Monday, November 06, 2006
Some of our website followers may have noticed the DFNM website has not been updated since Saturday. Highly unusual for this sites webmaster, especially within the countdown of hours prior to the big day to WIN back our country, or at least start.
Well the excellant webmaster a sudden serious illness on Sunday november 5th. It was tempting to report the republican competitors came and kidnapped her, some heavy drama story! But in reality her meneges went wild. My opinion they did come and kidnap her brain because she has been working so hard for months to try to WIN every seat hear in NM and across the grand ole USA. So Barb is sick, in the hospital type sick, but by this evening she was resting way more comfortably. Unfortuately she was very much looking forward to updating the DFNM website and blogging from The Richardson campaign headquarters on election night. This will not be the plan now for election night. But hwat Barb would like to suggest is an openthread; have at it; visit the other webstites down the left hand column like : the plaza, NM matters, fbihop to list a couple locals, and of course daily kos for nationals.
What is so exciting to me is the huge group effort. Even though this little website had to pause it's transmissions, there are people out there right now working their asses off; finishing up lists, sticking labels, strategizing the GOTV that will happen tomorrow...all across the state and all across the country.
What do we want CHANGE when do we want it NOW!! Gosh I hope so, for our future.
Please post throughout the day.....keep the information exchange going.
This is written by Mary Ellen; Barbs partner in all things.
November 6, 2006 at 10:44 PM in Open Thread | Permalink | Comments (21)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Open Thread
Go ahead, speak your mind. But keep it civil, please.
September 10, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Open Thread | Permalink | Comments (1)
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Open Thread: What's On Your Mind?
So what are you thinking about as Summer 2006 drifts away, the mid-term election is 77 days down the road and Bush's war spending tops $300 billion? What are you up to? What are you feeling passionately about? What irks you? What makes you happy? What's going on in your corner of the planet? Click on the Comments tab and let it all be known. As for me, I'm wondering where we put our rain ponchos since we'll be attending the George Benson - Al Jarreau concert tonight at Sandia's outdoor amphitheater. Let's hope we won't need them!
August 22, 2006 at 10:40 AM in Open Thread | Permalink | Comments (13)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Open Thread: Get It Off Your Chest
We haven't had an open thread for some time. With all the confusing, complex situations we're witnessing on the planet these days, I thought it was a perfect time to open up the blog to what you're thinking and feeling. Click on the Comments tab and keyboard away. What's on your mind? Any links, videos or images to share? Let it all hang out right here.
July 26, 2006 at 12:11 PM in Open Thread | Permalink | Comments (13)