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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

(Updated) More Details on Michelle Obama's 9/4 Visit to New Mexico

Obama campaign office, Nob Hill, ABQ

UPDATE: The Obama campaign released ticket info and more. See my later post.
First off, the Obama campaign is urging supporters to donate to help with Gustav disaster relief. The campaign also released additional details on Michelle Obama's events in Albuquerque and Santa Fe on Thursday, but still hasn't revealed times, locations or how to get tickets: On Thursday, September 4th, Michelle Obama will host a roundtable discussion with military spouses in Santa Fe, followed by a Women for Obama voter registration rally in Albuquerque that afternoon.

In Santa Fe, Mrs. Obama will hear from military spouses from the community and discuss the unique challenges these families face dealing with the everyday balance of work and family amidst a struggling economy, with the added burden of supporting a loved one deployed overseas.

This roundtable is one of a series of discussions Mrs. Obama has hosted with military families over the last several months to shed light on the reality that when we send soldiers to war, their families go with them. As part of this discussion, Mrs. Obama will share the Obama/Biden plans to strengthen and provide economic security for New Mexico’s military families. The campaign will distribute a Blueprint detailing the Obama/Biden plans to Support New Mexico’s military families at this event.

Later in the day, Mrs. Obama will host a New Mexico Women for Obama voter registration rally in Albuquerque, where she will kick-off the state's "30/30 Project," a voter registration effort to register 30,000 new voters in 30 days.

Continue reading "(Updated) More Details on Michelle Obama's 9/4 Visit to New Mexico"

September 2, 2008 at 09:29 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (1)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

(Updated) Michelle Obama, Romney, McCain Plan Visits to New Mexico

UPDATE: According to KRQE and the McCain campaign, Johnny, his wife Cindy and the new symbol for unqualified tokenism, VP choice Sarah Palin, will appear at a rally at the Albuquerque Convention Center on Saturday, September 6th at 6:00 PM. The event is free and public, but you must reserve a ticket here and pick it up within 24 hours. Tickets can also be reserved by emailing newmexico@johnmccain.com.

It was originally, and incorrectly, reported by KOAT that McCain would be here next Sunday and that Romney will visit New Mexico on Saturday. We'll see if their info on Michelle is any more accurate.
Gustav may be bearing down on the Gulf Coast but campaign planning goes on. KOAT is reporting that Michelle Obama will visit New Mexico on Thursday, September 4th, VP slot loser Mitt Romney will drop in on Saturday, September 6th, and McSame himself will appear here on Sunday, September 7th. Given the shaky nature of what will go on in St. Paul this week -- with Repubs doing everything in their power not to be a part of any split screen TV coverage that shows them partying while a major hurricane in the Gulf is reminding people of their shameful history in dealing with Katrina -- I guess they think heading for the desert is the best plan.

August 31, 2008 at 10:56 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, John McCain, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (2)

Bloggers Report Outrageous Police Actions in Minneapolis

"Defense Control" vehicle in Denver

There were plenty of mucho macho, paramilitary-style displays and actions by law enforcement and Secret Service officers in Denver during the DNC Convention. As I reported before, we'd run into one person holding a peace sign surrounded by a dozen officers in riot-SWAT gear with assault weapons, or a small group of older women wearing peace teeshirts drawing a crowd of mounted police, bicycle cops or guys in suits wearing earpieces. Or streets would be closed down for blocks because a small group was walking together and chanting a slogan.

However, as far as we know, nothing came close to the kind of police state behavior that's already going on in Minneapolis as the GOP arrives for their Convention in St. Paul.

Check out this piece by Glenn Greenwald, who's on the story with Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake -- which also has several articles on the situation in Minneapolis. Police in riot gear have been raiding houses, forcing people to lay on the floor while handcuffed, seizing their computers, arresting journalists and lawyers and generally running amok claiming they are uncovering potential "conspiracies -- without any evidence of lawbreaking of any kind. I sure hope the whole world is watching, but maybe it's our own citizens who should be paying the most attention and admitting certain dangerous realities about certain "security" obsessed law enforcement officials.

Continue reading "Bloggers Report Outrageous Police Actions in Minneapolis"

August 31, 2008 at 01:27 PM in 2008 Republican Convention, Civil Liberties, Crime, NM Legislature 2008, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Denver Day Four: The Masterpiece

Our view of Obama at Mile High

I thought day four of the Dem Convention in Denver would provide an emphatic exclamation point to a week full of superlative moments, but I was wrong. It went beyond the communication capacity of mere punctuation. Day four was on another plane altogether from run of the mill politicking. It blew me away on every level. I'm not alone.

Fireworks and flags

I'll go so far as to say it was transcendent political theater from start to finish. It was a singular and historic experience created by perfect timing and tempo, just enough of every ingredient, a smashing main entree and a magical crescendo of an ending -- all happening within a massive, thundering bowlful of Democrats ready to celebrate, and to rumble. Every element was perfectly in place and choreographed for maximum impact without going completely over the top. All the fine lines stood unsullied after all was said and done.

This was Obama's emergence as a commanding general election figure even more imposing than his primary incarnation. He's added a new and tone-right toughness we didn't see much of before. Primed and polished by his long primary fight, Obama is clearly now at the top of his game, ripe and ready to engage fully, with no punches pulled. It was magnificent to witness live.

California Here We Come
By virture of several strokes of luck (and magnanimous souls), we found ourselves incredibly close to the action to the right of the stage, near the front of the California delegation on what's usually the turf of the Broncos. That, in itself, was quite an experience -- looking up into huge, filled to the brim stands, getting some hint of what it must be like to score a touchdown there. And the crowd cheers!

Our site line to the main podium was superb and when the crowd clapped, danced, chanted or stomped -- which was often -- it could be eardrum shattering. The California delegation was lively, to say the least, up and moving most of the time -- whole lotta shakin' going on. Whole lotta wonderfully eccentric shakin' as a matter of fact. It was a particular coup for Mary Ellen and I to both be down on the floor together.

The DNC only issued one blogger floor credential to be shared between us, along with one so-called "arena" credential that didn't allow entry into the hall proper -- only the hallways, certain out-of-sight press areas and outside the building within the security perimeter. Since my mobility issues resulted in several bad experiences trying to be on the floor with the New Mexico delegation, Mary Ellen for the most part used the floor credential after the first day and I looked for action outside the hall proper. I found a lot of it, but it wasn't like being on the convention floor.

Unexpectedly, at Mile High we encounted a pair of kickass DNC volunteers who took notice of my battery-operated scooter dealie and declared Mary Ellen and I should be seated together on the convention floor. We followed them through tunnels and up ramps, across tv cable-strewn platforms, budging past Andrea Mitchell and her NBC crew and William Kristol and the Fox News freaks in the cramped aisles, to find ourselves before the California delegation. Only the Iowa delegation was between us and the stage. No sweat, the Cali's said, come on and join us. You can fit your scooter right here. We were floored. But there we were, for what certainly was the most momentous event of the entire convention.

The Lead Up
We loved the tunes they played to break up the speakers -- mostly old soul. Al Gore was welcomed like the Nobel Peace Prize winner he is, emphasizing the bad news about our earth and our climate, but pointing the way clearly to workable solutions. Everyone loves Al -- the president who should have been. Gov. Bill Richardson got a really strong welcome, with feet stomping and cheers. He gave an unusually vigorous speech, jabbing humorously at McCain and his many flaws and tossing in some enthusiastically received Spanish near the end. It almost looked like his hair was transforming into a small pony tail at the back, which wouldn't be a bad look for the Guv given his generally admired beard.

Continue reading "Denver Day Four: The Masterpiece"

August 30, 2008 at 12:09 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tonight: Volunteer Kickoff for Jason Marks for PRC

Jason's new TV ad for general election

I meant to get this up earlier, but Denver got in the way. It's essential that we support Jason Mark's campaign for re-election to the PRC. He's qualiflied for public funding in this race so he doesn't need our monetary donations, but he needs as many volunteers as possible for voter outreach. Jason is up against Repub Tim Cummins this time -- and Cummins is backed by all the wrong people. If we want to keep Jason's ethical voice on the PRC, we need to get involved now:

You are invited to show your support for Jason Marks as he runs for Re-Election for the Public Regulation Commission District 1:

A Great Opportunity to Hear and See
"Your Consumer Watchdog!"
Public Regulation Commission, District 1

Volunteer Kick-Off
Join Jason Marks for refreshments after work!
Friday, August 29th at 5:30 - 7:30 PM
Home of Jason & Maxine Marks
4916 El Aguila Pl NW
(Near Wal-Mart shopping center, Coors & Ouray)

RSVP to antonio@jasonmarks.com or by calling 280-3223

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August 29, 2008 at 01:11 PM in 2008 PRC Election | Permalink | Comments (3)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Denver Day Three: Wild, Wooly, Wow


There's so much going on at once, and all of it's happening at what can feel like the speed of light. Except for our internet connections. YouTube is still hopeless, but we are having some success with our cell phone Zannel uploads from the convention floor and getting photos up on Flickr. Our Flickr stream.


It was one powerhouse speech after another yesterday. Thought Tom Udall was terrific in his short but sweet time at the podium (text of speech). New Mexico was pivotal in the roll call vote for Clinton when our delegation passed to New York's and Hillary called for a stop in the voting and moved to throw her delegates to Obama.


Melissa Etheridge had perfect pitch and it was moving to have Mr. Lennon still in the mix, although we've been saying "all we are saying is give peace a chance" for way too many years now.


Bill Clinton's welcome was so thunderous it felt like the building was shaking. He came through for Dem unity with class and the crowd was urging him on every step of the way.


Biden nailed it. He will be the intense attack dog we need to eviscerate McCain's lies and Bushism. It was a very emotional night in the hall as you could literally feel power passing from one generation to the next, with all that implies. Another roller coaster ride.


Continue reading "Denver Day Three: Wild, Wooly, Wow"

August 28, 2008 at 01:33 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day Three: Tom Udall, Big Bill and Biden

Today we get to hear Bill Clinton say whatever he plans to say -- and we hope it's something very positive and unifying. Obama's VP pick, Sen. Joe Biden is the headliner. Gov. Bill Richardson and Rep. Tom Udall will also address the crowd.

I uploaded a bunch of convention photos at our Flickr page this morning. I think you'll enjoy them. Took forever to upload. I'm also trying to upload our videos to our YouTube account but the pace is positively glacial. The slow net connections make these tasks really time consuming but someday everything will be up there! Bear with us.

Onward into downtown Denver ....b

August 27, 2008 at 01:22 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (1)

Denver Day Two: Bits and Pieces; Romney Visits Pepsi Center

NM Rep. Moe Maestas holds up The Sign. We gathered up a bunch of these to take home!

No time to upload all our video and photos (other than a few from our cell phones). No time to write right now. Just a few bits and pieces before I collapse:

I thought Hillary hit every note Dems needed to hear and created the perfect chord of party harmony and determination in the heart of every person I talked with or heard talking at the Pepsi Center and beyond tonight. The speech, as one delegate in the media area told me, will become a legend. From what I experienced and what I heard, it already is. Do you agree?

I thought Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer did a knock-out job of revving up the energy in the hall a bit before Hillary's speech. A funny guy. And a Democratic Governor of a Red State. At least it was ....

I was roaming around the media hallways in the bowels of the Pepsi Center tonight when I spotted a half dozen dark suited men surrounding ... someone ... and coming right at me. As the pack got closer, a tall, dark-haired, grinning guy came into view. It was none other than MITT ROMNEY. Mitt Romney at a Dem Convention? The moblet was past me faster than I could raise a camera or say a word, and disappeared around a corner.

I see that Katie Couric and who knows who else interviewed The Mitt-Mitt, and you can see it here. What a nervy rat.

We got to meet Illinois Rep. Jessie Jackson, Jr. and Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey who were standing around outside the media entrance after Hillary's speech.

Continue reading "Denver Day Two: Bits and Pieces; Romney Visits Pepsi Center"

August 27, 2008 at 05:15 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (3)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Denver Day One: Ted Kennedy Brings the House Down

View of the big screen from the NM delegation's spot on the floor

Go to top of DFNM's main page to see our Zannel vids & photos.

Monday was full of logistical problems for us and many others. Cell phones stop working. Net connections turn to mud. Streets suddenly close and open. Traffic snarls erupt. Everything stops when small protests come through and sudden detours appear. People get lost and lost again, including us.

NM delegation; Rep. Ben Lujan and wife at center

The security perimeter around the Pepsi Center is massive and is extended even farther when the major speeches of the day start happening. Cabs have to drop off fares many blocks away from the venue. The big limos and other expensive vehicles of the connected get right through, however. Door to door service. Must be nice.

Feel the power with the NM delegation on the Pepsi Center floor

The security check through the media gate was rapid, but the line leading up to it was very long and moved very slowly. Lots of familiar media faces everywhere, looking rather prissy and kept, the most infamous ones trailed by clumps of handlers and gofers. Big setups for media on the floor and all around the Pepsi Center.

2800695858_21cd141800_mFinally getting onto the floor of the Convention and seated with the New Mexico delegation seemed like a major achievement -- but it sure was wild, crazy, exhilarating, chaotic, moving, inspiring and worth all the hassles to be a part of the sign-waving, chanting, dancing, pumped up masses of Dems right there in the middle of the action, live. The energy skyrockets, calms to serious, pauses, skyrockets again.

I don't think I've ever been in a place with this many Dems and it feels really powerful. Like we can win. Like we're on the right track. Like we can turn the corner and move forward toward a progressive and humane future again. It's a contagious feeling and you can see it travel through the crowd at times, like a wave. Standing in that swirling mass of positivity can make you believe, again, that we really can change things, that's it's worth all the effort and grunt work over the past years, that the tide is turning at last. That we can win.

Greeting Ted Kennedy

The appearance and speech of Sen. Ted Kennedy was definitely the high point of the evening for me. The film vignette on his life, the sailing, the brothers, the VIGAH (!). He gave a powerful and defiant speech in the face of his battle with cancer. He looked good. He was clearly experiencing a rush from the crowd and the crowd was getting the same from him. Tears running down faces where you wouldn't expect to find them. He passed the torch to a new generation of Americans and pledged to be back in the Senate in January. I believe him.

Here comes Michelle

Continue reading "Denver Day One: Ted Kennedy Brings the House Down"

August 26, 2008 at 02:08 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Former Sen. Fred Harris: NM Superdelegate

Go to top of DFNM's main page to see our Zannel vids & photos.

Here's a video of an interview we did recently with former Oklahoma Sen. Fred R. Harris, who's a New Mexico superdelegate. Sen. Harris also chaired the Democratic National Party from 1969-70 and ran for president in 1972 (briefy) and again in 1976. Harris was a major force behind opening up the Democrat's convention and delegate process to minorities, women and ordinary Dems, workiing with former Sen. George McGovern and others. If it wasn't for the small "d" democratic efforts of Harris and other progressive Democrats, it's unlikely that either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama would have been primary candidates this year. And DNC delegates wouldn't be the diverse bunch they are today. Thank you Senator Harris!

Harris was also an early and enthusiastic supporter of Howard Dean when he ran for president in 2004. These days, he's a passionate supporter of Barack Obama and is very optimistic about our chances for victory up and down ticket this year.

More on Fred Harris and his varied and illustrious career. Also see Bill Moyers' interview with Fred about his service on what came to be called the Kerner Commission, a prestigious task force appointed by President Lyndon Johnson to study poverty, racial inequality and unrest in the 60's.

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August 25, 2008 at 02:55 PM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 New Mexico Convention Delegation | Permalink | Comments (2)