republican Party gleefully mock us, let me admit, that whatever is transpiring in Washington, D.C. these days is a far cry from the “change we could believe in,” or more accurately, had hoped for.
The so-called “manager’s markup” health insurance bill presently nearing passage in the United States Senate is everything most of us, as progressives, have long opposed. It is anything but reform, but rather a massive give-away to the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, complete with Christmas tree ornaments attached for the likes of Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. This massive monument to corporate greed has been engineered, in the interest of both a “political victory” and in creating more profit for its financial donors by the Obama White House. For expediency, or worse, what few cost containment measures the original bill had have been tossed under the bus.
The losers will be us, the average citizens, who will be mandated to pay private insurers for escalating premiums, while receiving less. Contrary to what some may argue, there is nothing in the Senate Bill that will lead us down the road to real reform.
The leadership of the national Democratic Party simply believe that we, progressives, have no place else to go. So they pander to their corporate sponsors rather than responding to us, and wrangle endlessly and viciously with the corporate Republicans for control of the larger share of the money flow from those corporations that own both political parties.
We do, in fact, have elsewhere to go. Some of us may call for some third party. Most of us realize that this is not a very effective route. The more effective road is the Primary election, and we ought to be preparing to fund and work in the primary fights ahead.
Continue reading "Stephen Jones: Keeping to an Independent Path"
December 22, 2009 at 08:46 AM in By Stephen Jones, Contributing Writer, Democratic Party, Healthcare, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Health Care Reform, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (2)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Follow Think New Mexico's Hourly Release of Endorsements of Those Who Oppose Food Tax
Non-partisan Think New Mexico released a statement announcing that, starting at 10:00 AM today, it will release endorsements of those candidates, legislators and organizations opposed to the reimposition of the food tax, every hour on the hour. By joining Think New Mexico’s Facebook and Twitter pages, New Mexicans can watch the momentum build for the opposition to the reimposition of the food tax real time.
The new endorsements will join a growing coalition representing well over a million New Mexicans that have come together to oppose the reimposition of the food tax.
The Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce recently proposed that New Mexico reimpose the tax on food to combat the state’s budget deficit. The food tax was repealed by Governor Richardson and the Legislature four years ago. It had originally been levied in 1933 as part of a “temporary” and “emergency” tax. Today, only two states fully tax the sale of groceries: Alabama and Mississippi.
December 21, 2009 at 11:07 AM in Economy, Populism, Food and Drink, NM Legislature 2010, Taxes | Permalink | Comments (1)
Guest Blog: Sen. Dede Feldman Reports on DC Meeting on Health Care Reform
Sen. Feldman (right) and fellow legislators at the White House
This is a guest blog by State Senator Dede Feldman (D-Bernalillo 13), who is a member of the White House Working Group of State Legislators for Health Reform.
On Tuesday I was in DC, along with a delegation representing over 1,000 state legislators who have signed a statement of principles calling for comprehensive health reform including a public option. It’s the second time I’ve been to the Capitol as part of the White House Working Group of State Legislators for Health Reform. And what a historic week to be there! As I write this blog, the Democrats have now assembled the 60 votes needed to overcome the bitter partisan divide that cast a pall over the Senate office buildings we visited. But last week, that was far from certain, as the public option bit the dust and various alternatives were unsuccessfully floated. Among these was a Medicare-“buy-in” for people 55-65 yrs. old, which seemed to have some currency until Sen. Joe Lieberman (whose office is right next to Sen. Bingaman’s), dropped his bomb. Another alternative, a private non-profit plan operated by the Office of Personnel Management, which runs the Congressional plan, is still in the bill.
As Senate staffers continued to draft a bill, four of us delegated by the larger group (Rep. Sharon Treat, of Maine, Sen. Karen Keiser, of Washington, Rep. Krysten Sinema, of Az., and me) visited with the staff of the Senate HELP committee, Sen. Olympia Snow, Sen. Susan Collins, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Maria Cantwell. I also met personally with Sen. Bingaman and Sen. Udall, and all of us met with Mike Hatch, White House Policy Advisor, at the White House.
Our message was clear. “We need action now, and it must be affordable and comprehensive." To give details on how we felt the bill could be improved, we delivered a White Paper outlining key elements critical for effective reform, including “bridge” funding for the states to help pay for Medicaid and state health insurance programs, and comprehensive insurance reforms that would kick in immediately and, given the mandate to buy insurance, regulate insurance companies like public utilities.
Continue reading "Guest Blog: Sen. Dede Feldman Reports on DC Meeting on Health Care Reform"
December 21, 2009 at 10:31 AM in Healthcare, Obama Health Care Reform | Permalink | Comments (4)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Michelle Lujan Grisham to Announce Candidacy for Bernalillo County Commission
Former New Mexico Secretary of Health Michelle Lujan Grisham will formally announce tomorrow that she is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Bernalillo County Commissioner for District 1. The announcement event will take place at the Rio Grande Nature Center at 2901 Candelaria NW at 3:30 PM.
The seat, which represents the West Mesa and North Valley, is currently held by Alan Armijo, who is term-limited and finishing his second four-year term. Armijo chaired the Commission for six years. He ran unsuccessfully for City Council this year against incumbent Ike Benton.
Grisham is a 12th generation New Mexican, and has lived in Albuquerque for over 30 years, 17 of which she spent serving New Mexicans in the administrations of three governors. She was appointed Director of the state’s Agency on Aging by former Governor Bruce King 1991 and continued in that capacity through the administration of Governor Gary Johnson and into Governor Richardson’s tenure. Richardson elevated her position to cabinet rank, and later named Grisham to be Secretary of the Department of Health, a position she resigned in 2008 to run for Congress.
Continue reading "Michelle Lujan Grisham to Announce Candidacy for Bernalillo County Commission"
December 20, 2009 at 12:58 PM in 2010 Bernalillo County Commission Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (3)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Last Chance to Help DPNM Support Troops Serving Overseas
Today, December 19, 2009, the Democratic Party of New Mexico will be collecting and sorting items donated by New Mexican Democrats from across the state to send to troops overseas who will be away from loved ones this holiday season.
The items will be sorted at the DPNM Headquarters located at 1301 San Pedro Northeast in Albuquerque from 11 AM to 4 PM. Many Democrats coming from across the state will be on-hand to participate in this activity, including Congressman Ben Ray Lujan (NM-3).
Democratic Party of New Mexico Chairman Javier Gonzales issued the following statement thanking those who have shown support for this initiative:
"The many Democrats who will be participating in tomorrow's event shows that none of us are too busy during this holiday season to stop to remember the sacrifice that our service men and women make to our State and Country."
Items for the troops can be delivered and monetary donations can be made today at the DPNM Headquarters between 11 AM and 4 PM. Click for a list of needed items.
December 19, 2009 at 12:04 PM in Democratic Party, Holidays, Military Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, December 18, 2009
NM Delegation Announces $5 Million to Provide More Children with Health Care
This is certainly wonderful news, especially at a time when New Mexico is looking for possible cuts everywhere due to our serious budget shortfall.
The New Mexico Congressional delegation today released a statement announcing that New Mexico is one of nine states to receive a Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHPRA) performance bonus of $5,084,179 for boosting enrollment among eligible, uninsured children, particularly the lowest income children eligible for Medicaid. The amount of money awarded to New Mexico was calculated based on the level of enrollment success and per capita State Medicaid expenditures for children.
“The goal of Medicaid and CHIP has been to provide health care to our nation’s children. Unfortunately, many of the most vulnerable children are not enrolled in coverage despite their eligibility–this has been true in New Mexico and throughout the country. New Mexico earned this $5 million bonus because it is working to get these kids coverage,” said Senator Jeff Bingaman, who wrote the “express-lane” provisions in the CHIP law that streamline the enrollment process and automatically enroll children in CHIP if they have deemed eligible for another public program such as School Lunch.
“Healthier children do better in school and will lead more productive, successful lives,” said Senator Tom Udall. “Having the ability to enroll more of our low-income and uninsured children in the NewMexiKids program will prepare our state’s youth to thrive.”
Continue reading "NM Delegation Announces $5 Million to Provide More Children with Health Care"
December 18, 2009 at 02:55 PM in Children and Families, Healthcare, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Administration, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, Rep. Harry Teague (NM-02), Rep. Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Sen. Tom Udall | Permalink | Comments (0)
State Sen. Sharer Pre-Files DOMA Bill; Use ACLU Tool to Weigh in NOW
Sen. William E. Sharer (R-Farmington), a right-wing homophobe who has been trying for years to change New Mexico's constitution so it bans civil marriage under civil law to same-sex couples, has pre-filed a Defense of Marriage (DOMA) bill he wants considered during the January 30-day special legislative session. Like clock work, isn't he?
SJR 1 proposes an amendment to Article 20 of the New Mexico constitution "to define a recognized, valid marriage as between one man and one woman." It would add a section that states, "Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman" if the amendment were approved by a majority of New Mexico voters at "the next general election or at any special election prior to that date that may be called for that purpose."
Sharer also introduced two DOMA bills in this year's regular session, SB 162, Marriage Defined, and SJR 6 -- a resolution mirroring his current SJR 1. In 2005, he introduced DOMA bills SB 597 and SJR 18. None were successful, but apparently hope springs eternal in Bill Sharer's world.
Sharer is one of those ideologues who believes that the laws of the State of New Mexico should enforce his personal religious beliefs rather than grant all citizens equality under civil law. Sharer is Catholic, and a member of the conservative Knights of Columbus. He has endorsed GOP candidate Susana Martinez for Governor, so we know where she stands on human rights.
I don't know where Sharer and his ilk get the idea that this religion or that should be codified into law in a nation founded on the principle of the separation of church and state. He apparently wants the rules of his personal religion to control the lives and relationships of everyone in the state. Just because. He wants to preserve and protect the injustices that LGBT couples must endure at a time when even heavily Catholic and Christian nations in Europe and around the world are granting full civil rights to same-sex couples. The word backwards doesn't begin to describe Sharer.
Sharer doesn't support domestic partnership legislation either. During this year's legislative session, he said this about SB 12: "This domestic partnership bill before the Senate is a threat because it is gay marriage in disguise, but not a very good disguise at that." Not really, Bill. Ironically, Sharer's religious views apparently don't extend to what he would call God's creation. He received a rating of 0% from Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) in 2008 and only a slightly better 15% this year.
Important: Contact your legislators NOW in support of domestic partnership legislation, which Gov. Bill Richardson has said will be considered, and against DOMA-style bills like Sharer's. The ACLU New Mexico provides a useful and easy to use tool to urge legislators to support domestic partnership legislation at the January New Mexico legislative session. It's a good idea to start contacting legislators now, when they have more time to read emails and give some serious thought to the issue. The more personal and creative the appeal, the better. Click to access the ACLU's legislative contact tool.
December 18, 2009 at 11:49 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2010 | Permalink | Comments (6)
Rep. Ben Ray Luján to Discuss Jobs & Economic Development in Las Vegas NM, Volunteer with Community Organizations
On Sunday, December 20, Rep. Ben Ray Luján will travel to Las Vegas where he will hold a discussion on job creation and economic development with business leaders and community leaders. The event is schedule for 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM at Kennedy Hall at New Mexico Highlands University, according to a statement released by Luján's office. Last Saturday, Rep. Luján held a similar event on job creation and economic development in Rio Rancho. Rep. Luján is a member of the House Democratic Caucus’ Jobs Task Force.
Rep. Luján will also volunteer with local community organizations as part of his “Lend a Hand” tour. He'll participate in a Christmas gift distribution from 1:30 PM to 2:50 PM at the Plaza Hotel Pre-Function Room lobby and Plaza Park. During the "Land a Hand" tour, he will visit community organizations throughout New Mexico and encourage New Mexicans to lend a hand during the holiday season.
December 18, 2009 at 10:00 AM in Economy, Populism, Holidays, Jobs, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan | Permalink | Comments (0)