Wednesday, September 01, 2004


j0219098The first day for voting in New Mexico is October 5, and we have designated it Eager Voter Day. On October 5 any registered voter in New Mexico can show up at their County Clerk's office and cast their vote using a paper absentee ballot. We expect hundreds of people to show up that morning in Santa Fe to cast their vote against the Bush regime. Our goal is to see the polls nearly empty on November 2, because everyone has voted eagerly long before Election Day.

On Sunday, October 3, we will gather to make signs, talk about maximizing media exposure, and make flyers that voters on the 5th can distribute to friends to encourage them to vote early and eagerly, showing dates and places for voting. We will ask for donations of coffee and cookies for voters in line that morning. We will already have alerted the County Clerk and the local police so they can accommodate the crowd.

The morning of October 5 will dawn with college students waking up at the door of the Santa Fe County Clerk's office. We will have voters with signs at major intersections that morning, encouraging people to Vote Eagerly at the County Clerk's office. We will have buttons made that say something like "I Couldn't Wait for November 2" or "Don't Delay, Vote Today", or "I Already Voted Against W", so those who voted eagerly can encourage others to do the same. If we can get a newspaper ad donated, we will run it on October 4, announcing to all that the next day is the first day to vote against George W. Bush. We will invite the media to cover the event.

Here are a few reasons for using an absentee ballot and voting eagerly.

  1. Your vote is on paper, and is capable of being recounted, even if entered into an electronic voting machine.

  2. If the media project a winner as soon as polls in New York and Florida close, your vote will still be counted, and you won't be dissuaded from voting. (Voters on the West Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii, take note!)

  3. You won't be taken in by e-mail hoaxes that tell you to vote on November 3rd. (Such an e-mail was circulated to California Democrats in 2000.)

  4. You don't know what will happen that might prevent you from voting on November 2 in spite of your good intentions. Sick dog? Flat tire? Business trip? October surprise? Don't take that chance.

New Mexico's voter turnout in 2000 was dismal - only 47.4% of voting age citizens. We ranked 42nd out of 50 states. We can improve on that with an enthusiastic and informed electorate that votes early. Spread the word. Let's have an Eager Voter Day at every County Clerk's office in New Mexico. And for those in other states that permit early voting - a list of early voting states is here - find out what the first day of voting is, and make it a fiesta. Share your plans and ideas here on the blog at Democracy for New Mexico, and help all of us have a great event.

What a great message to spread around the country: We Want Bush GONE, and We Cannot Wait Any Longer! Contact us at Santa Fe or Albuquerque if you'd like to help, and check back here for updates and notices of planning meetings.

John McAndrew
Democracy for New Mexico/Santa Fe
Santa Fe, NM

PS: We will be discussing Albuquerque's version of Eager Voter Day at tonight's Meetup at Page One. If folks in other parts of the state would like to have a similar event in their community, please contact John or me.

Barbara Wold
Democracy for New Mexico/Albuquerque

September 1, 2004 at 10:57 AM in DFNM - Albq, DFNM - Santa Fe, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 30, 2004

March of the Coffins

This morning I've been browsing the coverage of yesterday's protest in NYC and enjoying the nonviolent but pointed and creative statements against Bush and his war. I read that the marchers stretched for 20 city blocks, or more than a mile. Despite the media's typical minimizing of the numbers, it seems clear there were at least 400,000 people marching. The silliest thing I read was that police were confiscating apples and oranges from people on the streets because they could be used as dangerous missiles! Here's a few of my favorite photos from the protest, including one of the very moving procession of flag-draped caskets representing troop deaths that moved solemnly down the march route. On several you can click on the photo for a larger version:




August 30, 2004 at 11:14 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Friday, August 27, 2004

Kerry/Edwards Grand Opening in Santa Fe

gifopenSanta Fe's Kerry/Edwards campaign office will have its Grand Opening on Sunday, August 29 from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. Click on the graphic to get the details. Only 66 days until the election. You know what to do.

August 27, 2004 at 07:50 AM in DFNM - Santa Fe, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Voting in New Mexico in 2004

Here are a few facts that may surprise you as you anticipate voting in this year's election.

  1. If you haven't voted in the last two general elections, or any of the smaller elections in the last 4 years, your name most likely has been removed from the voter rolls and you need to register again.

  2. If you have moved, you need to register again. To get a voter registration form, contact your County Clerk or any well-run campaign offices.

  3. If you are chomping at the bit to vote against George W. Bush, you don't have to wait as long as you may think. Every registered voter can cast their vote starting on October 5 at the County Clerk's office. You can vote using an absentee ballot at your County Clerk's office even if you have not applied for an absentee ballot. Their hours are Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. You can find the address and/or phone number of your County Clerk's office at .

  4. Requests for absentee ballots are available online at

BIG Dates

October 5:
The first day to vote, and the last day to register -- registrations must be in the Clerk's office by 5:00 PM. Also the first day that absentee ballots are mailed to voters.

October 16th:
Early Voting begins. No statewide list of locations exists. If you call your County Clerk, they will be able to tell you the locations, including your County Clerk's office.

Early voting happens on the following schedule (call your County Clerk to confirm): Tuesday thru Friday: 12 - 8 PM; Saturday: 10 AM - 6 PM.

October 28:
Last day to request an absentee ballot.

October 30:
Last day for early voting

November 2:
What?!? You still haven't voted? Well today is Election Day, the last of 23 days to cast a ballot. Absentee ballots must be in the County Clerk's office in their official mailing envelopes by 7:00 PM.

John McAndrew
Democracy for New Mexico/Santa Fe
Santa Fe, NM

"In Democracies, we, the people, have the power to shape national and international policy -- to seek the good and shun evil... To have this power and fail to use it makes us accomplices of the killers. The job now is to spread the word and inspire the public confidence that the good we want can prevail." --Archbishop Desmond Tutu

August 26, 2004 at 07:37 PM in Current Affairs, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Join Jane Fonda in ABQ on 8/30


Laura Harris of Americans for Indian Opportunity (and a long-time Dean supporter) passed along this notice:

Please help us spread the word about this exciting event on Monday, Aug. 30th to mobilize infrequent women voters to the polls and to celebrate the 84th anniversary of women's right to vote. To RSVP or get more information, contact Cecily at or 505-243-4443.


Join Jane Fonda in Celebrating the 84th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote and Launch “New Mexico Women Vote 2004”

What: A Birthday Party to celebrate the 84th anniversary of women’s right to vote. Join Jane Fonda for birthday cake and balloons. Pledge to vote and sign up to volunteer with our program.

When: Monday August 30, 2004, 11:00 AM

Where: YWCA Training Center, 4317 Lead SE (Washington/Lead), Albuquerque, NM

Why: NM Women Vote will motivate women to make a difference this election by exercising their right to vote, and by helping other women Get Out To Vote.

Marking the 84th anniversary of the 19th amendment to the US Constitution, which gave women the right to vote, NARAL PCNM Foundation is launching its “NM Women Vote 2004” program to increase voter participation among infrequent women voters in New Mexico. Join Jane Fonda, LaDonna Harris and other women for the birthday party and launch of the NARAL PCNM Foundation voter participation program on Monday, Aug. 30th at 11:00 AM at the YWCA Training Center at 4317 lead SE in Albuquerque.

Thousands of women in NM did not vote last election, and the presidency was decided by just 366 votes in our state. “NM Women Vote 2004” will motivate women to make a difference this election by exercising their right to vote, and by helping other women Get Out To Vote. Through this celebration, NARAL PCNM FOUNDATION will provide volunteers with information about the campaign and give them immediate opportunities to get involved.

Cecily Vix, Field Director
NARAL Pro-Choice New Mexico
Office: (505)243-4443, Cell: (505) 620-0869

August 25, 2004 at 12:08 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

August 26 Events

George Bush will be in Las Cruces, Farmington and Albuquerque on Thursday, August 26th. The League of Conservation Voters and ACT NM are coordinating a protest in Albuquerque on that day.

Get Information

John Edwards will be in Las Cruces on Thursday, August 26th.

Get Information

August 25, 2004 at 10:57 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, August 23, 2004

Reminder: Today's ABQ Volunteer Events

Today, DFNM folks in Albuquerque have two volunteer events where we can help the cause and show our stuff.

Voter registration tabling starts today at the UNM Student Union Building (SUB) mall. We're meeting at Kerry HQ at 10:30 AM and we'll be tabling from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM on campus. If you have a free hour or two during that time you can also just show up at the SUB mall and join us for whatever time you can spare. This effort will continue at the same time and place this Tuesday and Wednesday.

DFNM participation is being coordinated by Ron Humphreys of the Democratic Party. You can contact him at daddou52(place @ symbol here) or call 830-3650, ext. 17. Or just come on over! Besides being a voter registration effort, it's also a visibility event. Volunteers from the Kerry and Romero campaigns will also be there and we'll have campaign signs and literature. The Republican Party is no doubt planning their own presence at UNM during these Welcome Back Days, so we'd love to have a large turnout. Wear your Dean/DFA gear. Hope to see you there!

Tonight is our second weekly DFNM phonebanking night at Kerry HQ from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. We had a fun time last week and hope for even more volunteers tonight.

The New Mexico Victory 2004 - Kerry/Edwards Coordinated Campaign is at 3301 Central NE. You can always call them at 256-2570 to see what other volunteer opportunities are available.

Thanks for all you do!

August 23, 2004 at 09:01 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Pelosi to Host King Fundraiser in Las Cruces

pelosiYou are cordially invited to join Gary King, Democratic Nominee for Congress (CD2):

Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 11:00am
Las Cruces Hilton, 705 South Telshor Drive

For a very special reception honoring the Next Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi

Suggested minimum contribution $25 per person

Due to security reasons you must RSVP by Tuesday, August 24 in order to attend the event.

RSVP Today by Calling 505-532-5653.

August 18, 2004 at 05:07 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Reminder - Hightower Rallies Today

Jim Hightower will host a fundraiser and rally for Richard Romero in the historic Golden West Saloon and El Rey Theater in Albuquerque.:

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Fundraising reception and book signing - Golden West Saloon
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Rally - El Rey Theater FREE event – Everyone welcome!
620 Central NW, Albuquerque

Those attending the 5:30 reception with a $100 contribution will receive a signed copy of Jim Hightower’s new book entitled Let’s Stop Beating Around the Bush. The 7pm event is free. Come and join Richard and Margie for a night of laughs. Jim Hightower, former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma Fred Harris and Albuquerque Councilman Eric Griego will all be there.

August 18, 2004 at 01:41 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Reminder: DFA/LFA Training This Saturday

timeflyTime is running out to register for one of the best bargains in activist training.

Latinos for America, Democracy for America, and the New Mexico League of Conservation Voters Environmental Victory Project are sponsoring “¡Juntos Sí Podemos!” (“Together We Can!”) Campaign Management Training in Albuquerque, on Saturday, August 14.

This one day seminar is a fantastic opportunity to learn how to manage a local campaign, increase your skills as a volunteer leader or activist, connect with candidates who need your help, develop action plans for the 2004 campaign and learn practical lessons on what works and doesn't work in terms of political persuasion.

You can register for this training at: Latinos for America

The training will be held from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at:

AirDance ArtSpace
3030 Isleta Blvd, S.W.
Albuquerque, NM 87105

Note from BW: This training was offered recently at DemocracyFest (DeanFest) and people who attended have been absolutely raving about the training and the workshop team, which has credentials that go back to UFW and Cesar Chavez. I've signed up and I hope you will too. It's a real bargain at $45.

This campaign training is staffed by top campaign professionals leading sessions on key topics in organizer training, media production and management, data mining, constituency outreach and fundraising. These presentations are supported by small group sessions for in-depth work in each of the featured areas.

Thanks to the thousands of donations from national DFA supporters and the hard work of the local host committees, Democracy for America is able to reduce the regular price of “¡Juntos Sí Podemos!” trainings from $150 to $45.

Each trainee will leave with a training packet, as well as a certificate signed by Gov. Howard Dean, on behalf of Democracy for America.

We need to do more than just win back the White House in November. To take back our country, we need to develop a new generation of leaders and activists with the campaign skills and tools necessary to fight for democracy in every election cycle.

August 10, 2004 at 05:04 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (1)