Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Video-David Iglesias on Darren White: "A Shoot from the Hip Kind of Lawman"; Also Disses Heather Wilson

Here's a blockbuster clip of New Mexico's former U.S. Attorney, David Iglesias, answering a question about Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White at a recent appearance at Bookworks in Albuquerque. Iglesias, a Republican, was discussing his new book, In Justice: Inside the Scandal That Rocked the Bush Administration. White, also a Republican, is running for Congress in NM-01.

Iglesias quotes from his book to describe White as "a shoot from the hip kind of lawman" who "shoots first, aims later." Iglesias also says,"I've been very disappointed in Darren. He doesn't understand his duties as a Sheriff. He put, and, this is what I'm very critical of people like [Alberto] Gonzales [as well], they put loyalty to their party at a higher level than their loyalty to the Constitution. Darren did the same thing. So I hope the voters understand that, come November."

He then discusses White's unprofessional behavior in pushing him to file voter fraud charges despite their being no evidence of such fraud in New Mexico.

George Bush is coming to Albuquerque on Tuesday, May 27th, for a big-ticket fundraiser to benefit Darren White's Congressional campaign and the New Mexico GOP. Could White be more joined at the hip to Bush and his administration's often unconstitutional or illegal actions related to the U.S. Justice Department? Never forget, White served as Bush's campaign chairman in Bernalillo County during the 2004 presidential race.

UPDATE: Also see an expanded clip of this exchange from the New Mexico Independent that includes Iglesias' criticism of Heather Wilson and her phone call pressuring him about issuing indictments in a political corruption case involving Democrats. Heather Wilson is battling Steve Pearce in the GOP primary for U.S. Senate.

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May 21, 2008 at 11:55 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Books, Election Reform & Voting, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, U.S. Attorney Iglesias | Permalink | Comments (3)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NM-01: Another Labor Endorsement for Heinrich

Today, the New Mexico Building Trades Council officially endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01. The Building Trades Council is an organization with 16 affiliated unions representing ironworkers, plumbers and pipefitters, electrical workers, asbestos workers, bricklayers, craftworkers, painters, sheet metal workers, elevator constructors, laborers, operating engineers, plasters & cement masons, roofers, sprinkler fitters, teamsters, boilmakers and more. Check out the many unions that have endorsed Heinrich's campaign here.

And, just for fun, check out Martin's post on Duke City Fix about his ten favorite things about Albuquerque. It's getting lots of action.

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May 20, 2008 at 01:41 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

NM-01: Blue America Welcomes Heinrich at FDL Live Blog

Join in at Firedoglake today starting at Noon Mountain time. Martin Heinrich's campaign released a new video today, which highlights his commitment to middle class issues like creating jobs and improving our economy.

May 17, 2008 at 12:03 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, May 16, 2008

NM-01: NEA Endorses Heinrich

From Martin Heinrich for Congress: Today, the National Education Association (NEA) announced their support for Martin Heinrich. The NEA is the 14th major union to support Martin Heinrich's candidacy. No other First Congressional District candidate has received a union endorsement.

The NEA is the third major teacher's organization to endorse Martin's candidacy. The Albuquerque Federation of Teachers Local 1420 and the American Federation of Teachers New Mexico previously endorsed Martin Heinrich.

"From my experience working with kids at the Cottonwood Gulch Foundation, I know first hand how a quality public education can enhance a child's life and create opportunities that might not otherwise be available." said Martin Heinrich. "We must make sure our teachers have the resources they need to open doors and create opportunities for all of New Mexico's children."

The NEA represents 3.2 million teachers nationwide.

DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. Please do what you can to support his campaign in New Mexico's First Congressional District.

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May 16, 2008 at 12:39 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich to Live Blog at Firedoglake This Saturday

Coming Soon: Bush in Albuquerque

Dem NM-01 candidate Martin Heinrich will be live blogging at the prominent national blog Firedoglake this Saturday, May 17, at Noon MDT. He'll be highlighting the fact that George Bush himself will be visiting the District on May 27th to raise big chunks of money for Martin's likely Repub opponent, Darren White, and the New Mexico GOP.

White clearly wants to take advantage of Bush's still formidable fundraising abilities within elite circles of the GOP by sneaking in a visit from Mr. Campaign Toxicity early on, so people will forget he was ever here when Fall rolls around. White's already been making noises about how "independent" he is from the disastrous Bush agenda, but this fundraising visit says otherwise. The man who chaired Bush's 2004 campaign in Bernalillo County is still close to Bush no matter what he tries to say to the contrary.

So what can we do to help offset the corrosive effects of GOP big donor money being sucked into the wrong side of the NM-01 race by a visit from the most consistently unpopular president in modern times? Visit Firedoglake this Saturday and join in the brainstorming, for starters.

If there's one thing I know about this election cycle it's that progressives nationwide will be working together to elect Dems with integrity up and down the ticket everywhere we can. Get in on the ground floor of the networking this Saturday at FDL.

The Blue America '08 page on ActBlue, supported by Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars, Digby and Down With Tyranny, has so far raised more than $327,000 for Dem candidates, including over $2,800 for Heinrich's campaign.

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May 15, 2008 at 01:32 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich Unveils First TV Ad, Stresses Working Class Roots

Democrat Martin Heinrich, running for Congress in NM-01, has released a video of his first TV ad (above). The ad --which will start airing tomorrow -- stresses his working class roots, his dedication to working class values and his experience fighting for families and their interests in New Mexico. I like the quick cut style, which should be very effective in getting viewers' attention on a TV screen.

None of the other candidates in the First District race on either side of the aisle have, to my knowledge, aired any TV advertising so far. With the June 3rd primary only weeks away, I expect we'll see more action on TV soon from those who can afford it.

Text version:

The son of an electrician and a factory worker, Martin Heinrich learned early on the value of hard work and fighting for what's right. That's why as a City Councilor, Martin Heinrich led the fight to raise the minimum wage. It's why Governor Richardson appointed Martin Natural Resources Trustee, where he fought to clean up the water in the South Valley.

Now Martin Heinrich is running for Congress to fight for new priorities. To bring our troops home from Iraq and focus on families here. I'm Martin Heinrich and I approved this message. 

The Heinrich campaign has also been very active on the internet, with an ongoing web ad campaign expected to get more than 500K impressions, primarily in the District. The ad also gives a prominent spot to their campaign website URL, underlining the tech savvy nature of Heinrich's operation.

DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. Please consider donating some time or money to his campaign.

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May 14, 2008 at 03:07 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

NM-01: Darren White's (More Than) White Lies

DwhiteBernalillo County Sherfiff Darren White was for drug decriminalization before he was against it. Or something. And it appears that he lies about the reason he resigned his post as Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety in 1999. Not good for a candidate running on his "integrity."

For awhile now Darren White, the GOP's presumed candidate for Congress in NM-01, has been explaining his resignation as Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety in the Gary Johnson administration as a moral stand against Johnson's call for discussions on decriminalizing certain drugs, starting with marijuana. Johnson had proclaimed that the nation's "war on drugs" was a miserable failure and that new thinking on the matter was critical. He compared America's illegal drug policies to the nation's previous misbegotten attempt at liquor prohibition.

White has repeatedly said he couldn't go along with Johnson's position on drug decriminalization, and that he had to leave the administration to make that point. His campaign website says:

White served as Cabinet Secretary for the New Mexico Department of Public Safety under Governor Gary Johnson ... White resigned his Cabinet position after Governor Johnson began advocating the legalization of drugs.

The trouble with White's explanation is two-fold. For one thing, he's quoted in the The November Coalition's publication Razor Wire in 1999 essentially agreeing with Johnson's stance:

State Public Safety Secretary Darren White said the federal government spends about $17 billion annually to fight drugs, including about $6 million in New Mexico. "And we're probably only seizing 5 to 15 percent of all the drugs coming into the country," White said in an interview. "We're not going to arrest ourselves out of this drug problem. The governor is absolutely right. We should be looking at other options because our current policy is failing."

Kinda undermines White's excuse for resigning as Secretary of Public Safety, doesn't it? However, it's not surprising that White would try to cover up the real reason he gave up his post -- an overwhelming vote of 'no confidence" in White by members of the New Mexico Police Association. In September 1999, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported that "89 percent of ballots cast by members of [the] state police association express lack of faith in public safety secretary's leadership." The NMPA "described White as inexperienced, immature and a glory hound." There was a 61% turnout for the vote.

The paper also quoted Rick Anglada, then vice president of the Police Association, who said, "A good leader needs to gain the people's trust... you talk to our members, and they don't trust him because he says one thing and does another."

So much for "integrity" on the part of Darren White.

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May 14, 2008 at 10:53 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (3)

Monday, May 12, 2008

NM-01: Albuquerque Journal Endorses Heinrich

Mheinrich1Yesterday, the Albuquerque Journal endorsed Democrat Martin Heinrich for Congress in New Mexico's First District primary race. Their editorial explaining their decision cites his success as a consensus builder on the Albuquerque City Council, as well as his talent for problem-solving that arises from top-notch listening and communication skills. The Journal also coined a new phrase -- the Heinrich Maneuver:

1st Congressional District Democrat — Heinrich: The partisan two-step is a common dance during the political season: A step toward the party regulars who often determine the primary results, a step back toward the center in time for the general election.

But Martin Heinrich established a record of putting one foot in front of the other to build consensus on the often contentious Albuquerque City Council. His liberal leanings are clear, but so is the pragmatism and respect for other points of view that endow Heinrich with the ability to listen, accommodate and move difficult initiatives forward. That would be a welcome talent in Congress.

The Heinrich Maneuver was key to navigating the controversy of the city minimum wage ordinance and producing a measure that the business community and activists could live with. It was apparent outside of City Hall when he worked with ranchers, Native Americans and outdoor recreation interests to build the bridges that helped lead to federal establishment of the Ojito Wilderness.

Issues topping Heinrich's list that are in dire need of consensus include health care reform, re-energizing the economy with investments in green technology, middle-class tax relief, securing U.S. borders and setting a realistic timeline for withdrawing from Iraq. An electrical engineer by training, he has a keen appreciation of the national labs' role in national security, research and the New Mexico economy.

The Journal endorses Martin Heinrich in the Democratic primary.

DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. You're encouraged to donate a few hours of your time or a few bucks to his campaign as the primary election date of June 3rd nears.

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May 12, 2008 at 09:59 AM in Media, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Reminder: Heinrich Celebration and BBQ This Afternoon 2-4 PM

The Martin Heinrich for Congress campaign is celebrating the official grand opening of their office today from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Everyone's invited to 141 Adams NE in Albuquerque for hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie options, live music and games for the kids. Click for FLYER with complete info.

May 10, 2008 at 12:57 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

NM-01: SEIU Endorses Martin Heinrich

Yesterday the local and national branches of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) formally endorsed Martin Heinrich's campaign for Congress. They're the 13th union to officially endorse Martin's candidacy. No other 1st Congressional District candidate has received a union endorsement.

"Martin Heinrich is a relentless fighter for working families" said Megan Sweeney, SEIU Regional Political Director. "Martin comes from humble roots and those values have guided him throughout his life. From winning the tough minimum wage fight to creating good jobs, Martin Heinrich has a strong record of standing with middle class New Mexicans. In Congress, Martin will lead the fight to turn our economy around and create stable, good paying jobs."

"SEIU is an effective advocate for thousands of hardworking New Mexicans and I'm honored to have their support," said Martin Heinrich. "Stagnating wages, skyrocketing gas prices, out of control healthcare costs and the high price of college tuition are putting a strain on too many New Mexico families. In Congress, I'll work to improve our economy and provide relief to working families."

SEIU represents 1.9 million workers nationwide. Learn more here. Click to visit the Martin Heinrich campaign website.

DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress.

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May 7, 2008 at 09:35 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)