Friday, November 16, 2007
Lesser Known Candidates for Domenici’s Senate Seat Topic of KNME’s ‘NM In Focus’ Tonight
From New Mexico In Focus: Big names have already announced plans to run for the U.S. Senate when Pete Domenici retires next year. Along with Tom Udall, Martin Chavez, Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce, the field includes other candidates voters may not have heard much about. This week, ‘New Mexico In Focus,’ which airs Friday night, November 16 at 7 PM and repeats Sunday, November 18 at 6:30 AM, introduces two lesser known candidates -- one a small town newspaper publisher and the other a high school English teacher. Find out why they want to run and what lesson educator Zack Boatman hopes to teach his students by venturing into national politics.
This week’s guests are Zack Boatman (Independent), and Leland Lehrman (Democrat), U.S. Senate candidates; and Santa Fe High School students John Biddle, Louis Demella and Elena Valdez. Also featured is Dr. David Jernigan, executive director, Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth.
Protecting our young people from the onslaught of alcohol advertising is also a topic on NM In Focus this week. The alcohol industry spends an estimated $2 billion annually on advertising, much of it targeting teens. Host Gene Grant sits down with one of the leading experts on alcohol advertising impacts, to find out what state leaders can do to shield young people from countless TV, radio and magazine ads.
Co-Hosted by Santa Fe Reporter staff writer David Alire Garcia and Albuquerque Journal columnist Gene Grant, ‘New Mexico In Focus’ takes a multi-layered look at social, political, economic, health, education and arts issues and explores them in-depth, with a critical eye to give them context beyond the “news of the moment.”
New Mexico In Focus, KNME, Channel 5’s prime-time news magazine show covers the events, issues, and people shaping life in New Mexico and the Southwest. The one-hour show concentrates on bringing viewers important topics of our time, and all the opinions and insight they are used to, in an integrated and cohesive package.
Producer of ‘New Mexico In Focus’ is Kevin McDonald. Support for has been provided by McCune Charitable Foundation. Closed Captioning of has been made possible by a gift from Mrs. Elspeth G. Bobbs.
Editor's Note: Leland Lehrman will officially enter the 2008 U.S. Senate race next week and complete the necessary SEC filings. Click to visit his new campaign website.
November 16, 2007 at 12:42 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Media, Youth | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Thursday on 'We The People': NM Voices for Children
November 7, 2007 at 09:14 AM in Local Politics, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
New Common Cause NM Executive Director on 'We The People' This Week
New Executive Director, Common Cause New Mexico
October 24, 2007 at 07:30 AM in Ethics & Campaign Reform, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Bring Back Air America to El Paso
Please sign and share. Our goal is to gather to gather 1,500 signatures. The petition will go to Entravision General Manager, David Candeleria, and the Santa Monica home office.
Amy Dalzell, Volunteer Coordinator
Democracia para la Frontera
October 20, 2007 at 11:07 AM in DFA, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, October 15, 2007
Tonight on Espejos: The UNM Mexican Flag Incident
Check out KUNM 89.9FM tonight, Monday, October 15th, 2007, at 8:00 PM for a half-hour live interview with several UNM students about the recent weeks of deliberation, both on campus and nationally, following the tearing down of a Mexican flag on the UNM campus one month ago. Reportedly, a student tore down the Mexican flag, which was flying in celebration of Mexican Independence day, because it wasn't accompanied by an American flag. Last Sunday, local bikers held a rally to raise money for that student's legal defense fund.
Concurrently, subsequent discussions have surfaced deeper questions about acts of hatred and Anglo-American superiority over people of color. Many students on campus are demanding further action from the University to address and prevent such actions of hate and to talk about the diguising of racism as patriotism. Tonight's Espejos de Aztlan discussion will focus on the latter.
Also, KUNM is hosting its Fall 2007 Membership Drive this week (Oct. 13-19, 2007). Espejos de Aztlan, just like many other programs on KUNM 89.9FM, is able to conduct programming on news, culture and music (particularly that which can only be found on KUNM and not highlighted by mainstream media)-- but the station is only able to do so through the financial support of listeners like yourself. More than 50% of KUNM's annual operating funds come from listener contributions.
Please consider calling during tonight's Raices Collective Show, anytime between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM to make a donation and become a member of KUNM 89.9FM. Contributors can have their names read on the air and for a minimum contribution of $20.00, contributors will receive "Zounds!," KUNM 89.9FM's monthly program guide. For more information on the Fall 2007 Membership Drive, please visit
Espejos de Aztlan has been on-air since 1979 and is part of the Raices Colectiva which conducts programming on news, culture and music from a Latino perspective on KUNM 89.9. For more information or to submit input about Espejos de Aztlan, please visit the "Raices" link at
October 15, 2007 at 05:28 PM in Immigration, Media, Minority Issues | Permalink | Comments (0)
New Gore Videos: Is He Running?
Yesterday, Al Gore added three short, campaign style videos to, the online website of the cable TV channel he helped found. As far as I can tell, he's never done this before. What does it signal? Watch them and then you tell me:
- He's for universal, single-payer health care: Health Care Is a Right
- He thinks we need more protection against government surveillance: Americans Deserve More Protection
- He wants to bring the troops home as quickly as possible: Get the Troops Home
October 15, 2007 at 03:03 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Civil Liberties, Healthcare, Iraq War, Media | Permalink | Comments (5)
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Tonight: Another Chance to See Bruce Clark on 'We The People'
REPRIEVE: with Bruce Clark
Albuquerque resident and Marine veteran,
Clark is the father of two active duty soldiers.
One son is currently serving in Iraq.
9 PM MDT, Saturday, October 13
Watch simultaneously on your high-speed computer:
Click for Channel 27s Media Stream ->
Half way down the page on the Right.
Kindly forward this message to your friends. TAPE the program if you cannot be present.
Editor's Note: Bruce Clark spoke eloquently and passionately at the Albuquerque Iraq Summer townhall event in late August. You can read about it here.
October 13, 2007 at 09:57 AM in Iraq War, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Air America's Thom Hartmann in ABQ 11.3.07
Thom Hartmann: “Human Relationship to the Environment”
Live in Albuquerque
Saturday, November 3, 1:00 PM!
Hotel Albuquerque, Old Town
Celebrated broadcaster, author, psychotherapist and commentator Thom Hartmann has written widely on issues related to the environment, politics and social justice.
Thom will give the keynote address during the Holistic Management International conference luncheon from 12:00 – 2:00PM. After Thom’s talk, the afternoon continues with dynamic Round Table Discussions on Global Climate Change, Creating a Sustainable Local Food System, Fire-Proofing the West, and much more. The afternoon winds up with an inspiring presentation by HMI Founder Allan Savory on Healing the Land.
Tickets are just $35.00. Don’t wait! Tickets are sure to sell out soon. Call (505) 842-5252 today, or click this link. Don’t miss this exciting afternoon – call today!
Thom Hartmann Booksigning: November 3, Hasting Books and Music at 5:00 PM. Talk and booksigning, 12501 Candelaria Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111 (Northwest corner of Tramway and Candelaria), call 332-8855. Click for more info.
October 2, 2007 at 04:04 PM in Environment, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Iraq War Purple Heart Recipient Criticizes Rush Limbaugh for 'Phony Soldiers' Remark
In the not-letting-them-get-away-with-it department:, the leading political group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, is today launching a hard-hitting ad that directly takes on Rush Limbaugh for his contention that those who served in Iraq, but oppose the Bush administration's failed policies, are "phony soldiers." (See our previous post.)
The ad (video above) will air nationally Wednesday and Thursday on FOX News and CNN, and a radio version of the ad will air during the Rush Limbaugh Show in Washington, DC and in his home market of Palm Beach, Florida. The total amount of the ad buy is $60,000. A broadcast quality radio version of the ad will be posted at later this afternoon.
The ad features Brian McGough of Washington, DC, who was wounded in action when he took shrapnel to his head as a result of an enemy explosive. McGough received the Purple Heart for his traumatic brain injury.
In the ad, McGough says, "More and more troops and veterans of Iraq believe George Bush's military policy has been a disaster...I am one of them. Rush Limbaugh called vets like me "phony soldiers" for telling the truth about Iraq. Rush, the shrapnel I took to my head was real. My traumatic brain injury was real. And, my belief that we are on the wrong course in Iraq is real. Until you have the guts to call me a "phony solider" to my face, stop telling lies about my service." Text then reads, "Tell Rush Limbaugh to stop insulting our troops and veterans. (800) 282-2882."
Jon Soltz, Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of, said, "Maybe Rush Limbaugh and his ilk haven't heard, but there's a new sheriff in town - America's troops and veterans, who are not going to sit idle while people like Rush demean the service of those who oppose the President's failed policy in Iraq. Maybe Rush got away with smears like this in the past, but he's not going to on our watch. There's nothing phony about those who chose to wear the uniform and fight. And someone like Rush Limbaugh, who avoided service, is the one of the least qualified people on the face of the earth to pass judgment on us." is a pro-military organization committed to the destruction of terror networks around the world, with force when necessary. It represents the Voice of America's 21 Century Patriots - those who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. It primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on behalf of troops, veterans and their families.
Click to donate to VoteVets to help them support the troops and oppose the escalation in Iraq.
Resolution Introduced in U.S. House
Meanwhile Rep. Mark Udall of Colorado has introduced a in the U.S. House condemning Rush for his nasty remarks. If we want to see this bill brought to a vote, we need to contact the Dem House leaders and Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03).
October 2, 2007 at 11:18 AM in Iraq War, Media, Veterans | Permalink | Comments (1)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
More on Joanie Griffin's Ethical Problems (and The Albuquerque Journal's?)
Required reading if you live in Albuquerque's City Council District 6 (or even if you don't): Countdown to Oct. 2: The Journal and Joanie, another revealing political post by Coco over at Duke City Fix. Be sure to follow the links to other posts Coco provides in order to connect the dots fully. It's a fairly complicated web. It often is when Mayor Chavez, the city's ethics board, Greg Payne, Don Harris, Paulette de'Pascal, Joanie Griffin and the Albuquerque Journal, among others, are involved.
September 30, 2007 at 12:14 PM in 2007 Albq. Municipal Elections, Ethics & Campaign Reform, Media | Permalink | Comments (1)