Monday, August 09, 2004

Dean Delegate Report


Hi folks, this is Mona Blaber, a New Mexico Dean at-large delegate, back from the Democratic National Convention in Boston.

If you watched on TV, you probably got a good sense of what we felt in the Fleet Center: It was thrilling. The energy, excitement and enthusiasm the convention generated will last a long time in me and most everyone who attended, and hopefully also in people all across the country who were watching.

Many of us feel frustrated at times that the Democratic Party goes too far to the right at the expense of our values, but it was clear in Boston that those who call ourselves "progressives" make up a huge part of the party -- more than we probably realize. The convention was a celebration of the Democratic ideals that mean so much to us: social justice, equal rights and a sense of responsibility for everyone's welfare, not just our own.

Of course, we know that politicians often neglect the thorniest parts of those issues when not speaking to an arena full of Democrats. But there were so many people there from "the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" and so much enthusiasm for those issues from all facets of the party that I left with a lot of hope that, if we can help return Congress and the White House to Democrats, many of our progressive causes that have been swept under the rug will see the light of day again.

Dean's Meeting With His Delegates
One important event you didn't see on television was Howard Dean's meeting with his delegates on Monday, the day before his speech to the convention. The convention address, where he got the longest opening ovation of any speaker, was shorter and not as powerful as what he told his delegates.

At that meeting, Howard Dean found the place in our hearts that made us work so passionately for him and inspired us to use that same passion for John Kerry and for every cause we take up.

While many of us former Dean supporters have already moved on to helping Kerry in some capacity, we might be finding it hard to generate the same level of enthusiasm. But by allying himself with Kerry, by telling us that Kerry listens to him and therefore listens to us, by pointing out that Kerry really does represent those basic Democratic ideals we hold so dear and will bring America much closer to those ideals than George Bush ever could want to, Howard Dean activated that enthusiasm and energy in us again. It was an emotional meeting, and I think everyone left excited to work for Kerry -- and for candidates at every level who will listen to us because they care about many of the same things we do and because we used that Dean network and energy to support them.

Many Dean delegates also spoke at that meeting. Several people thanked him for transforming lives and for making people feel that an individual could make a difference again and be part of something meaningful.

We might not have gotten the result we wanted for Howard Dean's campaign, but we did make a huge impact. One of Gov. Dean's greatest contributions was the huge pool of people his candidacy stirred to action. It may take years or just a few months, but that network of people can make a big difference and continue to increase in power. In New Mexico, we're using our networks to help connect former Dean supporters with the issues and candidates they care most about, and we're showing our strength to the local Democratic Party, ACT and other groups and advocacy organizations through our impressive volunteer base.

With each candidate or each issue that succeeds with our help, we increase our voice and influence. Howard Dean remains a representative for the values this group shares, and the strength of our own participation will make clear to everyone how many people care about those values and how hard we will work for them.

What we've done so far is impressive, but our impact and influence as a group can grow and take shape if we continue to work hard together.

That's the message Howard Dean shared with us in Boston, and from everything I witnessed there, I believe he's got a point.

Mona Blaber

August 9, 2004 at 05:06 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Photos from Kerry/Edwards NM Visit


The Kerry/Edwards bunch made quite a splash traveling through New Mexico by train over the weekend. From crowds lining the tracks at Raton, to the speeches at the Las Vegas train station, to Albuquerque's Old Town and Mass at San Felipe de Neri and lunch at La Hacienda, to shopping at Western Warehouse and attendance at the Inter-Tribal Indian Ceremonial and Pow Wow in Gallup, the Dem ticket attracted enthusiastic crowds. It was the first time a presidential candidate visited Las Vegas since 1948 when Harry Truman spoke at the train station. The Kerry/Edwards folks used the very same train cars used by Truman during his 1948 whistlestop campaign tour.

Yahoo has photos from the NM visit at

and the Official Kerry Blog has more photos and commentary at:
Kerry Blog
The photo above of the crowd at the train station in Las Vegas is from the Kerry Blog.

Bush/McCain Visit Albuquerque

I also read that Bush and Senator McCain are coming to Albuquerque for an "Ask President Bush" event
this coming Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 1:50 pm MDT. Get your protest signs ready!

August 9, 2004 at 10:46 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, August 06, 2004

Jim Hightower in Albuquerque

hightowercolorJim Hightower: America's Most Popular Populist

No one in America today delivers a motivational speech like Jim Hightower, bringing home a hard-hitting, tell-it-like-it-is political message, yet keeping his audience doubled-up with laughter. In the tradition of Mark Twain, Will Rogers, and Woody Guthrie, he skewers the Powers That Be on behalf of the Powers That Ought to Be -- America's workaday folks.

Albuquerque, NM -- Wednesday, Aug 18,2004
Come see Jim Hightower at Reception and Rally.

**** 5:30pm Fundraiser ****
The reception for Richard Romero will be held at the Golden West Saloon from 5:30 to 6:30. With a suggested contribution of $100, you will receive a copy of Jim's NEW book, Let's Stop Beating Around the Bush.

**** 7:00pm: Free Rally ****
Then join Jim at rally at 7 pm at the El Rey Theater. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Strat or Abby at 505-244-0969.

August 6, 2004 at 10:22 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Kerry/Edwards Back in NM

kewaveMarci Youngmark of the Consolidated Campaign sent along this info on how to get tix for the Kerry/Edwards visits this weekend.

Senator John Kerry and Senator John Edwards will arrive in Las Vegas, NM on Saturday, August 7th, for a 40-minute "whistle-stop" event at the train station. The depot is located at 500 Railroad Avenue in Las Vegas. The gates will open at 4PM with the train scheduled to arrive at approximately 6PM. No signs, coolers, or bags will be allowed into the event area.

The event will be ticketed and approximately 5000 tickets will be available. Interested parties are urged to pick up their tickets as early as possible as we anticipate very high interest in this public event.

The ticket distribution points are:
San Miguel County Clerk's Office, County Courthouse on Bridge Street, 8AM to 5PM on Thursday and Friday--Contact: Paul Macs @ 425-9331

New Mexico Highlands University Bookstore, Student Services Center on the campus, 8AM-5PM on Thursday and Friday and 8AM-3PM on Saturday --Contact: Rick LaFredo @ 454-3021

Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, 513 6th Street, 8AM to 5PM on Thursday and Friday--Contact Antoinette Gallegos or Jackie Herrera @ 425-8631

Super Chief Coffee Shop/El Fidel Hotel, Douglas & Grand Avenue, 7AM to 7PM on Thursday and Friday, 7AM to 3PM on Saturday--Contact John Scott Campbell @ 454-9030

KNMX Radio Station, 304 S. Grand Avenue, 6AM to 7PM on thursday and Friday, 6AM to 3PM on Saturday--Contact Matt Martinez @ 425-3555

KFUN Radio Station, Radio Heights, 6AM to 7PM on thursday and Friday, 6AM to 3PM on Saturday--Contact Joe Baca @ 425-6766

The Plaza Hotel, 230 Plaza, 6AM to 11PM on Thursday and Friday, 6AM to 3PM on Saturday--Contact Sally or Janet @ 425-3591

Las Vegas Visitor's Center, South Grand Street, 9AM to 3PM on Thursday and Friday--Contact Gay Beth @ 454-4101

For Additional Information in Las Vegas Contact:

Martin A. Suazo @ 425-5554
Shawn Hanley @ (202) 257-7775
Joyce Leviton @ (410) 608-8217

New Mexico Victory 2004/Coordinated Campaign Office, 3301 Central NE, 10:30AM to 7PM on Thursday and Friday, 9AM to 12PM on Saturday--Contact receptionist @ 256-2570

If folks are interested in driving to Las Vegas to attend the event, please notify the NM Victory 2004 Campaign upon picking up your tickets so we may assist with the planning for the caravan. The caravan will depart from the office at 1:30PM.

Santa Fe County Democratic Party Hq., 947 W. Alameda (Solano Mall), Thursday and Friday 10AM to 7:30PM

Taos County Democratic Party Hq., 216 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Suite M, tickets will be distributed on Thursday and Friday-- please call to confirm times of distribution--751-9238

August 6, 2004 at 09:42 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Weekend Events

15I hear the protesters against Dick Cheney in Rio Rancho were more than a hundred strong. Was anybody reading this in attendance? If so, please give us your insights by commenting on this thread. I note that the Albuquerque Journal this morning mentioned that Cheney liked the crowd inside. I thought it was a very snotty reference to the local Republican Party requiring people to sign oaths to show they were endorsing Bush in order to get tickets. No doubt the Cheney rally crowd was 100 percent positive towards him. When you ban everyone but total supporters from attending, that's what happens!

We went to the Kerry/Edwards Consolidated Campaign office grand opening Saturday in Albuquerque and saw many DFA folks there. It was packed when we arrived about 2:30 PM and I hear it was crowded all afternoon! They had a Kerry/Edwards bus there with the destination listed on the front as the "White House." Mingling with the crowd made us think this is a distinct possibility! We saw lots of Kucinich, Dean and antiwar bumperstickers in the parking lot, but everyone I talked with seemed incredibly determined to unite and work hard to defeat BushCo. Of course many people followed that up with a statement of determination to keep pushing our progressive, fiscally responsible agenda within the Party and without beginning the day after the election!

Also wanted to mention that our Santa Fe contingent held a Kerry acceptance speech viewing party at the St. Francis Hotel that drew more than 150 people and yielded about 30 new volunteers. Kudos to our own John McAndrew for coordinating the event and helping to keep DFNM in outreach mode!


August 1, 2004 at 01:00 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (4)

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Cheney Rio Rancho Schedule Update

Edward Sullivan of MoveOn PAC NM sent along this last minute update:

We've received an update on Cheney's Rio Rancho schedule for Saturday. The Republican rally-goers start arriving at 2:00, and need to be SEATED by 3:30. If we start making some noise around 2:30, we should be able to attract the attention of the TV cameras before they head into the event. Better to arrive at 2:30 then bake in the sun for an hour more than we need to.

The Albuquerque Journal has been covering the story of how the local Republican Party required people either to be documented Bush/Cheney donors or voters, or to sign a document attesting to their endorsement of Bush/Cheney in order to get tickets to the event. You may recall that a College Republicans group attended the recent Kerry/Edwards rally at the Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque and started a ruckus by chanting "flip-flopper" while banging together rubber sandals. In contrast to Republican fears of audiences not 100 percent supportive of their ticket, Kerry encouraged the lads to stay and learn something about the real "values" supported by Democrats.

Another Kerry/Edwards Visit to New Mexico

Gov. Richardson has announced that Kerry/Edwards will be traveling by Amtrack train across New Mexico on August 6-7th. They will pass through Las Vegas, Lamy, Albuquerque and Gallup with anticipated rallies at each stop.

Have a great time if you're going to the Rio Rancho Cheney protest or the Grand Opening of the Kerry/Edwards Coordinated Campaign office in Albuquerque today! And no arrests please.

July 31, 2004 at 10:33 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, July 30, 2004

Protest Cheney Visit

ACT Alert Update: Dick Cheney is Coming To Albuquerque Saturday

We’re joining with other progressive organizations to tell Dick Cheney and his local Republican allies how we feel. This is our chance to make a statement against the policies of the last four years.

Call us at 830-9250 if you’re interested in helping us prepare for this event. There are people to call and signs to make. Our goal is to show that ACT is still here and we are making sure our voices are heard. And call us if you’re interested in coming to the event!!!

When: Saturday, July 31st, 12:30pm

Where: We will meet at our Albuquerque HQ at 5600 Menaul (between San Mateo and San Pedro). Then carpool up to our staging area at Stapleton Elementary school, 4477 9th Ave. NW, Rio Rancho.
Note: MoveOn, Sierra Club, Stop the War Machine and the League of Conservation Voters are also participating.

MoveOn says:

Whatever your message is for Cheney, be sure to spell it out on a big piece of poster board and join the crowd of other progressive voters that will be protesting his campaign stop in Rio Rancho tomorrow, Saturday, July 31, starting at 1:30.

Parking for the protest will be at Stapleton Elementary School in Rio Rancho. Stapleton is about .75 mile from Rio Rancho Mid High -- the location of Cheney's event. After heading west on Northern Blvd. in Rio Rancho, turn left on Rockaway and make an immediate right on 9th -- Stapleton's parking lot is on your right.

Vans and cars will be there to shuttle people to the protest locations. Water will be available. Arrive at the staging area between 1 and 1:30. If you are coming from Albuquerque, it will take you at least 30 minutes to get to Stapleton.
And you can always attend the Kerry/Edwards Coordinated Campaign Office Grand Opening afterwards. Saturday, July 31st from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at 3301 Central NE, Albuquerque, NM. Call (505) 256-2570 for information.

July 30, 2004 at 12:39 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Campaign Management Training in Albuquerque


Latinos for America, Democracy for America, and the New Mexico League of Conservation Voters Environmental Victory Project are pleased to announce a “¡Juntos Sí Podemos!” (“Together We Can!”) Campaign Management Training in Albuquerque, on Saturday, August 14. This one day seminar is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to manage a local campaign, increase your skills as a volunteer leader, connect with candidates who need your help, and develop action plans for the 2004 campaign.

You can register for this training at:

The training will be held at:

AirDance ArtSpace
3030 Isleta Blvd, S.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87105

This campaign training is staffed by top campaign professionals leading sessions on key topics in organizer training, media production and management, data mining, constituency outreach and fundraising. These presentations are supported by small group sessions for in-depth work in each of the featured areas.

Thanks to the thousands of donations from national DFA supporters and the hard work of the local host committees, Democracy for America is able to reduce the regular price of “¡Juntos Sí Podemos!” trainings from $150 to $45.

Each trainee will leave with a training packet, as well as a certificate signed by Gov. Dean, on behalf of Democracy for America.

We need to do more than just win back the White House in November. To take back our country, we need to develop a new generation of leaders and activists with the campaign skills and tools necessary to fight for democracy in every election cycle.

Join Latinos for America, Democracy for America and the New Mexico League of Conservation Voters Environmental Victory Project at this exciting Campaign Management Training.

If we're to defeat the formidable Bush machine, we all need to get the skills necessary to win. Understanding the nuts and bolts of political organization will make you a more effective activist.

Please distribute this information to any friends/family that might be interested.

Matthew Alvarez McMillan
Finance Director, Latinos for America
Fmr. Finance Director, Miles Nelson for Congress

July 24, 2004 at 11:40 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (5)

Friday, July 23, 2004

Dean to Speak at Democratic Convention

donkeyJust a heads up today. The following announcement was sent out from DFA about Howard Dean speaking at the Democratic Convention in Boston next week. Afterwards he'll talk to supporters live on the DFA site.

Dear Supporter,

On Tuesday night next week, Governor Dean will speak in primetime to the Democratic National Convention in Boston. And immediately after his speech he will be talking to you.

The Governor is scheduled to speak on Tuesday night. Immediately after his remarks to a packed house at the Fleet Center and Americans watching at home, he will speak directly to Democracy for America supporters.

After you watch the speech, head straight for your computer and

You will be able to listen live on our web site as the Governor makes special remarks to supporters and takes questions from Dean Dozen candidates and grassroots leaders on a nationwide conference call.

Start planning now to watch Governor Dean at the Democratic National Convention -- invite friends, family and neighbors over to join you. You can plan your event using Organize for America, our grassroots event planner:

And be sure to check the blog regularly for the latest from the ground in Boston. We will have updated news, photos and reports about Governor Dean and Democracy for America at the convention:

Next week will kick off the home stretch of this election. Be sure to tune in on Tuesday and join us online as we celebrate.

Thank you for all that you do.

Tom McMahon
Executive Director
Democracy for America


July 23, 2004 at 10:03 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (4)