McCain Lie Counter

Friday, June 27, 2008

RSVP for Children's Cabinet Town Hall on Building NM's Workforce

From :
As chair of the New Mexico Children’s Cabinet, I want to hear from YOU. Please join us, along with youths, business leaders, educators, and community groups at the Children’s Cabinet Career Cluster Initiative Town Hall on Monday, June 30th, from 9 AM to 3 PM. This is an AmericaSpeaks 21st Century Town Meeting and will take place at the Hilton Albuquerque Hotel located at 1901 University Blvd. NE.  Breakfast, lunch, and parking will be provided.

We will be developing a long-term plan for building a more powerful workforce in New Mexico. You can contribute recommendations that the Children’s Cabinet will consider over the next 6 months and into the January legislative session on how to strengthen New Mexico’s workforce. The Town Hall will use technology to meld small-group discussions into large-group priorities. Key constituencies will join forces to build a more powerful workforce in New Mexico and the focus of the day is your input.

The goals of the Town Hall are:


I hope to see you there.

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June 27, 2008 at 01:11 PM in Business, Economy, Populism, Education, Events, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Blogwitness News: Flying Star Obama Meets with Albuquerque Working Women

Obama enters the Flying Star Commissary

See the rest of the photos from Obama's event at Flickr and my later post with video clips.
Also go read NM FBIHOP's excellent (as usual)
on this, as well as Udall blogger Bryan Barash's coverage.

Living in New Mexico during the 2008 election cycle can be a rather surreal experience at times. Like earlier today when Mary Ellen and I found ourselves joining the print and TV media and other local bloggers at Barack Obama's small and intimate meeting with working women at the Flying Star Commissary in Albuquerque.

Obama at the podium

Michael Isikoff of Newsweek, Kate Nash of the Santa Fe New Mexican, Stuart Dyson of KOB-4 News, Doug Fernandez of KOAT-7 News and, well, us -- part of the local unpaid blog and photo brigade. Many members of the paid media looked very bored, by the way. Years of doing these kinds of events evidently take their toll. But we were psyched with our press credentials safety-pinned to our shirts, and operatives and Secret Service all around.


The Commissary is where they roast all those coffee beans and bake all those desserts for the however many Flying Stars that are now open in the metro area. We hung out first in an area to the side of the main room where big wooden pallets piled high with sacks of coffee beans from around the world were interspersed with tables of lesser media lights, busy with their cell phones and laptops.

Speaking to working women

Eventually, Mary Ellen and Matt from New Mexico FBIHOP made it all the way to the center of the press camera riser that looked right down at Obama standing at a podium. When he finally arrived, Obama was tightly ringed by a few rows of seats where ordinary women, who work in various lower income jobs at Flying Star, listened to his speech and got to ask him questions. I thought he came across as grounded, open, laid-back, down to earth, yet charismatic.

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish and NM First Lady Barbara Richardson greet crowd

Obama was introduced by Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, one of Hillary Clinton's most loyal backers. Our Governor's wife, Barbara Richardson, was also in attendence. We know her husband endorsed Obama but no word on who her favorite was during the primary season.

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish introduces Obama, next prez of the U.S.

The event was informal, serious and low key. No chants of "Yes We Can" or O-BA-MA. Barack gave a short and pointed speech (text and video), briefly tracing his younger days and discussing how the current troubled economy is particularly cruel on working women -- we're generally way behind the curve economically even in good times. He pledged to change this situation with initiatives ranging from strengthening the Small Business Association to lowering taxes, greatly expanding the Medical and Family Leave Act, indexing the minimum wage to the cost of living, offering more grants for college tuition and more.

Answering questions from the group

Then Obama took what he said were unscreened questions from the small group of women, abandoning the podium for a hand mic and moving among the participants.

Charms from his pocket

I thought the most interesting question asked why we should trust that Obama will stay true to himself if he wins the presidency. Barack explained we should first look at his life, and the constancy of his dedication to working to address the concerns of ordinary people. We should also consider the sacrifice he's making to be away from his family so much while running for office, and ask if it would be worth it to him if he didn't believe he could help bring real change.


Finally, Obama discussed how moving it is to realize how much people are investing their hopes in him. He reached into a pocket and dug out a big handful of good luck charms people have given him as he's traveled America -- tangible reminders of people's hopes for his campaign, for his leadership and for the chances we have for a positive future.


I'll be writing more about our experiences today, and hope to post some decent video clips later. In the meantime, check out this Flickr album to see more photos from today's event.

On the Scene: Udall peeps and Matt of NM FBIHOP (he's smiling!)

Matt Reichbach has more coverage at the NM Independent.

(Tip o' the hat to Steve Olson at the Udall campaign for the heads up on today's Obamarama.)

Click on photos for larger versions. All photos by M.E. Broderick.

Technorati Tags:

June 23, 2008 at 05:27 PM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Economy, Populism, Labor, Women's Issues | Permalink | Comments (10)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Join AFL-CIO, Working Families in ABQ Today to Protest Gas Prices and Giveaways to Big Oil


The latest federal legislation aimed at tamping down windfall profits for the big oil companies, as well as out-of-control speculation that's a big factor in driving up gas prices, was blocked by Repub Senators yesterday. GOP Senators even used a filibuster threat to stop the extension of tax credits for solar and wind energy, some of which have lapsed and some that will sunset at the end of the year. This last move will almost certainly damage alternative energy development businesses in New Mexico, causing the loss of more good-paying jobs down the road.

EarthoilGood going Pete Domenici and crew. As always, GOP Senators buckled to pressure from Bush, who had threatened to veto the bills if they came to his desk. The Big Oil cronies like things just the way they are -- transferring huge gobs of money from ordinary people into the hands of their wealthy friends and supporters -- as profits and prices skyrocket for goods and transportation.

This latest Repub move to protect Big Oil -- regardless of the consequences -- follows on the heels of their blocking climate change legislation last week that would have enacted a much-needed cap and trade program and requirements designed to rein in rampant oil futures speculation and price fixing.

The boondoggle continues. Big donors to the GOP cause prosper beyond all reason. Working people suffer. Bush doesn't care. Worst of all -- prez candidate John McCain wants to continue Bush's energy horror show for at least four more years.

Join Today's Protest
AFL-CIO members, their families and local citizens won't take it sitting down. They'll join together this afternoon to speak out and protest the record high gas prices. The event will take place at the Shell gas station located at 5210 Central Avenue SE (at San Mateo), at 4:30 PM. Plans for the protest were sparked this week when the national average price of gas hit $4 on Monday, June 9, 2008, up from $1.47 the week President Bush took office.

"This is the first time in our nation’s history that gas has hit such a record high. The price of gas is literally choking working men and women out the American dream. It’s time for Pres. Bush and Sen. McCain to stop the giveaways to their friends in Big Oil and instead start sticking up for working people at home,” said Chris Chavez, Executive Director of the New Mexico State Federation.

At today's protest, union members and citizens will be calling on President Bush to boost the local economy in New Mexico and invest in jobs and energy independence. They will also be calling for an end to tax breaks that benefit Big Oil. The Albuquerque event is one of sixty happening nationwide as part of an AFL-CIO campaign to call on solutions to the record high gas prices.

WHO:  AFL-CIO working families in New Mexico
WHAT: Protest against soaring gas prices
WHERE: Shell Gas Station, 5210 Central Ave. SE (San Mateo & Central)
WHEN: Wednesday June 11th, 4:30-5:00 PM

Think about this: McCain's corporate tax cut proposal alone would give the five largest oil companies $3.8 billion in tax breaks. McCain loves big breaks for Big Oil.

I like this quote:

Senator Claire McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat, called the tax breaks given to the oil companies "the largest packet of corporate welfare" ever granted by the U.S. Congress.

"Last year Exxon Mobile made $83,000 a minute in profits. Are they using all this profit to invest in alternative fuels? How about increasing refinery capacity? Oh no, they've got their hand out to us. This is the nerve," she told colleagues. "What nerve does it take for us to give oil companies $17 billion in taxpayer money with those kind of profits? This is like the twilight zone."

AFL-CIO President President John Sweeney had this to say: "Record gas prices are choking off the American Dream for millions of working families. When gas costs $4 a gallon, it defies logic that President Bush and Sen. McCain continue to support massive tax giveaways for Big Oil, while offering no real path to energy independence.  Are Bush and McCain so dangerously out of touch that they think the answer to the gas price crisis is billions more in tax breaks to ExxonMobil?"

At the rallies this week, AFL-CIO working families will highlight the oil industry's massive profits under George Bush -– which top $525 billion -– as prices have skyrocketed from $1.47 a gallon when Bush took office to a historic high of $4 a gallon today.

Mccainoil1_2McCain's Dismal Energy Record
Union members will also raise awareness about Sen. McCain's record in support of the oil industry's interests, and highlight his lack of empathy for working families who are struggling. In addition to proposing massive tax giveaways for Big Oil, McCain has repeatedly voted to protect the oil industry's profits, even as they're squeezing working families at the pump. McCain voted against curtailing oil companies' windfall profits to give working families a tax cut in 2005, and he skipped a vote in 2007 that would have repealed tax breaks for Big Oil. Despite the economic woes facing working families, McCain asserted again last week that he believes the fundamentals of the economy are "very strong."

"Working people are getting battered in today's economy, and they're fed up with business as usual," Sweeney said. "It's more than the gas prices. The economy is bleeding jobs and people's stagnant paychecks can't cover the grocery and housing bills. Record gas prices are part of a much larger problem –- leaders like Bush and McCain have handed the reins of the economy over to Big Oil and other corporate interests whose only concern is maximizing their profit margins."

Technorati Tags:

June 11, 2008 at 11:21 AM in 2008 General Presidential Election, Energy, Events, John McCain, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, June 02, 2008

Join Lt. Gov. Diane Denish for Working America Health Care Rally

Join Working America's Health Care We Can Count on rally:

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Lt. Gov. Diane Denish
WHAT: Working America Rally
WHEN: Wednesday, June 4, 2:00 PM
WHERE: AFT Building, 8100 Mountain Road Place NE, ABQ
1 block north, 1 block east of Pennsylvania & Lomas
Click for FLYER

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June 2, 2008 at 07:26 PM in Events, Healthcare, Labor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Video: DPNM Protests Bush Fundraiser for GOP & White

The Tom Udall campaign liveblogged the Dem Party of New Mexico's demonstration in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque today protesting George Bush's fundraiser for NM-01 candidate Darren White and the state GOP. Click to see the recorded video of the event. Participants included reps from the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Tom Udall's campaign and UNM College Dems, as well as State Dem Party chair Brian Colon, NM-01 Dem Congressional candidate Martin Heinrich and Janice Saxton, Dem candidate in NM House District 22. KRQE News 13 has this video of Bush's arrival in Albuquerque and the protest in Los Ranchos de Albuquerque.

A major complaint raised by demonstrators centered on Bush's promise to veto the new GI Bill that would expand veterans' benefits and support every vet who's served since 9-11 with expanded financial support for a college education. John McCain, the presumed GOP nominee for prez, is also against the new GI Bill. I guess he supports vets, but only when George Bush tells him it's ok. A couple of quotes from participants about the close relationship between White and Bush:

DPNM Chair Brian Colon: "You know, Darren has been critical of the administration but he got a lot less critical when he had the opportunity to get some money from Bush's supporters. "That's not acceptable."

NM-01 candidate Martin Heinrich: "It's disappointing to see Darren White continue to embrace the president at a time when the administration's failed policies are hurting New Mexico families."

By the way, the Udall campaign is seeking 1000 donations between now and when the polls close for the primary election on June 3rd to offset the effects of the big bucks being raised today in New Mexico for Republican candidates. You know what to do.

Technorati Tags:

May 27, 2008 at 02:28 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, 2008 Presidential Primary, Democratic Party, Labor, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008, Republican Party | Permalink | Comments (3)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

NM-01: More Chardonnay Sippers for Heinrich?

I don't know if the folks shown in these videos sip chardonnay or not. I don't know if they drive Volvos. And I certainly don't know if they drink expensive lattes to keep them going. I really don't think it  matters, do you?

What I do know is that they're ordinary, hard-working New Mexicans who strongly support Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01 because of his strong record on issues that matter to them. I also know this flies in the face of the "wisdom" imparted by certain naysayers who claim Martin's support comes from "elites" of some kind. But facts are facts, and cliches are cliches, and anyone paying attention can easily see the difference. (You can see more videos of folks explaining why they support Martin here.)

Heinrich is making economic fairness, more and better job creation and ensuring that ordinary folks get an even break major issues in his campaign -- just as he did on the Albuquerque City Council and in his work with the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility board. Working people get it.

If you get it too, consider volunteering now for Martin's campaign. As the June 3rd primarily looms, and with early in-person voting starting on May 6th (see ), Heinrich's campaign needs all the help it can get with phone calling and other tasks every single day. Sign up here or give the campaign a call at 244-0022 in Albuquerque.

Also consider attending an upcoming Heinrich campaign event or make a campaign donation online.

DFA-DFNM has officially endorsed Martin Heinrich for Congress. Please do what you can to support his campaign.

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April 30, 2008 at 11:46 AM in Economy, Populism, Labor, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (1)

Monday, April 28, 2008

NM-01: More Muddled Monahan Mush


For someone who prides himself on being politically savvy, Monahan doesn't seem to have any idea who supports Martin Heinrich for Congress in NM-01. In his latest silly knock on Heinrich (and Obama) supporters, he gurgles forth the usual canned, cliched mush that often emanates from those who haven't dirtied their fingernails in decades and don't hang out with anyone who does:

ABQ Dem congressional candidate Martin Heinrich, already the love-child of the Chardonnay sippers and the left wing of his party, made a swerve to where the election will be decided when he interviewed for the Sunday Journal's candidate profiles. Said the former city councilor of his Missouri parents:

"(They're) middle class, blue collar. They were the people who took a shower when they came home from work at night, not before they went to work."

Heinrich can capture his party's nomination by consolidating the Obama liberals, but it is working class (read Reagan) Democrats who have kept the GOP in control of the ABQ seat for 40 years.

Come Out Into the Light
Hey Joe, you really ought to venture beyond the haunts of monied lobbyists and leaking lounge lizards to mingle with the people who are supporting Heinrich and other common sense, reform-minded Democratic candidates.

Hint, hint: it's people who work hard for a living, it's people who don't have lavish expense accounts, it's people who don't have health insurance, it's people who are nearing retirement without hundreds of thousands of dollars in 401Ks, it's people trying to save money from their stagnant paychecks for their children's education. I'm one of these people and I'm among these people most of the time. I don't see much Chardonnay sipping, but I do see a lot of fretful and worried faces because ordinary folks know they've been getting the shaft from Republicans, and Democrats who vote like Republicans, for a long, long time now. And unless we work to elect candidates who know what it's like to be at the mercy of the fat cats, nothing will change.

Martin Heinrich and the Chardonnay sippers?

Who's Really Supporting Heinrich & Other Dems?
In Democratic grassroots political circles, I see people struggling and juggling to make ends meet. I see people who still make a decent living, but who are bothered in their souls because so many no longer can. I see people who care about the community, the common good, the future of the American middle class and the planet itself. When the price of groceries rise and their paychecks don't, they suffer, immediately and personally. They're not out gossiping at expensive watering holes with those who've been profiting from the misery of others; they're walking door to door to try and bring economic fairness and opportunity for all back to the halls of Congress and our Legislature.

Mr. Monahan, I suggest you venture out into the real world and see for yourself. Visit Heinrich's campaign office and see who's volunteering. Visit a local Dem Party meeting and see who's attending. Stop in at a grassroots political Meetup or candidate forum and see who's devoting time out of their busy, work-filled lives to help rebuild a level playing field for ordinary Americans. Check out who's registering voters and making small donations and licking envelopes. You'll see lots of people who teach our kids, deliver our mail, answer the phones, pound the nails and visit our senior centers. Who you won't see much of are the wealthiest bank presidents, CEOs, real estate speculators and VP-types -- who sip the expensive stuff -- because they're backing the GOP candidates and the GOP cause. Everyone knows that. They like things just the way they are.

Working Class LABOR
You say that Repubs have retained control of CD1 because of support from the working class. You know that's not true. For instance, has Heather Wilson EVER had the support of the unions that represent working class people? Heinrich does. Here's a list of unions that are supporting his campaign so far:

Are you saying that painters, carpenters, janitors, grocery store workers, iron workers, fire fighters, teachers and the other hard-working members of these unions are elitist "Chardonnay sippers" without a care in the world? I guess they all drive Volvos and down lattes too (not that there's anything wrong with that). Come on down to any grassroots Dem political gathering and check out the cars in the parking lot, Joe. They'll look a lot more beat up than the ones you're used to seeing at your Alligator-GOP-filled soirées where all the liberal bashing goes on. And you'll see a lot more bikes. And people who take the bus. I guarantee it.

Who's Really Working for Workers?
Real working people know that Heinrich and other Dems are working on their behalf because they've witnessed it in the real world. It wasn't Heather Wilson or the lobbying class or the monied GOP investor class or the Darren Whites of New Mexico who've been struggling against those who have the most to get the have-nots a raise in the minimum wage. It's been Democrats like Martin Heinrich and Eric Griego and Jerry Ortiz y Pino and Tom Udall and Dede Feldman and Mimi Stewart and Debbie O'Malley and Rey Garduno and many others who've been fighting the good fights for better wages, health care for all, improving education and creating blue and green collar jobs for the future. In case you haven't noticed.

Cut the Mush
So before you write another shallow analysis of who's backing whom, remember that the key positions of genuine Dems and our candidates are those of mainstream Americans, as shown in poll after poll after poll about values. It's your pals who lean in the hallways of the Roundhouse and hang out with you in the dark corners of expensive bistros who are the real elitists. Clearly, their mockery and yours is meant to keep the working and middle classes right where they are -- under the thumb of America's most selfish elements. Cut the mush.

And check out the facts about how working people have fared of late. You'll see who's really been sipping the expensive Chardonnay thanks to the Bush agenda -- a set of regressive and greed-based policies that have been backed enthusiastically by Heather Wilson, Steve Pearce, Darren White and just about every other candidate running on the right side of the aisle. Not us.

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April 28, 2008 at 12:01 PM in Economy, Populism, Labor, Local Politics, NM-01 Congressional Seat 2008 | Permalink | Comments (11)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Taos Earns Fair Trade Town Designation


Good news from the Town of Taos. The Northern New Mexico community has earned the designation as a Fair Trade Town. In February 2008, Town councilors passed a resolution and enacted stringent guidelines to prepare for the coveted designation. Taos is the first Fair Trade Town in New Mexico, and the first in the Western United States. Now, which NM town or city will be next? There are already more than 300 communities in Europe recognized as Fair Trade Towns.

Fair Trade is a rigorous third party certification guaranteeing excellent products for consumers: goods produced in a sustainable fashion; safe and healthy working conditions; no slave, forced or child labor; the encouragement of long-term relationships between producers and buyers; and an internal structure for producers that allow decisions about profits to be made democratically.   

"We know the importance of Fair Trade and recognize our responsibility to help educate others, including art and culture tourists, about the importance of Fair Trade," said Town of Taos Mayor Bobby F. Duran. "We view buying fair and buying local as objectives that are not in competition but are complementary. For example, in Taos, customers can buy Fair Trade coffee through our local Taos Roasters -- either directly wholesale, or retail through our numerous coffee houses or grocery stores," continued Duran.

"Fair Trade is a market model that allows farmers and producers of goods a fair price for their products, and establishes economic sustainability and security for entire communities," said Chris Pieper, Chair of the new Town of Taos Fair Trade Steering Committee, and owner of the local Mudd & Flood Mountain Shop. 

"It is also a designation that means people are being treated better relative to buying non-Fair Trade items," said Steve Gloss, founder of Sustaining Cultures, a nonprofit educational organization in Taos focusing on cultural awareness.

"Now, we must actively educate our local consumers - and visitors - to change our purchasing habits by 'voting with our hands' when we reach for that pound of coffee, bananas, or bunch of flowers for Mother's Day," said Gloss who was the impetus for the town's resolution.

Transfair_2Fair Trade goods are increasingly available in Taos as more retail outlets and grocery stores are carrying Fair Trade lines. Products are easily identified with the TransFair seal (right).          

With adoption of the resolution, the Town of Taos joins only five other cities and towns in the United States who have become Fair Trade Towns. There are over 300 communities in Europe who have adopted these guidelines to become Fair Trade Towns.  Fair Trade Town U.S.A. status requires the qualifying community to have:

For more information about locating Fair Trade products go to and For more information on meeting city certification guides visit To view the town's Fair Trade Resolution visit:

For more information contact:
Sara Stender,
Fair Trade Towns USA,
(828) 658-1340 or (802) 356-0551
Steve Gloss,
Taos Fair Trade Steering Committee
Sustaining Cultures
(505) 751-0959

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April 24, 2008 at 02:53 PM in Business, Government, Labor, Public Policy | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Quote of the Day: They're Attacking Us

We say, "There’s something wrong with the economy," rather than, "I’m getting screwed by the oil companies, the banks, and my employer." Things get mystified and depersonalized. We say there’s a "recession," as if were some sort of bad weather, rather than pointing our fingers at the people who brought it down on us and who are, for the most part, profiting still. Maybe, instead of talking about "the economy" and "the recession" we should be talking about the ongoing looting and concerted attack on our standard of living --which will likely end only when there’s nothing left to squeeze out of us.

This isn’t just semantics. If there’s something wrong with "the economy," we call in the economists, we think about intervention by the Fed, and things on that level. But if someone is actually attacking us, we’re more likely to focus on how we can start working for change right now, with whatever tools are at hand.

-- , TPM Cafe

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April 10, 2008 at 06:24 PM in Corporatism, Economy, Populism, Labor | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

NM-Sen: Udall Walks a Day in an Albuquerque Doctor's Shoes

Walk a Day in My Shoes: Tom Udall/Elizabeth Burpee

To read more about Rep. Udall's day with Dr. Elizabeth Burpee, as well as view more photos and video from their day together that's been posted at the SEIU Walk a Day in My Shoes website, click here.

The DSCC News Center has coverage on an AP story about Rep. Tom Udall, Dem candidate for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, spending a day in the life of an Albuquerque doctor on April 4th. Rep. Udall's experience was part of a program called "Walk a Day in My Shoes," sponsored by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU):

Udall joined Dr. Elizabeth Burpee, a resident internist at UNM Hospital and union member, on her rounds at the Family Clinic and to several hospital departments Friday afternoon to learn more about the plight of low-income patients and the difficulties of treating them.

During the afternoon at the hospital and clinic, Udall got an earful about emergency room overcrowding, overworked residents, low-income patients being discharged who are unable to afford their medications or hospital equipment and other problems.

Udall is the fifth Senate candidate in the country to participate in the program this election season. His Republican opponents in the Senate race—Reps. Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce—also were invited to participate in the program, but have not responded, said Marcus Mrowka, an SEIU spokesman.

UdallwalkUdall also talked with other health care providers:

Among the hospital workers Udall talked with was Dr. Cynthia Arndell, who discussed the barriers to providing low-income patients with quality health care, like the dehumanization of health care, a lack of a holistic approach to patient care, too many physicians writing too many prescriptions and the inappropriate use of services, like patients using the emergency room for non-emergency procedures.

... Arndell said Congress could provide financial incentives, such as lower cost loans, to medical students who go into primary care, find ways to retain physicians who are in primary care and look at how medical students and residents are trained.

Dr. Tom Shiffler, an internal medicine resident at the clinic, said he felt like he had post-traumatic stress syndrome from working with low-income patients, but being unable to adequately help them.

"I felt like I had a decent amount of medical knowledge, but absolutely no tools or no idea how to deal with a patient like this," he said.

Rep. Udall's response?

Asked about his day spent with Burpee, Udall said he got a better sense of what it's like for residents who formerly had to work unlimited hours a week, but now are limited to 80 hours a week.

"I think we're really pushing the envelope at 80 hours, especially following her around and getting a sense of what she's doing in her 80 hours. It's very intensive," he said. "It's exhausting work."

SeiuClick to learn more about SEIU's Walk a Day in My Shoes program and see who else has participated so far as a candidate.

To see our previous coverage of the 2008 U.S. Senate race in New Mexico, visit our archive.

April 8, 2008 at 02:22 PM in 2008 NM Senate Race, Healthcare, Labor | Permalink | Comments (2)


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