Saturday, November 10, 2007

Reliable Source: Tom Udall to Enter U.S. Senate Race

Rep. Tom Udall (R), his wife Jill Cooper Udall (L) and Tom's father, former Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall (C), with their paper ballots on election day 2006

According to a post yesterday on Heath Haussamen's blog, Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) will soon announce his entry into the race for the Dem nomination for U.S. Senate in New Mexico. The report is based on leaks from "reliable sources" that Udall has been calling "Dem insiders" and "some county party chairs" this week to inform them he's running. At last Saturday's Dem Party State Central Committee meeting, Udall indicated he'd be making his decision within two weeks.

Today's Albuquerque Journal featured a front-page article by Michael Coleman about Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez's responses to a potential run by Udall. Not surprisingly, Chavez says he''ll stay in the Senate race no matter what. Some have interpreted Udall's delay in officially announcing his Senate run as providing some time for Chavez to exit gracefully in the face of a challenge from a highly popular and proven statewide vote getter. No dice. By all accounts, grace is not one of Chavez's strong points.

As reported in Coleman's story,

Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chávez said Friday that speculation that he might drop out of the U.S. Senate race if Rep. Tom Udall gets in is just wishful or wrong-headed thinking. "That's someone's wishful thinking or else someone's mistaken speculation," Chávez said in a telephone interview Friday. ... "I'm in the race," Chávez said. "I believe in this race."

Meanwhile, the Udall camp had this to say in the Journal story:

Tom Nagle, Udall's chief of staff in Washington, said Friday that the congressman is close to announcing his decision— possibly as soon as next week. Nagle said Chávez's entry into the race hasn't factored into Udall's decision-making process. "It's not about the mayor; it's about who would be the best senator from New Mexico," Nagle said. "If he decides to run, Tom Udall believes that would be him."

Chavez was in Washington on Thursday for a meeting he requested with Sen. Chuck Schumer, who heads the DSCC, as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He apparently failed to convince them to remain uninvolved or to support his run. It's been widely reported that Schumer and other Senate Dems have been less than impressed with Chavez's chances in the race and have been actively encouraging stronger, more popular Dems to consider running, including Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and Rep. Udall. The pressure on Udall to run appeared to increase exponentially as polling data emerged showing he'd wallop both Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson in the general election, and Denish officially announced she wouldn't mount a Senate run.

Chavez is clearly trying to define Udall as being first and foremost the DSCC's candidate -- implying New Mexicans aren't behind his run. Marty has alternately claimed that Udall is "too far to the left" to succeed in a Senate run or that he and Udall hold the same positions on almost every issue. Pick one. Now Chavez has stooped to criticizing Udall for considering leaving his Congressional seat and his place on the House appropriations committee:

Chávez suggested that Udall, who recently earned a coveted seat on the House appropriations committee, would be doing a disservice to New Mexico if he gave up that seat. "That means we would send three freshman representatives and one freshman senator," to Washington, Chávez said. "It will be the weakest delegation in the history of New Mexico in terms of seniority. They won't have the clout to change a roll of toilet paper."

Always the gentleman, isn't he?

Other Candidates
Other candidates in the Senate race include Dems Don Wiviott, Jim Hannan and Leland Lehrman, all from Santa Fe. These three brave souls entered the Dem primary race months ago, when incumbent Repub Sen. Domenici was still insisting he would run for another term, and no other Dems had the gumption to challenge Pete. Hannan, who ran thousands of dollars worth of newspaper ads critical of Domenici and then Wilson, has said he will withdraw if Udall runs. No word yet from Wiviott, whose campaign has raised more than $400,000 from donors and loans from the candidate. Wiviott has been criss crossing the state for months, working hard on gaining support for his candidacy and reaching out to Dems of all stripes. It appears that Lehrman intends to continue in the race.

When Udall officially announces, expect a free for all of candidates to emerge in NM-03 where Tom will be giving up his seat. It's getting to be the norm in this unique election cycle in New Mexico. One thing that's become evident is the depth of the Democratic bench. The excitement being generated statewide for an unprecedented, across-the-board changing of the guard in New Mexico's House and Senate delegation can only grow stronger.

Race News
By the way, one of the most active forces encouraging Udall's run for Senate has been, where you can sign a petition supporting Udall for Senate, donate to the effort via ActBlue and keep track of developments in the race. Other good sources of race info nationally include the blogs Senate2008Guru and SwingStateProject. Locally, HeathHaussamen in Las Cruces, as well as community blog , the bloggers three at m-pyre and La Politica vet JoeMonahan in Albuquerque, are always on top of things. More will be revealed.

To read our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

November 10, 2007 at 12:08 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, November 05, 2007

More Video Clips: Rep. Tom Udall at State Party Meeting

UPDATE 11/6/07: I wanted to add another clip, this one from KOAT-TV:


In clip 3 of 5, Rep. Tom Udall on supporting our troops.

I've uploaded a few more short video clips from Rep. Tom Udall's speech Saturday at the Democratic Party of New Mexico's State Central Committee meeting at CNM's Smith-Brasher Hall in Albuquerque. See my previous post with video of Rep. Udall saying he'll announce whether he will run for U.S. Senate within two weeks, plus photos and commentary.

The video above (Part 3 of 5) has Udall speaking about supporting our troops and how the Iraq invasion was the major foreign policy blunder in U.S. history. Also see these video clips:

Part 2 of 5: Click for comments on needing 60 votes in the Senate to end the war and overcome filibusters in the Senate on other bills passed in the House.

Part 4 of 5: Click for comments on expanding children's health care with S-CHIP

Part 5 of 5: Protecting and defending our privacy rights and the U.S. Constitution:

Although the clip above cuts off, Udall continues with a statement of support for holding the telecoms accountable for their cooperation with the Bush administration in conducting illegal warrantless surveillance. He also says he'd rather lose an election than vote to give away rights guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

We wish we could have gotten video of Udall's entire speech, as well as the many other rousing and articulate speeches of Dem candidates for U.S. Senate and U.S. House seats in NM-01 and NM-02, and other important parts of the NM State Central Committee meeting. However, it's difficult to get everything when you're also active participants in the meeting with membership on the SCC. I will be posting more photos and commentary on the SCC meeting though, so stay tuned.

Also, bear with us on the video quality. We're currently using the limited video function of a still digital camera for these clips. However, plans are afoot to get a real digial video cam for future use. Tick tock.

See our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico in our archive. Also see the revamped Draft Udall website and coverage at . All video by M.E. Broderick.

November 5, 2007 at 10:15 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, November 04, 2007

(Updated) Tom Udall on Possible Senate Run: Two Weeks to Decide

UPDATE: See more video of Rep. Udall speaking at the SCC meeting in my Monday post.
Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) spoke to New Mexico Democrats yesterday at the Party's State Central Committee meeting at Smith-Brasher hall at CNM in Albuquerque. Bottom line: Udall will take another two weeks to listen to what the people and his family have to say, and weigh the pros and cons of giving up his secure U.S. House seat in Northern New Mexico before making a decision on entering the 2008 U.S. Senate in New Mexico (video above).

Udall (R) had many conversations with Dems at the meeting

Udall spent a lot of time mingling and listening to what Democrats at the meeting had to say about the possibility of his entering the race. Many of them were urging him to step right in, no doubt about it.

Part of the Run, Tom, Run brigade greets Udall

Udall entered the hall to a standing ovation, loud chants of "Run, Tom, Run" and a multitude of waving signs urging the same. His speech touched on many of today's hot button issues including Iraq, supporting our troops by getting them out of harm's way, protecting civil liberties, holding the telecoms accountable for warrantless surveillance and providing expanded children's health care. He emphasized that we need 60 votes in the Senate to overcome filibusters on bills that the U.S. House has been passing  on matters like ending the war and regaining and preserving our Constitutional rights. It certainly sounded to me like he was leaning towards running to take back the seat held for so long by Pete Domenci, and helping to make that 60 vote majority a reality in the Senate.

More Run, Tom, Run during Udall's speech

I'll be writing much more about the business conducted at Saturday's SCC meeting and the rousing speeches of candidates for the U.S House and Senate, as well as posting more video and photos. Today's my partner's birthday, however, and we'll be celebrating that first and foremost! Check back later today and tomorrow for more coverage as time permits.

Udall belting out the Star Spangled Banner with other Dems

See our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico in our archive. Also see the revamped Draft Udall website and coverage at .

Click on photos for larger images. All photos and video by M.E. Broderick, who's NOT a professional but does pretty darn good with a small digital camera's limited capabilities. We're hoping to get a real video camera soon but, in the meantime, the less than top-notch quality of the video will have to suffice.

November 4, 2007 at 09:51 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Local Politics, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (12)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

NM Congressional Candidate Scorecard Time Again

Here's the lastest news on the political candidate musical chairs front in New Mexico. Dem Lt. Gov. Diane Denish told the Albuquerque Journal she's "still considering" a U.S. Senate run and doesn't expect to make a decision for "several weeks." She also said she'd recently spoken to several female Senators and elected officials about the possibility of her candidacy, including an unexpected call from Sen. Hillary Clinton. "I don't think it's a decision to rush. I want to work it through and make a decision," Denish said.

Former Attorney General Patricia Madrid has announced she won't run for Senate but said she's still considering running for Congress in NM-01. I'll have more on that later this morning.

On the Repub side, State Land Commissioner Pat Lyons announced he won't run for U.S. Senate due to the "crowded field." And Spiro Vasilopoulis has told the AP he's not running despite his earlier announcement that he'd do so.

I'm sure I'll be reissuing this scorecard many times before the nominations are secured on both sides of the aisle. Let me know if you have any other updates. As far as I can piece it together, here's how it stands now:



  • In: Santa Fe small business owner Don Wiviott; Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez; Santa Fe publisher Leland Lehrman; Santa Fe Community Housing Trust Finance Director Jim Hannan
  • Out: Gov. Bill Richardson; former AG Patricia Madrid; Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03)
  • Pondering: Lt. Gov. Diane Denish


  • In: Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01); Steve Pearce (NM-02)
  • Out: State Land Commissioner Patrick Lyons; oil industry investor Spiro G. Vassilopoulos
  • Pondering: ?



  • In: ABQ City Councilor Martin Heinrich; former Secretary of NM Public Health Department Michelle Lujan Grisham; attorney Jon Adams
  • Out: State Rep. Al Park; State Treasurer James Lewis
  • Pondering: Former AG Patricia Madrid


  • In: Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White
  • Out:
  • Pondering: State Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones; State Sen. Mark Boitano; State Sen. John Ryan; State Sen. Joe Carraro



  • In: Dona Ana County Commissioner Bill McCamley; retired minister Al Kisslling; conservative oilman and former Lea County Commission Chairman Harry Teague
  • Out:
  • Pondering: State Rep. Joseph Cervantes; State Sen. John Arthur Smith (who lost to Pearce in 2002)


  • In:
  • Out: Incumbent Rep. Steve Pearce (running for Senate)
  • Pondering: Dona Ana County State Senator and Minority Whip Lee Rawson; Socorro State Rep. Don Tripp; Roswell oilman Phelps Anderson; Sierra County GOP Chairman Earl Greer; K-Bob's steakhouse chain owner Ed Tinsley; State Rep. Gray of Artesia; State Rep. Bratton of Lea



  • In: Tom Udall, incumbent


  • In: No names floated yet

You can compare this updated scorecard with our previous version.

October 18, 2007 at 09:26 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

(Updated) Get Your Scorecard: U.S. Senate and House Races in New Mexico

FlashHave you ever felt such powerful, crackling, constantly changing political lightning flashing all over New Mexico? To say the situation has been fast-paced and fluid since Sen. Domenici announced his retirement would be a huge understatement. The phone companies must be making a bundle on the traffic being generated by all the speculating, negotiating, analyzing, strategizing, gossiping and bitching that been going on every political level in all parts of the state. So where do we stand right now? Here's a basic scorecard (UPDATED 10.12.07):



IN: Santa Fe sustainable developer Don Wiviott; Albuquerque Mayor Marty Chavez; Santa Fe Community Housing Trust Finance Director Jim Hannan; Santa Fe publisher Leland Lehrman

OUT: Gov. Bill Richardson; Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03)

STILL PONDERING: Lt. Gov. Diane Denish; former Attorney General Patricia Madrid


IN: Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01); Roswell oilman Spiro Vassilopoulos


STILL PONDERING: NM Land Commissioner Pat Lyons



IN: Albuquerque City Councilor Martin Heinrich; Attorney Jon Adams; former Secretary of NM Department of Public Health Michelle Lujan Grisham

OUT: State Rep. Al Park; State Treasurer James Lewis; former Attorney General Patricia Madrid



IN: Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White

STILL PONDERING: State Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones; State Sen. Mark Boitano; State Sen. John Ryan; State Senator Joe Carraro



IN: Dona Ana County Commissioner Bill McCamley; Minister Al Kissling

STILL PONDERING: State Rep. Joseph Cervantes


UNKNOWN: Current Rep. Steve Pearce (may run for U.S. Senate)

MAY BE PONDERING: K-Bob's Steakhouse owner Ed Tinsley; Roswell State Rep. Dan Foley



IN: Current Rep. Tom Udall (considered a shoe-in)


IN: No names being floated yet

Check our archives for previous posts on these races:

October 10, 2007 at 03:39 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (5)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Rep. Tom Udall Officially Announces He'll Stay in U.S. House

As I reported last night, Dem Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03) won't be running for Domenici's Senate seat. Udall issued the following statement today announcing his intentions to remain an appropriator in the majority of U.S. House of Representatives. Udall believes that is where he can best serve New Mexico and our nation:

“I know all New Mexicans and Americans join me in saluting the career and accomplishments of Senator Pete Domenici. His service to our nation has been remarkable, and we wish him and his family our best.

“The election to replace Sen. Domenici in 2008 will be a tough one but I have every reason to believe I could win it. I also believe, however, that as I continue to gain in seniority in the House, assume more of a leadership role, assert my authority on the Appropriations committee and pass significant legislation like my bill to promote renewable energy, I am in the right place to serve New Mexico and the country.

“As a member of the House I have consistently stood up against the war in Iraq, against infringements on our Constitutional rights, and against favors for the special interests. I believe the House of Representatives, the “people’s house,” can fix the mess the administration has gotten us into. I want to stay in the House and do just that.   

Udall was appointed at the start of the 110th Congress to the House Committee on Appropriations, which is responsible for setting all House expenditure levels for the federal government. His three subcommittee assignments include the Subcommittee on Interior and Environment Appropriations, the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and the Subcommittee on Legislative Branch.

October 5, 2007 at 12:37 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

ActBlue Fundraising Totals for NM Dem Congressional Candidates

As of September 30, 2007 via ActBlue online fundraising:

Don Wiviott for U.S. Senate: $60,698, including $644 from local blog effort Beat Back Bush New Mexico, most of it this past quarter.

Jim Hannan for U.S. Senate: $75

Martin Heinrich for Congress NM-01: $71,954 including $530 from local blog efforts Beat Back Bush New Mexico and $1000 from DFNM Netroots for Heinrich. About $40,000 of that was raised during this past quarter. Heinrich had raised about $181,000 from all sources through the second quarter.

Jon Adams for Congress NM-01: $4,801, all of it this past quarter.

Bill McCamley for Congress NM-02: $31,225, about $20,000 of that during the past quarter.

Al Kissling for Congress NM-02: $795

Rep. Tom Udall hasn't yet raised any money using ActBlue.

Official third quarter fundraising reports from all sources for these candidates are due by October 15, 2007 at the Federal Election Commission.

October 2, 2007 at 04:06 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, September 28, 2007

ABQ United Nations Association to Present Congressional Candidate Forum on UN Issues

The Albuquerque chapter of the United Nations Association of the USA and the UNM World Affairs Delegation will present a Congressional candidate forum to address USA-United Nations issues. The focus: How should the United States of America work with the United Nations to combat terrorism, reduce povery, reduce abuses of human rights and control epidemic infectious diseases?

The forum will be held on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 7:00 PM at the Albuquerque Mennonite Church, 1300 Girard NE (one block north of Constitution; about 8 blocks from the UNM Law School or 500 yards north of Lomas). The event is open to the public at no charge.

All candidates in the NM primary election races for the US House of Representatives and Senate have been invited to present their views of United States-United Nations issues. Since the United Nations has so many facets, each participant may select his or her own topic to discuss. However, we have suggested concentrating on controversial subjects such as:

  • Enlargement of the Security Council.
  • To block a Security Council action, more than one permanent member must cast a veto.
  • Should the USA become a member state of the International Criminal Court?
  • Should there be a permanent UN rapid reaction force?
  • What role is there for the UN in Iraq?

The moderator will be Professor Mark Peceny, Chair of the Dept. of Political Science at UNM. Each candidate would speak for 10 minutes. After each has spoken, there would be questions from the audience, from the moderator and from one another. Please contact Maureen Wright for more info: 881-4536,

Editor's Note: You're urged to encourage the Congressional primary candidates of both parties in your district to participate in this forum. You know what to do!

September 28, 2007 at 12:13 PM in Current Affairs, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)