Friday, January 26, 2007
Plea from Reporter: CBS Filtering TV News on Iraq
Very important: A plea from the CBS Senior Foreign Correspondent in Baghdad, embedded with the U.S. military, for citizens to urge CBS News to air one of her reports on their TV news show rather than solely on their website. Click for a Daily Kos diary on this that includes a link to the powerful and graphic video story filed by reporter Lara Logan about the two-week old, ongoing battles on Haifa Street in Baghdad.
Images can change people's minds. Apparently CBS News doesn't want its TV viewers to be exposed to the truth of what's going on in the streets of central Baghdad. Here's their excuse: "the Executive Producer of the Evening News thought some of the images in it were a bit strong plus on that day the program was already packed with other Iraq news." News programmers outside the U.S. aren't worried about airing "strong" video. Here's an example shown by Britain's Channel 4 News.
You can contact CBS News via a link in the Kos diary. There's also a suggestion that we send the video link to our members of Congress.
And here's another example of how war news is being "managed" in the U.S. Quote:
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Contrary to U.S. military statements, four U.S. soldiers did not die repelling a sneak attack at the governor's office in the Shiite holy city of Karbala last week. New information obtained by The Associated Press shows they were abducted and found dead or dying as far as 25 miles away.
The brazen assault 50 miles south of Baghdad was launched Jan. 20 by a group of nine to 12 militants. They traveled in black GMC Suburban vehicles -- the type used by U.S. government convoys, had American weapons, wore new U.S. military combat fatigues and spoke English.
More news like this at Spread the Word: Iraq-Nam.
January 26, 2007 at 10:06 AM in Iraq War, Media | Permalink | Comments (5)
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Two APS Board Candidates on This Week's 'We The People'
WE THE PEOPLE: January 25, 2007 - 7 PM
APS School Board Candidates
Charles MacQuigg, Pauline Nunez
(District 4, Downtown, Albuquerque Highschool, Highland Highschool)
Live - Channel 27 ABQ! Worldwide On The Net! Click for Streaming Media:
Join us on Second and Fourth Thursdays, 7-8 PM Mountain Time, Community Cable Channel 27, Albuquerque, NM. Call-in: (505) 346-1633. WE THE PEOPLE is an innovative call-in television show looking for TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY in local, state and federal governments. THANKS FOR WATCHING! Mickey Bock/Judith Binder - Hosts.
Editor's Note: Check out our previous post for more information on the 2/6/07 APS Board Election.
January 23, 2007 at 09:20 AM in Education, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, January 19, 2007
Next Up on Insight NM Radio: Saturday 1.20.07
Insight New Mexico, the new radio talk show about local politics hosted by Eric Griego and produced by Suzanne Prescott, continues this Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM on Progressive Talk Radio, 1350AM. See our previous post for more info on this excellent new weekly progressive forum and call-in show. Also be sure to check out the show's website and blog at .
The January 20 show lineup Includes:
Mimi Stewart - serves in the New Mexico House of Representative from District 21. In the past Mimi has been Chair of the Government & Urban Affairs Committee and active on the following House Committees: Judiciary, Water & Natural Resources, Courts Corrections & Justice, and Legislative Education Study. Mimi can be reached at:
Kate Nash - is an Albuquerque Tribune political columnist familiar to readers throughout to New Mexico and a special favorite of political junkies, traversing the hectic and often tumultuous landscape of New Mexico politics. Contact Kate at
Joe Monahan - Joe's blog could just be the most widely read blog by political insiders in New Mexico. Joe's wide network of contacts, friends and confidantes bring local and timely news to his blog, New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan. What insider information captured reader interest this week? Tune in to find out. Kate Nash reports that Monahan describes his blog as "the front page, the entertainment page, the sports page and the editorial page all rolled into one. "New Mexico Politics with Joe Monahan:
A Surprise Special Guest - Eric will feature a guest from one of Albuquerque's most active advocacy groups.
If we want this show to succeed and become a permanent part of the radio landscape here in Albuquerque, we need to tune in, call in and urge our friends and colleagues to do the same. If you'd like to learn about how you can become a supporter or sponsor of the show, contact Suzanne Prescott at .
January 19, 2007 at 10:10 AM in Local Politics, Media, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Watch Today's Live Webcast of Gov. Richardson's State of the State Address
Santa Fe Roundhouse Rotunda
The New Mexico Legislature's 2007 60-day session convenes today and Governor Bill Richardson will give his State of the State address to legislators. The speech can be viewed live online by visiting the Governor’s website at and then clicking on the link provided on the home page. The speech is scheduled to begin after the Legislature takes care of initial business -– between 12:30 and 1:00 PM. For those who cannot watch live, a recording of the speech will also be available on the Governor’s website following the opening session, along with the full text (PDF) of the speech.
Local TV stations KOB, Channel 4, and KNME, Channel 5, have announced they will carry the speech live.
You can read an acccount by Kate Nash of the Albuquerque Tribune of Richardson's dry run of the speech and more here.
Santa Fe New Mexican reporter, Steve Terrell, provides an overview of what's expected at this year's session. He'll also be blogging about the Legislature at his Roundhouse Roundup.
The Albuquerque Tribune's Kate Nash will be blogging about the session at her Roundhouse Report. She analyzes this year's proposed legislation here.
And , Eric Griego and Suzanne Prescott's new show on Progressive Talk Radio, 1350 AM, will be focusing on the Legislature every Saturday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM.
This is the 48th NM Legislature since we achieved statehood in 1912. Gov. Richardson has dubbed it the "year of water."
UPDATE: Here are the listings for the new officers officially elected today before the Governor gave his speech:
January 16, 2007 at 08:47 AM in Media, NM Legislature 2007, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (2)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
REMINDER: Tune in Eric Griego's New Radio Show Today at 3 PM on 1350 AM
A new radio talk show, ‘Insight New Mexico,’ produced by our frequent guest blogger Suzanne Prescott, premieres TODAY, January 13, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM on Clear Channel’s 1350 AM Talk Radio in Albuquerque. Host of the show, Weekly Alibi columnist and former Albuquerque City Councilman Eric Griego, says the show will help fill the need for in depth state and local New Mexico radio broadcast news coverage. Visit the show's website and blog at . See our previous post for more information on the show. Today's guests will include NM State Sen. Dede Feldman, Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse, Albuquerque journlist and radio personality James Scarantino and a Surprise Guest.
January 13, 2007 at 11:01 AM in Media, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (2)
Monday, January 08, 2007
Eric Griego Launches Radio Talk Show in Time for NM 2007 Legislative Session
From '':
A new radio talk show, ‘Insight New Mexico,’ produced by our frequent guest blogger Suzanne Prescott, premieres January 13 from 3:00 to 4:00 PM on Clear Channel’s 1350 AM Talk Radio. Host of the show, Weekly Alibi columnist and former Albuquerque City Councilman Eric Griego (photo right), says the show will help fill the need for in depth state and local New Mexico radio broadcast news coverage.
“Each week we’ll wrap up major activities in New Mexico’s Roundhouse with interviews from my guests who are on top of the issues,” Griego said.
The premiere show lineup for January 13th Includes:
- Dede Feldman, well known and widely respected State Senator, who will preview major issues coming up in the 2007 legislative session.
- Maggie Toulouse, newly appointed Bernalillo County Clerk, who will discuss her goals for upcoming elections.
- James Scarantino, Albuquerque journalist & radio personality, who will provide his own take on where the legislature is going and how common media outlets will cover the issues.
- A Surprise Special Guest: What show would be complete without a surprise? Eric has some excitement in store with a special guest you will want to hear.
The show will examine major themes moving through the legislature as well as some under the radar issues that may have escaped listeners’ attention. Some of the topics that will be reviewed include:
- The Ethics Reform package - It’s already generating controversy among law makers. Will it survive?
- Raising the Minimum Wage - Will New Mexico beat Congress to the punch?
- Water, water and more water - Where will it come from and will it be safe?
- Criminal Justice - There will be more than laws against sex offenders or DWI. Find out what legislation lawmakers are looking at.
- Improving Education for New Mexicans - Will APS take it in the teeth and who’s been left behind?
- Addressing the Crisis in Health Care - Are health care & health insurance out of the reach of too many New Mexicans? Can lawmakers pass meaningful legislation?
Join Eric and his guests when the show airs on Saturdays from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. For more information you can contact Eric directly at (505) 259-7600. For frequent updates on show developments, go to the show’s blog and website at Click for bios (doc) of the show's Executive Producer Suzanne Prescott (photo left) and the show's Host Eric Griego.
January 8, 2007 at 09:14 AM in Media, NM Legislature 2007 | Permalink | Comments (11)
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Must See TV
Check out the video a(or text) at Crooks and Liars. You know it's bad when Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle express severe doubts about our president's sanity.
December 21, 2006 at 01:34 PM in Iraq War, Media, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Local Blog Magical Mystery Tour
I haven't been writing much because of my continuing convalescence. Fatigue and pain meds don't make for compelling posts. But other bloggers around New Mexico have lots going on so I thought I'd take you on a little tour of some of them today.
Heath Haussamen has a link to Brian Sanderoff's analysis of his polling data compared with actual election results in New Mexico. Heath's also been doing a bang-up job of covering the maneuvers going on in the NM House over leadership positions. Scroll down on the main page.
Johnny Mango at Albloggerque took second place to Duke City Fix in the Best Blog category in Albuquerque Mag's Best Of edition. Congrats Johnny! You rock!
BurqueBabble comments on the continuing saga of Mayor Chavez and the little streetcar line that couldn't (at least for now).
Avelino at Live From Silver City makes some suggestions about our new paper ballot voting system.
Duke City Fix features a guest blog about Albuquerque's new pet law.
My Strange New Mexico is a new entry in the local blog mix, written by a columnist at the Daily Lobo. Welcome.
Joe Monahan raises the issue of a possible redistricting for NM-01 given Heather's razor-thin win over Madrid this year. He's also doing continuing coverage on the push and pull of power maneuvers over NM legislative leadership posts. Poke around.
New Mexico FBIHOP, who did an excellent job covering the Madrid-Wilson race, weighs in on the at-least-for-now derailed Nob Hill streetcar project.
New Mexico Matters demands to know why we didn't have a recount in the NM-01 congressional race. They've been doing a lot of coverage on the PRC, election reform issues and corruption.
Despite his recent loss (boo!) in the NM Land Commissioner race, Jim Baca is continuing his blogging on energy issues and more over at Only in New Mexico.
And that's just a taste. There's always action at our growing community of local blogs so check in often by clicking on the links in our NM Blogs section located on our left-hand sidebar. I do.
December 5, 2006 at 12:28 PM in Media, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (3)
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tonight's 'We The People' to Focus on Pain Management Policy
WE THE PEOPLE: November 30, 2006
Thursdays, 7-8 PM MST
Albuquerque Community Cable Channel 27
Call-in: (505) 346-1633
Hosted by Mickey Bock & Judith Binder
Special Guest: Dr. Walter B. Forman
Time to stop pain! Dr. Forman is a member of the faculty at the UNM School of Medicine. His research and writings have focused on hospice and palliative care.
You can also watch the show online via streaming media at WE THE PEOPLE is an innovative call-in television show looking for TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY in local, state and federal governments.
November 30, 2006 at 11:04 AM in Healthcare, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Denish to Debate Rival on KUNM Thursday Morning
From the Diane Denish for Lt. Governor Campaign: Tune in to the KUNM call-in show to hear Lt. Gov. Diane Denish debate Republican State Sen. Sue Wilson Beffort tomorrow morning, Thursday, November 2nd, at 8 AM on 89.9 FM in Albuquerque.
November 1, 2006 at 05:05 PM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)