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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Guest Blog by Martin Heinrich: Beyond the Politics of Rove

MheinrichThis is a guest blog by Martin Heinrich, Democratic candidate for Congress in NM-01. He's one of the candidates featured on the NM netroots' True Blue New Mexico page.

Karl Rove is the epitome of everything that’s wrong with Washington and the Republican establishment. He’s the king of political dirty tricks and smear campaigns. His Machiavellian tactics have no moral compass and are divisive at a time when the nation is ready to unite for progress.

The politics of Rove are the politics of lies, thoughtless partisanship, deception and personal attacks. He allegedly sanctioned a racist push poll that wrongly claimed that fellow Republican John McCain had fathered an illegitimate black child. He was tied to a homophobic push poll that asked voters whether they are "more or less likely to vote for Governor [Ann] Richards if [they] knew her staff is dominated by lesbians." This is the same Rove that used the slash and burn politics of personal destruction to paint a genuine American patriot and Vietnam War hero, former Senator Max Cleland (D-GA), as a friend of Osama bin Laden.

It’s not just campaign tactics that define Karl Rove. As a Bush Administration official, Rove played a key role in the run up to the war in Iraq. He chaired meetings of the White House Iraq Group and devised communications strategies that the White House used to sell the disastrous war to the American people.

If orchestrating the sale of the Iraq War wasn’t bad enough, Rove was also investigated for his role in the Valerie Plame Affair. And, he was allegedly one of the prime movers involved in the U.S. Attorney scandal, which included firing New Mexico’s US Attorney David Igelesias.

At a 2006 White House holiday party, New Mexico Republican Party Chair Allen Weh complained to Rove that former U.S. Attorney David Iglesias failed to bring down politically motivated indictments during the campaign. Rove responded to Weh saying: “He’s gone.”

Today, Karl Rove is back in New Mexico helping his friend Allen Weh. He’s raising hundreds of thousands of dollars from hard right wing oil and gas fatcats. That’s money that will be used by New Mexico Republicans to employ Karl Rove’s style of slash and burn politics of personal destruction.

Together, we can fight back.

Continue reading "Guest Blog by Martin Heinrich: Beyond the Politics of Rove"

January 23, 2008 at 12:15 PM in Guest Blogger, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink | Comments (4)

(Updated) Support True Blue New Mexico: Diss Rove and Cheney

UPDATE: We've posted a guest blog by Martin Heinrich about moving beyond the politics of Karl Rove, and in support of our True Blue New Mexico effort. Check it out.

This is an effort organized by the New Mexico netroots including and this blog.

RoveHave you heard? The Bush-Cheney-Rove machine is still going strong, working to maintain the far right's obstructive stranglehold on Congress and beyond. Turns out Karl Rove will appear at a fundraiser for the New Mexico GOP today in Artesia, NM. And in D.C. today, Dick Cheney will host a campaign fundraiser for Steve Pearce's Senate run. He's already done a similar event for Heather Wilson, the other Repub candidate for Senate here, with the same $5000/PAC and $2000/person price tag. Given how much Republican elites have gained financially during Bush's two terms, they have a lot of money to burn for the cause, don't they?

CheneyAs usual, these Repub affairs will bring in big dinero for New Mexico's Bush cronies. What can we do about it? Fight back with True Blue New Mexico! We might not be able to match the big donations of BushCo, but we can certainly blunt some of their clout with hundreds of small donations from ordinary people.

We've set up a special fundraising page at Act Blue to support the campaigns of Senate candidate Tom Udall, Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Bill McCamley (NM-02) and whichever Dem wins the primary in NM-03. Every dollar you donate from now until next Wednesday will go towards helping turn New Mexico's Congressional Delegation True Blue -- and fight back on behalf of Democrats against the relentless BushCo money machine. How can you resist?

Continue reading "(Updated) Support True Blue New Mexico: Diss Rove and Cheney"

January 23, 2008 at 09:15 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (4)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Community Launches GI Rights Hotline to Serve NM

GirightsFrom the GI Rights Hotline: Veterans, military family members, and other concerned individuals are launching a New Mexico “node” of the national GI Rights Hotline network. The Mission of the New Mexico GI Rights Hotline is to provide information, referrals and support to members of the military and their families regarding discharges, grievances, and other civil rights issues. The Hotline will provide information about military life and war to individuals and families affected by military service, conscription, and recruitment. The target date to open the hotline in NM is February 15, 2008.

Events to raise funds and celebrate the launching of the statewide Hotline will be held in Santa Fe and Albuquerque:

  • Santa Fe: Saturday, January 26, from 6:30-9:30 PM at St. Bede’s Episcopal Church Common Room, 1601 S Saint Francis Drive;
  • Albuquerque: Sunday, January 27, from 1:00-4:00 PM at the Guild Cinema, 3405 Central NE.

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January 22, 2008 at 02:23 PM in Iraq War, Military Affairs, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (0)

Today: AZ Guv Napolitano Stumps for Obama in NM

ObamaArizona Governor Janet Napolitano, who has endorsed Barack Obama for President, will be at three events in New Mexico today in support of his candidacy. Napolitano grew up in Albuquerque and has many contacts in the state. All events are open to the public:

Santa Fe
Tuesday, January 22nd, 1:00 PM, Hotel Santa Fe, Paseo de Peralta. More info: Gaye at 505-982-1899. According to an item in this morning's Albuquerque Journal, Napolitano will also meet with undecided women voters at 3:0 PM today at the Hotel Santa Fe, but I don't see that event on the Obama website so you might want to double check.

Tuesday, January 22nd, 6:00 PM, Art Dance Art Space Bldg., 3030 Isleta Blvd. SW. Take I-25 South to Rio Bravo Exit and go West. Turn right at signal.

To learn more about local campaign activities, check the Obama for New Mexico page at the Obama website. Obama's Albuquerque campaign office is located at 1000 2nd Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102; 505-205-5629.

January 22, 2008 at 09:31 AM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

(Updated) HB 9-Domestic Partner Bill Passes NM House Judiciary; to House Floor Next

UPDATE: HB9 will be heard by the full House at 10 AM on Thursday, January 24, 2008. Pack the galleries.
YougbergI want to send a special shout out to Republican Rep. Eric Youngberg (right) for voting in favor of the Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act and mentioning how important it is to pass this bill this Session. This isn't about approving or disapproving of such partnerships, but about ensuring fairness under civil law for all our citizens. Thanks for doing what's right Rep. Youngberg. My partner of 18 years and I appreciate it very much.

From EQNM:
At another crowded committee hearing HB 9 was given a do pass by a 9-4 vote. Supporters of Equality came out in large numbers, and shared personal stories of why this important legislation will impact their lives. Legislators commented on how exciting it was to see a large representation of youth from the Santa Fe Mountain Center who were able to provide the committee with a unique perspective. Rep. Barela made an impassioned statement about his personal growth on this issue and a strong commitment to freedom. Rep. Eric Youngberg, a Republican, added that this is one of the most important issues before the legislature.

The Legislation will now move to a vote before the full House, this vote will likely take place Thursday morning, but there is still a possibility it could happen as early as Wednesday. Once we know anything we'll let you know immediately.

Until then, please take this important opportunity to e-mail the entire House and urge them to support this legislation. Take action by clicking here.

Continue reading "(Updated) HB 9-Domestic Partner Bill Passes NM House Judiciary; to House Floor Next"

January 22, 2008 at 12:21 AM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (7)

Monday, January 21, 2008

‘Freedom of Choice Act’ Rally Tuesday at Roundhouse

From NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico:

More than 200 Expected at Roundhouse Event
on 35th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade
Legislation Introduced Would Repeal
1969 Criminal Abortion Ban
Who: New Mexico Coalition for Choice
What: Rally in support of HB 244, The Freedom of Choice Act
Where: East Concourse, The Roundhouse (outside)
When: Noon, Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Continue reading "‘Freedom of Choice Act’ Rally Tuesday at Roundhouse"

January 21, 2008 at 11:39 PM in Civil Liberties, Healthcare, NM Legislature 2008, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tonight: Conservation Voters Legislative Reception

Please join Conservation Voters New Mexico and our special invited guests, Members of the NM State Legislature, for our second annual
Legislative Rollout Reception
Monday, January 21st  5:30 - 7:30 PM

We will be presenting our "Green Gavel" award to confirmed attendee Lt. Governor Diane Denish
Gerald Peters Gallery
1011 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe
$100 suggested donation at the door
($50 by online donation in advance) 
By Invitation Only. RSVPs REQUIRED in advance for entrance to the Gallery. RSVP at 992-8683 or RSVP@cvnm.org

This reception was a huge hit last year with a sellout crowd! Come learn about the environmental community's legislative agenda. Don't miss the best environmental party of the legislative session-- RSVP now! 

Conservation Voters New Mexico works to make the protection of our air, land, water, wildlife, and communities a top priority for elected officials, political candidates, and voters across the state.

January 21, 2008 at 02:10 PM in Environment, Events, NM Legislature 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tom Udall Statement: Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

KingToday, U.S. Representative Tom Udall (D,NM-01) released the following statement in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: 

"Eight years ago, John Lewis -- a great civil rights leader in the tradition of Dr. King -- invited me to visit Selma, Alabama, on the anniversary of that city's famous freedom march. Standing on that hallowed ground, I couldn't help but feel moved by all that leaders like Dr. King accomplished. But I was also reminded how much has been left undone.

"My father served in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations when this country broke nearly a century of silence and passed piece after piece of landmark civil rights legislation. My dad's main contribution to the movement was threatening to evict the Washington Redskins from their stadium unless they allowed black players. To this day, some Redskins fans will tell you my dad did more to keep the team competitive than any coach. I can still remember the hope in my dad's voice when he would talk about civil rights around the kitchen table. Dr. King made us all believe we could change the world.  And with his inspiration, we have.

"But Dr. King's vision remains unfulfilled.

Continue reading "Tom Udall Statement: Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

January 21, 2008 at 01:51 PM in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (4)

Report Says Clean Energy Better for Navajo Economic Development than Desert Rock

Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment (Diné CARE) held a press conference in Santa Fe on Friday, January 18, 2008 and released a new report that spells out a host of renewable energy alternatives to Desert Rock, a controversial coal-fired power plant proposed for the Navajo Reservation. Dine CARE and other environmental groups have argued that Desert Rock, which would be the third coal-fired plant in the Four Corners region, would harm the environment and residents' health

The comprehensive report contains more than 160 pages and dozens of maps, pie charts and graphs showing how renewable energy projects would compare to Desert Rock. It also provides a comprehensive look at how the tribe's Diné Fundamental Law—based on centuries of customary, traditional, natural and common law—can be applied to the modern problems of resource management and energy development.

Investing in renewable energy development and energy efficiency could provide more jobs and economic benefits for the Navajo Nation than building the proposed $3 billion Desert Rock Energy Project, according to the economic analysis, prepared in consultation with Ecos Consulting.

Continue reading "Report Says Clean Energy Better for Navajo Economic Development than Desert Rock"

January 21, 2008 at 10:29 AM in Energy, Environment, Local Politics, Native Americans | Permalink | Comments (0)

What You May Not Know About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Note: Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) will offer remarks and State Treasurer James Lewis will deliver the keynote address during King holiday celebrations at the state Capitol today at 1:00 PM. The event, organized by Santa Fe's chapter of the NAACP, will also feature music and other speakers who will highlight King's support for higher wages and better conditions for working men and women.

From the War on Greed campaign and Brave New Films: Today we honor Dr. King's birthday. We all know him because of his historic impact on civil rights, but many don't realize that later in life he fought just as passionately for the rights of workers and against the entrenched institutions of injustice.

"Equality means dignity. And dignity demands a job and a paycheck that lasts through the week."

The War On Greed is exactly this kind of fight. The livelihoods of families have been directly attacked by the actions of buyout billionaires like Henry Kravis putting Wall Street's special interests ahead of his 800,000 employees... and pocketing $51,000 an hour in the process.

The first step must be taxing these buyout billionaires at a fair tax rate. It will not solve all the problems, but it is a strong and forceful beginning. With the presidential campaigns underway, it is the perfect time to force this issue into the campaigns the way we did with Wal-Mart and Iraq for Sale.

Continue reading "What You May Not Know About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

January 21, 2008 at 06:34 AM in Corporatism, Current Affairs, Economy, Populism, Film, Labor, Minority Issues, Poverty | Permalink | Comments (0)