Thursday, February 11, 2010

Howard Dean in New Mexico: Get Involved or Get Pushed Around (With Photos & Videos)

Click for larger version or album

The photos above are from Howard Dean's visit to Albuquerque on February 9, 2010, which was hosted by the Democratic Party of New Mexico and Democracy for New Mexico. He spoke at a rally with Young Democrats at the SUB Theater at the University of New Mexico, and then attended a grassroots fundraiser for the Democratic Party of New Mexico at Cosmo Tapas in Nob Hill. Afterwards (running late of course!) he traveled up to Santa Fe for another fundraiser for the DPNM, this one at Rio Chama Steakhouse in Santa Fe. All the events were well-attended and, in fact, the Santa Fe event had to turn people away.

The Daily Lobo has a good report on Dean's appearance at UNM. All during his visit, Dean stressed the importance of getting involved and staying involved in the political process:

“Being in a democracy requires obligations, not just freedoms,” Dean said. “I don’t like talking about freedom, because people always want to talk about their rights and they never want to talk about their responsibilities. Freedom isn’t free. What freedom demands of us is working at it. Democracy is a human invention, and like every other human invention, if you don’t nurture it, it dies.”

Social change begins from the bottom up, Dean said, and everyone should participate. “We do have the power. The question is whether we are willing to use it or not. In order to use it depends on our willingness to stick to it,” he said. “We can do it — state by state and community by community.”

Dean discusses Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts and what it means.

The bottom line on Dean's message throughout his visit was that unless we stay involved -- regardless of the disappointments and defeats we may experience -- things are guaranteed to get worse. We can't let the Republicans take over as they won't give our views the time of day. We can't let the Democrats coast, because they won't be bold or tough enough. Unless we stay active, we'll get pushed around by Washington insiders and corporate interests. Electing good Democrats is an essential step one, but unless we hold their feet to the fire, Washington's worst will engulf them too. Remember -- what the other side wants us to do is stay home, stay quiet and stay stuck. We can't let them succeed.

Dean on our job today in electing Dems and holding them accountable.

We DO have the power, but not unless we exercise it -- not just in elections but day in and day out. The pressure for change will never come from within Washington. It can only come from the bottom up -- from the citizens.

Dean on keeping up the fight for health care reform.

Below are several more clips from Dean's speeches in Albuquerque. I hope you'll listen, and heed the call to action. Now is the time to ratchet up the energy, not pout and sit at home. There's way too much at stake to let the forces of NO prevail. Our nation and the world can't survive it.

Dean on where we are now. Don't trash the whole party because four people screwed it up!

Dean: Do at least one thing every day that's political.

Dean on the Party of NO!

Note: Also see our previous post on Gov. Dean's visit to New Mexico.

February 11, 2010 at 02:38 PM in Democratic Party, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Healthcare, Howard Dean, Progressivism | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Howard Dean in Albuquerque: A Lot at Stake in New Mexico (With Videos)

Note: Also see my later post with a photo slideshow and more videos.

The events with Howard Dean Tuesday in Albuquerque were inspiring and fun and a great big success. Dean spoke at a rally at UNM and appeared at a fundraiser at Cosmo Tapas for the Democratic Party of New Mexico that was co-hosted by DFA-Democracy for New Mexico. He stayed longer than he should have at both events, clearly enjoying all the good energy, conversations and camaraderie. The feeling was mutual. He left late for his sold-out DPNM fundraiser at the Rio Chama in Santa Fe -- how did it go up there folks?

I'll write more tomorrow and post some photos and more video, but I'm spent for now. We've seen/met Howard Dean many times -- he never disappoints and he's always smart, funny, down-to-earth, attentive and inspiring. But this time we came away with an even deeper appreciation for a man who has spent so many years doing all the right political things for all the right reasons, no matter what. We are still very much Howard Powered, and ready to engage in the vital election cycle that's upon us.

The video above features Gov. Dean providing a few examples of just what's at stake here in New Mexico. In the video below, Dr. Dean answers a few questions and talks about health care and the future. Main message: Get Democrats elected (or re-elected). Keep New Mexico Blue. Then hold their feet to the fire. The pressure must come from outside Washington, not from within Washington. It must come from US.

It's definitely time to re-energize, re-engage and keep this state very, very Blue. So we have a chance to advance our causes. So we have a chance to keep making progress. So we can keep the candidates of the Party of NO sitting at home, powerless to stop the momentum. We have the power to make it happen. YOU have the power to make it happen. We ALL have the power to keep on pushing, despite the setbacks and the static. Are you ready?

February 10, 2010 at 12:28 AM in Democratic Party, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Howard Dean | Permalink | Comments (2)

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Howard Dean Blog: You STILL Have the Power (See Him in New Mexico Today)

Dean speaking to 5000+ in Seattle, August 2003

Howard Dean is visiting New Mexico TODAY so come on out and discuss what's up in today's Democratic landscape with former presidential candidate Howard Dean, the founder of Democracy for America and the Fifty State Strategy, and a pioneer in netroots activism who ran the DNC like a truly grassroots organization.

TODAY, Gov. Dean will be at the UNM SUB Theater for a free rally from 2:30-3:30 PM, at Cosmo Tapas in Nob Hill for a private reception ($25) at 4:15-5:00 PM and a public event ($10) at 5:00-6:00 PM. At 6:30-8:00 PM, he'll be at a private reception ($250) at the Rio Chama in Santa Fe. All proceeds go to the Democratic Party of New Mexico. Events hosted by DPNM, DFNM and College Democrats. Click for info.

This piece was originally posted yesterday as a diary on Daily Kos by Governor Howard Dean MD:

In 2006, the Fifty-State Strategy helped put Congress in the hands of Democrats. In 2008, it put the White House in our hands too. We worked hard; we listened to the boots on the ground, and America voted for Democrats -- often in places once thought off limits to Democratic candidates. Americans honored us with the opportunity to demonstrate our ability to lead.

In 2010, we face the reality that the culture of incumbency and corruption in Washington will not be changed just because Barack Obama was elected President, or just because the Democrats have majorities in both Houses.

You know the problems:

• A handful of Democrats openly siding with Republicans to kill health care reform -- a core plank in the Democratic Party Platform -- and then being rewarded for it.

• An activist right-wing on the Supreme Court that has shown the world that they are willing to blow-up over 200 years of institutional honor in the name of their own ideology.

• A GOP guided by a strategy of "no" that time and time again puts politics ahead of what's good for America.

• And most importantly, the sense that too many candidates whom we have trusted and worked to elect have become part of the lobbying, money, legislative merry-go-round, instead of the solution that we thought they would be.

In the face of this frustration, in the face of low Democratic voter turnouts because people are fed up; in the face of friends and allies seemingly giving up; in the face of Democrats losing because they won’t stand up for the values of the Party; I think it's time we took stock of ourselves, our considerable accomplishments, our opportunity to lead, and where we are going with our efforts to change our country.

If we stop for a minute, take a piece of paper and write down our values, for me, it's simple:

• We value a healthcare system that covers all of us.

• We value a Democratic Party that fights for real change, in all 50 states, even when it’s hard.

• We value the ability to compromise without compromising our values.

• We value leaders who won’t quit, and who are willing to take risks. We appreciate leaders like Congresswoman Pingree and Congressman Polis who are still working for a public option.

• We value a good, strong American backbone.

Most of all, we value grassroots political activism because it is the citizens of our country who must seize control of our politics. Grassroots organizations like Democracy for America -- the organization I founded in 2004 -- have helped many progressives get elected to office and many more to take leadership positions in the Party and on legislative and electoral campaigns, all over the country and up and down the ballot, in just five years.

Later this year elections will be held across our country, and there is work being done that will decide the future direction of policies and politics at the local, state, and federal levels.

• Already, efforts are underway to reform the New York State Senate whose longtime incumbents are vulnerable because they could not govern.

• Many groups, including DFA are already working on critical local elections that will bring reformers into politics, such as this week's election of Mariyana Spyopoulos to Cook Water Reclamation Board, a governing body with over a billion dollars of responsibility and overseer of Chicagolands most precious resource, Lake Michigan.

• And there will be opportunities to improve the Democratic Caucuses in both Houses in critical primary elections around the country that will be taking place in the coming months.

This year the quality of the Caucuses must take precedent over the quantity of the Caucuses. We've got to pay attention to values, and we've got to elect leaders who implement their campaign platforms when they take office.

The Point:

This is not about whether we like the Party or not, it's about getting good people into our political leadership. And there is still plenty of opportunity to make it happen.

Democracy for America is a great resource to get involved and find out more. There are also many local and national communities and campaigns to choose from.

The important thing is to choose a community or campaign that YOU want to work on because YOU have the power; and now is the time to use it.

Click to join the DFA-Democracy for New Mexico Meetup and learn how you can get involved in activism right here in Albuquerque.

Photo of Howard Dean by Stuart Heady of Albuquerque, who was the founder of DFA-Snohomish WA.

February 9, 2010 at 12:10 AM in Democratic Party, DFA, DFNM - Albq, Healthcare, Howard Dean, Progressivism, Santa Fe | Permalink | Comments (3)

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

You're Invited: Howard Dean to Visit New Mexico February 9


From Javier Gonzales, Chairman, DPNM:
The Democratic Party of New Mexico and I are proud to announce that former Democratic National Committee Chairman, Howard Dean, will be visiting Albuquerque on February 9, 2010. The former Vermont Governor will be attending various public events across the city and you are invited! We hope that you can join us in energizing the DPNM for an exciting 2010 election year.

Please join Howard Dean and I at one of the following events:

2:30-3:30 PM: Rally on UNM campus hosted by the DPNM, UNM College Democrats, Young Democrats and Democracy for New Mexico. The event is free to the public and will be held in the UNM Student Union Theater. Space is limited. Click for FLYER (pdf).

4:15-5:00 PM: Private fundraising event hosted by Democracy for New Mexico at Cosmo Tapas on Central and Washington Aves. $25/ticket at-the-door. Click for FLYER (pdf).

5:00-6:00 PM: Public fundraising event hosted by Democracy for New Mexico at Cosmo Tapas. $10/ticket at-the-door. Click for (pdf)

6:30-8:00 PM: Private Reception at Rio Chama in Santa Fe. $250/guest; call Sisy Garcia at 505-830-3650 to reserve tickets.

All event proceeds will benefit the Democratic Party of New Mexico. For more information on these events, please call the DPNM Headquarters at 505-830-3650.

Please pass this info on to friends and supporters who would like to attend any of these events! If you would like to attend any of these events, please e-mail We look forward to seeing you there!

February 2, 2010 at 07:37 PM in Democratic Party, DFNM - Albq, Events, Howard Dean | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Guest Blog by Howard Dean: Why I'm Supporting Marty Chavez

DeanThis is a guest blog by Howard Dean, who has chaired the DNC, was a presidential candidate in 2004 and served six terms as Governor of Vermont. An MD, Howard is currently a key player in the battle for health care reform and the public option. He serves on the board of the Progressive Book Club and has reconnected with Democracy for America, the grassroots advocacy group that emerged from his presidential campaign's Dean for America.

As the former Chair of the Democratic National Committee, I have had the privilege of traveling across the country. I have witnessed the best of America and I have also seen how rare it is to meet a public servant who delivers on his word. Mayor Martin Chavez is one of those rare public servants. Eight years ago, Marty Chavez came into office and changed “business as usual” at City Hall. After inheriting a major budget crisis, Chavez has kept his word by balancing the budget while protecting, and even expanding, important priorities like local jobs creation, after-school programs, seniors’ services, and public safety – fulfilling his commitment of having 1100 police officers for the city of Albuquerque.

When other urban areas are struggling with job loss and broken school systems, Chavez has ushered in an era of unprecedented job growth and economic development in the Duke City. Bringing high-paying jobs from manufacturing to Sony Studios, he clearly understands that when times are tough, real leaders roll-up their sleeves and get to work.

Mayor Chavez understands that investing in Albuquerque’s future not only means recruiting good-paying jobs, but also investing in our children and a strong educational system. That’s why he has taken unprecedented steps to promote positive initiatives between the City, APS and our private and charter schools as well as CNM and UNM. He founded the first New Mexico Charter School with an emphasis on Math and Science at UNM—the Albuquerque Institute of Math and Science (AIMS). In May, AIMS graduated its first class with each and every student going to college. That’s a proven track record we should all support.

I'm impressed with Mayor Chavez' commitment to combating catastrophic climate change. He embodies the sentiment of thinking globally and acting locally. I know some of his critics claim that it's all hype. That's just not true. You don't win awards like "Greenest City in America" from the US Conference of Mayors because your city has good PR, you win awards like that because you have a mayor that's taking action and leading in the fight against catastrophic climate change. Thanks to Mayor Chavez, 20% of Albuquerque's energy comes from wind, bus ridership is up and the buses are energy efficient, the city is only buying alternative fuel vehicles and it's required that all new and renovated city buildings meet green building standards. Those are real, progressive accomplishments and they show that you have a Mayor who thinks globally and acts locally.

To keep our children safe in and out of school, Chavez has worked with the Albuquerque Police Department, the Albuquerque school system, and local technology experts to stop child predators and inform parents and children how to protect against cyberstalking.

For our parents and grandparents, Chavez has expanded in-home services for the elderly, increased access to senior health services through new senior centers, and lowered the age for benefits to 55. These initiatives have become a model for cities around the country.

As the Governor who signed the first in the nation civil unions law, I am impressed with Mayor Chavez' commitment to equal rights. As Mayor, he has ensured that the city provides benefits to all couples.

I am proud to endorse Mayor Martin Chavez because he has had the vision and leadership not only to transform Albuquerque but to also realize that Albuquerque’s future has no limits. Chavez finds solutions to our most pressing problems – even in tough times – and gets results. Under his leadership, Albuquerque is making progress, but there’s more to be done.

Mayor Chavez has proven that his vision for Albuquerque is as vast as the city’s skyline. His experience gives him the best tools to build upon all his successes. At the end of the day, this election is not about Chavez or any of the other candidates. It’s about you, your family, your neighbors, and the future your city. It is your support this coming Tuesday, October 6th, that will ensure Albuquerque’s best days remain ahead.

This is a guest blog by Howard Dean. If you'd like to submit a piece for consideration as a guest blog, contact me by clicking on the Email Me link on the upper left-hand corner of the page.

September 30, 2009 at 10:41 AM in 2009 Albuquerque Mayoral Race, Democratic Party, DFA, Guest Blogger, Howard Dean, Martin Chavez | Permalink | Comments (36)

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