Thursday, October 29, 2009
State Dem Party Offers Trainings, Needs Interns
From the DPNM:
The Democratic Party of New Mexico is proud to announce two Albuquerque-based trainings in the upcoming weeks. First on Thursday, November 12th, the DPNM will hold a training on using Targeting and Vote Builder. As campaigns become more active in the coming months, this training will be crucial for Party activists while working to Keep New Mexico Blue.
The second training will be held on Wednesday, November 18th and will cover Earned Media and Messaging. Both trainings are being held at the DPNM Headquarters at 1301 San Pedro NE in Albuquerque and will be from 5:30-7:00 PM. For more information on either of these events, please contact the DPNM offices at 505-830-3650.
You can visit the DPNM online by viewing any one of our Social Media Sites. Follow us to stay in the loop on all events relating to State Party business!
Internships Available: Come work with the PRE-EMINENT PARTY in New Mexico! DPNM has internships available for college students or recent college graduates. The internships are for credit or voluntary, and provide an opportunity to learn about the political scene in New Mexico.
October 29, 2009 at 12:49 PM in Democratic Party, Education, Events, Fellowships, Internships | Permalink | Comments (0)