Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Carry On
The out pouring of support for Barb has been over whelming, I am so touched and wherever the spirit goes in the after life it is my hope she is witnessing this appreciation of her time and efforts on the planet.
This song came to me this morning. I find it fitting to what we and I have to do.
I got calls to Carry On from Senator Udall and Gov. Howard Dean. I saw a message on joe monahan's blog from Congressman Heinrich and received a call from Rep. Ben Ray Lujan's staff. All expressing how sorry they are for Barb's passing, but glad we were going to Carry On here at DemocracyforNewMexico.
So Carry On I shall. And Carry On we shall. It is what Barb wanted. Her voice will be missed and as one of the comments on the previous post here I saw explaining Barb's ways, "She was akin to a surgeon, going right to the political cancer, relentless and sure." says it all. Remember it takes a village to raise a blog. Hours are passing, times a wasting, the theives and polluters and haters are running free.
So we start again. Barb is free to the spirit world. It is time to Carry On.
December 21, 2011 at 11:48 AM in DFA, DFNM - Albq, Local Politics, Music | |
Friday, October 07, 2011
Don't Miss Liz Melendez Live at Albuquerque's El Rey Theater on 10/7, at Santa Fe Club Vanessie on 10/8
She'll be back at El Rey on Friday, October 7, 2011
Liz Melendez excels as a singer, guitarist, songwriter, performer -- whether it's blues, rock, originals or classics. Liz is a South Valley native whose family has deep roots right here in New Mexico. She grew up listening to all the powerful and diverse stuff of the 60s and 70s played by her dad, both issuing from their stereo at home and the stages of Albuquerque, where her dad played guitar and bass within a vibrant local music scene of that era.
Encouraged and inspired by her dad and his fellow Albuquerque players, she picked up the guitar early in that exciting era of blistering live performances, and set out to be the best -- not just "for a girl guitarist" -- but the best, period. Many believe she succeeded. We're two of them. We're not alone.
Mary Ellen and I have known both Liz and Liz's music since the early 90s, when she was cutting her chops in Albuquerque clubs. Her guitar meanderings, vocal explorations and songwriting adventures were terrific early on, but then she moved to the Atlanta area and got even better -- way better. Liz honed and deepened her musical style and persona amidst the stinging electric blues and down home Southern rock players of Georgia, and has been sharpening and expanding her talents ever since. She's now considered by critics to be among the best of the best. Don't take our word for it -- See for yourself.
Gigs in NM
Liz will be back home in New Mexico this weekend. On Friday, October 7, she'll be appearing at the historic El Rey theater in downtown Albuquerque with special guest Albuquerque blues diva Hillary Smith. Buy tickets online or at door. Doors open at 7:00 PM for 8:00 PM show.
On Saturday, October 8, she'll be at the classy Club Vanessie, located at 434 W. San Francisco St. in Santa Fe, for an 8:00 PM show.
With three CD releases to her credit, Liz has garnered a sizeable following touring the southeast and beyond. She has headlined major festivals such as the Madrid Blues Festival in her home state of New Mexico, the Riverbend Music Festival in Chattanooga (the only female besides Koko Taylor to do so), and co-headlined major festivals such as the Cape Fear Blues Festival in Wilmington, N.C. and the Blues 2003 Festival in New York and been invited to open for artists like the Nappy Roots. She has performed on stage with such notables as Bob Margolin, Henry Butler, Francine Reed, Chris Duarte, E.G. Kight, Hubert Sumlin, and Candye Kane.
Justice County video filmed in New Mexico
Still, like most musicians these days -- no matter how experienced and talented they are -- Liz struggles to make a living day-to-day in a music "business" where most of the money still flows to promoters, managers, booking agents and the like, with the musicians themselves often coming in last in the paycheck department. Despite the difficulties and frustrations that Liz and many other musicians encounter, they still manage to hang onto music as a rewarding and expressive art form where only the joy remains when they step out into the spotlights and let it all go -- for themselves and for all the folks in the audience who connect and give back -- and everyone's a rockstar if only for that evening.
Click image for larger version
Check out Liz's new video documentary, "Unknown Rockstar," by Emmy award winning photojournalist Bill Rich of William Rich Films. It's an exploration of the inward side of the music business and how Liz Melendez has learned to cope with it and stay grounded in her strong family ties in New Mexico and her music family ties in Atlanta -- all the while continuing to make music that's true to her muse.
October 7, 2011 at 06:33 PM in Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, October 01, 2011
10/1: Third Annual ABQ International Festival
From the ABQ International Festival:
You're invited to the Third Annual Albuquerque International Festival, which will be held in the Talin Market parking lot on the SE corner of Lousiana and Central in Albuquerque's International Distrcit on Saturday, Ocober 1, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The free event will showcase a sampling of the food, music, dance and art that the melting-pot International District has to offer.
Organized by STEPS and sponsored by the City of Albuquerque, the ABQIF highlights the International District of Albuquerque, as well as STEPS clients. The day-long Festival is STEPS’ biggest community event and features a wide variety of entertainment, food, crafts and community organizations that represent Albuquerque’s many cultures. First held in 2009, the ABQIF is one of Albuquerque’s premier Fall events.
This should be a great festival with and an added attraction this year ... A KIDZ ZONE. Free parking is available at Alcazar and Central SE, and the Festival is accessible by transit via the Central Avenue (Route 66) bus and the Louisiana (Route 157) bus. For more info, call 508-9225 or visit
October 1, 2011 at 07:52 AM in Children and Families, City of Albuquerque, Events, Food and Drink, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Steve Klinger Guest Blog: New Independent Newspaper 'The Light of New Mexico' Seeks to Illuminate Inconvenient Truths
This is a guest blog by Steve Klinger, a long-time journalist and editor of the Grassroots Press, on the recent launch of a new, independent print and online newspaper called The Light of New Mexico. Steve will be editing the paper, which will initially be published monthly. The first print issue of The Light of New Mexico hit the streets of Santa Fe on September 15, with a cover story on "The Politics of H2O: Who Controls Your Water?" It's also available for download as a pdf by clicking here.
The newspaper, published by Skip Whitson, will focus on "Illuminating Inconvenient Truths," and will be covering "Conscious Culture, including Politics, Reviews, Books and Entertainment." The Light of New Mexico is designed to serve as a progressive, alternative source of ideas, information and a networking nexus for north-central New Mexico and beyond, providing a newspaper, a blog and a community resource.
According to the paper's Mission Statement, "Our focuses include state and local politics, peace/nonviolence, environment, civil liberties, foreign policy, social justice, global awareness, fair trade, localism and sustainability, as well as an abiding appreciation for music and art as a force for change. We maintain a commitment to outreach, education, and peaceful dialogues to safeguard democracy and raise consciousness within our communities.
“It is the role of a newspaperman to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” –-Chicago journalist Finley Peter Dunne
Connecting the Dots
There are those who think the print newspaper is in its death throes and others who think words of any kind are just useless spitballs hurled by naïve optimists into the maelstrom of a crumbling democracy and a planet hurtling toward disaster.
Among the dwindling minority who are still willing or able to commit words to the printed page, even fewer are doing anything like real journalism, as the money behind the surviving mainstream media is too busy advancing the corporate agenda, promoting the so-called balance of false equivalents, or in some cases hacking the phones of crime victims in the race to pander to the lowest common subscriber denominator.
We won’t be doing things that way, and we thought you’d like to know.
I feel privileged to be associated with The Light of New Mexico, a new, independent monthly newspaper based in Santa Fe that will take a higher road in attempting, as our tagline states, to illuminate inconvenient truths. We considered numerous titles for our new publication, and various slogans as well, with a common theme of shedding light on the issues of the day: political corruption, connecting the dots between manmade climate change, gridlocked government, skyrocketing corporate influence in campaigns and legislation, and the threats to democracy our republic is facing on every level.
As I have done before in my nearly 40 years of newspaper work in New Mexico, most recently with Grassroots Press, I’ll be looking for stories that illustrate the realities ordinary people are facing in their daily lives, hoping to educate our readers and ourselves on the forces that are shaping our future in a downsizing and endangered nation. I’ll be exploring the ways in which the forces of greed and self-interest are attempting to hijack public policy. I’ll be featuring commentary from journalists, authors and experts on the critical times we face, plus a mix of pertinent syndicated material and open pages for you, our readers to fill, with your comments and unique perspectives on everything from politics to the arts.
Without deep pockets or any corporate support, we’ll also be relying on you to help us grow with your display advertising and your donations, as well as your feedback and suggestions.
Santa Fe is a remarkable place, with a rich history of cultural alchemy, a place that tolerates and elevates diversity, eclecticism and artistic expression. One of the oldest capital cities in North America, it arose on the site of far older Pueblos, a product of European colonialism and an often bloody clash of cultures -- Native American, Hispanic, Anglo -- and has been endlessly reinventing itself for better and worse ever since. These days, it’s a world-class destination, but also a place called home for nearly 70,000 folks, including some of the most talented and successful individuals on the planet, and the organizations they’ve brought with them. These include a vital emerging community of locavore, sustainable, nonprofit endeavors. Santa Fe also holds but a fraction of the population of the state of New Mexico that is our larger home, a coverage area into which we hope to expand as The Light of New Mexico grows; we hope to serve it with dedication and distinction.
Most of all, we hope you’ll read our words and help us write them. We hope to prove worthy of your interest and support. Obviously, we believe in the power of words to educate human beings and change history. We also think that time is growing short to do that under the umbrella of a free press in a besieged democracy. That’s why we feel our work is important, especially in a time when ever more of us are feeling afflicted, and those with the money and power are growing ever more comfortable.
This is a guest blog by Steve Klinger, who can be reached at
If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page.
September 28, 2011 at 10:03 AM in Arts, Civil Liberties, Education, Environment, Journalism, Local Politics, Media, Music, Santa Fe, Weblogs | |
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
An Open Letter to Our Community from Creative Albuquerque: The Closure of New Mexico Symphony Orchestra
This is a guest blog by Regina Chavez, Executive Director, and Brian Morris, President, Board of Directors, of Creative Albuquerque.
Dear Friends,
With the closing of the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra (NMSO), our community has suffered a great cultural loss and it is not only the well-heeled, as some would argue, who will miss them. From Shiprock to Hobbs, the NMSO performed at schools and community centers all across the state and every year tens of thousands of elementary school children heard them perform at Popejoy Hall. For many years, the NMSO performed for Mother’s Day at the Albuquerque Zoo attended by thousands of families in our community.
The loss of this great cultural treasure also means a loss of local talent, green jobs, and a source of local economic vitality. The NMSO consisted of more than one-hundred professional musicians and administrative staff who will now join the ranks of the under/unemployed. Wherever they played, NMSO performances drew concert goers to local restaurants and merchants for pre- and post-concert dining and shopping. Concert production and marketing served as reliable source of revenue for numerous vendors, including the National Hispanic Cultural Center. In addition, the loss of the NMSO will affect our economic development efforts as employers look at a community’s cultural vitality, including the existence of a professional symphony orchestra, when considering relocation or expansion to other communities.
Supporting cultural resources like the NMSO takes a village. It requires the support of individuals, businesses, foundations and government. The economic downturn has affected many and this loss should serve as a wakeup call that we must find a way to sustain our most precious cultural resources. One alternative may be to take another look at the Quality of Life Initiative, which did not pass in 2006, but would have provided a steady stream of community supported funding for arts and cultural programming and institutions. Had it been approved, the NMSO would almost certainly not be in the bankruptcy courts today.
We are grateful for the NMSO –- musicians, chorus members, craft and administrative staff-- past and present, who for 79 years filled our lives with music. We hope that we haven’t heard the last of them and that the NMSO will emerge anew to once again fill our lives with the sound of music and to serve as a beacon of economic and cultural prosperity in our community.
Thank you.
This is a guest blog by Regina Chavez and Brian Morris of Creative Albuquerque.
If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of the page. Publication of a guest blog does not necessarily imply that we agree or disagree with the points made.
April 27, 2011 at 03:53 PM in City of Albuquerque, Economy, Populism, Education, Guest Blogger, Jobs, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sen. Tom Udall Announces Arts Grants for New Mexico
U.S. Senator Tom Udall recently announced that several arts organizations in New Mexico will receive a total of $40,000 in matching grants to support the creation and presentation of artistically excellent works to the public. Previously, he had announced $232,500 in similar matching grants for New Mexico organizations.
These grants are funded through the National Endowment for the Arts as part of the Challenge America Fast-Track grant program.
“The arts and humanities are not only engrained in our state’s culture, they are also a central driver of our economy and primary source of income for many families,” said Udall, a member of the Senate Cultural Caucus. “These matching grants will enrich New Mexicans’ lives by extending access to traditionally underserved populations.”
The National Endowment for the Arts Challenge America Fast-Track grants are awarded to small and mid-sized organizations for projects that extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations. This round of awards includes 170 grants to organizations in 42 states. These grants generate, on average, $7 from non-federal sources for each dollar awarded.
A complete list of projects is included below:
- $10,000 to Sawmill Community Land Trust in Albuquerque to support the Carneul Road Parade and Fiesta, featuring a performance by the theater company Wise Fool New Mexico
- $10,000 to Mimbres Region Arts Council, Inc., in Silver City to support the Youth Mural Program, through which youth are paired with professional artists to create murals expressing the culture and history of the Grant County region
- $10,000 to New Mexico Literary Arts in Santa Fe to support the Alzheimer’s Poetry Project
- $10,000 to Taos Center for the Arts to support the Youth Mosaic and Mural Project under the direction of artists George Chacon and Katie Woodall
Two weeks ago, Udall announced $232,500 in matching grants to support the creation and presentation of artistically excellent works to the public for New Mexico organizations:
- $30,000 to 516 ARTS in Albuquerque to support the exhibition, Latina/o Visual Imaginary: Intersection of Word & Image
- $15,000 to AMP Concerts in Albuquerque to support the Globalquerque! Festival
- $10,000 to NewArt New Mexico, Inc. in Albuquerque to support Global DanceFest 2011
- $10,000 to Opera Southwest in Albuquerque to support the production of Il barbiere di Siviglia (The Barber of Seville) by Giachino Rossini
- $12,500 to Outpost Productions, Inc. in Albuquerque to support the 5th Annual Creative Soundspace Festival
- $10,000 to Central Consolidated School District #22 in Kirtland to support the Naturally Native series at the Phil L. Thomas Performing Arts Center
- $10,000 to Lensic Performing Arts Center Corporation in Santa Fe to support the 11th annual Nuestra Musica festival
- $20,000 to Museum of New Mexico Foundation in Santa Fe to support the touring exhibition, From Function to Fine Art: Native American Baskets
- $25,000 to Music at Angel Fire, Inc. to support music from Angel Fire's 28th anniversary Chamber Music Festival
- $40,000 to Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival to support the 39th annual Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival
- $50,000 to Santa Fe Opera to support a new production of Antonio Vivaldi's opera Griselda
November 18, 2010 at 11:22 AM in Arts, Music, Sen. Tom Udall | |
Friday, April 16, 2010
Hot Music Saturday: Our Friend Liz Melendez at El Rey in Albuquerque
Even if Mary Ellen and I didn't count Liz Melendez as a dear friend (and we do) we'd be recommending that you head over to the El Rey Theater in Albuquerque this Saturday, April 17, at 8:00 PM to catch her special homecoming performance extraordinaire. Some 13 years after leaving Albuquerque for Atlanta, Liz is returning for a special one night only show. Don't miss it. Doors open at 7:30 PM and admission is $15.
Liz grew up in Albuquerque's South Valley and received her first guitar before her fifth birthday. She followed in the footsteps of her dad, who played in a number of local groups. We got to follow her musical progress up close and personal right here in Albuquerque for a number of years, and then saw her hone her talents and widen her horizons in the Atlanta area. Now with a national and even international following, she's returning to her musical roots for a very special show tomorrow night. It's featured in an article in today's Albuquerque Journal Venue.
Liz has performed on stage with such notables as Bob Margolin, Henry Butler, Francine Reed, Chris Duarte, E.G. Kight, Hubert Sumlin and Candye Kane. Barchen Records of Germany wrote that her "lead guitar ability ranks with greats like Carlos Santana, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Duane Allman." Trust me when I say that Liz is a dynamic live stage performer with a blazing blues-rock guitar style and gutsy vocals to match. She's headlined major shows and festivals including the Madrid Blues Festival, Cape Fear Blues Festival and The Riverbend Music Festival. You can learn more at
For the El Rey Show, she'll be performing with bassist Jose Romero of Santa Fe, who was recently seen in the Jeff Bridges movie, Crazy Heart. Also performing will be drummer Mikey Chavez and special guest Hillary Smith and Soul Kitchen with Chris Dracup. A ton of talent on one stage for one night only.
Liz Melendez discusses El Rey homecoming Show and a few clips of her onstage from William Rich.
Liz will also premiere her new Delaney Signature guitar, "Desert Thunder," made especially for her by Mike Delaney. Delaney has built custom signature guitars for national and international artists, including such names as Arlen Roth, Greg Marra and Tino Gonzales. In addition, Emmy and Peabody award winning videographer William Rich will be filming the event as part of a documentary he is producing about Melendez. Come on down and be a part of it.
Check out a few nuggets of Liz's music:
Hope to see you there!
April 16, 2010 at 12:20 PM in Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (1)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Free Concert in Albuquerque to Celebrate 40th Anniversary of Earth Day
From New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light:
A free concert on Wednesday evening, April 21, at 7:00 PM at St. Luke Lutheran Church, 9100 Menaul Blvd. NE, will celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22. Entitled “Serenade for Mother Earth,” the concert will feature St. Luke organist/composer Frederick Frahm; the Albuquerque duo known as Folie a Deux (Susan Patrick, harpsichord and MaryAnn Shore, oboe); Steve Miller and Doug Cowan from the Celtic Coyotes; and a women’s vocal ensemble.
Proceeds from a free-will offering will benefit New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light, a statewide coalition of faith communities committed to creation stewardship. For more information, contact Edwina Beard, 828-0673, 280-1624 cell,
April 10, 2010 at 11:03 AM in Energy, Environment, Events, Faith Community, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, April 02, 2010
April 10: Kiwanis Hosts Early Childhood Resource Fair in Albuquerque
From Kiwanis Young Children Priority One:
Kiwanis is bringing the early childhood community together for free fun for all children and families at Tiguex Park on Saturday, April 10th, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. As an opportunity to kickoff the National Week of the Young Child Campaign, this event will
highlight our early childhood community agencies and resources that support a most precious commodity: our young children.
On April 10th, Tiquex Park will be filled with groups and organizations ready to share their information and resources! Come enjoy free activities like face painting, clowns and fun for all children and family members! Hear live musical performances by Kevin Hughes, Joe De Bonis and Wagogo, Albuquerque world beat music! There will be nutritious food and snacks and a chance to meet PBSKids characters from Martha Speaks and Ruff Ruffman of Fetch! Plus much more!
The event is sponsored by Kiwanis International, which encourages all clubs worldwide to be visible in their community on One Day. This year, Kiwanis One Day is April 10, which is also the beginning of the National Week of the Young Child. Kiwanis has brought the community together because all share a core mission of supporting young children (birth to 8) and their families.
“Building on our belief that early childhood development should be THE most important issue on EVERY agenda for improving conditions in New Mexico, a most healthy and loving early childhood experience will improve our schools, the safety of our neighborhoods, our healthcare systems, our workforce and therefore our entire economy,” said Dave Orner of Kiwanis Young Children Priority One.
If you would like more information about this event please contact: Dave Orner at 256-8877 or email at
April 2, 2010 at 08:42 AM in Children and Families, Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
3/30: Great Live Music at ABQ Wool Warehouse - Support NM Voices for Children
From New Mexico Voices for Children:
For those who love great live original acoustic music, please join us for an intimate show with Darden Smith, next Tuesday night, March 30, at 7:30 PM at the Wool Warehouse, located at 518 1st Street NW, in downtown Albuquerque. Click for flyer.
Rolling Stone wrote about Darden, "His warm, wistful voice handles gutsy and pretty passages with equally natural self assurance."
All proceeds go to NM Voices for Children. Tickets are available on our website at for $25. Thanks for your support!
March 24, 2010 at 11:50 AM in Children and Families, Events, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, March 08, 2010
Denish, Richardson Congratulate Jeff Bridges, Ryan Bingham for Academy Award Wins
Ryan Bingham performs The Weary Kind
Last night, Governor Bill Richardson offered his congratulations to actors Jeff Bridges and singer-songwriter Ryan Bingham for receiving Academy Awards for their work on the movie Crazy Heart, which was made in New Mexico.
Jeff Bridges won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of down-on-his-luck country music singer Bad Blake who, through his relationship and experiences with a female reporter is able to get his life and career back on track. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays the reporter, and was nominated for Best Supporting Actress.
New Mexico singer-songwriter Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett won for Best Original Song for The Weary Kind-Theme from Crazy Heart. Bingham is a native of Hobbs.
“I congratulate Jeff and Ryan for receiving Academy Awards for their outstanding and inspirational work,” Governor Richardson said in a statement released by his office. “It’s especially fun to see a New Mexican win for a movie made in New Mexico. I also congratulate all of the talented New Mexicans on the cast and crew who helped to make Crazy Heart.”
Lt. Governor Diane Denish this morning issued a statement congratulating fellow Hobbs native Ryan Bingham.
“Hobbs’ own Ryan Bingham has made all New Mexicans proud with his Oscar winning song, The Weary Kind. As someone born and raised in Hobbs, I am especially proud of Ryan and his great achievement," said Lt. Governor Denish. "New Mexico is not only home to many top Hollywood productions, but also cultivates the home-grown talent."
Local blog Bread for the World-New Mexico, also congratulated Jeff Bridges for his win, noting that he and his brother, Beau Bridges, have long been "strong advocates for ending childhood hunger and poverty in general in our country."
“Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” which was also shot in New Mexico, received a nomination for Best Sound Mixing.
Since Governor Richardson took office in 2003 more than 135 major film and television productions have been made in New Mexico, with an estimated economic impact of more than $3-billion. There are 10,000 direct and indirect film-related jobs in the state, and more than 250 businesses and services directly related to the industry.
March 8, 2010 at 09:49 AM in Diane Denish, Film, Gov. Bill Richardson, Music | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Santa Fe County Dems to Host Mardi Gras Fundraiser on Fat Tuesday, Feb. 16
From the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County:
Mardi Gras! Join the Santa Fe County Dems and jazz up your night with Los Wiseguys, fortune telling, contests, party favors, dancing and more on Fat Tuesday, February 16, from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM in the Anasazi Ballroom at the El Dorado Hotel in Santa Fe. Tickets are available at the door at $45 for one, and two or more at $40 each. The event is a benefit for the DPFC.
You can stay the night by taking advantage of the special room rate of $129 a night at the Eldorado Hotel. Mention the Democratic Party of Santa Fe County.
Thanks to the Krewe (host committee) for supporting Mardi Gras and the Party:
Rep. Joe Campos for Lt. Gov; Chair Richard & Virginia Ellenberg; Kurt Young; Studio Southwest Architects, Inc.; Real Time Sites
Sen. Tom Udall; Cong. Ben Ray Lujan; Sec of State Mary Herrera; Senator Peter Wirth; Rep. Brian Egolf; Rep. Jim Trujillo; Lawrence Rael for Lt. Gov.; Brian Colon for Lt. Gov.; Sen. Linda Lopez for Lt. Gov.; Rubel Tafoya for Sheriff; Keep Judge Sarah Singleton; School Bd. Jon Paul Romero for County Commission;Re-elect Assessor Domingo Martinez; Paul Duran for Assessor; Dan Donoghue
Sen. Jeff Bingaman; Lt. Gov. Diane Denish for Governor; Attorney General Gary King; Chairman Javier Gonzales; Vice-Chair Anadelle Sanchez & Erica Fleetwood; Comm. Harry Montoya for Land Comm.; Comm. Sandy Jones for Land Commissioner; Ray Powell for Land Commissioner; Comm. Jerome Block; Rep. Rhonda King and Johnny Montoya; Re-Elect Mayor David Coss; Re-Elect Councilor Carmichael Dominguez; Re-Elect Councilor Ronald Trujillo; Councilor Rosemary Romero; Re-Elect Councilor Rebecca Wurzburger; Re-Elect Councilor Chris Calvert; Comm. Liz Stefanics; Comm. Kathy Holian; County Surveyor Jeffrey Ludwig; Elect Judge Sheri Raphaelson; Re-elect Mark A. Basham Probate Judge; School Bd. Pres Angelica Ruiz for County Commission.; School Bd. Barbara and Philip Gudwin; Vice-Chair Maria Salazar; Under Sheriff Robert A. Garcia for Sheriff; Charlie Dalton for Sheriff; Cam & Susan Duncan; Bernie Loque Y Perea; Ruth & Paul Kovnat; Earl & Deborah Potter; Morty Simon & Carol Oppenheimer; Steve Flance; Michael Sequra & Letitia Montoya; Victoria & Dennis Murphy; Frank Katz & Conci Bokum; Mike Loftin; Jon Hendry; Lynn Pickard; Karen Heldmeyer & Russ Mosteller; Long, Pound & Komer
February 13, 2010 at 10:19 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Music, Santa Fe | Permalink | Comments (0)