Thursday, April 12, 2012

Alibi's Best of Burque 2012 Poet: Hakim Bellamy and Best Comedian: Sarah Kennedy

2012 Best of Burque Poet: Hakim Bellamy

From the Alibi: Bellamy is not just one of our most beloved young wordsmiths—he’s a contemporary Renaissance man, cross-pollinating his lyrical work with pursuits in film, theater, journalism, music, youth education and community activism.

Please take the time to go read and listen to Hakim's latest moving peice From OJ to Trayvon, at this is a must read and hear folks.

Lettuce Sarah Kennedy!

From the Alibi: Readers love Sarah Kennedy for her casual, observational, consistently hilarious brand of humor. We agree: This lady has got to be one of the most likable people we’ve seen on stage. Check out a sample of Sarah below.

Quintessential Artists

Hakim and Sarah are both very engaged in their communities. They use their gift to tell a message. They follow issues and care, they create their art to help communicate their message of caring and love. Give it up for two local talented stars!

April 12, 2012 at 09:54 AM in City of Albuquerque, Current Affairs, Humor, Theater | |

Monday, January 24, 2011

Video of the Day: Jesus is Back in Town

See more from the creative mind of New Mexico's own Jim Terr at

January 24, 2011 at 06:19 PM in Humor | |

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Fruit Does Not Fall Far From the Tree: Frank Maestas Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser

Click for photo album

This report is by Mary Ellen Broderick.

I attended a fundraiser last night for the Frank Maestas Memorial Scholarship that funds a New Mexico Highlands University scholarship for journalism students. Frank Maestas, the legendary New Mexico sports journalist who passed away in 2006, worked for the Albuquerque Journal until 1990, and was a graduate of Highlands University. During his 30-year career as a sports writer, Frank covered virtually all sports in New Mexico. He took great pride in writing and promoting New Mexico high school teams, the athletes and the coaches. Many of his articles brought pride and a sense of accomplishment to numerous New Mexico families. As his son Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas said, “His articles were the type Grandmas would hang on their refrigerators.”

Held at the Ladera Golf Course banquet room, the mood at benefit was very festive, with lots of storytelling about Frank and his adventures and accomplishments.  Many of the attendees were athletes whom Frank had once written about, the most notable being Don Woods, running back for the San Diego Chargers in the early 1970s. He was named Rookie of the Year in 1974. Many friends, family and a few politicos were also in attendance. Frank's son Moe Maestas, as well as his sister, aunts and cousins, were all there to celebrate Frank's life and legacy.

The special guest was Steven Michael Quezada, comedian, actor and TV star. He plays Gomez in the hit show Breaking Bad, which is filmed in Albuquerque. He, too, praised Frank for what he did for the community, and then he broke into about 30 minutes of great standup comedy. It is so cool that Steven is a home boy -- helping to support young journalists and writers in the community.  Quezada is known for giving back to the community in many ways, and he performs regularly at various benefits for good causes. If you ever see that he's performing somewhere, I highly recommend going to watch and laugh.

There was an active and fun raffle going throughout the evening, all kinds of baskets and dinner coupons, and of course sports memorabilia, being raffled off and offered in a silent auction.

The open mic segment really allowed me to learn more about Frank and appreciate his life. As one of the presenters said, “He was not bashful.” He hated to fly ... and would sit in the back of the plane because “he had never heard of a plane backing into a mountain.” Many folks shared sports-watching memories of him, including his habit of screaming at the TV. Frank's favorite teams were Notre Dame for college football, and the Yankees for baseball -- and he was very passionate about both of them. The 16th hole at Ladera golf course was named in his memory, and many people shared how they think of him there, and smile.

I want to thank Rep. Moe Maestas for inviting me to his late father’s scholarship event. I find it interesting to see how families evolve. Moe’s Uncle Roberto Maestas, who was a founder of El Centro de La Raza in Seattle and a leading advocate for social justice, passed away this past September. I picture Moe’s grandmother and grandfather bringing two courageous souls into the world, and instilling in them the value of giving back to the community. And then I see Rep. Moe Maestas continuing on with that tradition -- giving back to the community, trying to pass bills in the legislature that will make a real difference in people’s lives.

The fruit really does not fall far from the tree.

If you care to donate to this scholarship fund: NMHU Foundation Box 9000, Las Vegas, NM 87701; for Frank Maestas Scholarship Fund.

November 13, 2010 at 04:03 PM in Events, History, Humor, Journalism, Sports | Permalink | Comments (2)

Monday, November 08, 2010

11/12: Steven Michael Quezada Comedy Show to Benefit Frank Maestas Scholarship

Quezada From Rep. Antonio "Moe" Maestas:
Start off the weekend right with a comedy show starring Steven Michael Quezada this Friday, November 12, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Ladera Golf Course Banquet Room located at 3401 Ladera Drive NW in Albuquerque. Tickets are available at the door for $25.00. Drinks at 5:00 PM, dinner at 6:00 PM.

All proceeds go to the Frank Maestas Memorial Scholarship Fund, which goes to a deserving Journalism major at New Mexico Highlands University. My dad, Frank Maestas, was a legendary sports journalist and a graduate of Highlands University. It’ll be a blast telling Frank stories and being entertained by veteran actor and comedian Steven Michael Quezada, who plays Steven Gomez on the smash hit AMC TV series, Breaking Bad, filmed in Albuquerque. Quezada is a five-time winner of the NMHEA Comedian of the Year award whose stand up comedy has been featured on HBO and Showtime.

A native New Mexican, Quezada studied Theatre at Eastern New Mexico University. He's married to Cherise Quezada and has 4 children. Steven still lives in Albuquerque where he spends most of his time raising money for many charities and organizations ... and playing golf ... when he isn't working in films, TV or stand up.

For more information, contact Antonio "Moe" Maestas at 304-7497. If you can’t make the show please consider a tax deductable donation to: NMHU Foundation - Frank Maestas Scholarship Fund, Box 9000, Las Vegas, NM 87701.

November 8, 2010 at 12:25 PM in Education, Events, Humor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cartoon of the Day: Mosque No Mas

Click image for larger version

More from Tom Tomorrow.

August 24, 2010 at 11:23 AM in Civil Liberties, Humor, Minority Issues, Religion, Republican Party, Right Wing | Permalink | Comments (1)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

5/22: Holy Hullabaloos: An Unconventional Look at Church/State Separation

From ACLU-NM: On Saturday, May 22nd, the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico (ACLU-NM) will host constitutional law professor, humorist and author Jay Wexler at the ACLU-NM Annual Meeting. Wexler, the author of Holy Hullabaloos: A Road Trip to the Battlegrounds of the Church/State Wars, will recount his often hilarious adventures tracking down the people and places responsible for some of the most controversial Supreme Court cases involving religion.

From Pennsylvania Amish country, Texas high school football games, ultra-Orthodox Jewish enclaves in New York and Santeria get-togethers in Florida; Wexler takes us on a uniquely American journey to the unusual places where the nation’s highest court has drawn the line between church and state. Wexler’s knack for decoding the maze of Supreme Court esotericism into compelling, down-to-earth stories makes this event a don’t-miss—especially for those who had trouble staying awake in 12th grade civics. Jay Wexler is a law professor at Boston University.

The annual meeting takes place on Saturday, May 22, from 10:00 AM to Noon, at the Harwood Art Center located at 1114 7th St. NW in Albuquerque. Click to RSVP.

May 20, 2010 at 08:39 AM in Books, Civil Liberties, Events, Humor | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Breaking: Transcript Leaked of Shenanigans in Baucus Caucus

BaucusThe leaks out of the six-member Baucus Caucus -- the super secret gang of three Rs and three Ds from the Senate Finance Committee -- have mostly been causing depression, anger and frustration for anyone advocating for real health care reform. But now, thanks to the well-connected folks at Obsidian Wings, we can read a riveting, up-with-people account of the negotiations in the form of a raw transcript of what's really going on behind closed doors inside the Baucus Caucus.

Yes, feast your eyes on the collegial back and forth that's been going on for months among SFC Chair Max Baucus (D-MT), our own Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), Kent Conrad (D-ND), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Mike Enzi (R-WY). There's even a surprise visit from the non-partisan crusader, WaPo reporter David Broder. Sample:

BAUCUS: OK – how about we apply the surtax only to billionaires who are convicted pedophiles and whose name begins with a “M”?

I don't take credit for unearthing this Obsidian Wings gem -- that goes to local blog Clearly New Mexico for the scoop included in a post you must read entitled, Recission Roulette and Inside the Baucus Caucus (with Senator Bingaman). Also, don't miss the video there of Sen. Mike Enzi saying, without a hint of a smirk, that he hates public insurance but loves Medicare. I kid you not.

P.S. Can we muster some compassion and appreciation for Sen. Bingaman who, by all accounts, has been trying valiantly to push the discussion in the Baucus Caucus toward some real reform? Would YOU want to be the only champion for the public option in that group?

July 31, 2009 at 12:38 PM in Healthcare, Humor, NM Congressional Delegation, Obama Health Care Reform, Sen. Jeff Bingaman | |

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sarah Palin: I Feel Quitty

Yes, it's Monday again and there's another long work week ahead for most of us. With so many serious and complicated issues bouncing around in our heads, I thought we could use something more light hearted to start off the week. Sarah Palin, who is now officially the former governor of Alaska, is happy to oblige. (h/t bg)

July 27, 2009 at 09:02 AM in Humor, Music, Republican Party | |

Friday, May 22, 2009

Bush Visits Artesia NM, Talks About Dog Doo; Wonkette Mistakenly Reports He's in Roswell

ImagesAccording to a by the AP, former President George W. Bush was in Artesia, New Mexico yesterday giving a commencement speech at Artesia High School while his former veep was giving the same he's given for years to try and keep the fear alive in America. George, however, was tackling a different subject -- canine droppings:

It was a humbling moment for the former commander in chief: President George W. Bush was walking former first dog Barney in his new Dallas neighborhood when it stopped in a neighbor's yard for relief.

"And there I was, former president of the United States of America, with a plastic bag on my hand," he told a group of graduating high school students in New Mexico on Thursday. "Life is returning back to normal."

You have to wonder about the national media, though, even if it's the "new media" of Wonkette. Get out the map, as the Indigo Girls sing. In commenting on Bush's visit to New Mexico, Wonkette conflated Roswell and Artesia:

... while his former intern Dick Cheney was cackling about death and carnage and sadism in Washington, Bush was cold talkin’ dog shit with a bunch of high school kids in the alien concentration camp of Roswell, New Mexico.

If you’re wondering what the sam hill George Bush was doing in New Mexico, mouthing off to a cadre of alien teenagers, it’s an old enough story and one you’re familiar with: Big Oil made him do it.


I guess the blogger got a little mixed up because the they cited was from the Roswell Daily Record. Message to Wonkette: Artesia, NM is an oil and gas town in southeastern New Mexico, in Eddy County, which bumps up against the Texas border. As Wikipedia explains, Artesia is famous in its own right:

Artesia is home to the former Abo Elementary School ... the first and most likely only public school which is entirely underground and equipped to function as a fallout shelter. The school, completed in 1962 (the year of the Cuban Missile Crisis), had a concrete slab roof which served as the school's playground. It contained a large storage facility with room for supplies for 2000 people in the event of nuclear warfare.

The Artesia Chamber of Commerce asserts that Artesia is "nestled between the two larger cities of Roswell to the north and Carlsbad to the south." Yes, Roswell -- the city located near a reported 1947 flying saucer crash and home to the International UFO Museum -- is a separate place altogether, in Chaves County, 40 miles away from Artesia. The Roswell UFO Festival takes place there every year during the 4th of July weekend. The New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI), founded in 1891, is located in Roswell. Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge is located a few miles northeast of the city on the Pecos River. Roswell ain't Artesia.

May 22, 2009 at 02:14 PM in Humor, Local Politics, National Security | |

Monday, March 23, 2009

New Mexico's New Official State Bilingual Poem, State Guitar and State Cowboy Song

Bills with a touch of home grown eccentricity are always part of any New Mexico Legislative Session, and the one that just finished on Saturday is no exception. Our lawmakers passed laws that designate "Under New Mexico Skies," written by Syd Masters, as the State Cowboy Song (HB 389), make the Pimentel New Mexico Sunrise the official State Guitar (SB 52) and declare that Alberto Onaldo Martinez's "We Love It Real Hot" is the State Bilingual Poem (HB 674).

Here's one of the verses of our official Cowboy Song:

Where the lean jack hops along
And the coyote sings his song
Up high the rocky spires shade
The sunny desert days
I'm leanin' against adobe walls of old
Their stories to be told

Pimentalnmsunrise1Check out the luscious Pimentel New Mexico Sunrise, custom made by the world renowned Pimental and Sons of Albuquerque.

Last, but not least, savor a couple of verses of the State Bilingual Poem:

"¡Bien venidos amigos, "Mí casa es su casa!"
Come savor our delicious salsa!
As the enchanting drama of Aztecan chiltepin, I unfold,
Indigenous to Aztec emperors of old."

"Nuevo Mexico, "Tierra Encantada,"
Aquí, "Comida sin chile no es comida."
Precious gift from the Espejo and Oñate expeditions,
"Quemoso pero Sabroso," a chile Nuevo;
Mexico tradition!"

..."Chile, Nuevo Mexico's beloved, spicy fruit staple,
Fresh tortillas and a chile pot grace every table.
In early Autumn, along with corn,
Our tables, red and green chile do adorn."

The Santa Fe New Mexican provides a handy recap of this and other notable bills that passed and failed at the 2009 New Mexico Legislative Session.

March 23, 2009 at 10:15 AM in Humor, Local Politics, Music, NM Legislature 2009 | |

Friday, December 19, 2008

Maddow Gets It Just Right on Choice of Warren

Ain't Rachel great? Night after night she skewers the usual suspects with just the right touch of humor and sardonic wit. I think she had it just right about the choice of Rick Warren on last night's show. See for yourself. Of course she, too, has a very personal stake in this fight for equal rights under the law. DownWithTyranny! has a excellent post about that, and Rachel's special talents.

Also check out AmericaBlog's new post on Warren and the Syria he loves. Add this to Warren's public support for the assassination of Iran's president and you've got a positive wisdom- and love-fest!

December 19, 2008 at 12:06 PM in Civil Liberties, GLBT Rights, Humor, Media, Minority Issues, Obama Transition | Permalink | Comments (6)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Behold the Poetic Justice

If you're anything like me -- and I think many of you are -- it's easy to get really down in the dumps about the giant cluster-you-know-what that's evident at virtually every level of society and in virtually every realm of endeavor on the planet these days. Yes, we cling to hope, but we keep seeing harbingers of cataclysmic doom clouding the horizon as we lift up our eyes and try to discern what's coming.

At such times, it can be helpful to consult San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford. If nothing else, Morford is sardonic enough to reach the most cynical reaches of our souls and, ironically, bring some healing laughter there by changing the angle of our perceptions. Check out his latest column to see what I mean. There, don't you feel better now, widening your lens? (h/t to TH)

December 10, 2008 at 02:23 PM in Current Affairs, Humor, Media | |

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