Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Guest Blog: Join Our 99% Spring

FJohn McAndrewollowing is a guest blog provided by John McAndrew. John lives in Santa Fe and is a writer and activist.

You may have heard that there are trainings in nonviolent resistance, associated with a group called 99% Spring [], taking place this week all across the nation. Around 50,000 people are expected to be trained in the history and practice of nonviolent resistance and the ways our economy has been placed in its current unfair, precarious condition. Hard work is no longer rewarded, privilege is protected, basic needs are almost universally unmet – and we can do something about it.

I took part in the training for trainers a couple of weeks ago. For those of us who have been chronically well-behaved, it opened many new doors to new ways to change our world. The aspect that most impressed me was that the program is designed to build capacity without prescribing how we are to use it. It is organized so that those who have experience in nonviolent resistance can come forward to share and lead as needed.

More than 60 organizations []  are sponsoring these trainings. Given this diversity, arrestable actions and civil disobedience are not covered in the training: different groups will have different perspectives on what is or is not permissible. Some will be interested in being arrested; others will not. 99% Spring trainings give a broad foundation for working together in nonviolent actions. Further trainings in civil disobedience will be forthcoming as needed and requested.

Nationwide actions are already planned, so our new skills and numbers can be used as soon as possible. For example,

Once the training is done and participants have met like-minded activists, they can plan their own actions on a state, local, and national level.

Everyone has different motivations for taking the training, and different actions they would like to organize. Here are a few of mine.

Is the World Trade Organization meeting? Is there a bad time to protest the state of our public education? Is BP still in business? Has the KXL pipeline been defeated? Have we met the tepid goals of any of the Climate Change summits? We have lots to do, and they are all worthy battles.

My dream is that, when 2012 comes to a close, the presidential and congressional elections will be page 3 news. I’d like to see the page 1 political story be how Americans began to reverse their CO2 emissions; made a commitment to clean up the oceans and the Gulf of Mexico; forced the government to end our wars; insisted on equal rights for all Americans: Native Americans, women, and gays and lesbians. For this to happen, we must get our feet in the street as often as possible.

Remember, as you protest, to laugh and dance. Bring pets, children, and best friends. If we seek just to switch out this political ideology for that one, we are aiming too low. From Jack Gilbert’s luminous poem, a Brief for the Defense, a bit of advice about our conduct:

If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction,
we lessen the importance of their deprivation.
We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure,
but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have
the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless
furnace of this world. To make injustice the only
measure of our attention is to praise the Devil.

April 11, 2012 at 02:00 PM in Action Alerts, Guest Blogger, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere) | |

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day One of the 2012 New Mexico Legislative Session

The people’s business has begun in Santa Fe New Mexico. New Mexicans of all stripes and colors gathered to help launch this 30 day session. There were hugs and laughs and tears, plenty of handshaking, talking and planning. Excitement to do the important people's business.

The start of the session began with the standard opening remarks by Speaker of the House Ben Lujan. House Speaker Ben Lujan a life long fighter for New Mexicans announced his personal fight now with stage 4 lung cancer. Needless to say this news shocked and saddened all. For me it was like a blow to my stomach after what I have recently been through with Barb, and am still going through. I cried my own tears for the Speaker just as many other New Mexicans surely did.

In New Mexico the even year sessions are held to mostly conduct financial legislative business for the state. The entire NM budget for the year 2012 is $ 5.61 billion.

Other issues may be brought in front of the legislative body at the Governor’s calling. Governor Martinez has her pet project issues, Repeal Drivers licenses for “illegal’s”, “ending corruption”, greedy corporation tax cuts, privatizing education, stopping social promotion, just to name a few.

We listened to the Governors State of the State which you can read here.

According to the Governor everything is going fine. I wish it were true. I wish things would be like when things were actually going fine. When there were jobs. Jobs so kids would know their moms and dads were ok, and that they would have food on the table. What Martinez describes throughout her speech is punitive punishment for all things that are caused by the lack of people having security. We better start building more prisons. Oh yes that takes money too.

The Democratic response to the State of the State text you can find here. No surprise the democratic response shows a much different view of what has gone on in New Mexico over the past year, and what the democratic agenda is for these 30 days, "In the simplest of terms, we must invest in our children and foster an environment of economic growth that helps every New Mexican have a chance at the American dream."

The People's Response you can read here the People's_Response. " We are the 99%....We are here to proclaim that the days of government by and for the 1 percent are over. We utterly reject the fantasy of trickle-down economics, the idea that economic progress can be won by robbing from the 99% to ingratiate the rich."

I spent time at the Occupy Roundhouse event, very well attended and very vocal. Speakers were Senator Eric Griego, Senator Ortiz Y Pino, and Representative Brian Egolf. All the speakers were talking about how important it is for citizens, us, "we the people" to stay involved. Senator Ortiz Y Pino referred to our involvement as the lens the leaders have to look through for all decisions. Rep. Brian Egolf spoke how he can feel so lonely fighting the battle and how important it is that we fight along side him.

We watched Eric Griego sign the 99 pledge: “The Pledge for a Democratic America: I, Eric Griego, do hereby pledge to the people of the United States, that upon next taking office, I will work with particular focus to prevent corporations from directly or indirectly expending money to influence any election in the United States of America.  I will work to limit private contributions to provide similar access for all Americans to the political process.  I pledge to work together with other legislators to enact fair and just legislation and amendments to the Constitution, returning democracy forever to the people.” The Occupy Santa Fe people are bringing this pledge to all senators and Representatives for them to sign onto.

On many people’s minds was Senator Peter Wirth’s bill, SB09; Closing the corporate tax loophole which unfairly allows out of state big box stores not to pay NM taxes. Meanwhile small business put out of business by the big box stores, are paying full taxes.

What follows is a short clip from Senator Tim Keller stating what his expectations are for the session.

And a short clip from Labor leader Jon Hendry, who serves as President of the New Mexico Federation of Labor and the business agent for IATSE local 480.

Lastly, I tracked down the God Squad who shared with me what their expectations are of the 2012 session. Representing the NM Conference of Catholic Bishops is Allen Sanchez, and from the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry NM is Ruth Hoffman.

January 18, 2012 at 12:38 PM in NM Legislature 2012, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere), ProgressNow New Mexico | |

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Occupy Santa Fe People's Mic In Opposition to PNM & Gov. Martinez at EIB Hearing on 12/5/11

Occupy Santa Fe attended an Environmental Improvement Board Hearing to interrupt testimony with a people's mic. The EIB heard the same testimony last year and a law was passed to put carbon caps on coal burning electricity in New Mexico, and begin moving toward renewable energy. Last year's board was with members elected by former Gov. Richardson. After Gov. Martinez was elected with the support of big oil and gas, she replaced the board members, and is attempting to overturn the law with this new hearing. PNM, and specifically San Juan Coal Power Plant, is one of the biggest polluters and greenhouse gas emitters in New Mexico. Occupy Santa Fe interrupted testimony with a people's mic, and make our voices heard. This is what we had to say (written text below the fold):

Mic Check!
Mic Check!

We are the 99%.
We are Occupy Santa Fe.

We demand the right to breathe clean air.
We demand better health.
We demand clean and renewable energy.

The EIB hear
the same testimony last year.
Today's hearing is a do over.

PNM ignores the law.
San Juan emits
10 million tons of carbon a year.
PNM's pollution rates exceed
industry standards and government requirements.

PNM is the 1%
PNM spends millions a year
on legal fees fighting environmental compliance.
CEO Pat Vincent-Collawn
makes 2.5 million a year.
PNM shareholders and executives
profit off polluting.
New Mexicans pay the price.
We are the 99%.

San Juan Coal pollutes
our national parks, monuments, and tribal lands.
San Juan Coal uses
9.2 billion gallons of clean water a year.
San Juan coal kills
33 people a year.
PNM has racked up
60,000 air quality violations.

San Juan Coal is the biggest emitter
of greenhouse hases in New Mexico.
Greenhouse gases cause climate change.
Climate change causes droughts and wildfires.
Unabated: Climate change will make the earth
uninhabitable in our lifetime.

Coal burning electricity causes
cancer, asthma, neurological disorders,
and lung disease.
Elders and children are most at risk.

We demand that PNM shut down
its coal burning power plants.
We demand the EIB and Governor Martinez
enforce the law, not overturn it,
and that they invest in solar and wind technology.

We value our health and we value yours.
A new world is possible.
Join us in creating it.

We are Occupy Santa Fe.
We are unstoppable.
Expect us.

December 6, 2011 at 12:57 PM in Action Alerts, Environment, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere), Regulation | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lora Lucero guest blog: Ring Around the White House

This is a guest blog by Lora Lucero, a long-time resident of Albuquerque, NM, an adjunct professor of law at UNM and the Natural Resources Director for the League of Women Voters of New Mexico.

Obama xl

 Last Sunday I joined hands with an estimated 10,000 – 12,000 people as we circled the White House to send a strong message to President Obama that he must reject the Keystone XL Pipeline.  That’s the 1700-mile, $7-14 billion pipeline proposed to carry Canadian tar sands from Alberta to oil refineries in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Tar sands are viscous, bituminous petroleum deposits found in sand or oil.  Forget the notion of the oil rigs in Texas spewing black gold.  The 54,000 square miles of Canadian tar sands are being strip-mined, destroying Canada’s boreal forest and contaminating water supplies of the surrounding indigenous communities.

We chanted, we sang, we danced, and we brought all of our positive energy to Washington, DC because the final decision to grant or deny the Presidential permit for this transboundary project rests with Obama, not Congress.  NASA’s James Hansen has called the project “game over for the climate” because the extraction and burning of tar sands oil will release much more greenhouse gases than conventional oil.

Bill McKibben, the principal organizer of Sunday’s action and the founder of, was joined by Naomi Klein, Dr. James Hansen, and others on stage in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House. McKibben confessed that when he first dreamed up this idea, which hasn’t been done since the Viet Nam protests in the 1960s, he didn’t know if enough people would gather to actually circle the White House.  About 6,000 people signed up online, as I did, but would that be enough?  Would they all show up? 

McKibben was hoping for a wide range of people to demonstrate to Obama and Washington leaders that the opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline was diverse.  He surely got his wish.


I saw old people and young, people of many different ethnicities, well-to-do professionals, laborers and the unemployed.  The traditional environmentalists stood side-by-side with the 99%ers.  Yes!  The Occupy movement was well-represented Sunday. People came from Nebraska, Ohio, Vermont, California, and New Mexico, and probably many other states too.

Maple syrup

The creative signs were inspiring.  “Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the planet. We know what we’re doing.”  “Another hopeful kid against the Keystone XL Pipeline.”  “No Keystone XL Pipeline Mr. Obama. This is my line in the sand.”  “More Audacity, Less Hope.”   “Maple Syrup is all we want from Canada.”  “Occupy Earth”   The best perhaps was the very large plastic pipeline “Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline” held up by many people marching around the White House.

We did it!  There were enough people to circle Obama’s residence 3 or 4 people deep!  I kept my eyes focused on the windows and door, hoping that Obama might come out to greet all of these Americans who came to DC.  But he was nowhere in sight.  We stood for 90 minutes or so as cameras and video recorded our message. 

I left DC hopeful and committed to keep up the fight because I wasn’t convinced that our action would change Obama’s mind.  Despite all of the scandal and controversy surrounding the pipeline of late, all indications seemed to point to Obama giving the nod to the project before the end of the year. 

Then on Thursday, the Obama Administration announced that it would delay a final decision until after the November 2012 election.  Some believe this delay will kill the pipeline.  Bill McKibben claimed victory and said we had won.  The Sierra Club and many other environmentalists claimed

But if this delay is a “victory,” then someone changed the goal posts in the middle of the game.

Certainly we need to acknowledge the progress, and the tremendous impact that the 99% have had on this project.  I’m not a curmudgeon who fails to appreciate movement in the right direction.  But Obama’s decision to delay his decision is neither a “win” nor “victory” and it is tortuous logic to consider it as such.

I read the State Department’s Thursday briefing to the press about the decision to delay. 

“OPERATOR: Our next question comes from Juliet Eilperin with Washington Post. Your line is open.

QUESTION: Hi, Assistant Secretary.  One thing, can you talk about whether – how much you would be examining the greenhouse gas implications for the extraction of this oil as part of this supplemental impact statement? It sounds like your – that that’s not a factor.     . . . .

ASSISTANT SECRETARY JONES:     . . .   The purpose of what the review that we’re going to be doing is specifically to look at the alternative routes through Nebraska. It wouldn’t be broader than that.”

This is not a “win” but a calculated punt to avoid making the decision until after the 2012 election.  I’m disappointed in Obama, and disappointed in the response and apparent gullibility of so many people who oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline. 

The International Energy Agency announced last week that the “world is headed for irreversible climate change in five years."  Wake-up everyone!  If Obama won’t even utter the words, and if the State Department is not even examining the issue, how can this be a victory? 

I know the people with whom I spoke last Sunday at the White House will not let up on Obama until he sees the light of day.  As one clever sign noted – “If you won’t let us dream, then we won’t let you sleep.”  The fight is on and Obama still doesn’t “get it.”

November 14, 2011 at 07:38 PM in Energy, Environment, Guest Blogger, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere) | |

Friday, November 04, 2011

11/5: Move Your Money - Make Wall Street Pay Protest March in ABQ

November 5th is Bank Transfer Day,  a grassroots effort to get anyone who is upset with large predatory banks to move their money to nonprofit credit unions. People vote with their dollars far more often than they vote at the polls, and taking your money away from an institution with which you disagree is perhaps the best way to get back at big banks. Money talks to these people, so how about making your money silent?

Here's a a field guide that makes it easier to do just that. And here's what's going on in Albuquerque in support of the movement:

From the American Dream Movement & Albuquerque Area

Move Your Money - Make Wall Street Pay Protest March
Saturday - November 5, 2011 from 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Gathering Location: Start: (10:30 AM - 12:15 PM) Bank of America at 6605 Uptown Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 End (12:30 PM - 1:00 PM) NM Educator's Federal Credit Union at 6501 Indian School Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110. Directions: West of Louisiana Blvd. between Americas' Parkway and Indian School Road

Sponsored by: American Dream Movement & Albuquerque Area in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street

Join us by signing up here. Our goal at the informational picket is to raise awareness and inform the public. The Big Banks and Financial Institutions have robbed America and refuse to give back or pay their fair share.

We need Community Owned Institutions that have a stake in bettering the towns and cities where they are located. By banking at a not-for-profit Credit Union you are a member, or a stakeholder. By moving our money and encouraging others to do the same we're not only helping our local economies, we are also putting real pressure at the national level on Wall Street. Acting together, we the 99% can create change, we can inform the public.

November 4, 2011 at 02:43 PM in Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Events, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere) | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Lora Lucero: Open Letters to Democrats and Republicans on Occupy Wall Street (OWS)

32572_1490148059567_1409943325_31274466_3382950_nThis is a guest blog by Lora Lucero, a long-time resident of Albuquerque, NM, an adjunct professor of law at UNM and the Natural Resources Director for the League of Women Voters of New Mexico.

Open Letter to Democrats
As a fellow Democrat, I “get” your enthusiasm for the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement and the protesters gathering in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos and Las Cruces. These young people, old people, veterans, union members and others are putting their bodies on the line and their voices to the bull horns for many of the same values that the Democratic Party considers its bedrock principles. I don’t speak for the OWS but we’ve all heard that their demands include social and economic justice for all Americans, accountability from Wall Street for the mess it has created and reining in the influence of corporations, lobbyists and money in our elections. 

We may not be able to camp out and sleep on the ground with them, but we certainly want to show our support and align ourselves with the OWS energy. A couple of examples of Democrats supporting the OWS this week, however, raised alarm bells for me.

The UNM Teach-In at the Student Union Building presented good speakers all week on topics of interest to the OWS movement. I attended one day and heard a CNM professor talk about the history of protest movements and the importance of organizing strategically to grow the OWS movement. He then urged the OWS protesters sitting in the audience to redirect their energy into electoral politics, and specifically urged them to support a specific Democratic candidate running for Congress in CD-1. I cringed when I heard this, even though I personally support his candidate.  

The second “cringe” moment occurred this weekend when I heard that Democrats were going to march with the OWS and carry their Democratic Party banner. Ouch!  

Let’s be frank. The 99% (as the OWS protesters call themselves) have a lot of work to do to grow the OWS movement. They need our support and active participation. Every Democrat should attend at least one Assembly meeting at Yale Park next to the UNM Campus Bookstore.   

Truthfully, however, the OWS movement would not have captured as much of the popular outrage among Americans if the Democratic Party had been true to its bedrock principles over the past twenty years. Many Democrats see very little difference between the political parties. Young people even question the wisdom of voting --- and I don’t blame them.

The Democratic Party has failed the 99% and should acknowledge its failure. I don’t believe we have much to teach these OWS folks, but we can certainly learn alot. Having spent hours watching and listening during their Assembly meetings, I know these young people have wisdom beyond their years.  

Please don’t misunderstand me. I encourage people of every stripe to actively engage with the OWS movement, but let's do so humbly and with respect, as individuals who identify with the hopes and aspirations of the 99%. Individuals can support the OWS by:

  1. Donating pizzas and eats 
  2. Donating warm clothing and bedding
  3. Donating supplies for signs, bullhorns, flashlights, etc.
  4. Attending Assembly meetings and actions as individuals
  5. Increasing the OWS visibility in the community by writing letters to the Editor, talking to neighbors and putting up a 99% sign in your yard.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has a lot of work to do to regain the faithful, perhaps the subject of another letter. But please don’t try to turn the OWS movement into a partisan movement. It isn’t and it won’t be. As one OWS leader said at the UNM Teach-In last week in response to the discussion about organizing: “It is complex when we have such a diverse group. We need to speak about our commonalities, but also acknowledge the differences and respect how we see the world differently.”

Open Letter to Republicans:
As a life-long registered Democrat, I don’t “get” you but many friends and family members are registered Republicans, and so I want to extend an invitation.  

Please check out the Occupied Wall Street (OWS) movement in your town. When you hear protesters shouting “We are the 99%” --- please know that they are building a movement big enough for everyone.  We may have very different ideas about how to fix things, but I suspect we can find agreement on what is broken.  

The growing income disparity in this country impacts us all. The lack of accountability by our government and corporate America should alarm everyone. The diminishing prospects for my granddaughter’s future are shared with your grandchildren. 

We don’t have to agree on everything, we just need to listen respectfully. That is exactly what I have seen at every OWS meeting that I have attended. 

People with divergent views and opinions come together to share, discuss, hash out and decide together what direction to take. I was stunned and thrilled when a middle-aged, self-identified Tea Party person attended and shared her ideas with the OWS folks. They listened to her deeply and with respect. She was heard and could see for herself how her words were influencing the group.

This is a watershed moment and we’re lucky to be alive to witness it. Let’s not be mere observers though.

This is a guest blog by Lora Lucero. To submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

October 24, 2011 at 03:31 PM in Democratic Party, Guest Blogger, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere), Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (11)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

10/17: ABQ City Councilor Rey Garduño to Intro Proclamation Supporting We Are 99%-Occupy Wall Street Movement

Albuquerque City Councilor Rey Garduño (District 6) has announced that he will be introducing a proclamation (pdf) at the Albuquerque City Council meeting that starts at 5:00 PM on Monday, October 17, at One Civic Plaza. The document states that the governing body of the City of Albuquerque recognizes "We Are The 99%," and stands with the Occupy Wall Street movement, listing the reasons why.

In the video clip above, taken at Satuday's Occupy Albuquerque demonstration on Central Avenue in the Nob Hill area, Councilor Garduño discusses the proclamation and his reasons for presenting it to the City Council.

"This is amazing what is happening. And I had my ear to a lot of this work that has been being done by the folks down the street -- Occupy Wall Street but also Occupy Albuquerque," Garduño said. "It's really grown to an amazing number. We can't deny what people are saying anymore. I have taken it upon myself and the constituents that I represent in the city to say we need to lift this up. We need to make sure folks understand that these are people that are speaking for all of us -- the 99%."

"They are talking about what we need to do to make sure we're heard," Garduno continued. "No longer are we going to be silent. I will present a proclamation on Monday to the City Council supporting Occupy Wall Street - Occupy Albuquerque." Garduño explained that "over 800 cities and towns in this country have said yes, we support, we affirm, Occupy Wall Street. And that their demands are very clear, despite what the mainstream media is saying." Garduño added that, "it's nonsense" that they are leaderless and that nobody understands what they are saying.

"The 99% are being led by the 99%. They are saying 'listen to us'. In New Mexico alone there are groups in  Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos, Las Cruces, Farmington and Roswell." Garduño urged folks in Albuquerque to come to the City Council chambers on Monday, when he plans to present the proclamation. "I'd love to have people come down and support it," he said.

October 16, 2011 at 05:02 PM in City of Albuquerque, Economy, Populism, Events, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere) | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, October 14, 2011

10/15: Occupy Events in Albuquerque and Santa Fe!

Albuquerque's Hakim Bellamy: I'm in love with a 1%er (For Occupy Wall St.) Written on Day 26 of the Occupy Wall St. protest in New York City and Day 12 of the Occupy Albuquerque protest. They're making their move on NYC and Denver. Be prepared, my people. Love.

295708_10150366536349905_806244904_7896307_910752281_nThere will be a number of events this Saturday in New Mexico in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and as part of activities in 719 cities and 71 countries being held internationally all over the globe on that day.

Join Occupy Albuquerque on Saturday, October 15, at 12:00 Noon at the Wells Fargo Bank Nob Hill located at Richmond and Central Avenue in Albuquerque, NM. Fight corporate greed! Invite your friends! Come to protest, stay to celebrate. The protest will be followed by a family-friendly fiesta at Camp Coyote (UNM Campus at Yale and Central). Join us for music, art, comedy, and good company. Bring your instruments if you want to join in!

This is a celebration of consensus, direct democracy, and the movement that is sweeping the nation and the world. This is also a time to get to know your community.

Join Rebuild the Dream in Solidarity with Occupy NM in working with MoveOn and Southwest Organizing Project at Nob Hill, Wells Fargo Bank at SW corner of Central Ave. & Richmond Dr. SE, 3022 Central Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM, Saturday 10/15 from Noon to 2:00 PM. Sign-up here.

Occupy Los Angeles - The Beginning Is Near from Marta Evry on Vimeo.

Let's stand together and demand a solution to the jobs crisis, corporate money out of politics, fairer tax rates, and policies that work for 99% of Americans instead of the 1% at the top. Wall Street isn't the only place where greed is undermining the American Dream. By bringing these speak outs to Albuquerque and as many communities as possible, we'll help to spread and amplify the energy of the Occupy Wall Street protest across the country.

Right here, right now. This is when we stand up to those who have brought us to financial ruin and proudly align ourselves with those whose democratic innovations are breathing life into our finest ideals.

Occupy Santa Fe Gathering in Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street on Saturday, October 15 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM The Roundhouse, NM State Capital Bldg., Old SF Trail and Cerrillos, Santa Fe.

We will be gathering before 9:00 AM at our Base Camp location (St. Francis across from BOA) and we will march to The Roundhouse, arriving there by 10:00 AM. If you choose not to march, meet us there. Speakers are planned (with human microphone), break out groups, teach-ins, drumming, a meditation hour. We have chosen the state capitol grounds (East concourse) so that we have plenty of gathering space for general assembly.

Restrooms are open to us inside the building. Bring your placards and posters, water, a hat, your food. Dress for the weather. Leave no trash on the grounds.

Also check out related events organized by Occupy the Present Moment.

October 14, 2011 at 08:24 PM in Economy, Populism, Events, Finance, Investments, Jobs, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere), Rebuild the Dream, Santa Fe | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, October 06, 2011

10/8: ABQ Rally and March to End the Wars, Occupy Albuquerque

From ANSWER Coalition NM:
On the 10th anniversary of the Afghanistan war on Saturday, October 8, gather at the UNM bookstore at 11:00 AM for a PROTEST and DIE-IN, then March to University and Central in solidarity with the Occupy Albuquerque Encampment and Occupy Wall Street. We are the 99% -- Occupy Albuquerque!

Act Now to Stop War, End Racism, Stop Corporate Greed: $3 billion per day for war, 30 million unemployed. It's time to act! Sponsored by Albuquerque Coalition to Stop the Wars, ANSWER Coalition, Stop the War Machine, Vets for Peace

Help With Preparations: Come help build the October 8 protest. Banner and sign-making, phone banking -- Friday, October 7, starting at 6 PM at the ABQ Center for Peace and Justice, 202 Harvard (at Silver).

To get involved, to endorse, or for more information call 268-2488.

October 6, 2011 at 10:34 PM in Afghanistan, Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Events, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere), Peace | Permalink | Comments (0)

Eric Griego: Sign My Petition to Stand With the 99 Percent

Eric-Griego-2-cropped-proto-custom_6 This is a guest blog by Eric Griego, candidate for Congress in the NM-1 Democratic primary.

A growing movement of ordinary Americans from all walks of life are marching peacefully in communities throughout the nation to send this message to Washington and Wall Street: We’re fed up with Wall Street greed and Washington inaction on jobs. We need jobs, not cuts, and policies that benefit 99% of Americans instead of only the top 1%. This movement has the potential to change the debate in Washington –- but only if we all stand together.

Today, I stand in solidarity with the 99% and ask you to do the same.

Click here to sign my petition calling on Speaker John Boehner and Congress to build an economy that works for all of us, not just the richest 1% -- starting with jobs.

We will deliver these petitions to John Boehner personally in Washington -- and we'll bring the media along to make sure he feels the pressure.

The unacceptably high unemployment we have today was caused in large part by Wall Street’s rampant greed. Yet even after being bailed out by taxpayers, these big banks are raking in billions in bonuses while spending millions each year to lobby members of Congress to oppose sensible Wall Street reforms.

We can start by asking Wall Street to help pay for the economic mess they created.We can create jobs by passing a tax on Wall Street speculation.

But we must remember that while Wall Street certainly created a lot of the economic mess, Republicans in Congress shouldn’t escape responsibility. Even now, Republicans in Congress are refusing to pass the American Jobs Act put forward by President Obama. In fact, Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor bragged this week that he’ll never let the House vote on it.

It's time to tell the 1% and their supporters in Congress that we want our country back. Sign my petition to tell John Boehner: No more political games. No more wait. Get America working again.

We need Congress to create jobs, not play political games, and the next representative from the Albuquerque area must be willing to roll up their sleeves and stand their ground. That’s what I’ve done my whole life, and that’s why I’m running. As Congressman, I will fight to rebuild the American Dream.

This is a guest blog by Eric Griego. To submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.

October 6, 2011 at 09:44 PM in Economy, Populism, Eric Griego, Jobs, NM-01 Congressional Race 2012, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere) | |

Monday, October 03, 2011

Occupy Burque Day 3: Meeting at 6 PM, University and Central

Photo by M.E. Broderick

According to status updateson the Occupy Burque Facebook page:

Meeting today [Monday 10/3] at 6pm. University and Central. Rain may be on the way, as well as colder weather. Please bring any rain gear you can spare, tarps, ponchos, plastic bags and tubs. Community support has been great, let's keep it going! We made the front page of the Lobo today. Check YouTube and twitter for more media!

General Assembly strategy meeting 6pm at University and Central. Come be heard, contribute, camp. JOIN US. Contact me for needs of "occupiers". PASS IT ON! **You** are the 99%. Stand up! If not now, WHEN?

October 3, 2011 at 12:57 PM in Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Events, Jobs, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere) | Permalink | Comments (3)

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Day 2 of Occupy Burque: Activities Continue

Camp out area at UNM, Occupy Burque

The occupations continue. According to comments and photos by Lora Lucero on Facebook, about a dozen young people spent the night of October 1 camped out near the corner of Central and University Avenue in Albuquerque after the . Taking turns, they plan to occupy the space for the foreseeable future.

10.2.11 Assembly meeting at UNM

OccupyBurqueMeeting OccupyBurqueMeeting3

An assembly meeting was held today at 12:30 PM to discuss the goals of Occupy Burque, and another protest was held at the front of the Bank of the West today at 5:30 PM (Central and San Mateo). About 30 young people (and a few elders) attended the Assembly to discuss the goals and strategies of the Occupy Burque movement. Lora said she was very impressed with their focus on a democratic, consensus process.


Occupy Boston: Why we're here

We are the 99 percent. We are getting kicked out of our homes. We are forced to choose between groceries and rent. We are denied quality medical care. We are suffering from environmental pollution. We are working long hours for little pay and no rights, if we're working at all. We are getting nothing while the other 1 percent is getting everything. We are the 99 percent.

Brought to you by the people who occupy Wall Street. We are the 99 percent. Why will YOU occupy?,,, OccupyBurque Facebook

All Albuquerque photos by Lora Lucero.

October 2, 2011 at 08:47 PM in Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Finance, Investments, Jobs, Occupy Wall Street (Everywhere) | |


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