Friday, May 02, 2008

(Updated) Tonight on NM In Focus: NM-01 Congressional Candidates

UPDATE: You can see a video of this show here (episode 135). In the first segment on the GOP candidates, Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White and State Senator Joe Carraro go at each other with the gloves off. Of special interest: Carraro challenging White's record as Secretary of the Department of Public Safety under former Gov. Gary Johnson, when 89% of state police officers supported a vote of 'no confidence' against him, and accusing White of 'bad management' practices that have resulted in violent crimes rising in the county.
Infocuslogo_3Must see TV: The race to replace Heather Wilson in the U.S. House of Representatives is the hot topic on this week’s episode of “New Mexico In Focus,” airing Friday, May 2 at 7 PM and repeating on Sunday, May 4 at 6:30 AM on KNME-TV, Channel 5.

All of New Mexico’s congressional seats are open in this November’s election. But no other race in the state will be more watched locally and nationally as the race to fill Heather Wilson’s congressional district one seat, covering the Albuquerque area. This week, the candidates for that seat, Republicans Joe Carraro and Darren White, and Democrats Michelle Lujan-Grisham, Robert Pidcock, Martin Heinrich, and Rebecca Vigil-Giron join co-hose David Alire Garcia to talk about the important issues facing New Mexico and the nation.

Then, Lonnie Talbert, former chairman of the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, will join co-host Gene Grant and regular panelists Margaret Montoya from the UNM School of Law and UNM School of Medicine, Scott Darnell, Communications Director for the Republican Party of New Mexico, and Jim Scarantino, columnist for the Weekly Alibi to offer their unique brand of insight and analysis on the candidates and the race to November.

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May 2, 2008 at 02:10 PM in Media, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

NM-01: More Chardonnay Sippers for Heinrich?

I don't know if the folks shown in these videos sip chardonnay or not. I don't know if they drive Volvos. And I certainly don't know if they drink expensive lattes to keep them going. I really don't think it  matters, do you?

What I do know is that they're ordinary, hard-working New Mexicans who strongly support Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01 because of his strong record on issues that matter to them. I also know this flies in the face of the "wisdom" imparted by certain naysayers who claim Martin's support comes from "elites" of some kind. But facts are facts, and cliches are cliches, and anyone paying attention can easily see the difference. (You can see more videos of folks explaining why they support Martin here.)

Heinrich is making economic fairness, more and better job creation and ensuring that ordinary folks get an even break major issues in his campaign -- just as he did on the Albuquerque City Council and in his work with the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility board. Working people get it.

If you get it too, consider volunteering now for Martin's campaign. As the June 3rd primarily looms, and with early in-person voting starting on May 6th (see ), Heinrich's campaign needs all the help it can get with phone calling and other tasks every single day. Sign up here or give the campaign a call at 244-0022 in Albuquerque.

Also consider attending an upcoming Heinrich campaign event or make a campaign donation online.

DFA-DFNM has officially endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. Please do what you can to support his campaign.

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April 30, 2008 at 11:46 AM in Economy, Populism, Labor, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Monday, April 28, 2008

NM-01: More Muddled Monahan Mush


For someone who prides himself on being politically savvy, Monahan doesn't seem to have any idea who supports Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01. In his latest silly knock on Heinrich (and Obama) supporters, he gurgles forth the usual canned, cliched mush that often emanates from those who haven't dirtied their fingernails in decades and don't hang out with anyone who does:

ABQ Dem congressional candidate Martin Heinrich, already the love-child of the Chardonnay sippers and the left wing of his party, made a swerve to where the election will be decided when he interviewed for the Sunday Journal's candidate profiles. Said the former city councilor of his Missouri parents:

"(They're) middle class, blue collar. They were the people who took a shower when they came home from work at night, not before they went to work."

Heinrich can capture his party's nomination by consolidating the Obama liberals, but it is working class (read Reagan) Democrats who have kept the GOP in control of the ABQ seat for 40 years.

Come Out Into the Light
Hey Joe, you really ought to venture beyond the haunts of monied lobbyists and leaking lounge lizards to mingle with the people who are supporting Heinrich and other common sense, reform-minded Democratic candidates.

Hint, hint: it's people who work hard for a living, it's people who don't have lavish expense accounts, it's people who don't have health insurance, it's people who are nearing retirement without hundreds of thousands of dollars in 401Ks, it's people trying to save money from their stagnant paychecks for their children's education. I'm one of these people and I'm among these people most of the time. I don't see much Chardonnay sipping, but I do see a lot of fretful and worried faces because ordinary folks know they've been getting the shaft from Republicans, and Democrats who vote like Republicans, for a long, long time now. And unless we work to elect candidates who know what it's like to be at the mercy of the fat cats, nothing will change.

Martin Heinrich and the Chardonnay sippers?

Who's Really Supporting Heinrich & Other Dems?
In Democratic grassroots political circles, I see people struggling and juggling to make ends meet. I see people who still make a decent living, but who are bothered in their souls because so many no longer can. I see people who care about the community, the common good, the future of the American middle class and the planet itself. When the price of groceries rise and their paychecks don't, they suffer, immediately and personally. They're not out gossiping at expensive watering holes with those who've been profiting from the misery of others; they're walking door to door to try and bring economic fairness and opportunity for all back to the halls of Congress and our Legislature.

Mr. Monahan, I suggest you venture out into the real world and see for yourself. Visit Heinrich's campaign office and see who's volunteering. Visit a local Dem Party meeting and see who's attending. Stop in at a grassroots political Meetup or candidate forum and see who's devoting time out of their busy, work-filled lives to help rebuild a level playing field for ordinary Americans. Check out who's registering voters and making small donations and licking envelopes. You'll see lots of people who teach our kids, deliver our mail, answer the phones, pound the nails and visit our senior centers. Who you won't see much of are the wealthiest bank presidents, CEOs, real estate speculators and VP-types -- who sip the expensive stuff -- because they're backing the GOP candidates and the GOP cause. Everyone knows that. They like things just the way they are.

Working Class LABOR
You say that Repubs have retained control of CD1 because of support from the working class. You know that's not true. For instance, has Heather Wilson EVER had the support of the unions that represent working class people? Heinrich does. Here's a list of unions that are supporting his campaign so far:

  • American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
  • Albuquerque Federation of Teachers Local 1420
  • Carpenters Local 1319
  • Communications Workers of America (CWA)
  • International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
  • International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Local 823
  • Iron Workers Local 495
  • Office & Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU) Local 251
  • Sheet Metal Workers Local 49
  • United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1564
  • United Transportation Union (UTU)

Are you saying that painters, carpenters, janitors, grocery store workers, iron workers, fire fighters, teachers and the other hard-working members of these unions are elitist "Chardonnay sippers" without a care in the world? I guess they all drive Volvos and down lattes too (not that there's anything wrong with that). Come on down to any grassroots Dem political gathering and check out the cars in the parking lot, Joe. They'll look a lot more beat up than the ones you're used to seeing at your Alligator-GOP-filled soirées where all the liberal bashing goes on. And you'll see a lot more bikes. And people who take the bus. I guarantee it.

Who's Really Working for Workers?
Real working people know that Heinrich and other Dems are working on their behalf because they've witnessed it in the real world. It wasn't Heather Wilson or the lobbying class or the monied GOP investor class or the Darren Whites of New Mexico who've been struggling against those who have the most to get the have-nots a raise in the minimum wage. It's been Democrats like Martin Heinrich and Eric Griego and Jerry Ortiz y Pino and Tom Udall and Dede Feldman and Mimi Stewart and Debbie O'Malley and Rey Garduno and many others who've been fighting the good fights for better wages, health care for all, improving education and creating blue and green collar jobs for the future. In case you haven't noticed.

Cut the Mush
So before you write another shallow analysis of who's backing whom, remember that the key positions of genuine Dems and our candidates are those of mainstream Americans, as shown in poll after poll after poll about values. It's your pals who lean in the hallways of the Roundhouse and hang out with you in the dark corners of expensive bistros who are the real elitists. Clearly, their mockery and yours is meant to keep the working and middle classes right where they are -- under the thumb of America's most selfish elements. Cut the mush.

And check out the facts about how working people have fared of late. You'll see who's really been sipping the expensive Chardonnay thanks to the Bush agenda -- a set of regressive and greed-based policies that have been backed enthusiastically by Heather Wilson, Steve Pearce, Darren White and just about every other candidate running on the right side of the aisle. Not us.

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April 28, 2008 at 12:01 PM in Economy, Populism, Labor, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (11)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

NM-01: Slew of New Heinrich Events

Part of the Heinrich family lines up for chow at recent house party event

The campaign of Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01 is picking up the pace as the June 3rd primary showdown nears. Besides participating in a number of candidate forums over the past few weeks (with more to come), Martin was busy last weekend shooting a TV ad with supporters. Heinrich's TV ad campaign will start soon. Martin will also be attending a series of campaign fundraisers through next month. If you'd like to meet Martin, ask him questions and hear more about his positions on the issues, RSVP for one of the house parties or other events listed here, or contact the campaign to organize your own event.

Next Up: Sunday Brunch
The next scheduled fundraiser is a Sunday brunch hosted by Pauline Núñez, Louis Kolker, Cara McCulloch, Diane Albert on April 27th at 11:00 AM. Click to check out a FLYER (doc) for more info.

Celebrate, Celebrate
Of special interest -- on Saturday, May 10th, at 2:00 PM, everyone's invited to celebrate the official grand opening of Heinrich's new campaign office at 131 Adams St. NE in Albuquerque. Hang out with Martin, his campaign staffers and fellow supporters. There'll be hamburgers and hotdogs, veggie options, drinks, live music, and games for the kids.

Martin with part of the crowd at a recent house party event

Donate for Chance to Lunch with Martin
Also, there's still time to earn a free lunch with Martin. All you have to do is make a campaign donation of at least $5 by Midnight on April 30 to have a chance. Click here to learn more or make a donation. You'll also find out how to improve your odds by creating your own Act Blue fundraising page for Martin's campaign and getting your friends, family and neighbors to contribute.

Money from the Many
The campaign's fundraising effort has been top-notch, raising a hefty total of $665,000 this election cycle. About $200,000 of that was donated during first quarter of 2008, and the campaign has almost $350,000 cash on hand -- demonstrating a wise use of funds. Martin has received donations from more than 2,000 individuals to date, showing strong grassroots support for his candidacy.

DFA-Democracy for New Mexico has officially endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. If you're reading this, please do what you can to support his campaign by volunteering for phone banking or other tasks, making a small donation or hosting a house party. Visit

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April 24, 2008 at 03:33 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, April 21, 2008

NM-01: In Their Own Words, Why Grassroots Dems Support Martin Heinrich

All of these Democrats in the video clips above (and a whole lot more) are actively supporting Martin Heinrich for Congress in New Mexico's First District. We have our reasons, a few of which are mentioned in these videos. Most of them can be boiled down to one big reason -- he'll represent OUR interests in Washington, not those of the fatcats and vested corporate interests that have been dominating Congress for many moons. Wouldn't that be refreshing?

We want a member of Congress who'll fight for the concerns of all our citizens, not just those at the top of the economic scale. We want someone representing the concerns of ordinary working people and families -- like better pay, secure jobs, cleaner energy, preservation of our valuable environmental assets, a level playing field for trade, quality schools in every neighborhood, health care for all and commitment to the rights of all under the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

BUT, if we want that kind of representation in Congress, we'll have to actively work for it. And for Martin's campaign. Now's the time to hook up with the Heinrich campaign and volunteer to help with tasks like phone banking, data entry and/or door-to-door canvassing. Even a few hours of time can make a big difference in this race. Click here to sign up to be a Heinrich volunteer. There's no time to waste.

The Albuquerque DFA-DFNM Meetup group has officially endorsed Heinrich for Congress. So have many others. To see our previous coverage of the NM-01 Congressional race, visit our archive.

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April 21, 2008 at 10:17 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, April 18, 2008

NM-01: Martin Heinrich Campaign Seeking Field & Finance Interns

From Heinrich for Congress:
Martin Heinrich’s Congressional Campaign is currently accepting applications for internships. New Mexico’s 1st District is one of the most important Congressional Races in the country this cycle. An internship on the campaign is an excellent way to expand your skill set, build your resume and make a significant difference for the people of New Mexico. Interns will work closely with staff members, learning and engaging the political process directly.

Successful applicants will work in two specific areas:  Finance and Field Operations. Interns will be expected to work specified hours each week, will have assigned responsibilities, and will be accountable for completing assignments. See this FLYER for more information on the positions and how to apply.

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April 18, 2008 at 10:40 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tonight: NM-01 Dem Candidate Debate at UNM Law School

The Democratic Party of Bernalillo County has its regular Third Thursday Meeting tonight, April 17, at 6:00 PM in Room 2401 at UNM Law School at 1117 Stanford NE in Albuquerque (map). The first hour will be devoted to new procedures for voting registrars. However, starting at 7:00 PM, there'll be a Dem NM-01 Congressional candidate forum that's open to the public. All four Democratic candidates have confirmed they'll be participating: Martin Heinrich, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Rebecca Vigil-Giron and Robert Pidcock. With the June 3rd primary election coming up fast, and early voting starting on May 6th, it's time to get familiar with the candidates.

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April 17, 2008 at 03:43 PM in Democratic Party, Events, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

NM-01: 1Q 2008 Fundraising Totals

Okay, I give, starting with the NM-01 reports. Here are the numbers for the first quarter of the year that were reported to the FEC yesterday by candidates in the Congressional race in New Mexico's First District:

Martin Heinrich, Democrat
Raised $201,046; Spent $135,049, Cash on Hand $342,423

Darren White, Republican
Raised $233,510; Spent $108,568; Cash on Hand $297,499

Michelle Lujan Grisham, Democrat
Raised $109,080; Spent $65,777; Cash on Hand $139,095

Rebecca Vigil-Giron, Democrat
Raised $5,615; Spent $13,917; Cash on Hand - (minus) $8,302

Robert Pidcock, Democrat
Raised $36,095 (from Dec. 4 to March 31) including a self-loan of $24,500; Spent $26,665 during the same period

Joe Carraro, Republican
Raised $33,000 (including self-loan of $10,000) reported via press release, no FEC report yet

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April 16, 2008 at 12:14 AM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, April 14, 2008

NM-01: Vigil-Giron Stays on Ballot, Lujan Grisham's Complaint Rejected

VigilgironThe AP reports:

Judge Daniel Sanchez rejected a challenge brought by the campaign of another congressional candidate, Michelle Lujan Grisham ... The Lujan Grisham campaign claimed that Vigil-Giron did not have enough valid voter signatures on her nominating petition to meet state requirements for getting on the ballot. The judge disagreed after a hearing late Friday, saying Vigil-Giron had a sufficient number of valid signatures.

Also check out this later, more detailed AP story. Here's my previous post on this challenge that lays out the details of the suit. Does anyone else find it odd that former Dem Party Chair John Wertheim would agree to represent the Lujan Grisham supporters in this suit if he didn't have an iron-clad case? The suit claimed that 600 of the signatures submitted by Vigil-Giron were improper. Guess not.

And then there's this:

Vigil-Giron countered that the challenge was based on voter databases that were unreliable and incomplete. [emphasis mine]

... Deborah Armstrong, former secretary of aging and long-term services and a volunteer with the Lujan Grisham campaign, testified that she and others spent close to 300 hours scrutinizing four different databases to check Vigil-Giron's signatures.

What were the four databases that were being examined and why were they unreliable and incomplete? Do these alleged database problems have any relation to the problems encountered in the Dem presidential preference caucus, where the names of significant numbers of legitimate voters were not found on the lists used at the caucus sites? I don't get it. Shouldn't there be ONE master list that can be used to check the validity of both voters and petition signatures?

Unfortunately, it doesn't appear we'll be learning the answers to questions about the snafus at the Dem prez caucus anytime soon. The "caucus summit" originally scheduled for this month by the Dem Party has been postponed indefinitely. A major item on the summit's agenda was supposed to be a report on the registered voter lists used at the caucus sites, how they were developed and the source of the data that was used for the lists. We also heard that the reasons for list inaccuracies and omissions would be researched and revealed at the summit.

You'd think that all concerned -- especially the State Dem Party -- would want to have all this ironed out before the June 3rd primary so similar problems could be avoided. I know voters are very concerned. Why not those who can actually get to the root of the problems?

Back to the challenge of Vigil-Giron's petition signatures, the strategy of the Lujan Grisham campaign was clearly to eliminate former Secretary of State Rebecca Vigil-Giron from the ballot so that the two Latina candidates wouldn't split the vote in a four-candidate race. Martin Heinrich is the strong frontrunner in this contest for Repub Heather Wilson's current seat in New Mexico's First Congressional District. Heinrich may well have an easier time of it with both Lujan Grisham and Vigil-Giron in the race. Political newcomer Robert Pidcock will also be on the ballot.

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April 14, 2008 at 09:16 PM in NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (2)

And the Winners Are: First Series of 2008 DFA-DFNM Endorsements

The voting ended late last week and the votes are counted. Members of the Albuquerque DFA-Democracy for New Mexico Meetup group were polled on the candidates they wanted the group to officially endorse in a number of this year's Dem primary races. They included the NM-01 race for U.S. House, three State Senate races and one State House contest. Here are the results and responses from some of the winners:


U.S. House NM-01
81.6% - Martin Heinrich: Winner
13.1 % - Michelle Lujan Grisham
05.3 % - Robert Pidcock
00.0% - Rebecca Vigil-Giron

"Our campaign for change is powered by volunteers who are committed to creating good paying jobs, turning our economy around and bringing the disastrous war in Iraq to an end," said Martin Heinrich. "I'm pleased that DFA-DFNM, a volunteer, grassroots organization committed to changing Washington has joined our large and diverse coalition of supporters that include 15 labor unions, two pueblos, the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club and over 2000 individual contributors."


State House District 13
88.8% - Eleanor Chávez: Winner
11.1% - Dan Silva (incumbent)

"I'm very pleased to receive the endorsement of DFA-Democracy for New Mexico," said Chávez. "Thank you to all the members of DFA-DFNM for the vote of confidence. Together, we will bring the greatly needed change to the Round House, Capitol Hill and the White House. I'm honored to add the group's endorsement to the growing list that support "Proven Leadership for Progressive Change," that include Conservation Voters New Mexico, NM Federation of Labor and United Food and Commercial Workers Union."


State Senate District 14
100.0% - Eric Griego: Winner
000.0% - James C. Taylor (incumbent)

"Thank you, members of DFA-Democracy for New Mexico, for your endorsement and vote of support!  DFNM is a great example of grassroots democracy in action," said Eric Griego. "I look forward to working with DFNM and other groups to bring real reform to NM politics."


State Senate District 15
78.3% - John Blair: Winner
21.7% - Tim Eichenberg


State Senate District 17
100.0% - Tim Keller: Winner
000.0% - Shannon Robinson (incumbent)

"I am honored to be endorsed by DFA-Democracy for New Mexico, a group that proudly stands up for progressive Democratic values. You can count on me to be a champion on the issues that affect our families—healthcare, improved education and job creation," said Tim Keller

As you can see, the top vote getters, percentage-wise, were Eric Griego, who was endorsed by DFA-DFNM in his mayoral run in 2006, and electoral newcomer Tim Keller. However, the group had strong favorites in every race, with the winners receiving a large majority of the votes.

Of course New Mexico's races for three open U.S. House seats and one open U.S. Senate seat are receiving the bulk of the political coverage here, but there are many lively primary races for seats in the New Mexico Legislature that also deserve attention. Progressive candidates strongly supportive of ethics and campaign reform and other measures that have gotten little traction in the Legislature are challenging long-time incumbents in a number of Dem primaries. Is a shakeup in the works?

The DFA-DFNM Meetup group plans to make endorsements in a number of other local races in the near future. But for now, congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated!

You're encouraged to support the candidates who won by donating to their campaigns and/or signing up as volunteers for phone banking and canvassing. Every dollar and every hour contributed can pack a big wallop in local races, especially those for Legislative seats. Even if you don't live in a candidate's district, it makes sense to offer support. The more progressive Legislators we elect, the better chance there is for passage of criitical measures like universal health care, ethics and campaign reform, improved funding for education and many more.

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April 14, 2008 at 02:17 PM in 2008 NM State Legislature Races, DFA, DFNM - Albq, MeetUp, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)