Tuesday, July 08, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich Once Again in Top 5 ActBlue Fundraisers

Martin getting the treatment at a recent visit to a local farmer's market

ActBlue reported its latest weekly fundraising totals this morning, and NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich is once again in the top five:

Top Fundraisers on ActBlue June 30-July 6, 2008:
1. Darcy Burner | WA-08 | $112,706.88
2. Rick Noriega | TX-Sen | $93,572.22
3. Kay Hagan | NC-Sen | $86,021.37
4. Joseph Sestak, Jr. | PA-07 | $55,892.32
5. Martin Heinrich | NM-01 | $34,164.38
6. Scott Harper | IL-13 | $27,447.31
7. Dan Seals | IL-10 | $27,351.66
8. Mark Warner | VA-Sen | $26,639.75
9. Ronnie Musgrove | MS-Sen | $24,269.01
10. Andrew Rice | OK-Sen | $22,999.19

ActBlue has this to say about Martin:

The Heinrich campaign's end-of-quarter fundraising push, initially set to raise $35,000 and "Fill the Balloon!" on its website, launched the balloon into the stratosphere of political fundraising by bringing in nearly $100,000. Heinrich's weekly total is nearly double the amount he brought in only two weeks ago, which first catapulted him onto our Top 10 list.

See our previous post about Heinrich's fundraising success via ActBlue. Martin was ranked fourth on ActBlue last week and fifth the week before. No word yet on Heinrich's total fundraising for the period April thru June. The campaign's report to the FEC for the second quarter is due by July 15th.

Hike Winners
By the way, the winners of the Hike with Martin drawing were revealed over the weekend to be Daniel I., Karen F. and Don & Hilda W. Everyone who donated to the campaign between June 19th and the end of the month were entered in the drawing. The hike will take place in one of Martin's favorite hiking areas sometime later this month, and the campaign says it will post photos.

Martin Heinrich is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please support him with whatever you can afford in terms of time and/or money.

Technorati Tags:

July 8, 2008 at 12:16 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tom Udall in Lead at LCV's Give Green


Over the weekend, New Mexico's U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall took the lead in Give Green donations over his cousin Mark, who's running for U.S. Senate in Colorado. As of today, Tom's campaign has garnered more than $2,400 from 71 donors since the site launched a little over a week ago -- the most of any candidate on the site. Meanwhile, NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich has received more than $870 to date in Give Green donations from 48 donors. Haven't heard of Give Green? Keep on reading.

The League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, which works to turn environmental values into national priorities, recently launched Give Green, the first donation bundling website to raise money exclusively for environmental champions and candidates. The non-partisan website at is similar to the highly successful ActBlue and EMILY’s List fundraising sites, but is unaffiliated. Why did LCV decide to launch Give Green? 

“Ever increasing numbers of environmental voters and donors live in every part of the country,” LCVAF President Gene Karpinski said in a statement. “But America’s clean energy future is not just a local issue. Give Green makes it easy for concerned citizens to support not only local environmental candidates, but also future members of Congress from across the country who will fight for a clean, renewable energy future.”

Today, Give Green features 20 federal candidates who are environmental champions and who have earned LCV’s endorsement. As the election nears, other champions will be added to the site.

“Give Green is the bundling portal for the whole environmental movement,” LCV Board Member and Friends of the Earth President Brent Blackwelder said. “This site will be a great tool for the environmental community to help elect pro-environment candidates and to change the face of Washington.”

“This is for donors from both parties to join together in support of environmental issues,” former Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) said. “For the first time, Americans from every party who are committed to clean, renewable energy and conservation will be able to express their support through meaningful financial backing of environmental champions.”

To donate to one or all of LCV's Give Green candidates. You can also create your own page there to raise funds for a candidate, just as you can at similar sites like ActBlue.

Technorati Tags:

July 8, 2008 at 10:38 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Environment, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Catching Up After the Fourth

Dem float in Capitan NM 4th of July parade*

The long Independence Day weekend has been a welcome respite from blogging and politics, but now it's time to jump back into the fray. Here are a few items to help you do just that:

Following on rumors bubbling up over the holiday weekend, the DNCC announced that Obama will give his nomination acceptance speech on the final day of the Dem Convention in Denver at Mile High stadium (er, Invesco Field), where the Broncos play. Pepsi Center, site of the Convention, holds 20,000. Mile High 75,000. All of Thursday evening's Convention events will take place at the stadium and the public will included in the festivities.

Iraqi prime minister al-Maliki is signaling he just might want to set a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops. Imagine that.

Nathan P. Small's post on Heath Haussamen responds very effectively to Jim Scarantino's claim that Rep. Steve Pearce's phony Dona Ana County public lands bill is a widely supported and effective way to protect the Organ Mountains and other natural jewels down south. But then, passing off an anti-public lands bill as being pro-public lands is something of a GOP habit.

The New York Times profiles Mark and Tom Udall and examines the pluses and minuses of their family's history of environmental activism.

Another photo from the Capitan NM 4th of July parade*

Contrary to the talking heads, Obama has Hispanic voters solidly behind him according to polling by Gallup. In June, Obama had the support of 59% compared to McCain's 29% nationally. And in data collected by Pacific Market Research and combined for the Southwestern battleground states, which include New Mexico, Obama is leading McCain 57 percent to 26 percent. Read the New Mexico Independent by Marjorie Childress for more.

An anti-worker business PAC is backing Darren White for Congress in NM-01.

U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will appear at Netroots Nation in Austin on Saturday morning, July 19th to take questions. (You can submit your question at the link.) Our state should be well-represented at the blogger convention. Mary Ellen and I will be there, as will Matt of New Mexico FBIHOP and a number of other New Mexicans who participate at Daily Kos. Dem Congressional candidates Martin Heinrich (NM-01) and Ben Ray Luján (NM-03) will be panelists for a discussion on New Mexico: Case Study for the Interior West.

*Note: Photos sent along from Dem Ellen Wedum, who's running for the NM House in HD 59. She had this to say about the celebration in Capitan: "I was in the 4th of July parade in Capitan (which is actually 2 miles west of the border of House District 59 in Lincoln County) and both NM-02 Congressional candidate Ed Tinsley and his wife were there. Lots of Tinsley stickers around. Both HD 57 candidates, Democrat Mary Barron and Republican Dennis Kintigh, were there -- Capitan is in HD 57. My HD 59 opponent, Nora Espinoza, was not. She missed a fun parade. The Capitan main street is lined with trees and friendly people."

Meanwhile, NM-02 Dem Congressional candidate Harry Teague visited five communities during the holiday weekend.

Technorati Tags:

July 7, 2008 at 10:10 AM in 2008 Democratic Convention, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, Democratic Party, Environment, Iraq War, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, July 04, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich and Vets; 4th of July Holiday Schedule

Heinrich with veterans at Bataan Memorial Park yesterday

Yesterday, local veterans hosted a press conference for Martin Heinrich to express their support for his campaign for Congress. They have banded together to form Veterans for Heinrich and will work over the coming months with Heinrich to address veterans' issues, according to a statement from the campaign. "Our troops put their lives and their families on hold in order to serve their fellow Americans," said Heinrich. "We owe them a great debt of gratitude and I intend to make sure Congress repays this debt."

Brigadier General George Franzen introduced Heinrich at the conference and will co-chair the committee with his wife Lisa Franzen. They are both veterans and residents of Placitas. "Martin has a deep and serious concern for all our veterans, those now returning from combat as well as veterans from earlier conflicts. As a 29-year veteran of the Air Force, I know we can count on Martin Heinrich to make the changes we need in our nation."

Heinrich thanked the crowd for their support and expressed his support for veterans at home and deployed. "Our soldiers have bravely fought hostile enemies abroad. They should never have to fight federal bureaucrats here at home for the benefits they have earned."

Schedule for Holiday Weekend
Heinrich will be visiting with folks in every county in the First Congressional District during the Fourth of July holiday weekend:

Friday, July 4th

  • 10:00 a.m. Marching in the Corrales Parade along with his family
  • 11:00 a.m. Attending ceremony marking the 232nd anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, held at the Rio Rancho Veterans Monument Park
  • 1:00 p.m. Attending 4th of July Festival in Moriarty, located at Festival Park
  • 2:30 p.m. Meeting with Edgewood residents at Chili Hill Restaurant
  • 4:00 p.m. Attending Albuquerque's annual celebration of Independence Day, held at Balloon Fiesta Park
  • 5:00 p.m. Attending 4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza
  • 6:45 p.m. Attending 4th of July events in Los Lunas at Daniel Fernandez Park

Saturday, July 5th

  • 10:00 a.m. Marching in Mountainair Firecracker Jubilee Parade

Martin Heinrich is a True Blue New Mexico candidate. Please do what you can to support his campaign.

Technorati Tags:

July 4, 2008 at 09:57 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, July 03, 2008

NM-01: Press Conference Today Marks Official Launch of Veterans for Heinrich

In honor of Independence Day, local veterans will host a press conference at 11 AM today, July 3rd, at Bataan Memorial Park in support of NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich. According to a statement from the campaign, this will also mark the official launch of Veterans for Heinrich. In attendance with Heinrich will be Brigadier General George Franzen and Lisa Franzen, both veterans, as well as other local veterans and supporters of Martin Heinrich's campaign for change.

Technorati Tags:

July 3, 2008 at 10:00 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Tonight: Meet Campaign Staff at Obama for NM Meeting in ABQ

Obama's speech on patriotism yesterday in Independence MO

RSVP for tonight's Obama for New Mexico meeting in Albuquerque and meet the campaign's new staff members. You can also find out what's happening now that the national campaign is in full gear, and get deputized so you can register voters. This weekly meeting has now moved to larger quarters:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 7-8:00 PM
Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall
510 San Pedro SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Also check out the many events scheduled in the coming weeks, including a massive voter registration drive before and during Fourth of July events around the state.

You can get trained and signed up as a voter registrar beforehand at a number of gatherings around New Mexico. And on Thursday, July 3rd, you're invited to get creative and make signs for the Independence Day actions at the campaign office of NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich.

At the New Mexico page on the main Obama campaign website, you can find and sign up with an Obama group near you, get local and national news and stay current on campaign activities. If you live in Santa Fe, also check out the Santa Fe Grassroots for Obama blog.

It's time to gear up and get involved. Can you feel it?

Technorati Tags:

July 1, 2008 at 12:37 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM-01: Heinrich Fundraising "Skyrockets" on ActBlue

Heinrich in discussion with campaign manager Jon Blair

Once again, NM-01 Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich was among the top weekly recipients of campaign funds on ActBlue, coming in at #4 just behind widely popular and high-profile Senate candidate Mark Warner:

Top 10 Candidates on ActBlue, June 24-30, 2008
Rick Noriega | TX-Sen | $119,418.37
Kay Hagan | NC-Sen | $88,551.01
Mark Warner | VA-Sen | $47,225.00
Martin Heinrich | NM-01 | $46,252.43
Joseph Sestak, Jr. | PA-07 | $30,809.50
Barack Obama | President | $26,535.80
Jeff Merkley | OR-Sen | $25,392.64
Bob Lord | AZ-03 | $25,255.39
Mark Begich | AK-Sen | $23,704.29
Joshua Segall | AL-03 | $22,661.00

As I posted previously, Heinrich was #5 in ActBlue fundraising the week before, from June 17-23. ActBlue had this to say about Heinrich's recent online fundraising:

Heinrich's fundraising numbers have continued to skyrocket, making last week his most successful showing yet on ActBlue. After the campaign's original goal to raise $35,000 by the end of the quarter was "obliterated," the campaign quickly surpassed their increased goal of $50,000. The campaign has since raised their target to $75,000. All of the contributors in this drive were entered into a drawing to 'Hike with Heinrich' on one of his favorite trails in New Mexico's 1st District.

When all was said and done at Midnight last night, Heinrich actually raised almost $100,000 in the campaign's one-and-a-half week end of quarter push that started with a $35,000 goal -- showing the strong support he's getting from the grassroots-netroots.

Since his campaign fundraising began on ActBlue, supporters have donated a total of $305,781 to Heinrich there. Of that, $3,263.31 was raised via ActBlue pages established by the Democracy for New Mexico blog, or both of us working together on campaigns like True Blue New Mexico. And we're just getting started.

Heinrich will need every penny as the general election cycle heats up. Heinrich's opponent, Darren White, has already received about $300,000 from a George Bush fundraiser in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, and another sizeable take at this past weekend's fundraiser hosted by outgoing NM-01 Rep. Heather Wilson. Because this is one of the premier races in the nation and the GOP would love to hang onto the seat, expect money to gush in from all the usual Repub suspects. We can't let that go unchallenged.

We hear that final numbers for Heinrich's fundraising in the second quarter of 2008 will take a few days to compile, but if his ActBlue totals are any indication, Martin had an excellent fundraising period to kick off his general election run. Final numbers are due at the FEC by July 15th.

Thanks to all who contributed to Martin Heinrich's campaign this quarter, whether directly or via True Blue New Mexico. Now, I wonder who the winners will be in the drawing for a hike with Martin ....

Technorati Tags:

July 1, 2008 at 11:58 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0)

Today: Defenders of Wildlife Fund Launches Hybrid Car Giveaway

Enter to Win a Toyota Prius The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund announced today that it will be giving away a 2008 hybrid car, to highlight Steve Pearce’s consistent and repeated votes against increased fuel mileage standards that could save New Mexican families $1,500 a year and reduce the impact of global warming.

See the Hybrid
The hybrid giveaway launch will take place today, Tuesday, July 1, at 12:30 PM, at the parking lot on Central Ave and 2nd SW, in downtown Albuquerque. Come on down, see the unveiling of the hybrid car and learn more about energy issues.


“We have decided to give away a free hybrid car to show our commitment to raising awareness for energy conservation,” Defenders Action Fund President Rodger Schlickeisen said. “With global warming, gas prices through the roof, and our unfortunate engagement in Iraq, energy conservation is an important issue for the environment, the American consumer, and for our national security.  This should not be a partisan concern, it is an American concern.” 

“Steve Pearce has accepted over $500,000 from the oil and gas industry, supported giving the industry billions in tax cuts, and consistently opposed any increase in fuel efficiency standards,” Defenders Campaign Manager Ed Yoon stated. “With New Mexicans paying $4 for a gallon of gas, we can no longer accept politicians who look out for the interests of big oil rather than those of the average citizen.  Steve Pearce is simply wrong for New Mexico.”

By driving a hybrid car, the average New Mexican would save $1,400 each year on gas alone, according to the Action Fund. If 92 people each drove a hybrid in New Mexico for one year, it would take $127,360 out of the pockets of the oil and gas industry, offsetting the average election cycle contributions made by the industry to influence Rep. Pearce’s positions. In fact, Rep. Pearce has received an average of $7.27 per hour from the oil and gas industry since taking office, 77 cents more than the hourly minimum wage in New Mexico. 

How to Enter the Drawing
The giveaway is open only to legal residents of the state of New Mexico who are at least 18 years of age at the time of entry and have a valid New Mexico driver’s license. To sign up or for more information, simply visit our website at www.Wrong4NM.org.  No strings attached, the winner will be selected with a random draw in early November, 2008.

The Action Fund, which is known for its innovative and strategic campaign style, is supporting Rep. Tom Udall for United States Senate, as well as Martin Heinrich for U.S. Congress. In addition to its field operation, which knocked on over 25,000 doors during the month of May alone, the Action Fund has already run three television and two radio ads in New Mexico.

Technorati Tags:

July 1, 2008 at 08:52 AM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Energy, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 30, 2008

After Midnight ...

... it'll be too late. Too late to donate to one or all of our True Blue New Mexico candidates before the end of the second quarter campaign finance reporting period. Consider donating even $1 or $5 to help Beforemidnight remake our state into a True Blue New Mexico. If we'd all do our part, the totals would rise dramatically. Lots of small donations can often overcome the influence of big donations from all the wrong people to the GOP candidates running against our Dems. But to make it work, we all have to participate.

Take Martin Heinrich's race for Congress in NM-01. Bush flew into town recently and raised more than $300,000 in whopper donations from GOP bigwigs for Repub Darren White. How do we help to undercut that advantage? By clicking here and donating even a few bucks to Martin Heinrich's campaign. Martin's aiming to raise at least $75,000 $100,000? online by midnight tonight. Can we help put him over the top?

You can plug in an amount at the top of the ActBlue page to be split among the five True Blue candidates or you can scroll down and give only to one or two. But I do hope you give something, whatever you can, before tonight at 11:59 PM.

Down-Ticket Races
Are you more motivated to give to candidates in down-ticket races? You can easily do just that on ActBlue too. Whether you live in their districts or not, onsider donating to these Dems in contested New Mexico legislative and other races:

New Mexico State House Races:

Janice Saxton (website)
Dem candidate for NM House in HD 22
ActBlue page

Ben Rodefer
Dem candidate for NM House in HD 23
ActBlue page

Ellen Wedum (website)
Dem candidate for NM House in HD 59
ActBlue page

Craig Cosner (website and address for check)
Dem candidiate for NM House in HD 67

More New Mexico House candidates

New Mexico State Senate Races:

Jeff Carr (website)
Dem candidate for NM Senate in SD 7
ActBlue page

Victor Raigoza (website)
Dem candidate for NM Senate in SD 10
ActBlue page

Tim Eichenberg (website)
Dem candidate for NM Senate in SD 15
ActBlue page

Jessica Wolfe (website)
Dem candidate for NM Senate in SD 21
ActBlue page

More New Mexico Senate candidates

Bernalillo County Clerk:

Maggie Toulouse Oliver (website and donation button)

Did I leave out a favorite candidate of yours? Let me know in the comments and I will add the name to my listing.

Technorati Tags:

June 30, 2008 at 12:21 PM in 2008 Bernalillo County Elections, 2008 General Presidential Election, 2008 NM Senate Race, 2008 NM State Legislature Races, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, NM-02 Congressional Race 2008, NM-03 Congressional Seat 2008, True Blue New Mexico | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

NM-01: Heinrich #5 in ActBlue Fundraising Last Week; 2Q Deadline 6.30

Martin with DFA Chair Jim Dean at Saturday's DFA Training Academy

Read all about it. Then add your donation, whether small or large, to make sure Martin Heinrich has the resources necessary to kick off his general election campaign against Bush-clone Darren White. Heinrich is trying to "fill the balloon" with donations to reach a goal of $35,000 before the June 30th FEC end-of-quarter financial report is due. Reminder: If you donate now, whether at True Blue New Mexico or the campaign website, you'll be entered in a drawing to win a hike with Martin on one of his favorite trails here in New Mexico. Very cool. Can't donate? Think about volunteering for the campaign, where there's lots of work to be done. Give 'em a call at (505) 244-0022 in Albuquerque.

Technorati Tags:

June 24, 2008 at 12:53 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)