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Friday, September 26, 2008

Monday: Get with the Gente for Heinrich

Join "Gente for Heinrich"

State Auditor Hector Balderas
State Senator Gerry Ortiz y Pino
State Representative Moe Maestas
State Representative Ernie Chavez
State Senator Elect Eric Griego
Commissioner Deanna Archuleta
Councilman Rey Garduno
Ron Romero
Neri Holguin
Orlando and Lydia Vigil
Javier Benavidez
Joaquin Lujan
Richard Romero
Robbie Rodriguez
Danny Lopez
Moises Gonzales

for a conversation and fundraiser with
Martin Heinrich
Democrat for Congress

Monday, September 29, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
1106 Santa Fe Avenue S.W., Barelas, USA
(two blocks south, two blocks west of RG Zoo)

$50 suggested contribution
for more info call Eric at 259-7600

September 26, 2008 at 04:51 PM in Events, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday: India Palace Reception Supporting Brian Egolf for State Rep

Please Join
Governor Bill Richardson,
Speaker Ben Lujan &
State Auditor Hector Balderas
For a reception in support of
Brian Egolf
Candidate for State Representative - District 47
Monday, September 29, 2008, 12:00-1:00 PM
India Palace
227 Don Gaspar Ave., Santa Fe, NM
See FLYER for more information

September 26, 2008 at 12:15 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Events, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Stunt Over: McCain to Debate Tonight (After Saving the World As We Know It)

Details on . As Chris Cillizza of the WaPo puts it, McCain Blinks.

Now the campaign that never really "suspended" will be unsuspended. Or something. McCain, in a pompous and abrupt move, set himself up as the one necessary ingredient for a bailout deal, and then pushed his way into the White House meeting yesterday -- convincing Bush to "invite" Obama into the mix. Oddly, McCain's only reported contribution at the meeting took the form of a few vague statements at meeting's end. His melodramatic insertion of himself into the process was viewed by many in the Congress as a distraction and an impediment. Remember, this is a guy who admitted on camera that he doesn't know much about economics. It showed. McCain reportedly has revealed absolutely nothing specific about what he thinks should go into the bailout plan. He just wants it to be fair to the taxpayers. Well. Our hero!

I guess McCain's now convinced himself that he's righted the process enough to fly to Oxford, Mississippi today to participate in the 90-minute debate with Obama. Johnny's hubris over the past few days has been monumental, hasn't it? His financial and tactical smarts? Not so much.

Onward. I hope Obama creams him tonight with the facts and his special brand of cool, steely reason. Toss in a few well-aimed button-pushers, and McCain may well discombobulate into something resembling that green jellowy backdrop he's used so ineffectively in the past. That's 7:00 PM Mountain time tonight.

September 26, 2008 at 11:30 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, John McCain | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-03: Three Events This Weekend for Ben Ray Luján

Be sure to check out an interview with Luján conducted this week by Matt at NMFBIHOP, where Ben Ray talks about the current financial crisis, the green energy economy and more.

BrlheadshotIt's gonna be another busy weekend for Ben Ray Luján, Public Regulation Commissioner and Dem nominee for Congress in NM-03. Lujan's campaign has been a lively one, with lots of grassroots reach-out to voters, a slew of town halls, a bunch of candidate forums and lots of participation in community events. There's a reason Barack Obama referred to Luján as an "up and comer" during his speech in Espanola last week.

Ben Ray is definitely an action kind of guy with a can-do attitude and a winning way with people from all walks of life. There always seems to be an abundance of good ideas bubbling up in his conversations and, even better, he really listens when folks speak to him. I've had a chance to talk with Ben Ray on a number of occasions, hang out with him some at Netroots Nation and participate in some of his campaign events. I can tell you that from my perspective he's the real deal -- engaged, thoughtful, down to earth, enthusiastic and smart as a whip. You can see for yourself by attending any of these events this weekend:

Standing Up for New Mexico Town Hall
Saturday, September 27, 2:00 PM

Sabana Grande Recreation Center
4110 Sabana Grande Ave, SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Open to the Public

The town hall is part of Luján's Standing Up for New Mexico Town Hall Tour. Luján will visit every county in the 3rd Congressional District at least once before the November 4 general election to speak with voters and discuss New Mexico's most pressing issues. This is his sixth town hall of the series. He has already held town halls in Gallup, Farmington, Santa Fe, Clovis and Taos. During the primary, Luján held town halls in every county in the 3rd Congressional District.

Continue reading "NM-03: Three Events This Weekend for Ben Ray Luján"

September 26, 2008 at 10:45 AM in Events, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

NM-02: Dem Party to Hold 'Change for Change' Lunch in Las Cruces to Benefit Tinsley's Poorly Paid Employees

Tinsley backs tax breaks for the rich but is against a living wage for workers

What are you doing Friday? One idea: Come on down to the "Change for Change" K-Bob Employee Fundraiser!

As Vice President Dick Cheney prepares for his high-dollar fundraiser for Ed Tinsley in Hobbs, the Democratic Party of New Mexico will be holding a "Change for Change" fundraiser in Las Cruces. They'll be asking guests to give what they can, even change, to benefit Ed Tinsley's employees, who work for low wages without benefits at Tinsley's K-Bob's Steakhouse:

WHAT: Democratic Party of New Mexico will be holding a "Change for Change" Lunch to benefit Ed Tinsley's employees at K-Bob's Steakhouse. They'll be serving K-Bob's food and donating the money raised in the form of a tip for the hardworking men and women who work at K-Bob's Steakhouse.

WHO: Mayor Miyagishima and other special guests will stop by

WHERE: Young Park, 1905 Nevada Ave., Las Cruces

WHEN: Friday, September 26th at 12:00 Noon

Might also be a good idea to donate some time and/or money to the Dem Congressional candidate in NM-02. Harry Teague believes in treating workers right, including those he employs at his local businesses. We can't let someone like Scrooge Tinsley get anywhere near the Congress, now can we? Especially at a time like this.

September 25, 2008 at 04:27 PM in Economy, Populism, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Caroline Kennedy to Kick Off Obama Volunteer Event in Santa Fe


Caroline Kennedy will be in Santa Fe, Taos and Albuquerque on Friday and Saturday for private fundraisers for Barack Obama. The Campaign for Change has now announced that she'll also be speaking to volunteers at an event in Santa Fe on Friday. Caroline will kick off a debate watch party and volunteer training at PC's Restaurant, 4420 Airport Road in Santa Fe on Friday, September 26 from 4:30 to 5:45 PM.

As Obama prepares to debate McCain, volunteers from northern New Mexico will receive training from Campaign for Change staff, followed by a Debate Watch Party. Of course, nobody yet knows if McCain will participate in the debate scheduled for Friday at the University of Mississippi. Obama has said he'll show up regardless, and would be happy to do a town hall meeting or a one-on-one interview with debate moderator Jim Lehrer if McCain doesn't show.

There are dozens of other debate watch parties and Obama campaign events all over New Mexico during the next few days. Click for a listing, pick one out and get involved. If not now, when?

September 25, 2008 at 01:55 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Obama NM Campaign, Santa Fe Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

C de Baca Quits as GOP Bernalillo County Chair

Peter St. Cyr has been all over this story, and he still is, including an interview with Ferdinand C de Baca right after he submitted his resignation today. The Word is that Bernalillo County Repub Party Treasurer Ryan Cangiolosi will take over as chariman.

This will likely end the media storm that's surrounded C de Baca and the New Mexico GOP since this past weekend, when his racially inflammatory statements to the BBC started coming to light. On the other hand, the battles within the NM GOP have just begun. You can see my previous posts on this story here, here and here.

September 25, 2008 at 01:16 PM in Minority Issues, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (2)

Let's Play "Wall Street Bailout" (Not)

Must See: The truly Democratic and democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio speaks truth to power on the absurd bailout bill, and suggests a better plan.

Note that the Sunlight Foundation has counted so far this year sponsored by the financial services sector for (or featuring) lawmakers considering the bailout bill. Gee, I wonder why that is.

Go to votenobailout.org to express yourself via email. You can also call our Congressional delegation:

Continue reading "Let's Play "Wall Street Bailout" (Not)"

September 25, 2008 at 12:43 PM in Business, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government, Public Policy | Permalink | Comments (3)

Tonight: Campaign Fundraiser for Tim Eichenberg at O'Niell's Pub

Senator Dede Feldman
Senator-Elect Eric Griego
Senator-Elect Tim Keller
Representative Antonio ‘Moe’ Maestas
Senator Cisco McSorley
Councilor Debbie O’Malley
Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino
Representative Mimi Stewart
Invite you to support

Tim Eichenberg
Democrat for State Senate
in New Mexico’s 15th District

Thursday, September 25th, 5:00 to 6:30 PM
O’Niell’s Irish Pub
4310 Central Avenue SE
(Central at Washington in East Nob Hill)
Suggested Contribution $75
Click for Flyer(pdf)

For more information or to RSVP, please email TimForSenate@gmail.com.

September 25, 2008 at 10:58 AM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-Sen: Submit Text or Video Questions Now for Udall-Pearce YouTube Faceoff

This week, YouTube News and Politics announced the latest match-up in their You Choose '08 Spotlight series (youtube.com/youchoose08). This time, it's our U.S. Senate race between Dem Tom Udall and Repub Steve Pearce. Both Udall and Pearce have agreed to answer questions from YouTube users, which can be submitted either as video responses or text comments to this call-out video.

The top 5 questions (based on rankings and view counts) will be posed to both Udall and Pearce, and their video answers will be presented side-by-side on youtube.com/youchoose08 on Tuesday, October 7th.

Both Udall and Pearce have their own YouTube channels at UdallForUsAll and PeopleforPearce, where you can get some background to help you come up with pointed questions. The DEADLINE to submit questions is this coming Monday, September 29th, so upload your video or submit your text question today.

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September 25, 2008 at 10:07 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)