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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Guest Blog: What Kind of US Secretary of State would NM Governor Richardson Make?

This is a guest blog by Stephen Fox, founder of New Millennium Fine Art in Santa Fe and Managing Editor of the weekly Santa Fe Sun News. He is working towards the establishment of a New Mexico Nutrition Council.

Just about everyone is perhaps beginning to recognize the increasingly endangered perception of the USA in every international context and by every standard, and that we are enduring ongoing serious trouble by allowing the most powerful USA corporations to entirely manipulate many branches of government, even if you don’t ascribe to a Hegelian or a Marxian view of history, particularly economic and political history.

I often, perhaps too often, write about the massively malfunctioning and manipulated FDA, and pray that the next President will appoint a real consumer protection advocate as FDA Commissioner, instead of the tools of Big Pharma who have occupied that position for most of the past twenty years, during both Republican and Democratic presidencies.

What could be of graver concern for health than the fact that powerful corporations, both food manufacturers and drug manufacturers, are adding to the destruction of health in hundreds of nations? Perhaps it is that also these corporations and several others like Kellogg, Brown and Root, Halliburton, and Blackwater have manipulated to their satisfaction the day to day functioning of the United States Department of State, to do their bidding in contracts, programs, and throughout the modus operandi of the State Department and the Pentagon. (Some might say it is the other way around with the Pentagon, which seems to always get what it wants from the corporations and from the US Congress).

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January 20, 2008 at 04:00 PM in Corporatism, Guest Blogger, Public Policy | Permalink | Comments (8)

ABQ Sierra Clubs Hosts Wildlife Rescue Presentation

SierraFrom the Sierra Club Central New Mexico Group: At our next general membership meeting, Wildlife Rescue Inc. of New Mexico will present an educational program about their work raising, rehabilitating and releasing injured and orphaned wildlife here in the Albuquerque area and their efforts to educate the public about the necessity of preserving wildlife habitat.  A few of their residents may be joining us as well! The meeting is on Tuesday, January 22nd, from 7 to 9 PM, at the UNM Law School (Stanford NE at Tucker Rd), Room 2405. All are welcome.

January 20, 2008 at 01:23 PM in Environment, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

RSVP Now: Free EMILY's List Candidate Training in ABQ

From EMILY's List: On February 13th and 14th, EMILY’s List will be offering a terrific training opportunity for pro-choice Democratic women in New Mexico and surrounding states. We would like to extend an invitation for you or someone you know to participate in the training.

As you may know, EMILY's List is a political donor network and political resource for pro-choice Democratic women candidates. EMILY's List has initiated a program designed to recruit and train women to run for and serve in elected office in the states. 

Whether currently serving on the school board, in the State Legislature, or just beginning to think about running for elective office, we are certain this training will provide women with the skills and inspiration needed to successfully run for office.

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January 20, 2008 at 12:56 PM in Education, Events, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Nevada Dem Caucus: Obama Wins in National Pledged Delegate Count

Turns out Obama won more pledged delegates in Nevada than Clinton despite her win in the percentage column. Due to complex precinct weighting and allocation rules, Obama garnered what's being calculated as 13 pledged national convention delegates to Hillary's 12.

With 98% of precincts counted, the Nevada Dem Party reported Clinton had 5,355 (51%) to Obama's 4,773 (45%), a margin of 582 convention delegates elected to county conventions -- not votes. Instead of releasing caucus vote totals, the Nevada Dem Party released the number of county delegates earned by each candidate. As explained in a statement by the State Party Chair, these numbers have been translated by the media into expected pledged delegates to the national convention for each candidate, which results in Obama being shown to have 13 to Clinton's 12. Confusing, no? I wonder if the actual vote totals will eventually be released. It would be interesting to see what the vote margin was between Clinton and Obama, especially since Sen. Harry Reid's son, Rory, was running things on the ground in Nevada as Chairman for the Clinton camp. Almost 120,000 Dems voted in the caucus.

By the way, there are a number of reports circulating about irregularities at caucus sites that are being blamed on Clinton campaign operatives. According to an item in The Atlantic:

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January 19, 2008 at 09:59 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (1)

(Update: Hillary Wins) Follow Nevada Dem Caucus Results

2:42 PM: Official site back up showing with about 86% reporting:
Senator Hillary Clinton: 50.76%   
Senator Barack Obama: 45.12%   
Senator John Edwards: 3.8%   
Uncommitted: 0.28%   
Congressman Dennis Kucinich: 0.04%   
Senator Mike Gravel: 0%
Note: These are percentages of delegates to the county convention, not individual votes.

According to the WaPo's Chris Cillizza: "Despite the support of the Culinary Workers [for Obama], it was Clinton who dominated the nine Strip casinos -- winning Bellagio and Paris among others. Obama won only Caesars. Turnout on the Strip was far lower than predicted in early estimates."

2:14 PM: CNN projects Hillary Clinton as winner with 59% reporting:


MSNBC also calls Clinton the winner, showing 50% of results in.

I wonder which campaign is behind this robocalling against Obama? Comment on DailyKos: Robocall trashes "Barack Hussein Obama"

The Obama campaign has released a recording (mp3) it says came from a Nevadan's answering machine of an anonymous robocall that criticizes Obama for taking money from special interests while repeating, four times, his rarely used middle name: "Hussein."

Continue reading "(Update: Hillary Wins) Follow Nevada Dem Caucus Results"

January 19, 2008 at 01:35 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary | Permalink | Comments (4)

(Updated) ACTION ALERT HB9-Domestic Partnership Act: Monday Hearing, Call Legislators

UPDATE 1/21/08: Please use this tool provided by EQNM, which makes it easy to contact the legislators who are members of the House Judiciary Committee to urge their support of HB 9.

From EQNM:
After House Bill 9 received a do pass in House Consumer and Public Affairs by a vote of 4-3, we're hearing from the Roundhouse that the opposition has ignited, and they are placing hundreds of calls into every office insisting legislators vote NO on “gay marriage.” A majority of these calls are coming from out of state and Southern New Mexico. We are still encouraged by the strong showing of support for Domestic Partnership in our state, and encourage you to keep contacting your legislators and urge them to support New Mexico Families and pass HB9.

Take Five Minutes to Take Action

Step 1: Look up your Legislators by clicking HERE

Step 2: Check to see how they vote HERE

Step 3: Call the Round House Operator at (505) 986-4200 and ask for your Representative’s Office and urge them to support HB9 this year.

Step 4: Call the Round House Operator at (505) 986-4200 and ask for your Senator’s Office and urge them to support HB9 this year.

HB9 in House Judiciary Committee Monday: HJC is expected to hear the bill on Monday the 21st at 1:00 PM in Room 309. It is our expectation that the opposition will try to outnumber us again. The Judiciary Committee could be equally close so it is extremely important that every person who can be there attend.

Continue reading "(Updated) ACTION ALERT HB9-Domestic Partnership Act: Monday Hearing, Call Legislators"

January 19, 2008 at 12:39 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Patricia Madrid Elected as DNC Platform Co-Chair

Former NM Attorney General Patricia Madrid has been elected by Democratic National Committee leaders to serve as one of three national co-chairs of the national party's 186-member platform committee. The committee is charged with drafting and recommending the party's proposed platform. Madrid will share her duties with Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and former president and chief executive of Discovery Communications, Judith McHale.

"I'm very honored. It's a very prestigious position, and an important one for the convention," said Madrid.

Madrid was nominated for the post by DNC Chair Howard Dean.

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January 19, 2008 at 11:59 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, Democratic Party | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sunday Morning: "Eye on New Mexico" Ethics Debate

Eye_on_nm1Tune in this Sunday, January 20, at 10 AM on KOB-TV 4 to the local current events show "Eye on New Mexico" to see Common Cause New Mexico's executive director Steven Robert Allen discuss the crucial ethics reforms being considered during this year's legislative session. In an occasionally heated debate with political blogger Mario Burgos and co-hosts Dennis Domrzalski and Nicole Brady, Allen argued strongly for the need to pass bills to create:

Continue reading "Sunday Morning: "Eye on New Mexico" Ethics Debate"

January 18, 2008 at 03:31 PM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Local Politics, Media | Permalink | Comments (1)

Predict the Winner of Nevada Dem Caucus

The Nevada Dem Caucus will be held tomorrow, Saturday, January 19, from Noon to 2:00 PM PST. Who do you think will win? (Pick one.) You have until Noon tomorrow to weigh in. This isn't about which candidate you support, but about the one you think will garner the most votes. Speaking of Dem Caucuses, you have until 5:00 PM Monday, January 21, 2008 to request an absentee (mail-in) ballot for New Mexico's February 5th Caucus. You'll also be able to vote that day from Noon to 7:00 PM at 184 polling places around the state. Click for more info.

January 18, 2008 at 12:17 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, DFNM Polls | Permalink | Comments (0)

Noon Saturday: Insight New Mexico Radio Returns

Heatherbrewer129Javibenavidez100 Weekly call-in radio show returns to the airwaves for its second year on Albuquerque's 1350 AM Progressive Talk Radio this Saturday from Noon to 1:00 PM thanks to the efforts of executive producer Suzanne Prescott. Co-hosts Heather Brewer (left) and Javier Benavidez (right) will focus on what's going on at the New Mexico Legislative Session in Santa Fe and other timely political topics. Brewer previous served as the communications director for Patricia Madrid's 2006 congressional bid and is now the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico. Benavidez is now on staff with Conservation Voters New Mexico and formerly worked as an aide to Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich.

StewartTerrell1The special guests on tomorrow's show will be: the always indefatigable Rep. Mimi Stewart (left), who'll discuss the proposed Domestic Partnership Rights and Responsibilities Act, which she sponsored; New Mexico Human Services Department Secretary Pam Hyde at 12:30 to talk about the proposed health care legislation; next up Mary Feldblum, discussing the Health Securities Act; and last but not least Santa Fe New Mexican political reporter Steve Terrell (right), who'll be calling in to share his in-the-know views on the session (even if he won't share his pecans, chile or BBQ sauce).

Listeners are encouraged to call into the show LIVE with comments and questions at 505-338-4090.

Continue reading "Noon Saturday: Insight New Mexico Radio Returns"

January 18, 2008 at 10:33 AM in Local Politics, Media, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

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