Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Celebrate International Women's Day

Bread and Roses

As we go marching, marching, in the beauty of the day,
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray,
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses,
For the people hear us singing: Bread and Roses! Bread and Roses!

As we go marching, marching, we battle too for men,
For they are women's children, and we mother them again.
Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;
Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses.

As we go marching, marching, unnumbered women dead
Go crying through our singing their ancient call for bread.
Small art and love and beauty their drudging spirits knew.
Yes, it is bread we fight for, but we fight for roses too.

As we go marching, marching, we bring the greater days,
The rising of the women means the rising of the race.
No more the drudge and idler, ten that toil where one reposes,
But a sharing of life's glories: Bread and roses, bread and roses.

Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;
hearts starve as well as bodies; bread and roses, bread and roses.

Bread_and_roses_strikeThe imagery of bread and roses has been a recurring theme in the history of the labor and women's movements. It was the slogan of women garment workers in New York in 1908 when 15,000 women marched after the death of 128 women in a factory fire. After the slogan appeared on the banner of textile workers during their 10 week strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts in 1912, James Oppenheim, an IWW man, wrote the song Bread and Roses, which has been often sung and recorded, and seems appropriate for today's celebration of International Women's Day.

You can read about the history of International Women's Day in the Wikipedia. Or check out the history of the 1912 Lawrence, MA strike by reading Girl Power: The Story of the Bread and Roses Strike.

March 8, 2005 at 03:59 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, March 07, 2005

DFA-DFNM Workshop on Lakoff Set for 3/24

George Lakoff Workshop:  Thinking Like a Liberal
Coordinated by Janet Resnick of DFA-DFNM
March 24, Thursday at 7 PM - 9 PM
First Unitarian Church Social Hall
Carlisle and Comanche
(same location as our Meetups)

This workshop is based on the content of two books by George Lakoff, "Don't Think of an Elephant", and "Moral Politics." It will consist of a 25-minute DVD featuring Lakoff, a slide presentation, a personal view of Lakoff's work presented by Miles Nelson, MD, and a workshop session designed to help us connect our progressive moral values to progressive politics.

It will be assumed that you have already read "Don't Think of an Elephant" prior to attending this workshop. A basic understanding of Lakoff's principles will enable you -- and others in the group -- to gain the most insight from the experience.

Bring a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil with you.

For logistical reasons, participation will be limited to the first 60 people who sign up. A confirmation email will be sent to you if you are among this group.

Send an email to dfnm_albq@comcast.net to sign up. You must include the following information for each person:

Email address
Phone Number

March 7, 2005 at 04:38 PM in DFNM - Albq, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Sunday, March 06, 2005

NARAL Offers Pro Choice Legislative Updates

From NARAL Pro Choice New Mexico:
You're invited to a Choice Action Team (CAT) meeting near you for a legislative update.

CATs are a key component of our efforts to organize our state community by community, county by county until we have an active pro-choice majority that can counter the continuing attacks on a woman's right to choose.  We need your support to build the pro-choice movement and inspire New Mexicans to make a difference in their communities.  Come meet other activists, share ideas, and most importantly, ORGANIZE!

CATs are already helping create and implement strategic plans to protect choice and establish an effective, long-lasting activist base in New Mexico.  Members of the CATs form a critical voice for choice on issues such as family planning funding, sex education, access to birth control and basic reproductive health care.   

The next CAT meetings will focus on what's happening this year in our state legislature.  Come learn about pro-choice, pro-active bills we're supporting, what bills threaten choice in our state, and how you can make a difference at the legislative level!

For more information or to RSVP for a CAT meeting near you, please contact 505.243.4443 or rpenberg@prochoicenm.org.

*If there is no CAT in your community and you would like to learn more about starting a local team, please also contact us at 505.243.4443 or rpenberg@prochoicenm.org

Albuquerque CAT:

WHEN: Tuesday, March 8, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
(Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month)
WHERE: Please call 505.243.4443 for location
*Rebeka Penberg, Chair

Las Cruces CAT:

WHEN: Wednesday, March 9, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
(Meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month)
WHERE: Branigan Library, Pearl Higgins Room
*Mari Tellez, Chair

Santa Fe CAT:

WHEN: Tuesday, March 7, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
(Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month)
WHERE: Grubesic Real Estate Offices, 1322 Paseo De Peralta *Kathryn Tijerina, Chair

For more information or to RSVP for any CAT, please contact 505.243.4443 or rpenberg@prochoicenm.org.

March 6, 2005 at 11:59 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Hearing on Election Reform Bill HB1063 Sunday

From Robert Stearns of Verified Voting New Mexico:
Hello Activists,
Again you're urged to turn out in force TOMORROW, SUNDAY at 10:30 AM, Room 309, for another meeting of the House Voters and Elections Committee to consider the same HB1063, Omnibus Election Reform.

As the 40 or so activists who attended this morning's HVECom meeting (standing room only) can tell you, the Committee took up other bills in place of HB1063, which was #1 on the agenda, and never got around to considering it.

Again tomorrow we will be promoting inclusion of Voter Verifiable Paper Ballot, Automatic Random Audits, and also to DELETE the new provision that allows the state canvassing board to demand the full estimated cost of a recount or recheck before agreeing to a recount or recheck. This gives the board new power to block a legitimate demand for a recount.

The HVECom will meet again on TUESDAY March 8 at 8 AM in Room 305 to consider several bills, including Rep. Mary Helen Garcia's excellent HB 1026, (5th on the agenda, for whatever that means). We regret that this sudden and immediate call to arms is necessary for TOMORROW but that is how our Legislature works.

March 5, 2005 at 11:02 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Speak Out Against Vicious Gay Bashing: Candlelight Vigil Tonight on Santa Fe Plaza

From Equality New Mexico:
Join hundreds of New Mexicans speaking out against last Sunday's vicious gay bashing in Santa Fe: Candlelight Vigil, 6:00 PM, Saturday, March 5, Santa Fe Plaza

Contribute online at www.eqnm.org to offset victim James Maestas' medical expenses.  Or mail a check to:

Love Conquers Hate Fund
c/o Equality New Mexico Foundation
PO Box 27268
Albuquerque NM 87125

Click here for the latest news coverage of the story in the Santa Fe New Mexican. Click here for coverage in the Albuquerque Journal.

Sponsored by: Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Equality New Mexico, People of Color AIDS Foundation, Human Rights Alliance, Santa Fe Mountain Center, Esperanza Shelter for Battered Families, NAACP, Somos un Pueblo Unido, Santa Fe Rape Crisis, College of Santa Fe Queer Faculty and Staff Association, Academics for a Democratic Society, Albuquerque Rape Crisis Center, New Mexico Green Party, ACLU of New Mexico, New Mexico Human Rights Coalition, The Experience, Impact Personal Safety, Unity Santa Fe and Democracy for New Mexico.
Editor's Note: I think it's telling that during this same period, discrimination against gay and lesbian citizens was greatly helped along by Democratic votes in the Senate Judiciary Committee at the Legislature. It's bad enough that Republicans apparently believe churches should regulate civil law and that some citizens should not have equal rights. But when Democrats also vote for disciminatory legislation, there has to be consequences.

In a vote of 5-5 last night, the Senate Judiciary Committee effectively tabled SB 576, Domestic Partner Benefits, killing the bill. And with a vote of 6-4, it gave a Do Pass to SB 597, the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that defines CIVIL marriage as between one man and one woman. The bill may be heard by the full Senate as early as Sunday, March 6.

Votes were along party lines except for Democratic Senator Lidio Rainaldi, who voted against the domestic partner legislation and for the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Democratic Senator Richard Martinez did vote yes on SB 576 (Domestic Partnership) but unfortunately also voted yes on SB 597 (DOMA).

I guess Democratic Senator Rainaldi, who lives in Gallup and represents Cibola & McKinley counties, has decided that there is no wall between church and state in America. Shame on him. And shame on any Democrat who votes to limit rights that every U.S. citizen deserves under the Consitution. Rainaldi supports the kind of legislation that leads youths to believe it's ok to discriminate, that it's ok to viciously beat gay people. This is how hate crimes happen.

Senator Richard Martinez, who represents Los Alamos, Rio Arriba & Santa Fe Counties, also apparently believes that religion should govern what kinds of contracts and licenses consenting adults can enter into in terms of CIVIL agreements. Since when should the Catholic Church or any church have any say whatsover about civil law?

Should you find it in your heart to support equal rights for all our citizens, and to explain how discriminatory legislation has a direct link to the vicious gay bashing that took place in Santa Fe last weekend, you can find contact information here:

For Senator Rainaldi;

For Senator Martinez.

I think it's time that Democrats who are against equal rights, against diversity and against a strong wall between church and state should be called on their bigoted positions. And if that includes our Democratic Governor, so be it.

March 5, 2005 at 01:33 PM in DFNM - Santa Fe, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, March 04, 2005

Real Election Reform in Danger: Extremely Important to Be at the Roundhouse Saturday and Monday!

It's being reported that most of the effective language about Voter Verified Paper Ballots and Automatic Audit is being removed from the election reform measures that will be heard tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 8:00 AM at the House Voters & Elections Committee in Room 305 of the Roundhouse in Santa Fe.

It's very important that we have a good turnout at the Committee hearing and even more crucial that we have a HUGE crowd at the Election Reform Rally from Noon to 2:00 PM tomorrow at the East entrance to the Roundhouse. If we don't turn out in large numbers to demand election reform measures as spelled out in Sen. Cisco McSorley's SB1065, we may not get any meaningful reform this Legislative Session.

Now is the time to SHOW UP (as Howard Dean is fond of saying) and stand up for real election reform that can guarantee our votes are counted, and counted correctly in future elections.

I just learned that the combination election reform bill on the Senate side, SB678, will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday afternoon. The Committee hearing begins at 2:30 PM, but it's not known exactly what time SB678 will be discussed. It could be as late as 5:00 PM.

SB678 is the election reform bill that was passed by the Senate Rules Committee and negotiated with Governor Richardson's office by Committee Chair Linda Lopez. Click to read and track SB678, the Committee substitute for SB678, 680, 718 and 735.

It is also EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that people attend this hearing to express support for VVPB and Automatic Audit. So I hope some of us can be there Monday as well as Saturday.

March 4, 2005 at 01:27 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

NM Death Penalty Repeal Bill Hearing Monday

From the Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty:
HB 576, Repeal of NM Death Penalty
To Be Heard in Senate Rules Committee
Monday, March 7th, 8:00 AM, Room 321
Please join repeal supporters for HB 576's First Senate Committee Hearing. And don't forget to contact ALL the members of the committee, especially past supporters to help solidify their support for Monday's vote. Click for contact information.

HB 578 Employee Leave for Certain Crime Victims
Replaced by HB 356
HB 578 has been combined with another piece of similar legislation and renamed HB 356. The name of the bill, Employee Leave for Certain Crime Victims, remains the same. HB 356 improves on our original legislation, in that it provides employee leave for businesses with four or more employees instead of fifteen. HB 356 may reach the House floor for a vote as soon as tomorrow. Please contact your Representatives NOW and ask for their support of HB 356.

Santa Fe New Mexican Editorial
"Death Penalty Repeal Could Be in Bill's Favor"

The New Mexican ran an editorial encouraging Governor Richardson to help push HB 576 through the Senate and to his desk, pointing out that for Governor Bill Richardson, a signature on HB 576 may indeed help not hinder his political ambitions. Please respond to the editorial with a letter to the editor regarding Gov. Richardson's position. The text of the editorial is copied below.

Editorial 03/02/2005: Death-penalty repeal could be in Bill’s favor 
The New Mexican - March 2, 2005

Larry Sabato might be right — or maybe not: The nationally renowned political scientist told The New Mexican’s Steve Terrell in Sunday’s front-page story that the death-penalty issue is one Gov. Bill Richardson should hope to avoid if he still has national ambitions.

Seems he does: A recent addition to Richardson’s speechwriting staff is reputed to be national-class at his trade. And since the governor holds his own at speechifying on the state level, Roundhouse mitote has the guy creating statesmanlike remarks for those occasions when our high-profile guv draws nationwide attention.

So what does he do if the Legislature approves a bill ending capital punishment in New Mexico? The House of Representatives did just that on Monday. The Senate might prove more resistant to such a measure, but the very fact that one of our state’s legislative chambers finally said no to the death penalty puts at least hypothetical pressure on the governor: What if a bill ending the death penalty reaches his desk?

As professor Sabato sees it, it’s a no-win situation: Veto it, and incur liberal wrath; sign it, and conservatives will portray him as a wimp if he winds up on the Democratic ticket in 2008.

We tend to think New Mexico’s longstanding policy on capital punishment is a sound one: Keep it on the books, but don’t apply it. That keeps convicted murderers around in case something comes up to prove them innocent — and tightly locked away in case they’re not. The governor’s current stance is in support of the death penalty, as long as there are strict standards to keep anyone innocent from being executed.

With today’s DNA testing and other technological advances in criminal-evidence verification, guilt or innocence becomes a bit clearer. But on off-chance that the wrong person might be given a lethal injection , New Mexico has done well by putting capital criminals on Death Row, then ... doing nothing. Only the vile Terry Clark, killer of a 9-year-old girl, has been executed in recent years — and he asked for it, literally.

So Gov. Richardson’s position puts him in the best of both political worlds: tough on crime, yet reasonable enough not to hasten anyone’s execution.

But we part company with the political experts at the assumption that signing a death-penalty ban would be bad for Bill’s presidential or vice-presidential ambitions.

By coming down against capital punishment, he’d help his cause with liberals in the crucial campaign for the 2008 nomination. And as for being seen as soft on crime by right-wingers , well, there are plenty of them who wouldn’t vote for Richardson or any other Democrat — for any number of reasons.

But to a certain number of conservatives, and moderates , Richardson might look very good indeed:

A tax-reforming , business-accommodating politician with the common sense it will take to get us out of the economic mess President Bush probably will make worse in the next three years. A skilled diplomat our nation will really need by then, to retrieve lost alliances amid what could be even greater global crises. A political charmer capable of crossing our country’s hardening lines of cultural diversity. The death penalty, we’re pretty sure, will not be much of a factor in 2008. So our governor should rest easy on that score — and consider the friendships he might cement along the road to the nomination. Far from fretting about the repeal of capital punishment , he should consider pressing the Senate to send him such a bill — and signing it.

NM Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty
(505) 986-9536

March 4, 2005 at 10:23 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (2)

Sandoval County Ward & Precinct Elections Set for 3/22

Thanks to Tom Solomon for passing along this info:

The Democratic Party of Sandoval County will hold its ward and precinct elections on Tuesday, March 22, at 7:00 PM at various locations. Here are a few:

  • Corrales Elementary School, Precincts 11, 12, 13, 53, 54
  • Placitas Elementary School, Precincts 5, 28, 55

This information was provided by James Moran, who is running to replace Rubin Miera as County Chair. You can obtain more information on these elections by emailing Mr. Moran at james.moran@worldnet.att.net or by calling 896-0529.

March 4, 2005 at 09:44 AM in Democratic Party, Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

URGENT: Saturday Hearing & Rally on Election Reform

From Terry Riley:
The plan for Saturday is changing.  We have found out that the Voter Verifiable Paper Ballots are being considered at 8 AM on Saturday.  The bills that seem to be making the most headway will leave us with a lame electoral system.  The focus is on saving $14,000,000.  I love saving money.  I absolutely hate spending time and money on a partial fix and having to go back and go back and go back to possibly get it right.  We NEED everybody possible in Santa Fe at NOON on SATURDAY and we NEED a lot of people there at 8 AM when the committee meets.  This is something worth changing your schedule.  PLEASE come!

Here is what is going on per folks from United Voters of New Mexico and others:

Next up is the KEY meeting of the House Voters & Elections Committee set for 8 AM SATURDAY in Room 305. Please do your best to be there! We had eight activists at the suddenly announced 8 AM meeting today of the House Voters and Elections Committee. The Committee spent its time on Voter ID and did not get to VVPB and Automatic Audits. It adjourned at about 10 AM, with Chair Ed Sandoval announcing that consideration of HB1063 will continue and amendments thereto will be accepted at the SATURDAY meeting.

The word is that amendments will also come up for the Sen Rules Committee Substitute Bill at another SATURDAY meeting.

(NOTE: Click to read the orginal post about the Saturday Noon Rally.)

March 3, 2005 at 12:53 PM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

ACTION ALERT: DOMA & Domestic Partnership Bills

From Equality New Mexico:


We REALLY need your help! We don't have the votes to stop DOMA, and "Christian" radio has been publicizing this hearing, flooding Senate offices with phone calls.

To contrast our side from anti-gay "Christian" advocates, please contact Senate offices (contact information and additional talking points listed below) and RESPECTFULLY ask the Senators to OPPOSE Senate Bill 597, which defines marriage between one man and one woman and SUPPORT Senate Bill 576, Domestic Partner Benefits.

The hearing room 321 is small, there will only be 15 minutes allotted for each side of each bill, and the hearing will likely not begin until 2 or later. BUT if you are able to attend, we suggest you get there by 1 pm and bring a book! Let's fill up the room with our supporters!

Here are more specific messages to pass along.  (Additional talking points are below.) Use the email addresses and phone numbers listed or click HERE to fax a letter to your own Senator and Representative. Thanks!!

Senator Cisco McSorley (Democrat), Senate Judiciary Chair cisco.mcsorley@nmlegis.gov, 986-4485 "Thank you for being a champion for our families."

Senator Richard C. Martinez (Democrat), Senate Judiciary Vice Chair richardc.martinez@nmlegis.gov, 986-4389 "DOMA hurts gay families.  Please oppose SB 597.  Please support SB 576, Domestic Partner Benefits."

Senator Rod Adair (Republican) radair@dfn.com, 986-4385  "DOMA hurt gay families.  Please oppose SB 597.  Please support SB 576, Domestic Partner Benefits."

Senator Kent L. Cravens (Republican) klcravens@alphagraphics.com, 986-4391 "DOMA hurt gay families.  Please oppose SB 597.  Please support SB 576, Domestic Partner Benefits."

Senator John T.L. Grubesic (Democrat) john.grubesic@nmlegis.gov,  986-4260  "Thank you for being a champion for our families."

Senator Clinton D. Harden (Republican) charden@theosogroup.com  986-4369  "DOMA hurt gay families.  Please oppose SB 597.  Please support SB 576, Domestic Partner Benefits."

Senator Linda M. Lopez (Democrat) 986-4737"Thank you for being a champion for our families."

Senator William H. Payne (Republican) william.payne@nmlegis.gov,  986-4276 "DOMA hurt gay families.  Please oppose SB 597.  Please support SB 576, Domestic Partner Benefits."

Senator Lidio G. Rainaldi (Democrat)  986-4310  "DOMA hurts gay families.  Please oppose SB 597.  Please support SB 576, Domestic Partner Benefits."

Senator Michael S. Sanchez (Democrat) senatormssanchez@aol.com,  986-4727  "Thank you for your support.  Please encourage all Democrats to do the right thing: oppose SB 597 and support SB 576.  DOMA=Discrimination."



SB 597 discriminates and denigrates: Marriage is state-regulated body of civil law designed to protect couples and families. It is a civil right, not a heterosexual privilege.

SB 597 is anti-equality and anti-gay: SB 597 would codify second-class citizenship for all gay, lesbian, and bisexual New Mexicans.

SB 597 would be the first explicitly anti-gay law in NM.

SB 597 is anti-family: The 2000 census reported one in three New Mexico lesbian households and one in four gay-male households have children under 18 living at home. There are few rights more basic than the right to love, bond, and create family. There are few tasks more basic to government than to protect loving, committed families.

SB 597 is bad business: Businesses value tolerance in their work states and work places. (The Rise of the Creative Class: And How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Every Day Life, Richard Florida, Basic Books, 2002). "Diversity and quality of life" brought THE GAP to New Mexico (ABQ) over Texas (El Paso). Reports suggest treatment of gays were a large factor ("Corporate Doubles and El Paso," Albuquerque Journal, Business Outlook, April 23, 2001).

SB 597 is expensive: 18 other states in the US are about to spend millions of dollars in court deciding the legality of their "defense of marriage acts" (DOMAs). Why would New Mexico want to be 19th, spend a million dollars, and find out what every other state will pay to find out: DOMAs are unconstitutional?

SB 597 is unconstitutional: It violates the NM Human Rights Act and the New Mexico constitution's guarantees of equal protection under the law.

SB 597 is NOT about marriage: It's about not wanting gay New Mexicans to have rights, to be equal citizens. Many of the same people who voted against civil rights for gay people will likely vote in favor of DOMA.

SB 597 is politically dangerous for legislators who vote against marriage

equality: 94% of state legislators across the country who voted against discriminatory marriage bills were re-elected in November 2004. This re-election rate is higher than average for all state legislators (90% for House incumbents, 92% for Senate incumbents).

SB 597 violates separation of church and state: No civil marriage laws can or will compel any religious organization to perform same-gender marriage ceremonies. SB 597, however, does impose a religious definition of marriage on an entire body of civil law. (Note: a significant number of religious denominations do perform same-gender unions, so the definition of religious marriage differs, even within a religious context.)


SB 576 creates a licensing process for Domestic Partners that requires the submission of an affidavit to the County Clerk followed by the recording of a Certificate of Domestic Partnership.

Right now, unmarried couples have no legal recognition for their relationships under NM law. This creates many hardships for gay, lesbian, and heterosexual unmarried couples and families.

No matter how much money unmarried couples spend on legal agreements like wills and powers of attorney to protect each other and their children, they cannot duplicate many of the rights and protections that NM offers to couples who can marry.

SB 576 is not marriage, but it goes a long way to protect children and families from unnecessary hardship.

SB 576 in brief:

SB 576 creates a system of Domestic Partnerships for any two unmarried adults, gay or not gay. This could include senior citizens or disabled people who cannot get married to each other because one or the other would lose their social security or other benefits.

A domestic partnership is not a marriage and a domestic partner is not a spouse.

Domestic Partnership confers all the NM state (no federal) rights, benefits, protections, responsibilities and obligations of New Mexico civil marriage in the areas of...

  •        Death & Inheritance
  •        Insurance benefits
  •        Health care decision-making
  •        Family Relationship
  •        Dissolution of a Domestic Partnership

People wishing to become Domestic Partners will go to any County Clerk and file an application, affidavit of domestic partnership

  •        Parties must live together or be going to live together
  •        Be over 18
  •        Capable of consent
  •        Not married to anyone else and not related by blood
  •        Pay $25

County Clerks will send a Domestic Partnership License to the couple, which must be filled out and returned for recording within 90 days. A recorded Domestic Partnership License will be mailed to the partners after being filed by the clerk.

March 3, 2005 at 10:02 AM in Events, Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)