Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Al Gore Offers the Mother of All Closing Arguments


Thanks to a tip from Nancy G., I caught CSPAN's rebroadcast of Al Gore's speech yesterday at Georgetown University for MoveOn. This was the last of his series of speeches that have slammed the Bush administration from a variety of angles. In this one he lays out -- fact by fact, incident by incident, distortion by distortion, action by action -- the case against Bush's dishonest and self-serving policies and the lies and world view that have made them possible. Scathing as an incredibly effective closing argument by a top-notch prosecutor, it made me remember just how many horrors and lies BushCo has perpetrated since before 9-11. There are so many it can be difficult to recall then all. This speech brings it all back home and concludes that Bush's policies stem from rabidly political, extremist right-wing ideology and a purposeful refusal to face facts and analyze data in the real world. Truly damning. Truly dangerous.


"It is ideology – and not his religious faith – that is the source of his inflexibility. Most of the problems he has caused for this country stem not from his belief in God, but from his belief in the infallibility of the right-wing Republican ideology that exalts the interests of the wealthy and of large corporations over the interests of the American people. Love of power for its own sake is the original sin of this presidency."

"It is clear that President Bush has absolute faith in a rigid, right-wing ideology. He ignores the warnings of his experts. He forbids any dissent and never tests his assumptions against the best available evidence. He is arrogantly out of touch with reality. He refuses to ever admit mistakes. Which means that as long as he is our President, we are doomed to repeat them. It is beyond incompetence. It is recklessness that risks the safety and security of the American people."

"He has ducked accountability by the press with his obsessive secrecy and refusal to conduct the public’s business openly. There is now only one center of power left in our constitution capable of at long last holding George W. Bush accountable, and it is the voters. There are fifteen days left before our country makes this fateful choice – for us and the whole world. Join me on November 2nd in taking our country back."

Highly recommended: check out the transcript and/or the CSPAN video. Have you set up your volunteering schedule for the next 13 days? We can win, but we MUST GET OUT THE VOTE!

(Photo courtesy of Al Gore Democrats)

October 19, 2004 at 03:52 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Join ABQ Moms for Kerry Rally or Plan Your Own in Your Town


A 'Moms for Kerry' Rally will be held on in Albuquerque on Saturday, October 30, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM MT. Hosted by Ann Chacon, and coinciding with similar rallies being held across the nation, the Albuquerque event will take place at Tiguex Park. The Park is located on Mountain Road across from the New Mexico Museum of Natural History (the dinosaur museum) approximately one-half mile east of Rio Grande Blvd on Mountain Road in Albuquerque, NM  87110

Help us take back our country for our kids!

Former Children's Court Judge Anne Kass will be speaking, as well as the mother and wife of a serviceman.  We just heard yesterday that one or two 9/11 widows will be flying in from New York to speak at the Rally, as well! We will also have information specific to New Mexico for you to share with any "undecided" friends.

BRING SIGNS & KIDS: We are making signs, and working on getting other signs - if you have one to bring, please do! And don't leave the kids at home - bring 'em - this is for them!

MORE INFO: Let us know if you're out there - please tell friends - it's our last big bang before the election, and the last chance to get to those undecided moms out there!  Please visit this site for more information: https://www.momsforkerry.com.

for the Moms for Kerry Rally by clicking .

If you'd like to organize a Moms for Kerry rally in your area, click here.

October 19, 2004 at 11:51 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Kerry Visits Las Cruces on Saturday 10/23


John Kerry will be in Las Cruces for a rally this coming Saturday, October 23rd. He'll be landing in El Paso because the Las Cruces airport runway has trouble handling heavy planes. In fact, when Bush flew into Las Cruces in August, one of his planes caused an estimated $1 million in damages. The Bush campaign demanded use of the Las Cruces runway despite warnings that their heavy planes risked damaging the tarmac. But then we all know Bush likes to make decisions based on his "gut" and messages from above rather than on facts. Perhaps the almighty had whispered in his ear that if the Bush plane didn't land in Las Cruces, the war on terrorism would be lost.

UPDATE 10/20: Tickets are required for this event. To print your complimentary ticket(s) or to volunteer for the rally, please click here.

Tickets will also available at the following locations for pick-up:
NM Victory 2004 - Las Cruces
411 Waters Street
9am to 9pm

NM Victory 2004 - Albuquerque
3301 Central NE
9am to 9pm

Event Schedule:
WHEN: Saturday, October 23-- Gates open at 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: Field of Dreams, 2501 Tashiro Road, West Las Cruces, NM
DETAILS: Due to security, please do not bring any umbrellas, bags, or signs. Please limit personal items as well. This event will take place RAIN or SHINE. For more information, call (505) 525-1225.

And in the meantime, you know what to do: Volunteer!

October 19, 2004 at 10:27 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (3)

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Stop Scary Heather TODAY!

Passing along an email from the Richard Romero for Congress Meetup people:

Senator Romero needs your support.

TODAY (Sunday, Oct. 17) is the televised debate between Richard Romero & Heather Wilson. The Romero folks were told that each side would get 100 tickets. However, we have just learned that Wilson's people are bringing 200 people to stack the audience and possibly heckle Senator Romero. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!

Sooo, please reconsider whatever plans you have made and come to the Simms Auditorium at the Albuquerque Academy (Wyoming and Academy NE) at 3:00 PM on Sunday to support our candidate. Doors open at 3:15 PM.

The Romero campaign just learned today that the Kerry Campaign has scheduled a training session for the same time so many folks are being pulled in two directions. If anyone is planning to attend that training and can reschedule for another time, it would be great.

It is absolutely critical that this live broadcast present Senator Romero as having great support. PLEASE COME AND LEND YOUR VOICE.

To get your name on the door list, contact:

407 Rio Grande Blvd., NW, Suite 8
Albuquerque, NM 87104
phone (505) 244-0827
fax (505) 244-0303

October 17, 2004 at 10:54 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Join Us at International Criminal Courts Event on Monday

We’d like to get a good turnout of DFA/DFNM folks at this event. We'll be tabling and passing out information on our organization, so we’d love to have an excellent turnout of our members at this free event:

Albuquerque Chapter United Nations Association, New Mexico Alliance for the International Criminal Court and City of Albuquerque present

UN Day Program 2004
Music, Refreshments and Discussion
with JOHN WASHBURN speaking on
Monday, October 18, 2004
5:30 to 6:30 PM Music and Refreshments
6:30 to 8:30 PM Talk and Discussion
UNM Student Union Building

Speaker’s Biography: John Washburn is director of UNA-USA’s office for the ICC. He has had an extensive career in diplomacy and international governmental and non-governmental organizations, including serving as director of political affairs at the U.N. and director in the executive office of the Secretary-General of the U.N. Previously, Washburn was a member of the foreign service of the U.S. and served in India, Iran, and Indonesia. As a member of the State Department’s Bureau of International Organizations Affairs, he helped to establish and directed an office to further the coordination of American bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. He chaired an Iran Hostage Task Force in 1979, and has been awarded several honors for his meritorious service.

Music: Placitas Mountain Bluegrass Band

JOIN US! Your Voice is Needed!

Co-Sponsors: McCune Charitable Foundation, AAUW, Democracy for America/Democracy for New Mexico, Desert Sky Communications, IJ.S.-China Council of Sister Cities, NAACP —Santa Fe, Veterans for Peace, Committee to Stop the War Machine, Gray Panthers, Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice, World Voices Independent Media Newspaper of Abq, U.S.-China People’s Friendship Association, Soka Gakkie International, N.M. Arts Alliance/Heritage Council, League of Women Voters, Arab-Jewish Peace Alliance, Albuquerque Committee on Foreign Relations, Citizen Action, ACLU, Albuquerque Friends Meeting, Albuquerque Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, New Mexico Conference of Churches, Center for Action and Contemplation, and others.

October 16, 2004 at 11:03 AM in DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday, October 15, 2004

Elizabeth Edwards to Kick Off Expanded Early Voting in Santa Fe on Saturday

Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, will deliver remarks to New Mexicans in Santa Fe, Saturday, Oct. 16th, the first day of early voting at expanded satellite locations.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Rep. Tom Udall, House Speaker Ben Lujan and S.F. County Democratic Party Chair Minnie Gallegos will join Ms. Edwards at the event hosted by the Santa Fe County Democratic Party. After the event, Ms. Edwards will lead a group of Kerry-Edwards supporters to cast their ballot for change.

SATURDAY, October 16, 2004, 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Santa Fe Rodeo Fairgrounds
3229 Rodeo Road
Santa Fe, N.M.

Free food * door prizes * Entertainment * special guests*
Santa Fe County Extension Building (Near the Fairgrounds early voting site)
At the Rodeo Grounds on Rodeo Road
For info please call: 505-471-1744 or 505-982-5727

Come, join the fun and vote this Saturday. To learn more about Elizabeth Edwards click here. (Photo courtesy Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc.)

October 15, 2004 at 09:40 AM in Candidates & Races, DFNM - Santa Fe, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Howard Dean Asks for Our Help

From Howard Dean: MoveOn PAC needs 1,000 volunteers in 24 hours to help win the election. New Mexico is a target and I'm counting on your help. Please join us now.

There are now fewer than 20 days until Election Day. There's no more time to waste, and I need your help right now. MoveOn PAC needs 1,000 volunteers in the next 24 hours towards our goal of organizing in 10,000 key neighborhoods and turning out 440,000 new votes for John Kerry.

You and a dozen other neighborhood leaders can together turn out over 500 new voters. That would have been enough to tip the balance in Florida in 2000. Your neighborhood in is a critical focus of this effort. Think about it--you and a few friends literally have the power to swing the election in New Mexico.

But you need to start the ball rolling. Please call the office below closest to you right now. Don't lose another minute:

Albuquerque: 505-764-0376
Santa Fe: 505-470-6100

Or, sign up on MoveOn PAC's website and a local staffer will call you within 24 hours to get you started.

This week my organization, Democracy for America, joined MoveOn PAC's Leave No Voter Behind campaign to turn out infrequent voters on Election Day and defeat George W. Bush. Here’s why: MoveOn and Democracy for America have brought millions of new people into our political process. We cut through meaningless political language and reject the money-for-influence game in Washington. We talk directly to the people and we are accountable only to you.

This project will bring a powerful wave of new voters to the polls. Millions of people who have never voted know that something has gone wrong. They see friends losing their health care, neighbors sent to war in Iraq, and family losing their jobs. They have seen for the first time how the political process impacts our lives – and they ought to be voting with us.

Together we can change the direction we're heading in and take our country back.

Take the first step. Join us in Leave No Voter Behind and make them pay attention to us. People like you knocking on doors and driving vans to polling places will win the election. Voting is not enough. We have a responsibility to make sure everyone participates. And you have the power to make it happen.

Thank you.

Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Founder and Honorary Chair
Democracy for America

October 14, 2004 at 03:36 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)

Crucial GOTV Training This Sunday


October 14, 2004 at 02:12 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Kerry Trifecta


According to Kevin Drum of the Washington Monthly's Political Animal blog:

WHO WON?....The post-debate polls are solidly in Kerry's favor:
CNN/USA Today/Gallup: Kerry wins 53%-39%.
CBS News poll of uncommitted voters: Kerry wins 39%-25%
ABC News: Kerry wins 42%-41%, even though their audience leaned heavily Republican.
Democracy Corps: Kerry wins 41%-36%.
That's by far the biggest win for Kerry of the three debates. By next week I'll bet Kerry is 3-4 points ahead of Bush in nearly every poll.

Since the phone polls from the first two presidential debates were also won by Kerry, that makes it three in a row. It seems clear Kerry did what he had to do. Contrary to all the Bush spin, Kerry now is seen as a competent and strong commander-in-chief and a likeable and "presidential" candidate.

The Gadflyer has a feature on polling results from Democracy Corps. that examines how much Kerry has gained during the debate on a variety of issues:

. . .people's opinions of Bush after the debates are just where they were before the debates, while Kerry has improved dramatically on every measure. Bush's average improvement was one-half of a percentage point, while Kerry's average improvement was 9.5%. Let's run it down, starting with Kerry:

"Cares about people like you"
Before debates: 51
After debates: 62
Improvement: 11 points

"Honest and trustworthy"
Before debates: 47
After debates: 57
Improvement: 10 points

"Strong leader"
Before debates: 43
After debates: 54
Improvement: 11 points

"Has good plans for the economy"
Before debates: 50
After debates: 57
Improvement: 7 points

"Has good plans for Iraq"
Before debates: 38
After debates: 47
Improvement: 9 points

"Offers a hopeful vision of the future"
Before debates: 51
After debates: 60
Improvement: 9 points

"Will make America safer and more secure"
Before debates: 42
After debates: 52
Improvement: 10 points

"Gives me confidence when I see him"
Before debates: 39
After debates: 52
Improvement: 13 points

Before debates: 48
After debates: 62
Improvement: 14 points

"Flip-flops on important issues"
Before debates: 58
After debates: 52
Improvement: 6 points

"Not strong enough on security and defense"
Before debates: 54
After debates: 49
Improvement: 5 points

And how about Bush's claim that "I don't think I ever said I’m not worried about Osama bin Laden. I think that's one of those exaggerations." Check out the DNC video clip Exaggeration to witness the truth.

Last but not least, Salon offers a photo that allegedly shows Bush's Bulge still present. Perhaps he's just glad to see us and has a backward way of showing it . . . .

(Photo Credit: Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc. from Sharon Farmer, click for larger view)

October 14, 2004 at 10:50 AM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Hit Sinclair Broadcasting Where It Hurts

AngryYou must have already heard about the intent of Sinclair Broadcasting to air a sleazy "documentary," which tells a highly distorted story about Kerry's antiwar activities, just 2 weeks before the election. Sinclair is owned and operated by extreme right-wing Bush supporters, and the main guy behind the film has close ties with the Moonies -- who own the Washington Times rag and have long had their way with the Bush family. For details on this issue, go here.

We can now access a databank of companies that advertise on the network, which operates in most swing states. We can tell them we plan to boycott their products if they don't urge Sinclair to stop their blatantly unfair and even illegal Bush propaganda initiative. Check out the Boycottsbg.com site.

You can also call the local affiliates that Sinclair is trying to force to air the show, preempting their normal schedule. Here's a list of them provided by the DNC.

And this site makes it easy to contact Sinclair Broadcasting and register a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.

You know what to do.

October 12, 2004 at 01:00 PM in Candidates & Races, Events | Permalink | Comments (2)