Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Act Now to Save Internet Radio
Tell Rep. Wilson, Sen. Bingaman and Sen. Domenici:
Rescue Internet Radio
From Free Press: Internet music may soon fall silent. A new rule concerning a massive increase in fees paid by Internet radio webcasters could force thousands of independent and noncommercial Internet radio operators off the Web. The ruling will go into effect on July 15 unless we act now and urge Congress to rescue Internet radio: Rescue Internet Radio: Take Action Now
After intense lobbying from the recording industry, the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) ignored a massive public outcry and ruled to dramatically increase the rates webcasters must pay every time they stream a song. These draconian rules will shut down many noncommercial and independent Internet radio outlets, leaving the Web with the same cookie-cutter music formats that have destroyed commercial broadcast radio.
Independent musicians, independent labels, webcasters, media reformers and thousands of Internet radio listeners have joined forces with members of Congress to reverse this bad decision. The bipartisan "Internet Radio Equality Act of 2007" has been introduced in the House by Reps. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) and Donald Manzullo (R-Ill.) and in the Senate by Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Sam Brownback (R-Kan.). The legislation would reverse the CRB decision in favor of a balanced structure that supports artists without putting webcasters out of business.
Musicians must be compensated for their work. But the new regulations would silence many outlets that play independent artists and musical genres that just can't be found on the radio dial. And nonprofit NPR, Pacifica and community radio stations would be forced to take down most of their online musical programming for fear of unmanageable royalty fees.
The bills introduced in the House and Senate would allow artists and musicians to thrive on Internet radio. Industry-wide consolidation has destroyed musical diversity on commercial broadcast radio. We must not let this happen to the Internet.
Frannie Wellings, Associate Policy Director
Free Press,
P.S. You can click here to join our email list and become a Free Press activist.
May 16, 2007 at 08:38 AM in Media, Music, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (2)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Building An Audience Who Wants Progressive News and Views
This is a guest blog by Suzanne Prescott, who joined with Eric Griego to create the local progressive talk radio show, Insight New Mexico, which aired for on 1350AM on Saturdays during the NM Legislative Session:
Those who listened to Insight New Mexico have asked if Eric Griego (above right, in studio) will be back on radio. Blogger, Joe Monahan, points out that Eric's options could include competing activities like a run for Heather Wilson's seat or even expanded job duties in Santa Fe. What's up next for Eric? We don't know but we're listening.
We can however look at data about podcasts taken from Eric's radio show, Insight New Mexico, which aired throughout the NM legislative session on AM 1350 Progressive Talk Radio. Individual interviews with guests were podcasted as well as podcasts of shows in their entirety. Podcasts have been played more than 1000 times. By May 11th the top 12 individual interviews (see below) were played 583 times. In addition complete shows were accessed which further increased exposure to show guests beyond listeners who listened to individual podcasts. We conclude that podcasts increased exposure to local progressive legislators, bloggers, journalists and advocates for progressive issues and the numbers continue to grow.
While the original radio broadcasts may have had somewhere around 1000 - 2000 listeners, podcasts are disseminated over the Internet and provide exposure to a limited audience outside New Mexico, as well as friends, family, staff of guests, and other interested parties. Once radio shows aired and podcasts were created from the shows, it took some time for the podcasts to find their way to interested listeners. For example the individual interview with Sandy Buffet, Executive Director of Conservation Voters NM, was podcasted on February 1 and only played 6 times by March 1 but by May 11th had been played 52 times. (To see the detailed number of plays go to .)
In comparison to audiences for a local conservative weekday drive time radio, these numbers are small - a weekday morning drive time show in Albuquerque could attract 18,000 - 20,000 listeners. However, in terms of building a progressive listenership, the figures suggest that there is an audience waiting to be built and listeners looking for alternative points of view. As soon as AM 1350 began broadcasting Air America radio lineup and other progressive talk shows hosts like Ed Schultz (left, with Suzanne Prescott), the radio talk show audience at normally conservative KKOB saw a decline. But progressive views on commercial radio rarely include local news and talk. For a progressive slant in Albuquerque, interested parties must rely on a modest set of local resources like the New Mexico blogosphere, Channel 27, KUNM, and the 'The Science Guys' on AM 1350 Talk Radio. Clearly there's room for improvement. It's not too early to begin building a local progressive base by adding radio to the media mix and doing more to extend the current reach of the blogosphere. It's also too early to conclude that a progressive campaign media strategy should rely on a mind numbing and alienating TV blitz at campaign's end. The recent failure in the District #1 race shows that too much reliance on TV is risky.
The Top Dozen Podcasts from Eric Griego's Insight New Mexico radio show
1) Eric Griego talks with statesman and former mentor, Richard Romero.
* Played 61 times * Runtime 00:08:53
2) Eric interviews Eric Mack, Executive Producer for the New Mexico News Connection, a radio news service.
* Played 54 times * Runtime 00:06:49
3) Eric interviews Senator Dede Feldman
* Played 52 times * Runtime 00:14:32
4) Eric talks with James Scarantino
* Played 52 times * Runtime 00:08:56
5) Eric chats with Sandy Buffet, Executive Director of Conservation Voters NM
* Played 52 times * Runtime 00:00:00
6) Eric chats with conservative New Mexico blogger, Mario Burgos
* Played 49 times * Runtime 00:13:00
7) Eric Interviews New Mexico State Representative, ‘Moe’ Maestas
* Played 48 times * Runtime 00:11:00
8) Eric interviews New Mexico State Senator Jerry Ortiz Y Pino
* Played 48 times * Runtime 00:12:08
9) Eric interviews Maggie Toulouse, Bernalillo County Clerk
* Played 46 times * Runtime 00:11:29
10) Eric interviews Barbara Wold creator of the blog, Democracy for New Mexico
* Played 42 times * Runtime 00:07:08
11) Eric talks with Gene Grant, Albuquerque Tribune columnist and host of 'The Line' on KNME-TV
* Played 41 times * Runtime 00:09:00
12) Eric discusses prospects for passage of the Ethics Reform package with Matt Brix, Executive Director of Common Cause New Mexico
* Played 38 times * Runtime 00:15:26
Note: Unfortunately the second show was not recorded by AM station 1350, and therefore interviews with our guests, Mimi Stewart, Joe Monahan, and Kate Nash could not be podcasted.
Editor's Note: This is a guest blog from frequent contributor Suzanne Prescott. If you'd like to submit a post for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of our main page.
May 13, 2007 at 04:00 PM in Current Affairs, Guest Blogger, Media | Permalink | Comments (2)
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
New Richardson Ad Takes Humorous Approach
Editor's Note: I like the new approach. It's not often we see political ads that are creative and humorous. What do you think? Click below, watch the ads and and let the Bill Richardson campaign know your thoughts.
From Dave Contarino, Richardson for President: You have to see our new ad. We just released it on YouTube. Our ads will be running in Iowa and New Hampshire. Raising our profile and earning votes in these states are essential elements of our campaign to elect Governor Richardson in 2008. The new spot is not your typical campaign ad. It makes a crucial point to key primary voters that Bill Richardson, a four-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, is the experienced leader that America needs.
Click here to see Bill Richardson's new ad. It is sure to earn attention from voters and it shows that Bill's resume - Governor, Energy Secretary, and statesman - is exactly what America needs.
With more than 20 states holding primaries and caucuses in the two weeks after Iowa and New Hampshire, these two early contests are more important than ever. A strong start will give our campaign a wave of momentum that will carry Governor Richardson to the nomination.
That's why we have to take every opportunity to talk directly to voters in these influential states. They need to know that Bill Richardson is the only candidate who has a proven record of negotiating peace in global trouble spots and that he's ready to do the same thing in the White House.
We're leveraging your investment in our campaign with a bold and aggressive media strategy aimed at raising our profile and earning pivotal votes. I have always believed that when voters learn that Governor Richardson invested in education, job creation, and alternative energy in New Mexico, they will side with us.
The new ad shows a mock job interview for President that gives new meaning to the words "over-qualified." The look on the Governor's face is priceless.
One of the secrets of Governor Richardson's success at governing, negotiation and foreign affairs is his ability to connect with people. His years of diplomatic experience have taught the Governor that sometimes the best way to reach out is to put others at ease with humor and self-deprecation.
But the message underscores a serious distinction. Bill Richardson has spent a lifetime in public service, preparing to meet our country's great challenges and to seize great opportunities. He is the only candidate with the wisdom and the sound judgment to take on the toughest dictators and to tackle global warming.
However, it takes something unconventional to get noticed in a crowded field. This new ad fits the bill. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
May 9, 2007 at 12:12 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Media | Permalink | Comments (4)
'We The People' to Focus on Bill Moyers Review
WE THE PEOPLE: Bill Moyers, a Review
May 10, 2007 - 6 PM, Albuquerque, Channel 27
Worldwide On The Net! Click for Streaming Media.
WE THE PEOPLE is an innovative television show looking for TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY in local, state and federal governments. THANKS FOR WATCHING, Mickey Bock/Judith Binder - Hosts
May 9, 2007 at 08:48 AM in Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, April 27, 2007
Greg Palast on IndyMedia TV Tonight, in Santa Fe Sunday
From IndyMedia: Tune in to Indy Media TV on Friday, April 27, at 7 PM on Albuquerque's Ch 27 or on the web at Greg Palast will be live on the phone in the first half, followed by Rachel Lazar on Immigration Reform.Questions?
Editor's Note: An Evening with Investigative Reporter Greg Palast, featuring a talk and book signing, will take place at the Lensic, Santa Fe’s Performing Arts Center, 211 West San Francisco St., on Sunday, April 29, beginning at 7 PM. Sponsors are Simple Change, KSFR-FM and Collected Works Bookstore. See our previous post for details.
April 27, 2007 at 09:05 AM in Events, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Journalism = Transcription
Did you see Bill Moyers' new PBS special last night? If you did, you know how disturbing it was to witness the media's cowardice and the administration's lies dissected and put on display in such a compelling manner. If you didn't, you need to make a point to see it and encourage your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues to do the same. You can watch the video or read the transcript of the program here.
Most of us will recognize the facts Moyers' compiled on how too many were lured into buying BushCo's lies and propaganda, but to see everything organized and communicated chronologically is powerful indeed. With the myriad of horrors produced by Bush and his cronies, it's easy to forget just how blatantly and dishonestly the case for war was made, and just how nonchalantly and obediently the mainstream media served as BushCo's uncritical transcription service and megaphone.
One segment to watch for is about the reentry of the UN inspectors into Iraq right before the invasion, and how the results of their profoundly thorough investigation, which turned up nothing in terms of WMD or nukes, was dismissed and ignored -- and still is today.
David Sirota does a great job of summarizing the show's exposure of the mainstream media's inside the Beltway laziness and arrogance. Excerpt:
In interview after interview after interview, we hear top journalists and opinionmakers declare that they believe journalism is no longer about basic, hard-scrabble reporting or getting scoops. As the Washington Post's Walter Pincus says, most reporters today actually try to avoid getting scoops because they "worry about sort of getting out ahead of something" and - gasp! - making their friends inside Official Washington mad at them. So rather than, say, do the real work of reporting news, journalism has become a profession that is almost entirely about PR, transcription and packaging Establishment spin for news copy. This is why, for example, many of the highest-profile political "journalists" like Joe Klein and David Broder never bother to actually report anything anymore - but instead spend most of their time pontificating on horse race polls and campaign gossip, expecting us to believe that's real "news."
... Moyers, channeling a fantastic piece by Jebediah Reed in Radar Magazine, notes that most of the people who regurgitated the Washington Establishment's debunked case for war have actually been rewarded with even more prominent positions in the media. And while these desperate-for-attention media icons like Bill Kristol and Tom Friedman are happy to throw themselves in front of cameras for almost any opportunity to promote themselves, they categorically refused to talk to Moyers for his PBS special.
And Glenn Greenwald takes on "our failed and barren press" in no uncertain terms while revealing how nothing has changed with the mainstream media outlets since their spectacular failures during the run-up to the war. Excerpt:
For those who have been following these issues, there was no single, specific blockbuster revelation that was not previously known, although Moyers' focus on the superb (and largely ignored) pre-war work of Real Journalists at Knight-Ridder (now at McClatchy) does cast a new light on the profound malfeasance of our most influential media outlets.
... the documentary is -- in one sense -- a very valuable historical account of the corrupt behavior by our dominant political and media institutions which deceived the country into the invasion of Iraq. But on another, more significant level, it illustrates the corruption that continues to propel our political and media culture.
Just consider that, as Moyers notes, there has been no examination by any television news network of the role played by the American media in enabling the Bush administration and its warmonger propagandists to disseminate pure falsehoods to the American public. People like Eric Boehlert have written books about it, and Moyers has now produced a comprehensive PBS program documenting it. But the national media outlets themselves have virtually ignored this entire story -- arguably the most significant political story of the last decade -- because they do not think there is any story here at all.
Also be sure to check out Tom Tomorrow's cartoon on what the pundits slash faux journalists were saying before the war. Unfortunately, the media travesties mostly continue. Welcome back, Bill Moyers. His new series, Bill Moyers' Journal, will be aired Friday nights on PBS (KNME) at 9:00 PM.
April 26, 2007 at 01:20 PM in Iraq War, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
2008 Dem Presidential Candidate Debate Thursday on MSNBC
All eight Democratic candidates for president will debate on Thursday at an event, organized by the South Carolina Democratic Party, to be held at the historic Martin Luther King, Jr., Theater at South Carolina State University in Orangeburg. The debate is set to air on MSNBC cable on April 26th from 5:00 to 6:30 PM MDT, moderated by NBC News anchor Brian Williams. It will also be streamed live on Bill Richardson, John Edwards, Barack Obama, Dennis Kucinich, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chris Dodd and Mike Gravel have all confirmed their participation. Click for MSNBC debate coverage.
According to Reuters, "The debate kicks off three days of political activity in South Carolina. On Friday, most candidates will attend a state party dinner and the annual fish fry hosted by Rep. Jim Clyburn, the state's most prominent black politician. On Saturday, some candidates will address the state party convention."
On the eve of the Democratic Party events, South Carolina lawmakers are urging candidates to release their comprehensive energy plans and make discussion of energy policies a top priorty.
South Carolina will hold the first Democratic primary contest in the South in January 2008, following Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire.
An article by Adam Nagourney of the New York Times describes the crush of invitations to presidential candidate forums and debates being received by candidates of both parties, and efforts being made to coordinate a reasonable schedule:
After a private dinner of Democratic campaign managers at a Washington steakhouse last month with Howard Dean, the Democratic National Committee chairman, the party agreed that starting in July it would limit debates to one a month through the end of the year. Dean, blocking for his candidates, will choose the sponsors.
... "The DNC should stand firm and demand as many debates as possible," said Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who is seeking the Democratic nomination. "This is one way there is equity in this presidential process because they are several candidates with alarmingly more money and resources than everyone else."
April 25, 2007 at 12:35 PM in 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Weigh in Before Wednesday Night on VideoVets Project
From and VoteVets:
The administration tries to call anyone who criticizes their policy in Iraq 'anti-troop,' but these video interviews show that 'supporting the troops' does NOT mean supporting an endless war. The voices of these veterans and military families are missing from the debate in Washington. Together we can make sure they become a vital part of the national dialogue around ending the war.
You and tell us what you think. You have until Wednesday night to weigh in on which video you think is most compelling. Then, Academy Award winning director Oliver Stone will turn it into a TV ad-spreading this message even further.
Here are some powerful excerpts from the videos:
California Gold Star Mom: I used to lay in bed at about 11 o'clock at night and imagine somebody would be knocking on my door. And I would visualize how I would respond to that, and lay in bed, "Go away, don't come here for that." And so every minute you just expected to get the knock at the door—I just worried so much that somebody would come to my house and ultimately that's what happened. I wrote this letter to Ken on the one year anniversary of his death..."I'm so proud that you chose to serve your country. And in the same thought I am so unbearably offended that this Administration used your good will, your patriotism, and your values to send you to fight their illegal, immoral, war of choice."
Pennsylvania Iraq Veteran: It never seemed to me that we were fighting Al Quaeda, Bin Laden, or the people who were responsible for attacking us on 9/11. The mission was so confusing, and it seemed as if everybody in the community disliked us. To keep American soldiers in Iraq for an indefinite period of time being attacked by an unidentifiable enemy is wrong, immoral, and irresponsible...I feel used and I feel misled by the Administration. I feel that my patriotism has been used and exploited, my willingness to fight for this country has been used and exploited. I'm very proud of my military service, but I'm very disappointed in the civilian leadership and the Administration for sending us needlessly into combat.
Indiana Iraq Veteran: When I was deployed to Iraq, we lacked crucial and necessary equipment and supplies...When I was in Iraq, I drove a pickup truck that you could buy off the lot anywhere at any Chevrolet dealership, and that was our means of transportation—that was the vehicle that we fought out of. We modified our pick-up truck to try to become a war fighting machine. We put a stand in the back of it so we could mount a machine gun in the back of the truck...It's important to end this war...we have our young men and women caught up in a religious and civil war, and we're doing more harm than good."
(Note: The views expressed in these interviews do not necessarily reflect the views of VoteVets or Political Action, they are the views of interview subjects only.)
April 24, 2007 at 10:17 AM in Iraq War, Media, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, April 20, 2007
Citizen Action Interview on Radio Free Silver, Community Cable
From Dave McCoy, Citizen Action: Friends, Kyle Johnson of Radio Free Silver will run an interview with Dave McCoy, Director of Citizen Action, nightly for a week at 7 PM on Ch 27 in Silver City starting this Friday the 20th. It will probably run next Tuesday or the following Tuesday at 2 PM on Ch 27 in Albuquerque and Friday the 20th at 8 PM in Santa Fe. A page on Radio Free Silver is dedicated to the show and includes a link back to Citizen Action.
April 20, 2007 at 03:06 PM in Media, Nuclear Arms, Power | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Many Protesting NBC's Release of Virginia Tech Killer's "Manifesto"
Reports are coming in that NBC News is being deluged by emails and phone calls complaining about their decision to broadcast and rebroadcast (and rebroadcast) the "manifesto" mailed to them by the murderer of 32 at Virginia Tech. NBC mailboxes are full and phone lines down due to the high volume of complaints. However, we just received a tip that NBC News can still be reached at this number, 201-583-5222, if you'd like to express your opinion on the document and video release. You can also directly contact local NBC affiliate KOB-TV News at 764-2470.
Viewers are outraged that the news organization seems to be playing into the hands of the killer by ensuring widespread dissemination of his distorted and hateful point of view, as well as his carefully crafted images. Imagine what the families and friends of the victims must be feeling. Clearly, NBC had a choice in what they aired, and they made it without much regard to the havoc (and potential copycat behavior) such broadcasts might create.
April 19, 2007 at 03:04 PM in Crime, Media | Permalink | Comments (2)