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Wednesday, October 01, 2008
NM-02: Internal Poll Shows Teague Leads Tinsley 46-41%
The campaign of NM-02 Congressional candidate Harry Teague has released the results of a recent internal poll conducted by Hamilton Campaigns that shows Teague leading his GOP rival, Ed Tinsley, by five points. Here's the text of the memo issued by Hamilton Campaigns:
Key Findings Harry Teague now leads Ed Tinsley in the race for Congress in New Mexico's 2nd Congressional District. Democrat Harry Teague leads Republican Ed Tinsley by 5 percentage points (46% Teague – 41% Tinsley -- 13% undecided). In previous polling, Teague trailed Tinsley by -3 percentage points.
October 1, 2008 at 12:02 PM in NM-02 Congressional Race 2008 | |
(Updated) Bailout Bill: Pressure Bingaman et al. to Back DeFazio, IPS Proposals
Update: Another good (pdf) has been developed by the Institute for Policy Studies. You can contact members of Congress here about that plan courtesy of PDA.
I'm not surprised, really, that Sen. Jeff Bingaman stated in remarks made to radio reporters that he would have voted for the boondoggle Wall Street bailout bill that failed in the U.S. House. But it still angers me. In fact, I find it appalling.
Bingaman claims he could support it because it was an improvement over the original proposal that made Treasury Secretary Paulson king of the U.S. -- sans any meaningful oversight, transparency or accountability for any of the crooks who got us where we are today. Not to mention there was no help whatsoever for the poor working slobs suffering the aftermath of the fraudulent mortgages and crackpot trading. Well, I guess almost anything could be considered better than the original bill. But that doesn't make the incredibly flawed and inadequate "compromise" bill acceptable to ordinary people. We're sick and sick and tired of huge sums flowing to the top of the pyramid -- while those holding up the bottom are left bereft, virtually without recourse.
Senate Makes "Brilliant" Proposal
The latest developments in the Senate, however, have made voting on the original "compromise" a moot point. The Senate, in all its alleged wisdom, has come up with an even more stupendously craven "solution." Do I have to tell you that it involves -- hallelujah -- more tax cuts and relaxed regulations for financial institutions, along with the $700 billion bailout? Bingo! That'll fix things. Or at least manage to shovel more assets to the cream of the crop speculators and thieves -- to those who devised the most virulent, cancerous form of the greedy organism that's passed as "free market capitalism" for the past couple of decades. Once again, we'd be left waiting for the "trickle down" to reach the bottom of the barrel where we reside. We need to trust them. They have only our welfare in mind.
The AP reports that Sen. Chuck Schumer actually had the nerve to describe this new Senate gambit as "brilliant," predicting that it would "help pick up votes on both sides of the aisle." Who can resist more tax cuts when the deficit is exploding into the trillions and two wars are still sucking up more than $10 billion a month? Who can reject allowing financial institutions and megacorps to return to the system of accounting that permitted them to cook their books during the era of the Enron scandals?
Get this:
The new approach, announced Tuesday night by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., would tack large and contentious tax measures to the bailout bill. Senate leaders figure the House will have to approve it because the tax cuts are too appealing to Republicans and the financial rescue plan will still seem essential to most Democrats.
Continue reading "(Updated) Bailout Bill: Pressure Bingaman et al. to Back DeFazio, IPS Proposals"
October 1, 2008 at 11:39 AM in Business, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government | Permalink | Comments (9)
North Valley Coalition Candidate Meet & Greet Set for 10/2/08
The North Valley Coalition (NVC) would like to invite you to come and meet your candidates for political office for the November election. This event will take place Thursday, October 2, 2008 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at the Los Griegos Health and Social Service Center located at 1231 Candelaria Rd NW, Albuquerque. The NVC Candidate “Meet and Greet” will give you the opportunity to interact with the candidates one-on-one and talk to them about the issues that matter most to you! The following Candidates have been invited:
U.S. Senate: Tom Udall, Steve Pearce
U.S. Congress, NM-01: Darren White, Martin Heinrich
NM Legislature, District 17: Edward Sandoval, Ronald Toya
NM Public Regulation Commission: Tim Cummins, Jason Marks
Bernalillo County Clerk: Maggie Toulouse-Oliver, Richard Abraham
For additional information, please contact Chris Catechis at 271-9876.
October 1, 2008 at 09:31 AM in 2008 Bernalillo County Elections, 2008 NM Senate Race, 2008 NM State Legislature Races, 2008 PRC Election, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday: SD-15 Candidate Tim Eichenberg on 'We The People'
Tim Eichenberg, the Democratic candidate in NM Senate District 15, will appear on We The People on October 1, 2008 and discuss how we can invest in domestic renewable resources---and ease out of our dependence on foreign oil and loosen the grip of the lobbyists. The TV show is aired on Albuquerque Cable Channel 27 on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM. You can also watch it live-streamed at www.quote-unquote.org. The show is hosted by Mickey Bock and produced by Judith Binder.
Eichenberg is challenging Repub incumbent State Senator Diane Snyder in a hard fought, neck and neck race. Many believe this race represents our best chance to pick up another seat in the State Senate, so let's donate some time and money to the cause.
September 30, 2008 at 12:56 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
LWV to Launch Voters' Guide at Candidate Reception in ABQ
On Tuesday, October 7, from 5 to 6:30 PM the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Central New Mexico will launch its 2008 General Election Voters' Guide at a free reception for the public, members of the press and candidates running for office in Bernalillo, Sandoval and Valencia counties. The event will be held in the Foyer of the Simms Center for the Performing Arts on the Albuquerque Academy campus. More than 120 candidates have been invited. A large mock-up of the front of the Guide will be unveiled during the ceremony. Call 884-8441 for more information.
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September 30, 2008 at 12:02 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Election Reform & Voting, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)
McCain: For Deregulation Before He Was Against It
The "Straight Talk Express" hits another roadblock. It should be clear by now that the "honorable" Mr. McCain will say almost anything to try and get elected -- even if it completely contradicts what he's said before. Does McCain have a shred of credibility left after his careening performance during this financial crisis? Oddly, after the faux-suspension of his campaign and the bragging about his success in gaining support for the bailout bill -- only to have it fail -- McCain is again making noises about "suspending his campaign" to insert himself into the process. What's more, he and Palin are rapidly becoming cartoon caricatures in the popular culture -- a phenomenon that can be hard to defuse once it gains momentum.
This truly is a campaign grasping at straws and lurching from misstep to misstep without any apparent overriding strategy. One wonders what he will attempt next to try and convince people what he's saying is truthful or relevant -- or to distract voters from the record he's built up over the years on the issues.
Meanwhile, Obama continues to surge. According to an early look at the Diageo/Hotline tracking poll by Political Wire:
Among registered voters surveyed in Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Wisconsin and Nevada, Obama tops McCain 50 to 40%. Just a week ago, Obama led 45% to 42%. Nationwide, Obama leads 47% to 41%.
Continue reading "McCain: For Deregulation Before He Was Against It"
September 30, 2008 at 10:58 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Business, Corporatism, Economy, Populism, John McCain, Polling | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, September 29, 2008
NM-01: White (and Others) Named in DOJ Report on Improper Firing of U.S. Attorneys
A hefty 300+ page U.S. Department of Justice report (pdf) on the firing of U.S. Attorneys by the Bush administration was released today. It mentions a number of New Mexico Republicans including Pete Domenici, Heather Wilson and Darren White. U.S. Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey has named Connecticut Acting U.S. Attorney Nora R. Dannehy, a federal prosecutor for 17 years, to serve as special prosecutor in this case.
According to an article in the Washington Post:
The investigation uncovered "significant evidence" that partisan political factors played a role in some of the 2006 dismissals. Particularly "troubling," according to the report, was the sacking of New Mexico U.S. Attorney David C. Iglesias after several Republican elected officials complained about voter fraud and public corruption cases he pursued. That episode raises the possibility that obstruction of justice and wire fraud laws were violated.... Reached by phone, Iglesias said he was cheered by the findings and said he looked forward to the results of the investigation as it proceeds.
Also check out this nugget, unearthed by TPM:
Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) told Karl Rove at a November 16, 2006 meeting: "Mr. Rove, for what it's worth, the U.S. Attorney in New Mexico is a waste of breath." Rove's response: "That decision has already been made. He's gone."
It's a big report to get through to document the involvement of members of the NM GOP, but the Martin Heinrich campaign has already issued a statement detailing the report's info about Darren White:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) released a scathing report today blasting Darren White and other Bush cronies for their role in the firing of non-partisan U.S. Attorneys based on partisan political pressure, and the DOJ has appointed a special prosecutor to determine if criminal charges will be brought against those involved.
Darren White, the 2004 Bush-Cheney Reelection Chair for Bernalillo County, is named multiple times in the today's DOJ report -- specifically in the improper firing of New Mexico U.S. Attorney David Iglesias. The report shows that while serving as George W. Bush's Campaign Chairman, Darren White was using the Sheriff's office to try to inappropriately influence a federal investigation.
"Darren White is knee deep in one of the largest scandals in the history of the DOJ and he needs to come clean immediately to the voters of Central New Mexico about his role in the potentially illegal firing of U.S. Attorneys," said Martin Heinrich. "Central New Mexican voters deserve to know the truth before Darren White testifies under penalty of perjury for the newly appointed special prosecutor. How many times did Darren White speak with Heather Wilson, Pete Dominici or Karl Rove about firing David Iglesias? How did he use his official position to pursue political witch-hunts? This scandal clearly demonstrates Darren White is anything but an 'independent voice' for New Mexico, and the voters of Central New Mexico will see him for the partisan hack that he is."
September 29, 2008 at 06:43 PM in Crime, Election Reform & Voting, Government, Justice, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (3)
NM-Sen: Udall Explains His No Vote on Bailout Bill
The campaign of Dem Senate candidate Tom Udall layed out the reasons for his no vote today on the bailout bill in a
diary on Daily Kos, (where you can weigh in on your views):
Tom Udall wanted me to get you this statement as quickly as possible, now that the bailout bill has gone to a vote:
I cannot in good conscience vote for a rushed $700 billion taxpayer funded bailout to shore up Wall Street while ignoring our middle class and the nation's underlying economic flaws that caused this crisis in the first place. I will, however, continue fighting to do what's right and fix our financial markets to prevent similar crises from occurring again.
Tom Udall laid out his priorities for any bailout bill that he could support last week:
"The Administration's proposal, as it has been presented to Congress, needs significant changes. First, any plan that puts taxpayer money at risk must ensure that taxpayers get paid back before shareholders, bondholders or executives—so that corporate CEOs do not get a golden parachute while taxpayers are left to pay the bill.
Continue reading "NM-Sen: Udall Explains His No Vote on Bailout Bill"
September 29, 2008 at 06:08 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism | Permalink | Comments (2)
Author of Book on 2004 Ohio Vote Fraud to Speak in ABQ Tomorrow
A talk about the new book, Witness to a Crime, concerning the 2004 Ohio vote fraud, is being presented by the author, Dr. Richard Phillips, on Tuesday, September 30 at 7:30 PM at the Albuquerque Peace and Justice Center. Phillips will detail the many ways that the vote can be falsified and what to look for in the upcoming elections. His book will be available for purchase and refreshments will be served. Information: 505-242-5511 or Contactus@cardnm.org. Check out this Truthout article by Dr. Phillips on how Latinos were disenfranchised in the 2004 election in Ohio for a taste of his writing. You can check out the author's website at witnesstoacrime.com/.
September 29, 2008 at 05:51 PM in Books, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)
(Updated) Bailout Vote Fails in House
Here we go, and where we stop, nobody knows.
Final Vote: 205 Ayes, 228 Noes
Heather Wilson votes aye; Tom Udall and Steve Pearce no. Democrats: 140 ayes, 95 noes. Republicans: 65 ayes, 133 noes.
I caught a nasty cold/flu this weekend and I'm nursing it today so I got on the couch, got me some tea and watched the chaos descend on the TV pundits (in between naps). Largest point drop ever in Dow, by 777. Rs blaming Pelosi for giving a "partisan" speech today and upsetting Rs who then voted no. Spare me. McCain looks like an idiot given his bragging about getting the Rs in line for this. Obama says, "get it done."
I say, let's take some time and do something meaningful that will move capital from the bottom up rather than following the defrocked theory of top down, tickle down. However, I have a strong feeling that no matter what we do or don't do now, we'll end up in the same place -- economically destroyed for years to come.
This is a situation conceived in Reaganomics that has continued in fits and starts to this place of no return. The bottom line: if a nation doesn't make and sell anything of value, there is no real value in its so-called assets. They're just paper, and their value is subject to whims, fakery and fraud. Especially when appointed regulators are into looking the other way on even basic oversight, and most meaningful regulations have been watered down or removed completely. We're seeing the myth of the magic hand of the market completely unmasked for what it really is without proper regulation -- unbridled greed and thievery.
September 29, 2008 at 12:03 PM in Corporatism, Crime, Economy, Populism, Government | Permalink | Comments (4)