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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
9/25-9/26/08: UNM Civil Rights Symposium
Faculty, staff, students, and community members are invited to attend the 2008 UNM Civil Rights Symposium. The theme for the Fall 2008 University of New Mexico Civil Rights Symposium is "Civic Literacy Across Communities: A Public Forum." Events are free and open to the public. The 2008 Civil Rights Symposium at the University of New Mexico is scheduled for:
Thursday, September 25: Student Union Lobo A&B at 12:30-5:30 PM. Friday, September 26: Student Union Ballroom C at 1:00-4:30 PM. The two-day event will include panels, roundtable discussion tables, open forum, poetry performances, and a new film about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. See the complete Agenda for details on the many diverse activities that will be featured during the Symposium. Click for poster (pdf).
This sounds especially intriguing: On Thursday, from 4:00-5:30 PM, "Creative Voices in Action," a Creative Arts Performance in the SUB Faciltated by Heather Campbell, will feature poets Hakim Bellamy, Lisa Gill, Jack Trujillo, Margaret Randall. As does this, also on Thursday:
1:30-2:45 The Youth Vote and Racial Dynamics
Michael Rocca (Political Science)
Gabriel Sanchez (Political Science)
Obama Camp Representative - John Blair
McCain Camp Representative - Ivette Barajas
Moe Maestas (D) - NM House of Representatives
Dan Foley (R) - NM House of Represenatives
Continue reading "9/25-9/26/08: UNM Civil Rights Symposium"
September 23, 2008 at 10:13 AM in Civil Liberties, Current Affairs, Education, Events, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)
You're Invited: Musicians and Artists to Support Obama at Orpheum Art Space
Now this sounds like a spectacular way to spend an evening, and at the same time support Obama's campaign. Also, if you're an artist or musician, there's still time to offer your work at this event. See below.
On Friday, October 3rd at 8 PM at the Orpheum Art Space - SE corner of 2nd and Coal in Albuquerque - regional artists and musicians will gather to offer their work in support of Barack Obama for President. Don't miss out on this fun opportunity to purchase some locally produced art work with all money raised going towards Barack Obama's Campaign for Change.
All kinds of cool, locally and regionally produced crafts will be available for purchase. Short films, photography, paintings, clothing, cartoons, . . . everything. Tractor Brewing Co. will be serving up their great beer and local musicians will be entertaining all night.
Any artist or musician that would like to offer their work in the sale can still contribute their pieces. It will be greatly appreciated if attendees could contribute $10 to the Campaign for Change and the event is open to everyone. Voter registrars will also be on hand to register new voters or update voters' registrations.
Simply put:
Continue reading "You're Invited: Musicians and Artists to Support Obama at Orpheum Art Space"
September 23, 2008 at 08:19 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Events, Music, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, September 22, 2008
NM-02: Teague Agrees to Special TV Debate on Economy
Teague at one of the community dinners he's been hosting
According to an AP story Democrat Harry Teague has agreed to debate NM-02 Congressional race rival Ed Tinsley on the economy and how it's affecting voters in southern New Mexico. The special economy debate will be taped October 23 at KOB-TV in Albuquerque and aired on October 25. The campaigns also are seeking to arrange a joint televised appearance in the El Paso TV market, which broadcasts in Las Cruces. The economy debate was added to a schedule that includes a forum October 8 on KRWG-TV in Las Cruces, a debate October 19 at KOAT-TV in Albuquerque and a forum October 21 in Hobbs.
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September 22, 2008 at 07:32 PM in Economy, Populism, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)
(Updated) Obama Releases Reform Plan for Financial Crisis
Update: The Sunlight Foundation has posted the two primary, competing bills regarding the bailout and is providing an opportunity for you to comment on the proposals. Go ahead, weigh in.
From the Obama-Biden campaign: Earlier today Barack delivered a major policy address in Green Bay, WI on reforming our politics, our government and our regulatory system during this financial crisis. He also unveiled his plan to reform the greed and excesses of Washington. His plan includes curbing the influence of lobbyists and special interests, spending taxpayer money wisely and modernizing financial regulation.
Curb Influence of Lobbyists and Special Interests
• End the practice of writing legislation behind closed doors
• Shine a light on government spending and special interest tax breaks
• Enforce ethics rules in the Executive Branch
• Stop the revolving door between federal procurement officials and the contractors they supervise
Spend Taxpayer Money Wisely
• Create a high-performance government
• Eliminate ineffective government programs
• Reform government contracting
Modernize Financial Regulation
• Give the Federal Reserve greater supervisory authority
• Strengthen capital, liquidity and disclosure requirements
• Streamline overlapping and competing regulatory agencies
• Crack down on market manipulation
You can read the entire plan below the fold. What do you think?
Continue reading "(Updated) Obama Releases Reform Plan for Financial Crisis"
September 22, 2008 at 05:17 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Economy, Populism | Permalink | Comments (0)
PPP: Obama Opens Up Double Digit Lead in New Mexico; Udall Up by 20 Over Pearce
The upward trends for Democrats keep on coming. According to a Public Policy Polling phone survey, Barack Obama has jumped to an 11 point lead over John McCain in New Mexico at 53-42%, with 5% undecided. A total of 93% said they were "firmly committed" to their choices.
Meanwhile, Tom Udall is whomping Steve Pearce in the race for U.S. Senate by a margin of 57-37%, with 6% undecided. In this poll, he's winning women voters by a huge margin of 62-32% and men voters by 51-43%. He's beating Pearce with Hispanic voters 61-33% and with white voters 51-43%.
PPP conducted their survey of 1,037 likely voters from September 17th to 19th, and it has a margin of error of +/-3.0%. According to PPP:
Key to Obama’s performance is that he is only running behind 49-47 to McCain among white voters. In a state with a significant Hispanic population that level of competitiveness with whites will seal a win. He leads 59-35 with Hispanics.
And overall, Obama has a 16 point advantage with independents. Now that's impressive And he's 20 points up with white women voters and 1 point ahead with male voters.
Sarah Palin isn't helping. Only 38% said her selection made them more likely to vote for McCain, while 46% said it made them less likely to support him.
Continue reading "PPP: Obama Opens Up Double Digit Lead in New Mexico; Udall Up by 20 Over Pearce"
September 22, 2008 at 03:40 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, John McCain, Obama NM Campaign | Permalink | Comments (0)
CANCELLED: Wednesday Afternoon: Free Screening of 'Third Term' at Guild
Please Note: I've just been informed that this event had to be CANCELLED due to unforeseen circumstance beyond the control of DFNM. Please help get the word out so folks don't show up on Wednesday. Thanks.
Trailer for Third Term
The Democracy for New Mexico Meetup group is hosting a free screening of the new documentary Third Term: How John McCain Promises to Continue George Bush's Failed Policies this Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 1:30 PM at The Guild Cinema in Albuquerque's Nob Hill. Afterwards, local activist Mark Rudd will lead a short discussion on the film and the issues it raises. If you attend, all we ask in return is that you make a donation you can afford to your favorite cause. Can't beat that.
Continue reading "CANCELLED: Wednesday Afternoon: Free Screening of 'Third Term' at Guild"
September 22, 2008 at 11:48 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Film, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (0)
NM-01: Democracy for America Endorses Heinrich
DFA's Jim Dean and Heinrich at 2008 Netroots Nation
More great news. DemocracyForAmerica.com, our nation's largest progressive political action community, has endorsed Martin Heinrich's campaign to represent New Mexico's 1st Congressional District.
"Martin Heinrich has been fighting for working men and women his whole life and he's ready to take his progressive message of hard work and opportunity to Washington," said Jim Dean, Chair of DFA. "Whether it was as an engineer, president of the Albuquerque City Council, or working with Rep. Tom Udall to preserve New Mexico's natural treasures, Martin Heinrich has the skills, judgment, and experience to get the results that make a difference in people's lives."
"Democracy in our nation is based on the voices of every American, standing up and taking part in the political process. I'm honored to have the endorsement of Democracy for America, not only because of what it stands for, but also for the people it represents," said Martin Heinrich. "This is a grassroots, boots-on-the-ground organization that gets Americans involved because like me they know that our nation has to start heading in the right direction, and we are the ones who have to make it happen."
Continue reading "NM-01: Democracy for America Endorses Heinrich"
September 22, 2008 at 09:50 AM in DFA, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)
Guest Blog: Treasury Secretary Paulsen Proposes a "Nation of Racinos"
This is a guest blog by the irrepressible Scot Key of Burque Babble whose real job is teaching Humanities and Film at an Albuquerque middle school. We need some chuckles this morning, don't we?
Earlier this week, U.S. Government officials announced a proposed $700 billion bailout of a banking system run amuck. Now it has been learned that Treasury Secretary Paulsen, working with State of New Mexico officials, has come up with another audacious plan to prop up the economy. Paulsen will urge, in fact demand, that Congress and President Bush authorize construction of a "Racino" on every street corner in America.
"I was at Yonkers Raceway trying to calm my nerves after a crazy week when it hit me," Secretary Paulsen explained at yet another hastily called press conference Sunday morning. "I looked around the track and video gaming casino areas and noticed that people were betting like crazy. They didn't care that the entire U.S. banking and credit systems were about three seconds from collapse. They just wanted the number seven horse to win in the second race. And then my Harvard-trained M.B.A. mind starting whirring, just like those wheels on the video poker machines I love so much.
"Trust me, my brain works way too fast to explain here, but in simple terms what crossed my mind was that without a completely unregulated banking system in this country, thousands and thousands and thousands of soon-to-be-unemployed credit/security market M.B.A.s won't be able to basically gamble with the American economy. Myriad billions of dollars will no longer be up for capitalistic grabs on a daily basis by stiff white-shirted brainiacs. What are these soon-to-be bailed out, unemployed traders to do with all the taxpayer money we give them along with a pink slip not allowing them to short stock, straddle options and execute questionable loans? And what is credit/security trading if not gambling?"
The Secretary scanned the room, noting that several reporters had fallen asleep. "Huh? Huh? Hey sleepy press, did you hear my questions? Are you even paying attention? What's the difference between unregulated banking and betting exactas at a harness track. Nothing, I tell ya, nothing!
Continue reading "Guest Blog: Treasury Secretary Paulsen Proposes a "Nation of Racinos""
September 22, 2008 at 08:55 AM in Business, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Guest Blogger | Permalink | Comments (3)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
(Updated) If This Isn't Enough to Make You Sick ...
Update: Sen. Chris Dodd, the Dem who heads the Banking Committee, has proposed some improvements to the We Love Wall Street Giveaway Bill, but I'd hardly call them "populist" as the Politico article does. More like very basic, bare minimums to give this fiasco just a wee bit of fairness and make the power of the Treasury Secretary a wee bit less absolute. We'll see how tough the Dems are prepared to be to get even these changes included in the deal. Any bets?
If this isn't enough to make you sick, I don't know what will:
How about we push for mortgage and credit card debt to be wiped out for those who make under a certain threshold? Or even a lowering of credit card interest rates to the teens when so many are paying "late fee" punishment rates of 25-35%. No, we don't need that. We've got Nancy Pelosi pushing for an increase in unemployment benefits and more spending on infrastructure. Go get 'em Nancy. My favorite is Chuck Schumer, who doesn't want to muddy up the current horror of a bill with add ons for the people. Maybe some side bill can help people getting thrown out onto the street. Don't hold your breath. Also get the new plan to use U.S. taxpayer money to bail out FOREIGN-OWNED banks too. Oh, the largesse for The Monsters is neverending.
September 21, 2008 at 01:33 PM in Business, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism | Permalink | Comments (0)
Caving Economy: How Did We Get Here?
I'm sure you'll agree that the complexities of how we ended up with a teetering world economy are difficult to absorb, even if one finds a source that presents factual analyses. I've been poking around trying to find understandable material and ran into this diary on Kos by Devilstower. I think it provides an excellent rundown, starting in 1982, of the major "deregulation" spurts concocted by Reagan, lobbyists, former Sen. Phil Gramm, Alan Greenspan and John McCain, among others. These efforts resulted in the savings and loan fiasco, the Keating Five scandal, the Enron debacle, massive bank consolidation, insane speculation, the current mortgage crisis and many other horrors that helped bring us to this place.
Of course there have been a myriad of other factors in play here, but the diary explains how legislation pushed by certain "conservatives" purposefully opened the floodgates to rampant thievery, fraud, damaging speculation and nefarious money grubbing. It details the major milestones that helped to create the immoral economic landscape we've experienced since the "magic hand of the market" was decoupled from common sense rules and oversight.
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September 21, 2008 at 09:55 AM in Economy, Populism, John McCain, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (1)